Seale 0804 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe Reply to 0803 19 March 1782 Fish for the Council

Seale 0804 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe Reply to 0803 19 March 1782 Fish for the Council
Seale Family Papers       1781-1782        18thC
Category Descriptions
Seale Family Papers:Correspondence to and from members of Seale family of Mount Boone, Hayne family and associates (transcripts) also other material related to Seale and Hayne families c.1650-1812. Property of Seale family, used with permission. Hayne family correspondence purchased by Ray Freeman, now property of Seale family, used with permission.
DHRG No:100967
Format:Image File (.jpg)
Glad that EF can write herself. Greatly pleased that CF was sent to Taunton. Youlden commissioned to get a dish of Fish Wednesday for the Council. Nothing but 2 rabbits & a hare to send. EF could check Cornish account with the last. Much business at Assizes. Hopes AMS can direct & preside for E.F. As soon as possible JS would be sending £25. Requests that it be delivered to Mr. Pitman of Dunchideok.