Privacy Policy

The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

With effect from 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force. For more information see the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) The Dartmouth History Research Group recognises that privacy is important to everyone and that we all care about how our personal information is used. The Group respects and values the privacy of our members, of people who contact the Group, and of users of our website. 

2. What personal data does the DHRG collect?

The personal data held on behalf of the DHRG is contact information, which is some or all of: 

  • name
  • address
  • telephone
  • email address

This data is collected if you voluntarily submit it when you join the Group as a member, or if you contact the Group for any other reason. Personal data may also be collected on an invoice if you buy a publication directly from the Group.

3. Website (

We do not use the Group’s website to collect personal data. The website includes an email address which enables anyone using the site to contact the Group using his/her email service provider. Our website does not use cookies which store any personal data; we use only those strictly necessary for normal website functions. We do not store IP addresses. Our website does not carry content from third parties. Our website captures statistical data on website usage which does not identify website visitors.

This policy covers the Group’s website. Other websites to which links are provided are not covered by this policy.

4. How does the Group use personal data?

The Group uses personal data for the purpose of running the Group and in particular to:

  • provide members with minutes of Group meetings
  • provide members and others with information about the activities of the Group in general, about other local history organisations connected to the Group, or local history research in which the Group might or does participate
  • respond to members and other people contacting the Group for information about Dartmouth’s history
  • supply copies of our publications to those requesting them

Invoices are held for accounting purposes.

5. How and when do we store personal data?

The Group keeps personal data only for as long as required in order to use it as described above in section 2. It is stored on the personal computers used by the Group’s Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. It is accessed by these officers when necessary to facilitate the running of the Group. Accounting records are held by the Treasurer for as long as required for accounting purposes.

6. Does the Group share the personal data held?

The Group does and will not share personal data with anyone not a member of the Group, or with any other organisation. It will never be disclosed for marketing purposes. A membership list may be circulated to members from time to time, with members’ consent.

7. How can you access your data?

You have the legal right to ask for a copy of any of your personal data held by the DHRG. If at any time you wish to withdraw your consent for the DHRG to hold any or all of your personal data you just need to tell us in writing and it will be deleted from stored records. This will mean that you will no longer receive information from the Group.

8. Contacting the DHRG

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or on any other matter connected with the Group, please contact the Chairman via the Group’s website at

Last updated: 16th May 2023