Family History     Baptisms
Baptisms St Barnabas 1902-1980   
DHRG No. 100096
Baptism records for St. Barnabas Church from 1902 to 1980 displayed as 81 images.

Baptisms St Saviours 1924-1996   St Saviours 20thC
DHRG No. 100097
Transcription of St Saviours Baptism records 1924 to 1996.

St Petrox Parish Register 1652 to 1692   Burials     Marriages     St Petrox     St Petrox     St. Petrox
DHRG No. 103085
Images of the earliest surviving register of St Petrox, Dartmouth, covering Baptisms, Marriages and Burials between 1652 and1692; the first and last leaves also contain some individual records for other dates outside this range. Many pages are damaged (possibly due to mice or similar) but the vast majority of the entries are legible. No transcript yet available so you will need to look through the document.

St Clements Parish Register 1653 – 1710   Burials     Marriages     St Clements     St Clements     St. Clements
DHRG No. 103138
Images of the earliest surviving register of St Clements, Dartmouth, covering Baptisms, Marriages and Burials between 1653 and 1710 (date of latest entry). No transcript yet available so you will need to look through the document.