Family History     Burials     Longcross Cemetery, Dartmouth
Dartmouth Cemetery from July 1927 to August 2005   20thC 21stC
DHRG No. 100105
Burial records for Dartmouth cemetery at Longcross from July 1927 to August 2005. Information on more recent burials is held by the Town Council. See also 103054 & 103103 for previous records including St Saviours Annex.

Plan of Dartmouth Cemetery, New extension   
DHRG No. 100106
Plan of Dartmouth Cemetery New extension. See also Plan of West & East Side.

Plan of Cemetery with St Saviours extension East Side   
DHRG No. 100109
Plan of Dartmouth Cemetery with St Saviours extension. See also Plan of West Side & New Extension.

Plan of Cemetery with St Saviours extension West Side   
DHRG No. 100110
Plan of West side of Dartmouth Cemetery with St Saviours extension. See also Plan of East Side & New Extension.

Dartmouth Cemetery Book 3   19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 103130
St Saviours Annex with Dartmouth Cemetery Book 3, 21st June 1899 to 4th April 1918. See also 100105 & 103054.