Family History     Named Families     Newcomen Family
Guildhall Documents 2   Documents     Town Administration 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 102988
Index of documents previously held in the Guildhall by Dartmouth Town Council, now transferred to the Devon Heritage Centre, Exeter. Index is a guide only to the content of the document and persons requiring further information should refer to the document. Compiled by the Dartmouth History Research Group, 2007. See also Guildhall Documents 1, 103051 and Guildhall Documents 3, 102970.

Thomas Newcomen, Bill for Gunpowder   English Civil War     Historic Events 17thC
DHRG No. 102046
Document Held: Devon Heritage Centre.
Original invoice for expenses claimed by Thomas Newcomen (grandfather of inventor) following a journey to London to purchase gunpowder for the Borough of Dartmouth, 1642 (see 103013).

Hanna Newcomen Bill for Ironmongery   
DHRG No. 102047
Document Held: DTC.
Bill for ironmongery supplied to Dartmouth Borough COuncil signed by Hanna Nercomen in 1719.