1603 to 1850

1603 to 1850
Villages       Dittisham        Family History       Marriages       Dittisham        17thC 18thC 19thC
Category Descriptions
Family History:Resources for researching your family history: parish registers, censuses, and well-known local people and families.
Villages:Resources relating to villages in area surrounding Dartmouth, various dates and topics.
Marriages:Marriage records from parish registers, various dates.
Dittisham:Parish register records transcribed by & used with the permission of Mr N McNaught.
Dittisham:Resources on Dittisham, various dates and topics.
DHRG No:100152
Format:Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Dittisham Marriages from 1603 to 1850, listed in alphabetical and date order. Transcribed by & used with the permission of Mr N McNaught.