Dartmouth 1868 Parliamentary Boundary Commission Review

Dartmouth 1868 Parliamentary Boundary Commission Review
Town Administration       Documents        Maps       Maps of the Dartmouth Area        19thC
Category Descriptions
Maps:Historic maps of Dartmouth, Kingswear, Stoke Fleming and other surrounding areas.
Town Administration:Resources relating to Borough of Dartmouth 1341-1974
Maps of the Dartmouth Area:Maps of the Dartmouth area, various dates
Documents:Charters and other town documents, various dates; includes indices to documents deposited in Devon Heritage Centre, 2007.
DHRG No:103197
Format:Portable Document Format (.pdf)
The 1867 Reform Act increased the size of the electorate in the Borough of Dartmouth (as elsewhere) in parliamentary elections. A Boundary Review was undertaken in 1868 but no changes were made to Dartmouth. However, it was very soon overtaken by the Representation of the People (Scotland) Act in 1868, in which seven boroughs with populations of less than 5000 were disenfranchised to enable more seats to be given to Scotland without changing the total number of MPs in the House of Commons. Dartmouth was one of the seven losing its remaining MP. Thereafter it was included within the South Devon constituency. Includes map (using OS map). Used with permission.