Dartmouth 1868 Parliamentary Boundary Commission Review

Dartmouth 1868 Parliamentary Boundary Commission Review
Town Administration       Documents        Maps       Maps of the Dartmouth Area        19thC
Category Descriptions
Maps:Historic maps of Dartmouth, Kingswear, Stoke Fleming and other surrounding areas.
Town Administration:Resources relating to Borough of Dartmouth 1341-1974
Maps of the Dartmouth Area:Maps of the Dartmouth area, various dates
Documents:Charters and other town documents, various dates; includes indices to documents deposited in Devon Heritage Centre, 2007.
DHRG No:103197
Format:Portable Document Format (.pdf)
At the 1867 Reform Act the Borough of Dartmouth lost its remaining Parliamentary seat. A further boundary review was undertaken in 1868 but no changes were made to the municipal boundaries established in 1835. Includes map (using OS map). Used with permission.