Indenture and schedule A Ridgeway

Indenture and schedule A Ridgeway
Property       Residential       
Category Descriptions
Property:Resources on public, commercial and residential buildings in Dartmouth, various dates.
Residential:Resources on the history of various residential properties, various dates.
DHRG No:100074
Format:No file attached
Document Number: TO/A D/L E/039
Document Held: DRO Exeter

Alexander Ridgeway of Shepherd A in the parish of Blackawton Covent with Dartmouth local Board of Health formed in 1858. Reference to several Indenture this previously made between the Board of Health and Richard Webb Egg treasurer, and A Ridgeway really arched cellars at Bearcove, land and hereditament conveyed to a A Ridgeway with that other hereditament.

Schedule:- List history of the various properties from 1835. Names mentioned:-Amos Peek, John Caddy, John Brown Smith, Joseph Wills, Joseph Love, Jane Efford, William Hockin, Robert Loney, Walter Prdeaux, Hodge, Perring, Thomas Holdsworth Brooking, Thorn, Gray, Steer, Mitchelmore, Lewis, Henry, Lamble, and others.

From 1802., Hayman Codner, New house in Higher Street and Newcomen Road. From 1845:- Codner Thompson Symonds, Earle, Neck.