Seale 0815 Pet’r Ougier to R’t Jenner 28 May 1782 ”de Liefde” prize

Seale 0815 Pet’r Ougier to R’t Jenner 28 May 1782 ”de Liefde” prize
Seale Family Papers       1781-1782        18thC
Category Descriptions
Seale Family Papers:Correspondence to and from members of Seale family of Mount Boone, Hayne family and associates (transcripts) also other material related to Seale and Hayne families c.1650-1812. Property of Seale family, used with permission. Hayne family correspondence purchased by Ray Freeman, now property of Seale family, used with permission.
DHRG No:100978
Format:No file attached
Copy of letter of J. Seale. Inclosing his expenses & account of 'De Liefde' cause. The 'Birds' claim if Court allows £500 for PO that would be inadequate. PO mislaid copy of the current account so desires the Court to send him one. Sorry wind had changed to E so P.Ocombi not come.