Syd Bell Track 2

Syd Bell Track 2
Social History       Audio Memories       Syd Bell        20thC
Category Descriptions
Social History:Audio memories, historic events and important people, and family and everyday life in Dartmouth over the centuries.
Audio Memories:Oral History collection: recordings of interviews with local residents (audio files (.mp3)) covering their memories of life and work, also major events particularly the Second World War.
Syd Bell:Life & working conditions in Dartmouth early 1900s. Born in 1903, interviewed by Ray Freeman in 1982, talks about his early days & life in Dartmouth at that time. Better known by those that remember him as a partner in Bell & Clements Builders.
DHRG No:102619
Format:Audio File (.mp3)
Work for a furniture shop & removal firm. Food: tripe, hogs pudding, offal. Christmas stockings. Lower Street shops & pubs, doctors' fees, medicine. Butterwalk, Warfleet limekilns & brewery. Jobs in the coaling trade, making the tally, strikes, unions & unemployment.