Notes on Wills: J.H.Foale Bennett of Dartmouth 1852; Nathaniel Ellis of Blackawton 1885

Notes on Wills: J.H.Foale Bennett of Dartmouth 1852; Nathaniel Ellis of Blackawton 1885
Town Administration       Documents        19thC
Category Descriptions
Town Administration:Resources relating to Borough of Dartmouth 1341-1974
Documents:Charters and other town documents, various dates; includes indices to documents deposited in Devon Heritage Centre, 2007.
DHRG No:102971
Format:Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Documents found in Wills Folder, Guildhall (July 2006) 1. Will of J.H.Foale Bennett of Dartmouth 7/5/1852, with 2 Codicils. 2. Abstract of Title of Freehold in Blackawton, by Trustees of Nathaniel Ellis deceased, 1885 No.331. See Guildhall Documents 1, 103051