Social History     Everyday Life
A Cruise from the Dart in January 1880.   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 19thC
DHRG No. 102983
Dartmouth Chronicle Article written by DHRG member based on a copy of a diary passed to Nigel Way, the previous owner of the Royal Castle Hotel, by a guest who was a descendant of the diary writer. Diary writer boarded steamship Kinfauns Castle, of Donald Currie's Cape & Natal Line, from Dartmouth to Cape Town, South Africa, in January 1880.

Putting a date to Fashion   
DHRG No. 102994
Hints on dating photo's from the style of clothing worn

Letters from Mary Godfrey to her children, 1884   Property     Religious 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 102995
Two letters written by Mary Eliza Godfrey nee Giles (born 1795 in Tavistock) who married Joseph James Godfrey, Surgeon, of Liverpool, on 4th January 1821 in Chatham. Lived in Chatham and Liverpool, brother William Giles was Dickens' first schoolmaster in Chatham.The first letter recalls her grandparents and early life in Tavistock with a brief mention of Dartmouth. The second letter is an account of her life in Dartmouth from 1799 until 1810, where her father, William Giles senior, was the Baptist Minister.

An Organist’s Life, by Ida Walker   20thC
DHRG No. 103033
Miss Ida Walker (1880-1962) was a well known figure in Dartmouth. The companion of Miss Henley, of Anzac Street, she taught many local children to play the piano & organ and served for many years as the organist in St Barnabas. She wrote this account of her life in 1958. Containing many memories of individuals she knew, and of significant events such as the Second World War, it makes fascinating reading for those in Dartmouth around that time.