Social History Public Health
Health & Housing in Dartmouth, Report by Dr Mivart, 1914 20thC
DHRG No. 102742
Dartmouth Paper 1 by Tom Jaine, introducing reprint of report for Local Government Board by Dr F St George Mivart on Public Health & Housing in Dartmouth, 1914 (extracts). The report criticised both the town council and individual officers with respect to the introduction of new housing legislation, administration of sanitary laws and regulations, provision of a water supply, arrangements for isolating victims of infectious diseases and supervision of trades such as butchers, dairies and bakeries. Copy of full report held at The National Archives, MH 48/514.
Included here with the kind permission of Tom Jaine, Allaleigh House, Blackawton.
Included here with the kind permission of Tom Jaine, Allaleigh House, Blackawton.
Building development in Dartmouth 1580-1640 17thC
DHRG No. 102745
Paper by William Holborow, written as third-year dissertation for a degree in architecture at Liverpool University; published as "Dartmouth Paper 4" by Tom Jaine, 1980, by agreement with William Holborow.
Included here with the kind permission of Tom Jaine, Allaleigh House, Blackawton.
Included here with the kind permission of Tom Jaine, Allaleigh House, Blackawton.
Medical Records of Dartmouth, 1425-1887 15thC 16thC 17thC 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 102770
Article describing the history of medical practice and healthcare in Dartmouth by Dr R. M. S. McConaghey, Dartmouth GP and medical historian, from the earliest available Dartmouth records, to the establishment of the Cottage Hospital. First published in Medical History 1960 April 4 (2) p91-111 (Open Access).
Town water supplies Documents Town Administration 20thC
DHRG No. 102933
Report by Rofe and Rafferty, Engineers, on plans for town water supply, 1934.
Documents concerning Feoffees of St Petrox, Devon Heritage Centre ref. 1163F. 15thC 16thC 17thC 18thC 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 102986
Summaries made by Ray Freeman in the Devon Record Office (now Devon Heritage Centre) of documents relating to Feoffees for St Petrox and conduits in South Town, when researching for her books on the history of Dartmouth. Summaries are grouped by property. Original documents early 15thC - 20thC.
Dartmouth Hospital Ships Harbour Activities Port of Dartmouth 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 103000
A brief history of Dartmouth Hospital Ships, by Dr Giles Keane.