Chancery Case Attorney-General vs Corporation of Dartmouth 1880, schedule of papers

Chancery Case Attorney-General vs Corporation of Dartmouth 1880, schedule of papers
Town Administration       Documents        14thC 15thC 16thC 19thC
Category Descriptions
Town Administration:Resources relating to Borough of Dartmouth 1341-1974
Documents:Charters and other town documents, various dates; includes indices to documents deposited in Devon Heritage Centre, 2007.
DHRG No:102974
Format:Portable Document Format (.pdf)
TO/AD/LE/015 Schedule of certain papers relating to 1880 case in Court of Chancery: For the plaintiff the Attorney-General, vs Corporation of Dartmouth, represented by John Bulley and William Neck, nominal defendants as surviving trustees. Case was about whether trust of 1599 was charitable and hence whether revenue from town property could be generally applied or was for certain specified charitable purposes. See Guildhall Documents 1, 103051.