Seale 1477 J.H.Seale to John Seale 15 March 1799

Seale 1477 J.H.Seale to John Seale 15 March 1799
Seale Family Papers       1798-1801        18thC 19thC
Category Descriptions
Seale Family Papers:Correspondence to and from members of Seale family of Mount Boone, Hayne family and associates (transcripts) also other material related to Seale and Hayne families c.1650-1812. Property of Seale family, used with permission. Hayne family correspondence purchased by Ray Freeman, now property of Seale family, used with permission.
DHRG No:101629
Format:Image File (.jpg)
JS very cool about JHS joining the Militia & doubtful of Lord Rolle's sincerity. JHS could join in a month when ready. He could leave College immediately. History finished. Mr Robinson's Philosophy so mathematical it was unintellible. Mr. Lister in the 3rd Stafford Militia. Nothing to say about Mr. Bruce & Margaret. Bankdrafts totalled £160. All debts cleared except Mr. Manner's bill. Well written letter from Robert. Advice needed about reply to Mr. Kekewich, his poor prospects. Lightening damage in Torbay & Totnes.