Seale 1682 Evidently in answer to JS’s letter about a lost umbrella. 20 November 1804

Seale 1682 Evidently in answer to JS’s letter about a lost umbrella. 20 November 1804
Seale Family Papers       1804        19thC
Category Descriptions
Seale Family Papers:Correspondence to and from members of Seale family of Mount Boone, Hayne family and associates (transcripts) also other material related to Seale and Hayne families c.1650-1812. Property of Seale family, used with permission. Hayne family correspondence purchased by Ray Freeman, now property of Seale family, used with permission.
DHRG No:101843
Format:Image File (.jpg)
Unknown umbrella received by coach. On enquiring found one brought to the bar by a maid from Bedroom. N71 perhaps where JS slept. If so JS's servant, who said it was given to one of TW's people misinformed JSW. A post boy came back for an umbrella. TW looked in the dining room but it was not there. Much concern for TW families often left things. Any dishonest servant instantly discharged. People who put luggage in coaches etc. were 'horse keepers' They belonged to Mr. Pickwick. TW was hopeful the umbrella sent was JS's. No charge: to be left at the Golden Cross, Charing Cross for JS.