A Wrens-Eye View of Wartime Dartmouth

A Wrens-Eye View of Wartime Dartmouth
Compiled by Ray Freeman

The Women’s Royal Naval Service, first formed in 1917, was revived in 1939. Its recruiting posters challenged the country’s women to “Join the Wrens – and free a man for the Fleet”. With the town’s naval heritage there was no shortage of applicants, and many other women came from elsewhere to Dartmouth to serve. They were billeted all over town, often in requisitioned buildings which quickly became known, unofficially, as “wrenneries”.
Ray Freeman tracked down nearly 30 Dartmouth Wrens and persuaded them to contribute their own personal recollections of the war years. Their tales range from the hilariously funny to those describing the shock and horror of war, particularly the two major bombing raids in 1942 and 1943. Together, these memories provide a vivid account of wartime Dartmouth, through the eyes of a generation of young women whose lives took a very unexpected turn.

Format:A4 Paperback (pp 32)
DHRG No:12
ISBN No:1-899011-01-3
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