River Dart Pilotage

River Dart Pilotage
By Dave Griffith

Dave Griffiths was a River Dart pilot for many years, and he has many tales to tell of his experiences handling big ships in the river. It is not so long ago that commercial vessels over 200 feet in length regularly made their way up to Totnes to unload cargoes at Baltic Warf. A skilled pilot with a detailed knowledge of the river, its tides and weather, was essential, especially when it came to turning the ship in its own length at Totnes before its run back downstream.

In recent decades, as Dartmouth has declined as a commercial trading port, there may be fewer visiting vessels, but some of those who come are very much larger. Manoeuvring 500-foot cruise liners in and out of the harbour is a task that uses every ounce of a pilot’s ability. Dave Griffiths encountered many tense moments during his years as a river pilot, and he recounts them here with a sense of humour that makes the book an enjoyable read.

Format:A5 Paperback (pp 24)
DHRG No:17
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