Thomas Newcomen of Dartmouth

Thomas Newcomen of Dartmouth
By Eric Preston
17thC 18thC

Published jointly by the Dartmouth History Research Group and the Dartmouth and Kingswear Society as part of the Newcomen 300 event in 2012, this book commemorates the tercentenary of the invention of the Newcomen engine, the beginning of the industrial revolution.
“This concise book tells the story of the quiet ironmonger from Dartmouth who changed the world. He paved the way for James Watt, the dour Scot who improved the Newcomen engine some 60 years later, and for Richard Trevithick, the fiery Cornishman who built the first steam locomotive. Not much is known about Thomas Newcomen, but his legacy lives on, and I am delighted to commend this book” Adam Hart-Davis, October 2012.

Format:A5 paperback (pp60)
DHRG No:38
ISBN No:1-899011-27-7