William Veale, Master Mariner, 1791-1867

William Veale, Master Mariner, 1791-1867
By Linda King

William Veale was born in Dartmouth in 1791 and first went to sea as an apprentice at the age of 14. By 1820 he was a fully qualified ship’s captain, and that year commanded the Princess of Wales with a crew of 14 men on a voyage to collect a cargo of seal skins from Prince Edward’s Island in the Southern Ocean. Disaster struck when his ship was wrecked in a storm, but amazingly, all fifteen men made land on an uninhabited island. There they lived a Robinson Crusoe-like existence for the next two years before being rescued. Undaunted by his experience, William Veale continued to captain ships on long voyages around the world for another 30 years, until his retirement in 1854. He and his second wife lived their remaining days in the Trinity Almshouses at Deptford, London.
Written by William Veale’s great, great, great granddaughter, Linda King, the book provides a fascinating insight into life at sea during the 19th century.

Format:A5 paperback (pp44)
DHRG No:26
ISBN No:1-899011-16-1