Town Administration     Documents     Harbour Documents (PO/HA)
PO/HA/001 Coasting contract, Edwards Robertson and Co   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 20thC
DHRG No. 103035
Doc No PO/HA/001 -

Offer of tonnage to tender for contract of coal. Dublin 12,000 tonnes to discharge at Customs House Dock on Spencer Dock. Dundalk 10,300 tons in cargoes not over 350 tonnes in about equal monthly quantities. Document does not apparently refer to Dartmouth.

PO/HA/002 Dartmouth Harbour Authority   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 103036
List of documents concerning Dartmouth Harbour Authority, Salcombe, Brixham, Torquay.

PO/HA/003 Dart Harbour Authority   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 19thC
DHRG No. 103037
Copy of summons convening meeting and agenda (business) 1892.

PO/HA/004 Forms of the declaration by receivers of Duchy dues, Date 1858   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 19thC
DHRG No. 103038
PO/HA/004 Forms of the declaration by receivers of Duchy of Cornwall dues, 1858. Original document at Devon Heritage Centre.

PO/HA-005 Extracts from account books relating to port dues.   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 103039
PO/HA-005 Brief summary of account books relating to port dues 1770s-1800. Originals now deposited at Devon Heritage Centre.

PO/HA/006 Letter to John Teage 1837   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 19thC
DHRG No. 103040
Summary, letter from Sir John Tobin of Liverpool to John Teage of Dartmouth, 1837.