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Found 4600 results

Seale 0096 C Taylor to Charles Hayne 20 Feb. 1755 HP.Vol 1 p 81   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100251
Request for Hudson's address as well as quantity of rum & sum involved all forgotton by CT. Money to be remitted, CT in London, no need for it in the country, also how much share of rum each for Mr. Luttrell. CH & CT so CT knows what he has to pay Hudson. Price of candles gone up. CT hopes CH sells his bullocks for more. Compliments from CT's wife & sons.

Seale 0097 Cha. Hayne to John Seale 19 Aug. 1755   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100252
As JS was CH's patron he was offered the first produce. JS was to tell the Bearer by return when the old buck was to be killed.

Seale 0098 Charles Hayne to John Seale No Date 1755?   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100253
Received letter previous Wednesday from which CH heard that a certain gentleman could not justify housekeeping on CH's account longer than mid summer. CH hoped his sister, soon to be married could stay a bit longer. CH desired Richard to say that Master was inclined to dispose of his very good portmanteau horse because he trotted too hard. CH would not bid for him without JS & the trustees approval. (Request for reply by return of post.) Kind love to Sister & Brother.

DHRG No. 100254
Mr. Hayne set out from Lupton to Bath & probably from there to Harrogate. MH would like to see Mr. Creed at Stock the following Sunday.

Seale 0101 Ambrose Penfound to Charles Hayne 4 Sept. 1755 HP Vol 2 p 60   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100255
Mr. Seale called previous day. C.Hayne had not returned the draft to AP. He desired AP to write for it. JS in very good temper, not against AP making the deeds. JS mentioned this to CH , but CH was in a great passion so apparently did not take this in.

Seale 0103 Ambrose Penfound to Charles Hayne 23 Dec. 1755 HP. Vol 2 p.54   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100256
Mr. Seale content to wait settling Mr. ffortye's affairs until CH can get title & draught to London & settled by CH's uncle provided no delay. Mr. Seale requested that the draught of Furneaux's mortgage be returned. Mr. Prideaux desired an answer, which Mr. Seale requested should be by the following day so that the draught could be prepared as soon as possible. Cryptic notes:- Goodrich to be punished etc.

Seale 0102 J. Seale to Mr. Holdsworth 10 Jan. 1756 A Dispute   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100257
Mr. Penny answer to JS was wrong that JS had said that (Combe) Mud & Beach should be leased to his tenant & that the Captain of the Dean Ship had to agree with the tenant to land his cargo, a right that belonged to JS which no gentleman would wish to lose. A plain answer to this was asked for.

Seale 0104 S. Penny to John Seale. Dispute. 11 Jan. 1756 Saturday evening.   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100258
Apprehensive from JS's second letter & servant's report that JS believed that SP or Mr. Holdsworth disputed with JS any agreement he had made with the Captain of the Deanish ship. The Captain could do as he pleased. Mr. H. would give him cash. SP was sure that the Captain would pay JS whatever had been agreed.

Seale 0105 John Marsh to J. Seale. Penfound bancruptcy 17 Apr.1756   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100259
Difficulties for Mr. Seale & others, apart from Mr. Hayne, being discharged from being securities for Mr. Penfound Bankrupt; with reference to Compton estate.

Seale 0106 John Marsh & John Lampen to Charles Hayne 21 Nov. 1756 HP.2. P 56   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100260
Letter received from Mr. Marsh:- Cause of Southcote & Creed in the power of the Solicitor for Mr. H. etc. to proceed & to propose a Receiver. If not Mr.H or any of the Defendants and Guardian for Defendant may. No one did it. The death of Mr. Pering, Mr. M's client prevented progress but orders to proceed quickly. Warrant for Mr. H. to bring in books, papers & direct solicitor to proceed.--Mr. Seale told that following Friday for putting in CH's & the other defendants answers to ?'s bill at Noah Clifts.

Seale 0107 Richard Harris to John Seale 8 March. 1757   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100261
Glad of JS's safe arrival in London. 'Gone there to see sweet lady?' Mr. Luscombe at Brent & others thought so. Mr Yarde's method of courting a widow referred to. Letter to JS directed to Mr. Newton's about diamonds held by RH. JS to call on Mr. Sheene for fforty's writings & on Mr. Marsh for Writ of Assistance. Admiral Byng was to suffer on Monday (14 March). Had JS heard from Mr. Sharpe? Luscombes cause not to be tried yet.

Seale 0108 John Seale to Charles Hayne12 March 1757 HP Vol 2 p 58   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100262
Mr. P (enfound)'s Receivership. JS had seen some of his accounts so applied for order for Mr. P. to send the rest of his accounts after he had been written to. Mr. Moratt wrote to say the family were well at Lupton.

Seale 0109 Thos. Adams to Charles Hayne 25? Mar. 1758 HP. Vol 2 p58   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100263
A grand Council held previous Thursday at Mt. Boon. The Lawyer, Mr. & Mrs. Goodridge & Fownes compromised the dispute about Stoke Fleming. Mr. G. to be presented to the Living. Newcomen & TA discarded. CH should frustrate iniquitous scheme. He could enter caveat at the Bishop's Court before Mr. G. gets institution from the Bishop. Was presentation from the Infant (J.H. Southcote) valid?

DHRG No. 100264
GG. Waited that morning on Mr. Fownes, who resolved to withdraw his caveat by the next day's post in spite of GG. urging him to pospone it till the following Friday. The Bishop could not grant institution till the Dismission of the Bill came from London. An account of it sent to Mrs. H's lawyer telling him Mrs. H. would be at Combe to see him the next day. If not there would be an answer at Mt. Boon.

Seale 0111 Rev. Thos. Adams to Charles Hayne HP Vol 2 p 59 30 Mar. 1758   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100265
TA had been with Mr. Ley all that morning preparing to see the Bishop, but a lawyer & Rev. G. Goodridge had already taken J.A. Southcote to see him . Mr. Ley told TA to summon C.Hayne immediately in order to visit The Bishop together with the Mayor, who was off to London immediately after dinner the next day. CH was to bring the Bond of deligation.

DHRG No. 100266
Orators recite:-J.H.Southcote minor, aged 11, Lord of the Manor of Stoke Fleming having right to present the Rectory. J.Salter the rector died in 1756. Rev.T. Fownes claimed living. This claim was subject to another case in Chancery. Orators claimed J.H.S. lived nearly 8 years with G. Goodridge vicar of Shillingford under the care of his wife. J.H.S. was a pupil at a Grammar School in Exeter. CH & TA. send for JHS very early before the Schoolmaster was up. He was taken to the Oxford Inn to breakfast, consented to by the Master. JHS was later taken to the house of Mr. Ley an attorney at law in Exeter & later to a house of a friend of theirs where Southcote dined. CH gave him a shilling & TA gave him a clasp knife. Mr. Ley brought papers which J.H.S. was at last persuaded to sign giving TA the living. Upon returning to the Master J.H.S. revoked any presentation to TA, CH & TA applied to J. Seale but he refused to sign.

Seale 0113 Court of Chancery Extract from case of Adams (The Orator) v Mary Hayne & others.Master Zincke 19 June 1758 1032/Fz 16.
Orator recites:-J.H.Southcote, minor aged 10, Lord of Stoke Flemming, patron of Rectory. Father died 1750, intestate. Trustees of memorial estates J. Seale, Charles Hayne; Guardians Mary H, W.Creed, Rev.G.& Mrs. Sarah Goodridge. Mrs. Elizabeth Adams & Catherine, spinster. In 1756 J. Salter, Rector of Stoke Flemming died, Rev. T. Fownes claimed vacancy but withdrew claim. Orator had 3 children & maintained indigent sister-in-law. CH & JHS agreed to presentation to Orator on condition he agreed to resign Rectory when JHS was 24, if required. Presentation was not executed by J. Seale who conspired with M.H.., Wm. Creed, Rev G. Goodridge (who had no children) H.E. Luttrell, T. Fownes, JHS & others to defaud Orator. MH denied Orator access to JHS Rev. GG had with wife £30 per annum & £60 per annum from another living. The Bishop threatened to grant living to Rev. G.G.
   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100267
To:- Rt. Hon Sir Robert Henley Kt. Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great Britain

DHRG No. 100268
Mary Hayne informed Wm. C. what passed between H.F.L. & Mr. Haynes. Mr. H. desired separation. M.H. wants to remain wife of CH. If she is turned out Wm. C. would like to know what allotment CH would give MH

Seale 0115 Joshua Pipon to J. Seale 23 Apl 1759   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100269
Answer to letter of 12 December 1757 not yet received as JP demand is justly due. Some of brother David's papers recovered, copies of his & JS letter enclosed (see below). He sailed from London in May 1740 & died in December 1740 in W. Indies. JP hoped JS would pay 4 years annuity to J.P's mother in law.

Seale 0116 J. Seale to David Piper Copy by J. Pipon 30 Nov. 1759   Seale Family Papers      1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100270
Formerly. J.S. received letters from DP on his arrival in England but latterly received none. Letter received from James P. in Newfoundland of 22 October 1739, ready to sail, destination not given. Request for balance of bond to be paid to Mr. Seale. JS unable to reimburse Mr. S. at present. Balance of interest & all about £40