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Found 4554 results

DHRG No. 100337
Hopeful of leaving London 3 December for Mt. Boon via Somerford. Letter from (Rev.T.Seale) asking date & promising horses would be sent to meet THS at Chippenham. Mr. Taylor's stolen marriage to satirical unhandsome woman, worth £5-£6,000. Concern about contageous disease of horses. Mrs. Fanshawe sending Mrs. AMS's bonnet.

Seale 0186a Receipt from John Marsh 3 Dec. 1767 – transcript.   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100338
Receipt £18 in part of money due. Remittance due £12

Seale 0186a Receipt from John Marsh 3 Dec. 1767 – document.   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100339
Receipt £18 in part of money due. Remittance due £12

Seale 0188 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 10 Dec. 1767   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100340
Unable to persuade the Rev. T. Seale to accompany T.H.S. to Mr. Boon. Hopes to be at Exeter via Bath following Thursday night. Requests for horses to meet him there.

Seale 0190 Rev. Thos. Seale to John Seale 15 Dec. 1767   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100341
T.H.Seale had just left the Rev. TS to return to J. Seale. Hopeful that Mrs. A.M.Seale had recovered.

DHRG No. 100342
Trist's Second Note dated in 1768 Bill for clothes, cleaning & mending clothes, Buttons, Sewing Silk, canvas, dimity, silk, shalloon etc. etc. 10 November 1768. Received contents in full £23 - 0 - 8 - £ 6 - 19 - 6

DHRG No. 100343
Trist's Second Note dated in 1768 Bill for clothes, cleaning & mending clothes, Buttons, Sewing Silk, canvas, dimity, silk, shalloon etc. etc. 10 November 1768. Received contents in full £23 - 0 - 8 - £ 6 - 19 - 6

Seale 0191 Henry Geare to Thos. Seale 22 Jan 1768   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100344
Henry Geare Thos. Seale Exeter. Letter came to Mr. G. in father's absence about Citation for Mr. Kendall's licence to seat in Cornworthy Church granted at vestry to Mr. S.. Mr. ffurlew agreed Mr. S. & Mr. ffull had reason to object. Next court due 13 Jan. Signed by Mr. G. Senior

Seale 0192 Henry Fownes Seale to John Seale 30 Jan. 1768   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100345
News that family was well. Father's reproof of HFS's expenses. Lottery tick £13-6s-6d. Drew £20 prize. Mr. Curtoys brought Capt. Pallard's letter from Dartmouth mentioning J.S.'s kind reception of him & nephew at Mt. Boon & the order for gun barrel which he mounted on an old stock, now put on board Capt. Dessiou's on Robert Newman's ship.

Seale 0193 Wm. Creed to Mary Hayne 4 February 1768 H.P. 1. 98   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100346
Letter forwarded to go to Mr. Exley. Mary Hayne's comments to be sent too.

Seale 0194 Mary Hayne to (Mr. Exley) 4 February . 1768 H.P. 1. 98   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100347
Ist draft Southcote's sudden journey to London. His intended marriage to Miss Luttrell, unknown to his friends. Request to Mr. Exley to help Southcote in his affairs. Creed & MH did advise him but advice not acted upon. Receiver not yet pass(ed) his account but goes on the same plan.

Seale 0195 Mary Hayne to (Mr. Creed) 4 February . 1768 H.P. 1. 98   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100348
2nd draft. As above & M.H. settled the account that lay so long between Mr. Hayne & Mr. Newcomin, Mr. N. paid the balance in his hand. Mr. Lutterall appeared to know what is good for the family.

Seale 0196 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 30 September 1768   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100349
Arrived previous Tuesday: Sir John (Rogers) was alone. The Mr. Fanshawes left day before. Went to Plymouth -Wednesday. With Mayor at Church & public dinner Thursday evening returned with Mrs. Fanshawe to Blachford. Comm'r at Saltash., mayor. Mrs. Ridout home Wednesday. J.S. had promised to be at Blachford the next or following week. The Comm'r soon off to Bath.

Seale 0197 From Th. H. Seale 22 October 1768   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100350
THS had no wish to enter into altercation. After more than 2 years application (that the road should be repaired) the reponse had been unsatisfactory. Threat of £100 penalty was needed it appeared, before a nearby parish would repair a road. THS believed that Mr. French having procured materials to repair the Steps & Road to Combe was prevented by a superior power (AH?) If any tree near Mt. Boone was damaging the road it would be lopped or removed. John Seale (junior) had no intention of giving up the Ropewalk. THS had no intention of inspecting the Corporations street apart from ?

Seale 0199 Bond to Thomas Morrill 23 November 1768   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100351
Bond to Thomas Marrill to surrender Chamber in Garden Court No. 2 at Michas Term 1771. Legal obligations etc. Receipt of 18 December 1772 hands of John Marsh £41 -1s - 6d by T. Morrill.

DHRG No. 100352
Third (Bill) not dated in 1769 Cash lent £6 -13s - 6d Various clothes, Serge, Buckram,Canvas & Stays, Dimity Lace, Sewing silk & Twist etc. etc£90 - 16s - 9½ d

Seale 0200 Charles Hayne (senior) Will proved May 1769   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100353
Will made 9 July 1768.
Internment at Brixham Church, Daughters Mary & Sarah to be given £500 over & above marriage settlement & £20 expenses yearly till age 21 or marriage. To Servant Richard Trist all plain woollen clothes & £15 annuity, remainder to Charles H. then M.H. & then SH & heirs respectively. Codicil: 7 March 1769 R.T. to have nothing. Charles to have chaise, harnesses & chaise horses but his mother & her children not to be allowed any use of it.

Seale 0201 C.Hayne (junior) to E.Taylor 19 March 1769 H.P. 1 83   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100354
Charles H. senior in deplorable state of delirium & sense, also dropsy; in bed previous 3 days and will take no medicine & little else. Request to know time E.Taylor would be leaving London and the price of seeds ordered by C.H.senior. Respects to Mr. & Miss Luttrell. This breaks off suddenly.

DHRG No. 100355
Charles H. senior died previous Tuesday mainly due to dropsy. He was buried in the Vault at Brixham; in deplorable condition for nearly a week before he died.

Seale 0203 E. Taylor to Charles Hayne 25 March 1769   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100356
Great concern at news long expected. Thought of kindness experienced at Lupton & the long illness. E.T's mother & family send condolences. (Charles Haynes senior died Friday March 1769)