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Found 4554 results

Seale 0058 Elizabeth Pipon to (John Seale) 6 Feb. 1736   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100217
Letter given to G. Villeneuve for Mr. Mauger going aboard with linen for JS :- 3 pairs of bed clothes, a dozen table napkins, doublets etc. & a gold piece worth £80 (for John Seale junior)

Seale 0059 Charles Hayne to John Seale 1 April.1736   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100218
Received letter. Oxford man did not deserve compliments, Billingsgate breeding. Silver Bowl given to College by JS was for general use not just his. No news of JS coming to London. CH hopes he would come by Oxford. Proposals & subscriptions sent to J.S. one for J.S the other for friend.

Seale 0060 Elizabeth Pipon to John Seale13 April 1736   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100219
Letter of 7 March received, glad that all were well. Told JS was going to London. Hopeful that work on the Chapel of St. Aubin would begin soon. They had come for the second payment of £25. EP hoped that JS & family would make a short visit to Jersey. EP waited for JS's opinion before any agreement with the demands of people about land? near the chapel.

Seale 0061 Charles Hayne to John Seale 9 Sept.1736   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100220
Received J.S's letter. Cousin Holdsworth's ignorance of University customs. Long vacation 'Act'? to Michaelmas. Few people at Michaelmas in the University. They come just before Lent to take degrees. Hopeful seeing J.S. following week. Blessing to nephew (John Seale Junior who died young)

Seale 0062 Elizabeth Pipon to John Seale In French 2 Oct. 1737 ?   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100221
Sending £15 bill of exchange. Request for 6 bushels of good wheat & for various materials to make clothes etc.

Seale 0063 Charles Hayne to John Seale 14 Feb. 1737   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100222
Received 2 letters from J.S. Hoped the Porter had come, given into Jewell's charge to go on Capt. Andrews' ship. J.S.asked if he still wanted gun, coffee cups by Revee's

Seale 0066 Charles Hayne to John Seale 3 April 1740   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100223
Arrived at Bath previous Tuesday.Bath thin of company, barren of pretty girls. 70 old men & women to one young, so CH might be obliged to come home soon. Mr. Newcomen joined in compliments.

Seale 0067 Charles Hayne to John Seale 28 Feb. 1740   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100224
All letters come from J.S. Glad sister is getting better. Doubtful about JS staying at Exeter for his trial at the following session. Judge incapable of judging right from wrong. If no trial CH would like to see JS at Exon as he hoped to be there all assizes. JS's paper put on board Capt. Reeve's (ship)

Seale 0068 Charles Hayne to John Seale 14 Oct. 1741   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100225
After arrival at Morgan's Coffee House where room full of people, foreigners plentiful so making the place disagreable so return to Devon might be sooner. Mr. Basset not yet been. CH wished to hear of sport with his dogs & whether CH & my Lord hunted together. Spoke with Marchant about JS's bill. It would be paid before CH should leave Bath.

Seale 0069 Charles Hayne to John Seale 10 Feb. 1742   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100226
Proceedings went on as usual at St.S--s c- -e so Country Members were leaving Town. Call of the house put off for 2 months. Penfound was told to send the Lord's protest & list of those who voted for & against. Some other documents enclosed. Letter from Thomas T ? He bought codfish for CH who hoped J.S. would thank him.

DHRG No. 100227
2 letters received. Utmost hurry CH waited on Judges from 7am till 11 or 12 m the night. Glad sister is better. No occasion to send horse for Hamling : exchange with Penfound so JS could expect horse by the bearer.

Seale 0071 Legal document between Anthony Fforty & Charles Hayne 7 July 1742   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100228
A.ff . of Brixham firmly bound unto C.H. of Dartmouth of money to be paid to C.H. & Ambrose Penfound or their Attorney etc. the sum of £326 on 6 January ensuing with lawful interest.

Seale 0072 Mary Southcote Marriage Settlement 12 Feb. 1744   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100229
Marriage Settlement Indenture Tripartite.
Witnesses William Creed Ambrose Penfound

DHRG No. 100230
Appointment of Trustees in respect of Jewels plate etc. and of linen & household goods left by the will of William Roope, late of Fuge. Signed by Chas Hayne, Wm. Creed, Ambrose Penfound, Mary Southcote.
Jane Creed, late of Fuge, of Coombe in Stoke Fleming on her marriage to Henry Southcote of Dartmouth
William Ilbert of Bowerlingsleigh,
John Pollexfen of Mothercombe,
William Creed of Kingsbridge
Witnesses:- Thomas Adams, Eliz. Creeed William Roope Richard Crocker

Seale 0074 William Ffoulkes to Charles Hayne April 1747 HP. Vol 1. P46   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100231
Congratulations on birth of a son. Nic Rowe about to mortify at St. George's, he was accused of leaving his trees in the public highway causing danger. CH's neighbour at Leghill with his lady, soon to be at Netherways. Need for a receipt in the back of the Bond. WF's Father was ill for a fortnight but was better & hoped to spend summer at Exmouth. CH to tell Nic Roe that Mrs. Prosse had twins very late. Cheese pretty good, ale excellent. Jack Pitman had gout feared he would miss the Assizes. Mr. Crosby to go from Newgate to Old Bailey, person from Stoke Fleming soon to be hanged.

Seale 0075 Ben Juie to Jn. Seale 9 Feb. 1748   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100232
Received letter of 9 November so the dozen of Portugal partridges arrived. BJ still had the letter for Messes Les Sueur & Trollope as no ship had yet gone to Porto. JS to be Sheriff of Devon. BJ could supply wine, BJ's daughter married Mr. D. Le Sueur of Porto, hoping to come to Britain that summer. He provides wine to B.J.

Seale 0076 W. Oliver to J. Seale 20 May 1748   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100233
Nervous colicks allow no long delays. Advises Mrs. Seale to come to Bath as soon as possible & not to wait till the autumn. She should drink the waters early to keep cool. Dr. Hall was a good judge of health. Request to know when Mrs. Seale so that Dr. W.O. would find the best accommodation.

Seale 0077 Hy. Fownes Luttrell to John Seale 28 May 1748   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100234
Relating to the signing the Deeds of houses in Plymouth & Mr. F.L. requesting JS to keep his 2/3 of the purchase money. Mr. Penfound brought up Mr. Brent's Deed etc. all executed by F.L. He hoped his sister got safe to Ashburton & little boy was well, & the horse chosen for her was ridden by a person used to him. If too much fatigued Mr. FL would send a coach to meet her on the Exeter road.

Seale 0078 H.Fownes Luttrel to John Seale 7 May 1749   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100235
Sorry to hear Mt.Boon threatened by smallpox nearby. Mr. Penfound's bankruptsy, his conscience should affect him. H.F.L's wife not lain down her Burden. H.F.L's coming to Devon uncertain. Poor Mr. Yarde to be at Taunton next day, en route to Bath, still unable to stand on his leg. Cooper's disappointment referred to. Mr. Haynes lost suit. Fireworks in several part of the Kingdom, without leave ? except Hewdown. Request for JS to send to Holland for roots of Anemonies, Ramunculus, Tulips & Hyacinths for HFL's wife.

Seale 0079 John Seale Junr. to John Seale 24 Oct. 1749   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100236
Received letter of 20 October. Glad mother was better. JS junior still had cough. Mr. Teage & Mr. Hayden had been paid. JS junior had Maidenhair tea for breakfast. Mrs. Berry died about May, buried at Liskeard. Mrs. Greenwood & Mrs. Scotchburn her Executors. Little money available for funeral debts etc. Mrs. Brooking's eyes very bad. Brothers mentioned.