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Found 4554 results

Seale 0039 Philip to J Seale re silver bowl 31 May 1727   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100197
Advice about the engraving of the Arm & Inscription on the silver bowl to be presented to Penbroke Col. Request for J.S. to ask Mrs. D'auvergne from Hampshire to send some item to P.P.. Model enclosed (legal) to be done in French (Attorneys all ignorant of French) Surprise that J.S. was to travel so soon.

Seale 0040 Thomas Pipon to J Seale 28 Nov. 1727   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100198
Plan to get JS made an alderman or freeman of Dartmouth? T.P. had been to Mr. May, Capt. Newman & Mr. Leigh; each one separately & told them J.S. had seen Mr. Justice who said he would help J.S. Common Freeman, very hearty for J.S. Need to see Mr. T (?) Without him & Mr. Justice alderman & freeman cannot be elected.

Seale 0041 Philip le Gayt to John Seale 3 Nov. 1729   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100199
Gratitude to John Seale's & to Rev. Mr. Falle's offer of financing the building of a Library & for donation of books respectively.

Seale 0042 Charles Taylor to Cornelius Hayne 15 April 1731 HP. Vol 1 p77   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100200
C.T. had letter from Uncle about Cornelius' uneasiness about C.T. Request for George T to have sum of dept. Hoped for increase of scholars. Asked for patience till C.T. could pay C.H.

Seale 0043 Cornelius Hayne to John Seale Perhaps 1731 or early 1732   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100201
In answer to proposals made by J.S. about Miss Mary Hayne, her father C.H. was sorry J.S. had been prevented from speaking about them that morning when he might have satisfield C.H. who would have known if his intended fortune for his daughter would have been agreable to J.S. C.H. would be glad to see him at his house.

Seale 0044 Philip Pipon to John Seale 30 June 1732   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100202
P.P. hoping for Cornish living. Presentation claimed by Mr. J. Coplestone & his heirs according to old deed, thought well of by Mr. Penfound. In Bishop Trelawny's time J.C.'s father's unseccessful nominee had an (illegitimate) child.: After 6 month's delay the living lapsed to the Bishop. J.C. had entered a caveat in the Bishop's Court, applying himself to Mr. Geare, P.P.uncles Proctor. There was no other application. P.P. hoped to travel to Cornwall from London & that J.S. & 'Cousin John' would accompany him. P.P. and J.S. would then go to Jersey from the west.

Seale 0045 Anne Seale to brother John Seale ( french) 7 Nov. 1732   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100203
Hopeful of receiving a letter from J.S. Her aunt of La Moye (in Jersey), her mother and aunt Marett sent their compliments. Cousin Peter Marett had just arrived from the Canaries. She sent compliments to her aunt & uncle Pipon and also her cousins.

Seale 0046 To Christopher Hayne no date, before 1733   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100204
A Valentine. Ecclesiasticus 36:v v 24 - 26 9 V2 & 25:v referred to.

Seale 0047 H. Aubin to John Seale10 May 1733   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100205
Diamond ring in small canister of ¼ lb of tea, delivered to Capt. Cox. Total cost including tea etc. £101.15s.6d Gratuity left to J.S's discretion. Impression of the seal as on the canister enclosed. Notice of safe arrival requested. Mr. Richerson still under confinement in Jersey & would stay unless released by H.Dural. Rumour about Lieut.Bavly & his plans.

Seale 0048 Charles Hayne to John Seale 14 ? 1733   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100206
Indisposed previous week, but better. Sorry that both Mr. Holdsworth's were unwell. Glad that Grandfather had visited C.H.'s brother & sister. Wrong if sister went to Plymouth. Hopefull of being invited to the wedding of J.S. and C.H.'s sister.

Seale 0049 Charles Hayne to John Seale13 Aug.1733   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100207
C.H. thought J.S. had forgotton him, hoped J.S. was not offended. He hoped to be allowed to come home to see J.S. & C.H's sisters now married.

Seale 0050 Charles Hayne to John Seale 3 Sept. 1733   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100208
Not CH's fault 'losing time' His brother wished to meet him at Exeter that Monday or Tuesday evening, Mr. Holdsorth had written the direction of the letter. Hopeful that JS approved. Glad will is proved. Sorry JS had to begin lawsuit again. No notice to be taken of Grandfather's opinion. CH hopes lawsuit will not be given up.

Seale 0065 Charles Hayne to John Seale 21 Feb.1733   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100209
John Seale's debt to Charles Hayne £1840.12s.6½d

Seale 0051 Charles Hayne to John Seale 6 Feb. 1734 (Changed from 1733)   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100210
CH grieved almost as much about his negligence in answering JS's letter as in losing his Papa & Mama (d 1733 & 1731 respectively) His sister had married & she was almost the only comfort CH had. JS his only friend. Snuff box not received when Mr. Penfound was in London. Hopeful of continuing practising the flute.

Seale 0052 John Pipon to John Seale 5 July 1734   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100211
DEATH OF PHILIP PIPON. The Chapel of St. Aubin not begun but the site was ready, with most of the stone & timber. JP thought that the Bishop of Winchester should be asked to renew the Licence. JS's mother (JP's aunt) had too much linen so had offered to send some to Dartmouth.

Seale 0053 Charles Hayne to John Seale17 Aug. 1734   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100212
People with experience of a married life should give advice concerning it. CH wished Mr. Penfound would tell him when he was sending bills & buckles

Seale 0054 Charles Hayne to John Seale 22 June 1735   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100213
Arrived Oxford previous night. Violent storm hail stones as large or larger than walnuts. The rain digging great holes.

Seale 0055 Peter Marett to John Seale re Chapel of St. Aubin 18 Sept.1735   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100214
Letters of 23 May & 12 June 1734 gave accounts of the progress of the Chapel of St. Aubin. JS pleased with result according to M.L Greffier & T. Pipon. Front almost up to the top of windows. Back almost complete. Door towards JS's house.. JS's mother had paid £25. P.M. was hopeful of more to come & that others could be encouraged to subscribe. Petitions, letters & copy of Licence were ready to send to the Bishop.
Peter Marett also representing the other founders of the chapel.

Seale 0056 Charles Hayne to Mrs. Mary Seale 11 Nov. 1735   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100215
Apologies for idleness & neglect. Hopeful of seeing M & J. Seale beginning of December, and a boy or girl soon after (I.e. birth of J.S. junior expected)

Seale 0057 Charles Hayne to John Seale 22 (Jan?) 1735   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100216
C.H. arrived at Oxford previous Friday. Roads very bad almost impassable in places; good company. Humble service to friends and especially to sister & nephew (John Seal Junior) Request to write letter to Dr. Paxton