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Found 4554 results

DHRG No. 100176
Informed by Cornelius that (anonymous) correspondent would join him & stand for election at Dartmouth. CH congratulates correspondent on the safe arrival of his ship Neptune & mentions the loss of the Eagle, Ann & one other from Dartmouth.

Seale 0016 Christopher Hayne to John Palmer 15 Mar.1707 HP 1 pp 24 & 25   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100177
Request for support for C.H. in his campaign to become M.P. for Dartmouth

Seale 0017 Christopher Hayne re Election 15 Mar 1707 Hp 1 pp 24 & 25   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100178
Request for support in his campaign to become M.P. for Dartmouth.

Seale 0018 Christopher Hayne to Brother Cornelius Hayne 16 Sep.1710   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100179
£5 demanded from Mr. Mead. Captain Stone safely back but remained a prisoner. C'r H had no immediate intention of standing for Parliament. His difficulties of his executorship:- Short of money. Holder endeavouring to get money from his father.

Seale 0023 Will of John Seale 3rd Oct. 1713   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100180
Will Beneficiaries - Mother, Elizabeth Seale (née Benest) - sisters Elizabeth Marett - Susannah Poindextre - Nephew John Seale, son of Thomas - Uncle & Aunt Seale & children - Brothers-in-law Edward Marett jnr. John Poindextre & children - sister-in-law Elizabeth Seale (née Pipon) & children - Bishopsgate St. Workhouse - Poor of the French Church in Threadneedle St.- Poor of St. Bezlade Parish & other Jersey Parishes- Apprentice Nicholas Cary etc.

Seale 0019 Christopher Hayne to Mr. John Penfound 1st April 1714   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100181
Thanks for Mr. P's recommendation of CH as an M.P. Not engaged yet for anyone. Run down state of Dartmouth due to past mistakes.

Seale 0024 Christopher Hayne to Horris Walpole 21 Nov. 1714 HP1 p56 21   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100182
Commands received previous day. Discussion about a treaty of collerce with Spain at Townshend & Ambassador Methuin could arrange time & place. Mr. Bowles was on his departure. Mr. Bowles' brother hoped he might be the ambassadori chaplain.

Seale 0025 Christopher Hayne to Lord Townshend 9 Dec, 1714   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100183
Transcript enclosed about Spanish Treaty of 1667 with extract of the Hansiatic Articles also thoughts on Importation of tobacco to Spain, duties on Newfoundland fish & trading on Spanish ships.

Seale 0027.Condolence to Mrs Mary Harris 15 Jan. 1716 HP . Vol 1 p.38   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100184
Received letter of 10 January. Condolence over loss of Mr. Harris & the troublesome state of his affairs. Unable to be of service with Sir J. Hodges. Willing to help with estate if Sir J.H. is not reasonable.

Seale 0026 Tyrry Uximenez to Christopher Hayne March 1716 HP vol 1 p 19   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100185
Received letter of 12 January. Loss of fleet reducing commerce in Europe. French ship from San Domingo reported plate saved from hulk of the Cap,na & from the Almirante. Loss of plate small to those with effects registered. Death of Mr.Terrell reported by Uximenez. None of Mr. T's effects except lace in Uximenez's hands which was shipped with Sebastian de Layza's consignment.

Seale 0028 Christopher Hayne to Sarah Gibbs or Mary Jago 22 Jan 1716   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100186
Letters of 24 November & 16 December received . CH expected Cousin Hill would draw on him. Eastend bond accepted. Proving Dowrich's will expensive. Fremerton tenant backward; rates & taxes a burden. Great House at Dartmouth offered for sister. The tenant paid no rent. Best advice to sister to sell lands & house & come to Dartmouth.

DHRG No. 100187
Cornelius H. believed alterations or erasures were made by his late brother Christopher, only, to his (Cornelius') former affidavit soon after the great fall in value of the Stocks in the South Sea Bank etc. (South Sea Bubble). Papers not produced when Christopher's will was proved. Cornelius paid the various beneficiaries. Sir Joseph Hodges & his late father & mother, Sir William & Dame Sarah; the poor of Dartmouth & Walter Jago, son of Mary, sister of Christopher, sister Betty should live at Plymouth with sister Hill or come to Dartmouth.

Seale 0030. John Pipon to his father 16 Oct. 1723   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100188
Letter from Mr. P. senior, enclosure for Ld.Carteret in favour of Mr. File Maistre as Billettier, Mr. Joshua le Provost having died. Approval of the Master in Chancery needed for the purchase of the heritages of Mrs. Harris, for John Seale. Price agreed. Need to check the Rights. Mt. Boone & Cornworthy were rented out to Mr. Portman Seymour, who had the rights apparently in Taunton. Mr. Payne (Mrs. H's son)& Uncle T.Pixon gave the rights of Norton Downey belonging to Mrs. Vaugham to Mr. Russell & J.P. The other rights were in the house of General Seymour's house in London not Taunton. Mr. Russell took an abstract. Mr. Ward, advisor to the Master, wished to check that the titles were good. A leaden Demicent for Rabbit & Quateren for Duck were sent,

Seale 0037. Mrs Harris to J Seale 14 Dec. 1724   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100189
Objects left at Mount Boon by Mrs. Harris. Parts of Pound & Press belonged to Mr. Herbert & Mrs. Pitfield. Crane in cellars belonged to Mrs. Harris.

Seale 0032 Indenture 1724   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 Property      Residential      Mount Boone House 18thC
DHRG No. 100190
Mrs. Seale & son trust Deed to Captain Pipon of part of Mt. Boon etc.---------
Witnessed by:- John Seale John Pipon Jo. Russell Tho. Pering.

Seale 0033 Inventory 20 Oct. 1724   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 Property      Residential      Mount Boone House 18thC
DHRG No. 100191
At Norton & Mount Boon.. Livestock Deadstock. eg. Hay, Clover Hay and Clover Husbandry. Household good at Norton. At the houses at The Higher Norton. At the Lime Kiln. Household goods at Mount Boon etc. Signed by:- Elizabeth Seale John Seale Thomas Pipon Witnessed by:- John Pipon Jo Russell Tho Pering.

Seale 0034 John Pipon re: Estate 20 July 1725   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100193
Writings concerning J.S's Estate in Chancery were left with Mr. Russell. J.P's other papers mostly copies of originals in Clerk of Chancery's hands. Deeds were with Mr. Bennet. Mr. Durell told to let J.S. have papers concerning himself. Mr. Seale had to be asked what he had paid the Master of Chancery. J.P. hoped his Uncle & Mr. Russell would look after J.S's interests.

Seale 0038. Mrs Harris to J Seale 27 Oct. 1726   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100194
Unable to come to Mt. Boone due to indisposition. Payne to come to discuss things left there.

DHRG No. 100195
Mr. T. presumed that Corneliius H. and others were all at Dartmouth after a long stay with John Taylor, lady & Justice A. Staying with Mr. T. thought tedious? Mrs. Newcomen was to be paid for bottles - Mr. T. expecting answer from cousin Hoyles by way of Totnes. Wish to settle dispute without going to Law.

Seale 0036 Reply to 0035 20 May 1726 HP Vol 1 p.41   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100196
Reply to .Taylor's 12 May 1726
Previous delays in Totnes seeing wife's relations. Cousin Neel's absence & smallpox in Cousin Gotheridge's house. Mr. Amyatt not visited. Mr. T's other relations drank his health. Mrs. Newman paid for bottles & corks. Mr. T's letter sent to Mr. Hoyles. Need to settle law suit depending between CH. & brother. Taylor which Mr. T. should have settled without Law. CH had waited 5 years without result.