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Found 4554 results

DHRG No. 100477
Father vexed J.S. has not found Map of the Mud. Foster expected the next Sunday, map wanted then. Better enquire of Mr. Praed about it. Hope map is not lost. Trees not yet arrived

Seale 0318 J. Seale to Sir? no date 1776?   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100478
Thanks for snipes. Journey possibly delayed by weather. Hopes to be at Mt. Boone following week. Will report on affair with Corporation. Desires to know price of the stone post for gate and of drawing of a brief in their cause.

DHRG No. 100479
Possibly writing on reverse side refers to a different letter to second draft on the front. No knowledge of having Map. Apologies if responsible for its loss. Would write to Praed Does not consider it important. Major Brown held up by weather walks with little Harriot Ann Seale. Refers to himself as brother.

DHRG No. 100480
Map found. Mr. Harris' fault. J.S. got the blame. Letter from Mr. Vivian who will give every assistance. Post at Tavistock frozen to death the previous week. Much snow at Cornwood & Plymouth. Little snow but severe frost at Dartmouth. Glad little Harriet had recovered.

Seale 0321 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr. 3 March 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100481
No account of the Jury yet arrived: requests J.S. to call on Under Sheriff. Foster finished the map. Hope that J.S. had good journey.

Seale 0322. Frederick Rogers to John Seale Jnr. 1 May 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100482
Threats of Dartmouth cause at next Assizes. Glad Mrs. S. was well enough to be at Mt. Boone. She would also be welcome at Blachford. Death of Mr. Newman - Mrs. Fanshawe sends news of family. F.R. still busy building.

Seale 0323. Mrs A.M.Seale to John Seale Jnr. 4 May 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100483
Mr. Harris left 30 April, due to go to Cornwall with J.S. (junior). J.S. senior displeased at no news from family: large Bill come; Mr. Payne to be at Plympton. Mr. Harris very poorly, while staying. E.S. begs J.S. junior to call on Mr. Furly in Cornwall.

Seale 0324. E.Remon to John Seale 12 May 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100484
Thanks for letter of 17 November 1775. Mrs. Marett widow of Peter Marett died the previous week. Her daughter Mrs. Le Couter asked E.R. to write to J.S. Cider scarce in England. E.R. could send it to any port in Devonshire at 2 gns. a pipe free of freight.

DHRG No. 100485
Formal Mr. & Mrs. Seale etc. prevented by Mr. and Mrs. Harris who came on Saturday. Mr. H. had been very ill but was better, he was persuaded to come to Castle Grove, but had to be in Ashburton Fair on the next Thursday invitation could be given in person.

Seale 0326. Elizabeth Seale to J. Seale Jnr 28 May 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100486
Peter Gibbs setting off for Castlegrove. Father & Mother arrived previous evening. Robbins said J.S. was about to begin about the house, so uncertainty about invitation.

Seale 0327. W.M. Eales to J. Seale Jnr 4 June 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100487
(Damaged) Hopes to come soon to Castlegrove; also that Mr. & Mrs. J.S. would come to the Thatched House under the Hill. Various people arriving or due in Teignmouth. Smuggling girls referred to.

Seale 0328. Mr. Beague to John Seale Jnr. No Year. 15 August (1776?)   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100488
Formal invitation to dinner on a side of Venison on 16 August.

Seale 0330. Richard Eastcott Jnr. to John Seale 5 Sept. 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100489
R.E. forgot request due to Mrs. E's illness. Hopes to get it written out before J.S.'s servant leaves Exeter or when he next comes. Glad that J.S. received piano forte safely.

Seale 0331. From J Seale 16 Oct. 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100490
J.S. would have supported Mr. Cholwich if not already engaged to Mr. Baring. Glad to hear brother of ……….is better. Mrs. Fownes gives constant accounts of his progress, which is why nothing sent to Dunster Castle.

Seale 0332. John Baring to John Seale 31 Oct. 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100491
Election following Wednesday. Candidates agreed to vote by regular equal tullies. Best day to attend is Thursday. Hopes to be favoured with J.S.'s company. Friends at Plymouth Turnpike would attend him.

Seale 0333. Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 15 Dec. 1776   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100492
Thanks for letter & woodcocks. Capt. Luttrell very ill. His brother John not realising this, more interested in hunting at Lupton with Mr. & Mrs. Southcott. Sloop with hogshead sailed to Exeter. Many complaints about J.S.'s pointer destroyer of poultry. Ships lost. Lamen ??? was in Dartmouth about pressing for the Navy. C. Barter returned.

Seale 0307 Sarah Seale to John Seale junior 1776?   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100493
Looks forward to letter from J.S. junior. Pleasant drive round Topsham Bowling Green with Miss Penny. John brought news of Lord Ashburton's death due to an egg shell in his throat. Respects to J.S's parents & love to Fanny.

Seale 0334. Thomas Piper to John Seale 8 January 1777   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100494
Received letter of 15 December. Mr. Mauger had told T.P. that particulars regarding J.S.'s estate in Jersey were correct. The caluation was very high; J.S.'s houses were in a very bad state, while good houses in St. Aubin were empty & several were to be sold. Could J.S. accept terms T.P. had before proposed.

Seale 0335. Thomas Pipon to John Seale 14 Feb. 1777   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100495
Received letter of 21 January. J.S. appeared unwilling to sell unless he got much more than the true value. T.P. had enough houses & gardens. One of his brothers then abroad, needed the estate, for which T.P. would pay £1500 or £1600.(more than T.P. would have paid it for himself) Guarantee needed. Several houses needed demolishing for public safety.

Seale 0336. George Robbins to John Seale Jnr Monday 17 Feb. 1777   Seale Family Papers      1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100496
G.R. would honour the draught. Unable to be with J.S. through being thrown from his horse, unable to put on his shoe, but hopes to that week. He had seen Carter & Northcott who said the Good(?) should be finished in a fortnight at most. Mr. F. Eastman would be all completed that week.