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Found 4600 results

DHRG No. 100972
G.G. resolved not to accept Teage's extraordinary new terms concerning GG's tenancy. Hopes JS will propose terms for GG to continue at Coomb - as JS's tenant on a permanent basis & that GG & his family will not have to move out to make room for J.S.. He would like a corner of the orchard & enough land to feed his cow etc. Mr. & Mrs G. spent two days at Kittery.

DHRG No. 100973
Invasion threatened. People not relishing the raising of the Militia. CF returned previous Wednesday. EF with bad cold. AMS & her horse not well. Does not think Lady Rogers has been ill. Persistent wet & stormy weather. Sorry to hear about Sir F. Rogers.

DHRG No. 100974
Heard by CF that his family is well. Damp & unhealthy season. Influenza etc. JS had slight fever only 2 days. Hopes to return home middle or end of 'this' month (June?) King ordered to send AMS £100. Capt. F. to return, crowned with laurels. CF wrote a possible inscription for Cornworthy. JS to be Godfather to Sir Fred's 2nd son Not worried about possible invasion.

DHRG No. 100975
Returned Thursday from friend's house 20 miles from Town. Sorry about G.G's disagreement with Teage. J.S. not building immediately at Mt. Boone. Intention to let Coombe for a term. Orchard let to Maddicks. Hopes no misunderstanding over Teage. Great success in West Indies. False report about Lord Howe & Dutch Fleet --- - crossed out.

Seale 0813 J. Seale to Sir F. Rogers 20 May 1782 Success in West Indies   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100976
Joy at great success in West Indies. Hope it will bring to the honour of the Country. False report about Lord Howe giving the Dutch Fleet a trimming at the expense of his life. Lord Howe 'revived' that morning.

Seale 0814 G. Gretton to John Seale 26 May 1782   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100977
Thanks for letter & friendly advice. Kennicott the Auctioneer ''advice'' made GG decide not to accept Teage's proposal. Very clear that GG did not make up excuse not to inhabit his house. GG sad at seeing less of JS but intends to keep in touch with letters.

Seale 0815 Pet’r Ougier to R’t Jenner 28 May 1782 ”de Liefde” prize   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100978
Copy of letter of J. Seale. Inclosing his expenses & account of 'De Liefde' cause. The 'Birds' claim if Court allows £500 for PO that would be inadequate. PO mislaid copy of the current account so desires the Court to send him one. Sorry wind had changed to E so P.Ocombi not come.

Seale 0816 Pet’r Ougier to ?? 28 May 1782 ”de Liefde” prize   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100979
Copy of Expense Account. Charges incurred by owners of ''Snapdragon'' on account of a claim by the ''Bird'' privateer of London, Thomas Peake Commander, on the ship Liefde, a prize of Snapdragon paid by P.O. for acct of said Business.

Seale 0817 F.Leman Rogers to John Seale 31 May 1782   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100980
Warmest thanks to JS for kind letter. Frederick R. To be Christened by Tom Vivien at Cornwood Church. Proxy would be found for J.S. Other Sponsers :- Sir Francis Basset & Mrs. Phipps of Wotton Court. Hourly expectation of further success for Rodney. McBride not taken, safe at Plymouth. JS & Hayne both at the 'Scene of Action'.

DHRG No. 100981
People in neighbourhood badly mauled by Influenza. JS had it but improving. JS been several times to Parliament. Rolle's motions for recall of Rodney, Mr. Rosemarn seconded, Sir F.Basset proposed to augment Rodney's fortune. Trial of eastern culprits postponed. Report of Rodney's success came by way of France, Officer of the Guards fell in the riot at Grahams Temple. Picture of horse Sultan sold for £29 at Tattersals.

DHRG No. 100982
£25 Bill sent by JS drawn of Halliday & Co. refused payment. AMS exchanged it at Uphams. E.Fanshawe helped with money. Uphams repaid. Assumes some mistake. Written by AMS:- London 30 May 1782 from J.Garsed & Co. to Mr. Lipham.

DHRG No. 100983
Surprised & hurt at letter JS went to Bank. He did not like this kind of mistake. He then had £1000 in the bank. AMS to ask Mrs. Bond when J.S. paid her £700 drawn probably 28 Feb. Report from Dartmouth that JS, AMS's nephew, Messrs Parker & Hayne etc. lost at E.O. Tables. JS never played at E.O.tables. Never lost at cards, dice etc. the value of £100 during life. Seen both Mr. F's

Seale 0821 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 12 June 1782 Mr. Jackson died.   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100984
Glad mistake to be cleared up. J.S. right to insist Halliday's write to Upham or his Dealer. Heard nothing from King. AMS probably had touch of influenza. Elizabeth F & children still free of it. Not surprised to hear Sir Frederick's request. Mr. Jackson died. Sorry Mrs. Seale has influenza(?)

Seale 0822 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to 0821 22 June 1782   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100985
Parted from Mr. Fanshawe Wednesday. He set off in the Dilly Thursday morning. AMS to ask Upham if he had received letter from Hallidays. Prize cause to be determined the next week after which JS would leave Town. Influenza bad in London & Dartmouth. Bill Manly gave JS news from Devon. He had not the manners to call on AMS. Full called previous week sorrowfull on his overthrow Hutchins elected presentation for his son.

Seale 0823 (Mrs) E. Fanshawe to John Seale 15 June 1782   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100986
Apologies for delay in sending enclosure. AMS recovered from influenza, gone to see how things go on in St. Sidwells. EF & children still well. Hopeful that boisterous wind will blow away the infections.

Seale 0824 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe Reply to 0823 June 1782   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100987
Few people have escaped influenza. London very hot & disagreeable. Marriage long talked of soon to be. New Coach finished. EF can expect to hear of new relation within a fortnight. Frank admitted? Devonshire Circuit? Tom an Ensign in 85th Regiment.

Seale 0825 J. Seale to C.Fanshawe 22 June 1782   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100988
CF had lately left London. Advises CF to rise early & walk before breakfast for sake of health. Not pleasing to EF. 2 letters included, one of thanks to EF for her's of 15 June, the other to be given as directed (AMS?)

DHRG No. 100989
On old cover address to F.F.Luttrell.
Copy to Mr. Gretton. Thanks for Friendship. JS walking at 2 o'clock in the City with coat off (due to the heat). JS visited Butt Court, Fleet Street. Mr. G's letter to Mr. Whithurst. Old lady very like FFL. Interest in Mr. G; family. London a red-hot Town. Few people from west left. JS leaving 2nd of following week. Hope for lift on HMS Victory. Mr. Taylor talks of going down on horse back. His daughter in Town. Compliments to Mrs. Gretton.

Seale 0827 C. Fanshawe to John Seale October 1782 Dispute about the Quay   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100990
Thanks for J.S's letter which seems; to prognosticate end of expected dispute about Quay. Mr. Achelu & all JS's tenants should require acknowledgements from person's discharging loding on land they occupy. CF hopes to discuss this with Mr. Prideaux at Mt. Boone. EF should be informed when fleet returns. CF's heifer on hand, worth 8 guineas.

Seale 0828 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale 16 Nov. 1782 Madeira Scarce   Seale Family Papers      1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100991
Mr. Pierca had not a drop of Madeira since then EF applied to all the wine merchants Swales alone had it 5/- per bottle, very expensive. He would only sell 3 or 4 Dozen. Enquiried if any diligence goes out of Totnes on Mondays. AMS disappointed if CF came without children. Granger not at home but servant says he has no Madeira.