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Found 4554 results

DHRG No. 100437
Account of living in Town. Pleased with Congratulations from Mr. Rogers. Complaint about lodging but staying, position good. Visits & invitations from Pleydells. Mr. Fanshawe (Mrs, F. had been out of order) Mrs, Taylor & their 'Friend in Parliament'. Pleaded engagement to invitation by Pleydell's to rout. Dinner & visit to Ranelagh. Great economy to accept invitations, very good Tavern opposite in Bond Street provided dinners. Mr. Marsh dead 3 months. Business with Gawler nearly finished. 3 bills to come.

Seale 0277 John Seal (senior) to John Seale (junior) 27 April 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100438
Thanks for letter received 26 April that J.S.(junior) etc. arrived safe in Town, hope that no accident caused stopping one day. Elizabeth S. returns very late on previous Wednesday. Letter of compliments from Sir. F. Rogers enclosed. He had gout. Mrs. Arthur Holdsworth died. Mrs. A.M.S. and E.S.paying off visits intending to go to Mt. Boon with J.S.Senior probably the week after next one.

Seale 0278 A.M.Seale to John Seale (junior) 29 Apr 1775?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100439
Father busy so Mrs. A.M.S. wrote letter to acknowledge receipt of bills. Intention to set off the next Monday or Tuesday to Mt. Boone. A book wanted:- A Thousand notable Things concerning modern Curiosities.

Seale 0279 J. Seale (senior) to J. Seal (junior) 1 May 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100440
Letter etc. arrived previous Saturday, acknowledged by A.M.S. J.S. junior to ask late Mr. Marsh's servant to repay £4 or £5 belonging to J.S. senior, also to pay Mr. Ratcliff of 6 Clerks Office the debt concerning Compton Estate and Thomas Seale's debt due to Mr. Ward. Intend to go Mt. Boon the following Wednesday or Thursday.

Seale 0280 J. Seale (junior) to Mr. Harris? 3 May 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100441
Offer of service in Town. Friends, visits & engagements crowd in so letters are late. Very soon to quit the County upon a long thought of scheme. Situation not agreeable, continious rumbling of carriages, but near friends so staying for the short remainder of stay. Town very agreeable, moderately expensive. Invitations alleviate expense. Numerous ammusements which crowds attend. Magnificent dresses. No difference between hairdressers & the Duke except for stain on his breast. Many have no business here except to spend which Mr. H? condemmed. J.S. junior would not exceed allotted sum.

DHRG No. 100442
Great pleasure seeing contents, delay not due to neglect. Dined with 'him'(?) previous day at his Table. 'He''s exceeded by few'. Evening to Bach's Concert. Mr. Fanshawe gave his own ticket to J.S. junior, dining with him second time next day. Adequate return not possible. Hope to be at Mt. Boon Saturday of the next week. Presume Mr. H. has no instructions for case for counsel..

Seale 0282 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale (jnr) 3 May 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100443
In great hurry for post. Not impressed by patterns (patrons), would prefer J.S.'s choice. Giddy Girl Sally never said Mrs. Fownes was to see them. Tea & Sugar probably cheaper in Town. Stairs & Bedchamber & household measurements and furniture, decorations and material etc. to be sorted out. Some furniture purchased from Mrs. Harrington some too dear.

Seale 0283 Rough Draft written by J. Seale (junior) April – May 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100444
J.S. junior in London a fortnight. Hope to return to the country the next week; also hope to hear that Mr?. & Mrs. Harris & Miss Woodley are well. Will not fail to be serviceable to Mr. H? while in London. J.S. senior has written to Mr. H.? To prepare a case relating to The Quay to give to Mr. Mansfield.

Seale 0284 M. Smith’s Carpet. Bedding and Upholstery Warehouse 1775?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100445
M. Smith's Carpet.
Bedding and Upholstery Warehouse
No. 282 The Corner of Great Turn-Stile, Holborn.
Advertisement.: Sale of Blankets, Carpets, Feather-beds, Matresses, Quilts, Counter panes, Bed Ticks, Rugs, Coverlids.

Seale 0285 J. Seal jnr to Sir F. Rogers & Lady Rogers 18 May 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100446
2 copies one rather longer than the other. Mr. J.S. and Mrs. J.S. returned 18 May from London and were happy to receive Sir. F.R. & Lady R. as soon as they were settled. Concerned to hear of Sir. F.R's indisposition.

Seale 0286 M. Hayne to Charles Hayne 21 May 1775 Sunday HP II 15   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100447
The horrid smoke of Dartmouth with old Mrs. Hayne(?) M.H. & Mary Creed left Bath 19 May, very comfortable & laughable journey. Hopes C.H. had pleasant drive to London. Expecting letter about a Masquerade. Mr. Seale to write by next post. Enquiry after Miss L.

Seale 0287 J. Seale to Mr. Harris? 21 July (1775)   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100448
Settled in a small house from 12 July for 2 months. Invitation not to be repeated till after the Assiizes Dispute between Lord Clifford & Mr. Praed about building a Quay at Teignmouth to be decided before the very similar dispute of Mr. S, so giving more time for preparation. Correspondent has many Royal sheets to finish.

Seale 0288 J. Seale to John Fanshawe No Date late July or early August 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100449
J.S. arrived at Teignmouth from Mt. Boon. Mr. Chas.the Counsellor at Exeter, said J.F.had left Town for the season; very warm. Many from Bath etc. at Teignmouth Dispute with America. A Mr. Charming and family from London's property in Carollina: no remittance from there; papers were unreliable; and reports, cider for J.F. sent by Cole to be delivered at Hays Warf.

Seale 0289 J. Fanshawe to John Seale junior 9 August 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100450
Thanks for Cider brought by Capt. Cole. Glad J.S. junior, J.S. & Miss Hayne are well & a plentiful harvest. The American war, the Gibralter Garrison, 5 regiments going to Boston. Great slaughter of rebels. Disgrace of General Gage, Gen. Howe to take command. Mr. Tolcher came to Town & the Duchess of Kingston. Mr. Hollis in Ormond St.

DHRG No. 100451
J.S. spokje to Mr. Ilbert on behalf of Mr. Abindon. Augmentation of salary might keep Mr. A. at Dartmouth. J.S. prejudiced towards Americans. Mr. Reynolds sympathetic to their cause. The late Bristish Victory very expensive, little result, many men lost. Continent almost impossible to subdue. General Gage expected to be recalled. Authorities dissatisfield with him.

DHRG No. 100452
Intended sending John to J.S. that evening but waited for post. Miss Mercer & Mervin bringing to J.S. good news of Sarah S's health. 2 unpaid bills enclosed.

Seale 0292 J. Seale Jnr to J. Seale Snr Revival of Norton Fair October 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100453
Notice that Norton Fair is to be revived 23 October. Assistance needed. Peter to go to Cornworthy & elsewhere to encourage tenants to attend & buy or sell cattle. Criers to announce it. J.S. junior sent advertisement to the Sherborne Mercury. Breeches to be wrestled for. First told to get everything needed. Peter to give Criss??? Elizabeth Seale to join J.S. senior soon. Letter received from W. Cholwich.

Seale 0293 A. Taylor to John Seale 21 Oct. 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100454
Concerned that J.S. was unwell on leaving Exeter. Salutary effects of drinking the Waters of Bath. A.T. to set out for London 28 October.

Seale 0294 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr No Date Sunday Even. 1775?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100455
Requested by father to write & enclose his letter. North Bowring just arrived with news that J.S. is well. E.S. etc. all unwell particularly A.M.Seale. J.S. senior wrote to Mr. Harris, E.S. has strong objections to J.S. taking Dunning House by Ashburton. Mrs. A.M.Seale requires Almanac for 1776. Has Trist been written to.?

Seale 0295 Mrs. S. Seale to C. Hayne No date Tuesday 1775? H.P.II 19   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100456
Will visit C.H. as soon as possible. C.H. not to tell J.S. junior that S.S. had told his plans to C.H. Hopes to have home of her own. S.S. would always respect J.S.'s relations Sir F.Rogers & Lady R. & Miss Vincent that morning. Mr. & Mrs. Booth spent afternoon previous Wednesday with J.S. C.H. to say nothing about S.S.borrowing money to J.S. Monday took ride to Oldstone, met Jenny & Stephen Adams.