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Found 4600 results

Seale 0252 John Marsh to (John Seale) 19 Dec.1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100411
On back of Cr. of 10/12/1772.
Received favour. Have seen Trist & Morell. Paid principal & interest due of Mr. Seale's Bond. (sent enclosed) Mr. T. said whole of Bond & Bill justly due to him. Mrs. Seale's ticket undrawn. Compliments to Mrs. & Miss Seale.

Seale 0064 Charles Hayne to William Hoyles Feb. 1773 HP. Vol 1 p.22   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100412
Account referring to cargoes Att. Leghorn 2.18 Rotterdam £42.11.03: Dartmouth £28.07.09

Seale 0253 Edmund Elyot to John Winter 2 Jan.1773 – transcript   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100413
Copy of a bill sent to Mr. Marsh to exchange. 2nd March. 30 days after date….pay Mr. J.G. Waller... . - - £70 to account of E.Elyot Endorsed J.G. Waller pay Mr. J.M. or order for J.S.

Seale 0253 Edmund Elyot to John Winter 2 Jan.1773 – document   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100414
Copy of a bill sent to Mr. Marsh to exchange. 2nd March. 30 days after date….pay Mr. J.G. Waller... . - - £70 to account of E.Elyot Endorsed J.G. Waller pay Mr. J.M. or order for J.S.

Seale 0254 John Marsh to (J. Seale) 2 Feb. 1773   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100415
Received favour of 26 January & Bill on John Winter. Mr. Marsh going to London. 3 February to put the money into J.S.'s account. J.H. had not a scheme of the Lottery, but believed prizes payed in April. Advised that those few tickets kept them till that time then sold to Lottery office. O.S. trouble getting certificates. Mr. Marsh could arrange this.

Seale 0255 J. Seale to Mr. H .No date 1773?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100416
Mr. Seale's compliments to Mr. H. Accepts with thanks Mr. H's offer of whale bones. Unaware that Mr. H. was in town. (Memorandum)

Seale 0256 From J Seale No date 1773?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100417
Request for catalogue of young trees growing in nursery with prices. Thanks for carp sent, all dead the next day. Servant would collect a few more if available.

Seale 0257 C.Remon (junior) to John Seale 15 April 1773   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100418
Captain Halton going to Dartmouth. J.S. the principal benefactor at the Chapel of St. Aubin. Mr. Bisson by death of Mr. Hue, Rector of St. Brelade's insisted that nominations of Chapel Minister belonged to him. Founders of the Chapel to present petition to the King that it was their's. Expense involved 30 determined residents.

Seale 0258 J. Seale to C. Remon jnr. reply to (0257) 1773   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100419
Thanks for copy of Petition to the King about the Chapel of St. Aubin - vessel's return to Jersey. J. Seale junior proposer. French visit for 3 or 4 months to learn French. J.S. senior proposed Caen. Mr. Remon had said that some of his family had been there. J.S. senior asked about a possible residence with sober family and about terms. Suggested that John take a companion & servant.

Seale 0259 To Mr. Skinner Probably April 1773 or earlier   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100420
Compliments and thanks to Mr. Skinner for obliging ticket & offer of the Red Birds.

Seale 0260 J. Seale to Mr. Remon Jnr. Probably April 1773 or rather later   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100421
Thanks for favour & contents. Captain Horton returning to Jersey. Jack in London his return unknown. Excursion to France put off for that year. A connection likely to fix him at home.

Seale 0261 J. Seale to Mr. Remon? Jnr. Probably April 1773 or rather later   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100422
Captain Horton brought favour for which thanks. He is now returning Sale of rents & the rest of J.S.'s estate in Jersey. J.S. leaves decision to Mr. Reman? J.S. concerned about rents.

Seale 0262 Wm. Seward to John Seale 9 March 1774   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100423
Received J.S.'s letter, will forward letter from J.S. to Mr. Mauger by Jersey Coaster. W.Seward came from St. Aubin (Jersey), is 55 years old, remembers J.S. 40 years ago, his second son had been in Barcelona,(has 4 other sons & 1 daughter) so knew Henry Seale who had died there.

Seale 0263 J.Hutchings to Worshipful John Seale (Senior) 7 Oct. 1774   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100424
Mr. Kendall offered list their parishioners had returned to serve as Way-wardens. Soper & Pering if chosen would oppose the bridge; if Weeks & Ash were chosen Mr. Hutchings would have it built in a month at farthest - 10m was on list.

Seale 0264 Royal Menu Tuesday 15 Nov. 1774   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100425
Menu's for Their Majesties Dinner & Supper & for others.

Seale 0265 John Seale Senior to W. Newcomen No Date 1774?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100426
Thanks for information concerning J.S's quay & Corporation. Mr. Madock & men had been assured of indemnification. Request to be kept informed.

DHRG No. 100427
Box of Listing arrived. Sugar & Lemons sent. Mr. Youlden asked to buy rum & brandy. No green tea or India goods sold. Unhealthy abroad. Several crew members buried. Bill unknown to father enclosed in his letter. Unable to find articles mentioned. Bill for blue stripe wallpaper? J.S. junior to get Trist to discharge it. Father better but not quite well. E.S. has headache. Will write to Furly & Vivian.

DHRG No. 100428
Letter from J.S. junior. He & sister at Mt. Boon in morning, has licence for Townstal so must be married there. Request for C.H. to come that evening. Great objections to sleeping at Mt. Boon next day. Great objections to marrying at Townstal, would prefer own church (St. Saviour's?)

Seale 0268 J. Seale junior to Mr. Harris? No Date 1775   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100429
IN last letter from Exeter J.S. junior soon quitting County upon a scheme long planned; money might have been saved. Not approved of by Mr. H? Provided by Father with ''genteel'' fortune. Safe arrival in London. Happiness for Sarah with her small fortune.

DHRG No. 100430
NB. Part of letter upsidedown.
Safe arrival in Town. Rooms inconvenient. Thoughts of changing them soon. Both aware of limits of fortune Mr. Marsh's death: left all to servant. Noisy traffic. First day indoors. London very pleasant, moderately expensive, many invitations alleviate expenses, return invitations expected onlyto tea. Not moving due to nearness of friends.