Seale Family Papers 1797
Seale 1336 J.Seale to Mr. Widdicombe 21 Jan. 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101503
Mem. of Auction Tax. of estates purchased by JS also of Higher & Lower Week.
Seale 1336a J.Seale to Mr. Widdicombe 31 Jan. 1797 Reply to 1336 18thC
DHRG No. 101504
In Mr. W's account of auction tax £55 was put down for the purchase of Southtown from Mr. Farwell after the sale was done, so not liable to tax.
Seale 1335 J.Seale to Col Lister 26 Jan. 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101505
Col. Lister left Dartmouth earlier than expected so unable to discuss T.Lister's attachment to Harriet. Col. L. was asked to talk to TL & then JS would see Col. L. JS had seen Mrs. Lister that morning.
Seale 1337 J.Seale to Mr. Thos. Lister 26 Jan. 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101506
JS had not seen TL in London or since, hoped he was not ill. JS had returned to Dartmouth. Steward ill. Wrong to conceal TL's attachment to Harriet from Col. Lister. L:etter from Southampton. Mrs. S & Family tolerably well.
Seale 1338 Martha Lister to John Seale 4 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101507
T.Lister had just shown Col.L's letter mentioning TL's attachment to JS's daughter . She has no disrespect for JS or his daughter but strongly objected to TL entering into any engagement without causing Mrs. L's displeasure.
Seale 1339 Thomas Lister to John Seale 5 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101508
TL surprised but not offended that JS had told Col.Lister of TL's attachment, TL wished he had known before so he could have told Col. L. first. Misery at his Mother's attitude. What should he do?
Seale 1340 (Capt) John Cook Sadler to John Seale Sheriff Elect. 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101509
Family a branch of the Cookes of Ashburton. JC served as Captain of the Sherriff's Troop of 24 men for M.Parker, P.Pering, W.Pulk, E.Cotsford, W.Barbor, S.Porle, W.Moorhead, & Sir B.Wrex. JC's charge 6 guineas for looking after horses, 2 weeks labour and bustle up & down in the courts of the Castle etc. Javelin men one guinea each Assize Horse Furniture needed. Gentlemen pays JC 2 guineas to deal with juries, judges etc. instead of his Steward. JC recommended by Mr. Abraham of Ashburton & Mr. Gattey, the undersheriff.
Seale 1341 Rob. Abraham T.O. to John Seale 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101510
Mr. Gattey & Mr. R.A. arrived that morning & heard that JS had been chosen to succeed Sir B.Wrey as Sheriff. Mr. G would on receipt of JS's answer take steps to issue the Patent etc. His letter of instructions was enclosed. Mr. RA recommended Mr. Gibble as County Clerk. A letter to Law. Pulk Esq. NP Bruton St. would find Mr. RA. Concerning previous business with Mr. RA. he would do what had alreadty been proposed, but had had no success. Many applications from men for the Troop were expecte3d. JS should choose men who had been in the trooop before. PS. Mr. RA's agent Mr. Lupmore, who had held the office of Retorna Braviam the previous year desired Mr. RA to ask for ? office for JS. Dawe & Loxham were Mr. Gattey's agents.
Seale 1341a Edward Gattey to (John Seale) 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101511
Thanks to JS for promising Mr. R. Abraham that if elected Sheriff Mr. G. would be Undersheriff. Mr. G. needed to sue out the Patent & the writ of Ded s. potr. had to be issued directed to Commissioners for swearing JS into Office. One or two of them should be of the Quorum. If sworn at Dartmouth, 4 friends should be sufficient. Mr. G. saw Mr. Fanshawe that morning, who intended writing to JS by that post. Any letters to Mr. G. should be enclosed in Mr. Abrahams, who would deliver them to Mr. G.
Seale 1342 Nics. Geare to (John Seale) 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101512
A request to be appointed County Clerk for the Sheriff, an office NG held for many years.
Seale 1342a Jnr. Warren to John Seale 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101513
If not chosen as Undersheriff JW would be happy to be the County Clerk.
Seale 1343 H.Pratt to John Seale 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101514
Since start of business H.P had the Sheriff's Dinner on Wednesday in the Assize week, so solicited the same from JS, and would do his best to serve him & the Grand Jury well.
Seale 1344 Trewman & Son to John Seale 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101515
That Saturday night's Gazette declared JS chosen Sheriff for the ensuing year. T & Son for many years Printers & Stationers to the County Justices & Precedents of all Warrant's wed in the Sheriffalty, so hoped to be favoured with JS's commands & that he would give the necessary instructions to his Undersheriff.
Seale 1345 S.Woolmer ( Printer of the Exeter & Plymouth Gazette) to John Seale 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101516
SW's brother, Mr. E.Gattey, undersheriff for many years, would inform JS that SW had served well as Printer & Stationer to the Sheriff for many years & respectfully asked to continue as such.
Seale 1346 F.Lemon Rogers to (John Seale) 6 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101517
Just seen from the Gazette that JS had been chosen as Sheriff of Devon. Request for one of FLR's Provisional Calvary to be of JS's troop, also the name of the Taylor's so FLR could order the clothes & the time to join the corps at Exeter. Hope for JS's recovery. Mr. R. set off for Winton college that morning.
Seale 1347 J.Seale to Sir Fredc. Rogers 7 February 1797 Reply to 1346 18thC
DHRG No. 101518
JS's honour (of being made Sheriff) neither desired nor deserved. Thanks for Sir FR's compliment. When arrangements with undersheriff were completed hopeful that sir FR would serve on the Grand Jury.
Seale 1348 C.Fanshawe to John Seale 7 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101519
Mr. Abraham called on CF 6 Feb. asking if Mr. Luxmoore of the Temple could be recommended to fill the office of Retorna Breviam for Devonshire. Mr. L. had a good reputation as Attorney & was of a good family..
Seale 1351 Jas: Lott C.Upham Jnr. to John Seale Inscribed 6 February 8 February 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101520
Offer of his services in the hat & hosiery line for JS servants & Troop.
Seale 1367 J.Seale to J.Widdicombe 19 Feb 1767 with Reply (Inscribed 11 March 1797) Probably written earlier Re. Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101521
J.S's letter sent undercover to his steward in Dartmouth. He hoped reasons given earlier would clear him of tax for Southtown. Memo of tax left behind so he asked J.W. to tell him the amount for the purchase of Lower Week. Purchase of Southtown not subject.
Seale 1370 J.Seale to Thos. Lister 20 Feb. 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101522
Notes crossed out:- Intention at present. Remove impression of concealemnt. Kindness. Was brother married? Bank. Fortune. 'Certainly not yet. Go down to assize. To dine at 5 -' Would mother make up £5000 for TL's banks if Grandfather died.
Seale 1371 J.Seale to Thos. Lister 20 Feb. 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101523
J.S. returning T.L.'s last letter written in such heat & intemperance. J.S. much disturbed by it, & T.L.'s mother's peremptory letter. Cool judgement needed before discussing the situation.
Seale 1340c John Cooke (Sadler) to John Seale 4 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101524
J.C. desired a brown not the scarlet coat & corduroy not the velvet trousers nor the silk stockings chosen by J.S. otherwise he might be mistaken for one of the Grand Jury or the Sheriff. He thought J.S. promised he could have his poor relative with 5 children as a javelin man. Mr. Gatley implied he could not.
Seale 1372 Sam Kekewich to John Seale 4 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101525
Offer to add a man & a horse to J.S's troop at the Assizes and to procure the livery J.S. intended to use etc. They were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Barter & hoped to meet at the Assizes.
Seale 1373 J.Seale to S.Kekewich 6 March 1797 Reply to 1372 18thC
DHRG No. 101526
Thanks for a trooper, J.S. asked if the trooper or his measuments could be sent to Himgston, taylor at Dartmouth. No need of a horse. Requests for S.K. to be on the Grand Jury. J.S.'s ladies not in Devonshire till May or June.
Seale 1374 (Widow) P.Dennis to John Seale 6 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101527
P.D. informed Mr. Land that J.S. had taken her lodgings which the Major had left that day. 'The ''rowt'' being come,' P.D. asked for the date of J.S's arrival.
Seale 1375 (Aldn) J.Dennis to John Seale 6 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101528
Due to delay of reply to Fenwick & J.D., unable to do facing of the coat with lemon yellow shalloun, unavailable in Exeter, but edging with that colour possible as Mr. Southcote had when Sheriff. Harrold able to fulfill his order. Mrs. D. happy with rent. Instructions needed for Chaplain's gown, cassack, beaver & scarf.
Seale 1376 J.Seale to Aldn. Dennis 8 March 1797 Reply to 1376 18thC
DHRG No. 101529
Ald. D. to do what he could. The Chaplain should have provided for himself. Sorry not all measures had come. The Undersheriff had the names of all except Mr. Tremaines men. Ald.D to give a line to all not got except the Dartmouth men & one other suited there.
Seale 1377 Edward Gattey to John Seale 8 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101530
Mr. Land could provide 2 or 4 black horses. Mr. Dennis hoped for an answer about clothing for the men. Would Mr. Palk & Mr. Kekewich send their own men? Capt. Cooke thanked J.S. for accedding to his wishes about clothes. Mr. Harrold said the ???? was ready but had not got the holsters & housings, probably not needed.
Seale 1378 (Inscribed Rev. A.Adams) Stephen Lewis Adams to John Seale 9 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101531
Fussell reluctantly accepted the Chaplainship but then found he could not manage it. SLA would carry out the duties himself as best he could. Hodges died previous Monday.
Seale 1379 J.Seale to S.L.Adams 10 March 1797 Reply to 1378 18thC
DHRG No. 101532
J.S. would meet S.L.A. at Mr. Dennis' in Exeter following Sunday. Mr. D. could supply S.L.A. withj gown & Beaver if required.
Seale 1380 Henry Rivers to John Seale 11 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101533
Thanks for offer to hire H.R's horses. Letter from Mr. Russell to say J.S. already had a coach & horses, so H.R's had then been let out.
Seale 1368 J. Seale to Mr. Widecombe (Auctioneer) 11 March 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101534
The auction tax for Lower Week & One Gun field was delivered by Mr. Jones (in Mr. King's absence). The Collector demanded also for Southtown, which was refused in the auction, afterwards was purchased of Mr. Farwell by Mr. R. Prideaux without collusion.
Seale 1382 J. Seale to Mr. Taylor 13 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101535
J.S. heard that Mr. T. had served on the Grand Jury when J.S.senior was Sheriff. Request for Mr. T. to attend the next Assize.
Seale 1383 J.King to John Seale 16 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101536
Commands received 13 March. Unable to get the buttons so sent 16 as near the pattern as possible. Mr. Ireland had sent the lace. J.K. requested Mr. Gardiner of Liverpool to set off on 8 April. Lord Heathfield's Bill to be examined 31 March when J.K. hoped to set off home.
Seale 1384 Rev. W. Tasker to Seale 18 March 1797 Saturday noon 18thC
DHRG No. 101537
Mrs. Downman & Miss Bamphylde of Exeter would patronize the Drama of Arviragus if revived by J.S.'s desire on Thurs. or Fri. of Assize week. Drs. Downman, Parr & Sheldon would vouch for its respectability. He hoped J.S. would be a patron.
Seale 1385 Tho.. Taylor to John Seale High Sheriff 18 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101538
T.T. served in both J.S. senior's Juries in 1749 & had been a constant Juryman since. He would be glad to serve as a Juryman in the Sheriffalty of the son.
Seale 1386 Sam Kekewich to John Seale 18 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101539
Mrs. S.K.'s health continued to mend, so hoped to be in Exeter on that Monday afternoon. Summons to attend the Grand Jury received 17 March. Ready to serve on any other occasion at which J.S. might think him qualified.
Seale 1387 Prisoners at the Ward to J.Seal High Sheriff for the County Devon 20 March 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101540
The debtors in J.S's Ward promised to live quietly. They asked for a Chaplain to perform Divine Worship instead of a prisoner, when those who objected to a burlesque of Religion were locked up. They wished to be allowed to walk on the Green. Donations given by Keeper only to those paying rent for 'beds'. Much rubbish - ¼ of ground fenced off by the Keeper as a garden.
Seale 1388 Reply to letter 20 Mar 1797 (1387) Notes in the Margin no date 18thC
DHRG No. 101541
No Chaplain - Prisoners fix on one themselves. (Walk out on the Green during Church time) By no means. (Donations) To be distributed by Sheriff or Under Sheriff. Need to make personal enquiry about complaints made by prisoners. Any charge to make that has weight J.S. would attend to.
Seale 1389 From Chas (Hayne) 11 April 1797 Tuesday night 9.30 18thC
DHRG No. 101542
Inscribed:- Copy Vial Collr. of Excise John Seale.
Field Day next day (Wednesday) Charles invited J.S. to accompany him about 9am to Galmpton to dine at 4pm & introduction to the Regiment at their mess, returning to Dartmouth in the evening.
Field Day next day (Wednesday) Charles invited J.S. to accompany him about 9am to Galmpton to dine at 4pm & introduction to the Regiment at their mess, returning to Dartmouth in the evening.
Seale 1390 J.Seale to Mr. Vial, Collector of Excise 12 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101543
Mr. Widecombe, auctioneer, came to J.S. for the tax on J.S.'s purchases, 2 were liable to tax but J.S. understood Mr. W. had given Mr. V. the reasons for not paying tax on the purchase of Southtown. Mr. V's sitting within a fortnight. J.S. hoped Mr. V. would give him satisfaction on the subject.
Seale 1391 (Miss) E.M.Seale to John Seale 13 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101544
E.M.S. entreated J.S. not to blame her for concealing the affair with T.Lister. It would be fortunate for Harriet, who still knew nothing unpleasant neither did Mama. She begged J.S. to do nothing till he saw them.
Seale 1392 George Tollet to John Seale 13 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101545
Cummunication a profound secret. Absolute necessity for J.S. to come to London concerning Mr. Lister. Young ladies sent love, Mrs. T. & Mrs. Jolliffe their regards.
Seale 1393 J.Seale to G.Tollet 16 April 1797 Reply to 1392 , letter 13 Apr 18thC
DHRG No. 101546
2 drafts. At a loss to know what has happened needing J.S. to come immediately to London. Letter also from Miss Seale. Unable to come unless absolutely urgent, due to duties of great public import.
Seale 1394 T.Lister to Miss Harriett Seale (Meant for Charles) No Date Easter Sunday 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101547
Thanks for witty & diabolical letter. T.L. visited the Rose bud as Charles desired. Charles should come for T.L. to give him another lesson. He lingered. All T.L.'s seruglio were married & settled. Women admirable hypocritics, T.L.'s vices & follies discarded. He loved a sweet girl. Burdon his support. The Hero of Fellows, Wilberforce a bigot or Hypocrite etc.
Seale 1395 T.Lister to Miss E.M.Seale On the back of 1394 Easter 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101548
'On I am deceived you do not love me………my present unhappiness. Heaven bless you adieu adieu.''
Seale 1396 George Tollet to John Seale 17 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101549
Secrecy necessary. Miss Seale, on arrival from Southampton told Mrs. T. about Mr. Lister's conduct. Mr. T. was then told. Passionate letters sent to Miss Seale. She was to wean Harriet from her love to T.L. Both Harriet & Miss Seale behaved admirably. One of the most amirable young ladies of the Kingdom would escape from an utterly unworthy man.
Seale 1397 E.M.Seale to John Seale No Date 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101550
'I am in such a fright I hardly know what to say….'' T.L. had come to Town & had interview with Mr. Tollet. T.L. had written 3 letters to EMS. saying he would ''put an end to himself…'' '' EMS's. revenge if content with his blood'' Letter by EMS. to Mr. Lister written with Harriet's concurrance. J.S. to do nothing to make T.L. kill himself. Harriet found one of T.L.'s letter to EMS. much agitated etc.
Seale 1398 E.M.Seale to T.Lister 1797 Copy included in 1397 18thC
DHRG No. 101551
Copy by EMS. Included in the above:- E.M.S. was astonished at TL's most refined artifice. He had succeeded in disengaging himself from her sister. Any more letters would be returned unopened. E.M.S. had told her father about TL's conduct.
Seale 1399 George Tollet to John Seale 18 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101552
Sincere regret for additional weight on JS's hands. Improper not to tell JS about the affair. A bad match with a bad man avoided. Miss Seale to be pitied rather than blamed. Her conduct dictated by fear of disturbing her sister's happiness.
Seale 1400 E.M.Seale to John Seale 18 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101553
'Not withstanding your very cruel insinuations….'' Harriet saved from marrying one so unworthy. EMS's wish to save Harriet from pain so concealed the affair. Harriet too willing to excuse TL. Informed that there was madness in the family. TL tried to dissuade EMS from asking Mrs. Tollet's advice. EMS intended to send copies of his letter to J.S. TL said his mother would be proud of the connection etc.
Seale 1401 (John Seale) 21 Apr 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101554
Cover of packet of TL. Lister's letters to E.M.Seal & H.A. Seale.
Seale 1402 T.Lister to W.Burdon (Should be E.M.Seal) No date 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101555
'I feel that you think me less amiable than I deserve ………..etc.''
Seale 1403 T.Lister to E.M.Seale no date 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101556
'Oh my lovely friend, we are 'superiour' to deceit….etc'
Seale 1404 T.Lister to E.M.Seale no date 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101557
I ought I believe to write to you no more but I am in such distress of mind…etc?'
Seale 1405 T.Lister to E.M.Seale no date Tuesday Night 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101558
I cannot speak to you & am hardly able to write ……etc.'
Seale 1406 T.Lister to E.M.Seale no date 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101559
After having passed a night of the most distressing inquietude…etc'
Seale 1407 G.Tollet to John Seale 19 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101560
TL. Arrived in Town 18 April, he wrote despairingly to Mrs. Tollet, told he would not be received under her roof. GT's embarrassing interview with TL. JS the only person who could decide. TL advised to return to Cambridge. GT hoped JS's anger with EMS had abated.
Seale 1408 J. Seale to G.Tollet Reply to 1407 18thC
DHRG No. 101561
Two packets received ''containing the most complicated farrago of stuff that ever my eyes were employed upon'' TL's alarm the sort of thing to frighten the ladies. One letter received from TL. Hoped to set off that Monday & be with G.T. Wednesday.
Seale 1409 T.Lister to John Seale Rec’d. 20 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101562
TL hoped his error was atoned for by a most sincere & humiliating repentance.
Seale 1410 J.Seale to T.Lister 21 April 1797 Reply to1409 18thC
DHRG No. 101563
'I have rec'd. your letter & also a pretty full detail of your manoeuvres & ill be with you very soon you may depend upon it''.
Seale 1411 G.Tollet to John Seale 21 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101564
Mr. Lister returned to Cambridge that morning to atone for his past errors. Attempts to explain things deferred till JS's arrival in London. The young ladies were well.
Seale 1412 T.Lister to John Seale April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101565
Very different sensations from those TL felt at the approach of a violent & disgraceful death. He implored JS to forgive him. Return of TL's affection for JS's youngest daughter. Miss Seale's wisdom etc. etc.
Seale 1413 T.Lister to John Seale 25 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101566
Weak, humbled & dispirited. JS's unforgiveness dreadful to TL. Errors of youth. TL would bear with the most submissive patience the reproaches of a father upon the destroyer of his daughter's happiness etc. etc.
Seale 1414 Thomas Lister to John Seale 28 April 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101567
TL felt a degree of honour at claiming fatal satisfaction from J.H. having heard such language the previous night. ''You thirst for a more bloody revenge''. TL resolved to quit life at JH's hands.
Seale 1415 J.Seale to T Friday evening Lister Reply to 1414 18thC
DHRG No. 101568
JS returning to Town after the time TL required, and would be at Bates Hotel, Adelphi the following week.
Seale 1416 Thomas Lister to John Seale 30 April 1797 (1 May,97 to Col. Lister) 18thC
DHRG No. 101569
JS forcing TL into justifying himself very little according to TL's feelings - ''Not even you Sir, shall insult me with impunity.'' Having returned to affectionate duty to Miss Harriet S. TL expected forgiveness. He was neither dishonourable nor a scoundral!
Seale 1417 J.Seale to Col.Lister 1 May 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101570
Lately returned from Cambridge under very singular circumstances. JS put an entire end to communication between T.L. & Harreit. No censure attached to J.S's family. No lessening of esteem between J.S. & Col.L.
Seale 1418 J.Seale to Wm. Burdon 9 May 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101571
The time had passed when serious consequences might have been expected. J.S. had removed the odium of indignity from TL & had relieved him from torture, the whole buried in oblivion. Best wishes for TL's future & apologies. Strong respect for Col.L.
Seale 1419 T.Lister to John Seale. Received 11 May 1797 Lister Deterrmined to marry Seale’s Daughter 18thC
DHRG No. 101572
TL. Wrote to Mr. Tullet that he would only wait one more post. JS's. candour had prevented unpleasant extremities. Not easy to forget. Resentment banished. Painful exclusion from JS's family. Dreadful consequences likely. Tyrannical force not suitable for wise & good government. Daughter outwards happy, inwardly unhappy. No human power would deter TL from becoming JS's daughter's husband only death would.
Seale 1420 T.Lister to John Seale Received 13 May 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101573
Agitation & despair when TL wrote the last letter. He feared many things he wrote then he might not approve. He wished to make atonement for his past conduct. Another month spent as the last would terminate his existance. He would submit to JS's decision.
Seale 1421 J. Seale to T.Lister 16 May 1797 Reply to 1420 18thC
DHRG No. 101574
3 rough drafts:- The impropriety of TL's letter of 10 May must have induced him to apologise in the last letter. JS really sorry to see him so agitated. He should go away from Cambridge to his friends to quiet his mind. Miss Harriet had written to TL finally on the subject. Further correspondance useless. TL should alter his conduct for a happy life.
Seale 1422 T.Lister to Miss Seale 21 May 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101575
TL unwilling to do anything clandestinely, written to Harriet by that post, avoiding any thing to inflame her love till JS consented to receive him again. He hoped EMS had received his letter on Friday. Mournful distraction. Mr. Burdon unable to rouse TL from melancholy. TL determined to atone for his errors. His heart was Harriet's. He was very ill.
Seale 1423 T.Lister to Miss Harriett Seale received 21 May 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101576
'Oh my Harriett (if I may still be allowedd to call you so) I am at a loss….'' miserable & penitent & shame to her most injured. ''That I loved you Sister, strong passions, momentory impulses; alive to remorse, hope for forgiveness. Letter sent by mistake, a witty friend to laugh at. Waiting for Mr. Seale's & Harret's determination. Passion for Maria conquered.
Seale 1424 T.Lister to John Seale Arrived 22 May 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101577
Letter received (from JS) with the calm melancholy…''the summit of human misery'' Mr. Burdon sanctioned TL pleading for a return of favour. Ardent passion for the female sex. TL would adhere to JS's advice. He was very ill. Received Miss H.S's letter. She was firm & TL believed unbiased. He had 2 or 3 little tokens of her affection, could he keep them.
Seale 1425 Wm. Burdon to John Seale Received 22 May 1797 Wednesday night 18thC
DHRG No. 101578
Answer delayed by indolence at College life & not by indifference. He hoped there were few gradations in JS's mind from ceasing to bear Mr. L. any mallice to wishing him happy. His past errors would not be repeated Mr. B. believed. He begged JS to restore Mr. L. to his favour.
Seale 1426 Wm. Burdon to John Seale 24 May 1797 Wednesday night 18thC
DHRG No. 101579
WB trusted that JS would make allowances for again intruding himself. Mr.L. requested WB to say how earnest he was to be re-admitted into JS's family. WB believed he was sincere, he entreated J.S. to read TL's letter & to regard him with his former sentiments.
Seale 1427 J. Seale to W.Burdon 29 May 1797 Reply to 1426 18thC
DHRG No. 101580
The letter from TL enclosed by WB was returned un-opened. By his ill conduct TL had lost forever Harriet's love & regard. TL declared very solemnly that it was a momentary passion he had for her sister. He declared from that hour his passion for her sister would cease & he would return to Harriet. The trifles must be returned JS opened a letter from TL to HS which he gave her, it was rejected.
Note on the same sheet:- Mem. Mr. Vincon Att's has paid him 3gns. The man? Told him he paid for it. Lands of Blackawton who offers for utensils of Old Mill.
Note on the same sheet:- Mem. Mr. Vincon Att's has paid him 3gns. The man? Told him he paid for it. Lands of Blackawton who offers for utensils of Old Mill.
Seale 1428 T.Lister to Mrs. Seale No Date 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101581
Mr. Burdon had just enclosed for TL, JS's letter. TL marked out to the most studied revenge & inhuman severity. He congratulated Madam & Mr S for their purity of life intitling them to insult etc. They seemed to shudder at TL swearing on the Bible that he loved Miss Harriet, and his unparallelled artifice etc. etc.
Seale 1429 T.Lister to John Seale No Date 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101582
JS exercised the keenest refinement of cruelty, insinuating that TL was insane. TL's repentance was met with unrelenting disdain. Unluckily for JS, TL was in full possession of his senses. JS's revenge No compassion from Miss Seale. TL's friend & entreaties of JS's son were disregarded. JS's family had lost TL's love, respect & esteem. Revenge would only be satisfied by TL's death. He could come to Exeter alone for a personal interview.
Seale 1430 Sam. Kekewich to John Seale 6 June 1797 18thC
DHRG No. 101583
SK missed the County Meeting advertised in 'the Star' for 22 June instead of 2 June. Account in Sheborne (Mercury). SK would have supported the Petition. The Thanks to Mr. Bastard & the last Resolution, the accoount of which that the majority was adverse to, was false.
Seale 1431 Charles Jones J.Seale 9 June 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101584
9 June received letter from Mr. Widdicombe enclosing one from the Excise Office, copies enclosed. Mr. W informed that JS was in London
Seale 1432 J.Widdicombe to J.Seale or Mr. Kingstone his steward 7 June 1797 Re. Auction Tax. Copy enclosed 18thC
DHRG No. 101585
The Commissioners of the Board of Excise again demanded the Auction of South Town. Great expense if not paid. Instructions by 8 June required, when Mr. W. would be meeting the Collector as he returns to Plymouth.
Seale 1433 John Wild to Mr. John Vial Collector of Excise 30 May 1797 Re. Auction Tax. Copy enclosed 18thC
DHRG No. 101586
Copy of Commissioner' letter:- Report of 16 June received. Mr. John Widdicombe required to pay duty on the Estate called South Town. Sale on 21 January 1797.
Seale 1434 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale 21 June 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101587
As JS was a Bidder & Buyer of Mr. Southcotes's Estates. FFL believed Duty was payable. Whether buyer or seller was liable depended on the conditions of the sale. Possibility of evasion if not enforced. JS's promise to visit FFL's villa.
Seale 1435 J.Seale to F.F.Luttrell Reply to 1434 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101588
JS not guilty of trying to cheat the revenue. Estate not purchased at the Auction but by private contract afterwards. Would an affidavid to the facts be satisfactory to the Commissioners?
Seale 1436 J.Widdicombe to John Seale 2 July 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101589
Further demand for the duty on South Town. JW's son sent to Dartmouth with a letter. JS in London. No reply received, urgently needed. Much trouble caused, to one from Plymouth & Dartmouth.
Seale 1437 J.Seale to J.Widdicombe Auction Tax Reply to 1436 18thC
DHRG No. 101590
Sorry JW was troubled about auction tax. Hard to pay for what is not due. JS perused the Act. No tax due if sold after the auction. Mr. Farwell sold it not JW. Mr. Prideaux was the best bidder. No collusion or fraud. JS had written to one of the commissioners so hoped there would be no more trouble.
Seale 1438 Auction Tax Copy of back of J.Widdicombe’s letter of 2 July. 18thC
DHRG No. 101591
Farwell sold estate not licensed as an auctioneer. The Act stated:- A charge upon every auctioneer or seller by commission after knocking down the hammer was liable to pay the ..
Seale 1439 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale 12 July 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101592
Inscribed. Copy to Mr. Widecombe auctioneer & to Mr. F.Luttrell.
JS's letter gave more hope that the Commissioners of Excise might, with the affidavit, relieve JS from the Duty concerning the Auction Case. FFL had no scruple in complying with JS's request.
JS's letter gave more hope that the Commissioners of Excise might, with the affidavit, relieve JS from the Duty concerning the Auction Case. FFL had no scruple in complying with JS's request.
Seale 1440 John Niel to Mr. John Widdicombe 24 August 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101593
Collr. Letter.
JN had given JW's report & JS's letter to the Hon.Commissioners of Excise but they had again demanded the duty on the Purchase of South Town immediately & if not JS would be put to Trouble.
JN had given JW's report & JS's letter to the Hon.Commissioners of Excise but they had again demanded the duty on the Purchase of South Town immediately & if not JS would be put to Trouble.
Seale 1441 John Widdicombe to John Seale or Mr. King (Mr. Seale’s steward)3 September 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101594
JW again troubled by a letter from the Collector who he was to meet the next day at Modbury. What was he to say? If duty was not to be paid JW was to be indemnified. Mr. Fownes implied business was settled.
Seale 1442 J.Seale to Mr. Widecombe 15 September 1797? Auction Tax. 18thC
DHRG No. 101595
1st draft on the back of F.F.Luttrell's letter of 12 July 1797.
JS absent, some days from home. Surprise & hurt at JW's trouble. The property was bought 1 hour after the sale was over. No collusion or fraud. Mr. Luttrell was asked to lay the statement before the solicitor of Excise with affidavit if needed. Property bought in for the seller at 2250 as stated by Mr. Farwell when JW's office was closed.
JS absent, some days from home. Surprise & hurt at JW's trouble. The property was bought 1 hour after the sale was over. No collusion or fraud. Mr. Luttrell was asked to lay the statement before the solicitor of Excise with affidavit if needed. Property bought in for the seller at 2250 as stated by Mr. Farwell when JW's office was closed.
Seale 1443 J Seale 15 September 1797 Auction Tax. 18thC
DHRG No. 101596
2nd Draft 15 September 1797.
JS had hoped there would be no further need to trouble JW. But the auctioneer was being pressed for the tax. The property was bought for 2250- by authority of the Trustees without collusion or intended fraud. JW was to tell this to the Solicitor or other person in charge with affidavit if needed.
JS had hoped there would be no further need to trouble JW. But the auctioneer was being pressed for the tax. The property was bought for 2250- by authority of the Trustees without collusion or intended fraud. JW was to tell this to the Solicitor or other person in charge with affidavit if needed.
Seale 1444 John Widdicombe to John Seale 17 September 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101597
Daily expectations of JS's answer respecting duty on South Town. Another demand from the Collector of Excise. JW very uneasy.
Seale 1445 F.F.Luttrell to Jn. Seale 22 September 1797 Reply to 1443 Auction Tax. 18thC
DHRG No. 101598
Board of Excise evidently determined JS was liable to tax therefore a great impropriety for FFL to interfere. Mr. Mayow might be a help by stating the circumstances.
Seale 1446 J.Widdicombe to John Seal October 1797 Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101599
J.W. received copy of JS's statement to the Board of Excise. About 6 weeks since J.W. saw the Collector of Plymouth, when he made a complaint. Nothing more heard from them since then, so advised JS not to send the statement unless they did anything.
Seale 1447 J.Seale to J.Widicombe 8 November 1797 Reply to 1446? Auction Tax 18thC
DHRG No. 101600
Glad at not presenting the memorial, hoped it was the end of the affair. JS would be glad of a surveyor on some of his lands if JK was at leisure soon after Christmas.