Seale Family Papers 1804
Seale 1620 G Kekewich to John Seale Wrongly dated 1803 17th January Tuesday 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101780
Arrived from Chatteris where detained and longer than expected, found JS letter. Thanks for the bill and for JS help on GK behalf in Mr. Laterals cause, No brief had yet been sent to the chambers in a Milman Street. The little GK was well and his talking much improved. GK worried about his own health therefore he had applied to Dr. latham. Apprehension of invasion stronger than ever. While at Cambridge GK or heard what shocked his belief in Mr. Williams account of the supposed massacre at Jaffa. Mr. Cluster of the Jesus College saw many half buried the corpses on the seashore in Jaffa and heard they had died of a plague, not killed by the French. GK took JS drafted to J Fanshawe uncertain if he had the? or not. GK hoped Mr. Lister received the restoring herbs.
Seale 1621 B Tanner to J H Seale 17th January1804 Thursday 19thC
DHRG No. 101781
Requesting to know if the J. Seale gave orders to Langmead to take down the bell rope that day as he thought Mr. Newman had the use of it.
Seale 1622 J Seale to Mr Tanner Shipwright Reply 12th January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101782
JS did not order the bell rope to be taken down at the dock. How did Mr. T become possessed of the yard without any authority from the assignees or JS?
Seale 1623 W Baker (Assignee to Robert Newman) to J Seale18th January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101783
WB and the other assignees had not given Mr. Tanner permission. They had ordered him to quit. Mr. Prideaux said the premises were at JS's disposal.
Seale 1624 J Seale to 1) Newman, 2) Goodridge, Ropemaker 3) Baker, Banker 18th January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101784
Mr Tanner had taken possession of the building yard lately occupied by Mr N. Had Mr N asignees given M T authority to do so.
Seale 1624-1 T Lister to J Seale 18th January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101785
Mr Bakers letter endorsed by TL. He told TL that Tanner had been ordered to quit by the Assignees. Mr Goodrich denied he had given Tanner permission as Tanner pretended. Mr Prideaux agreed to abide by Mr Gibbs's opinion. The Assignees were willing to surrender the premises immediatly.
Seale 1625 Wm. H.Goodridge to J. Seale Reply to JS letter of 18th.18 Jan 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101786
Mr. Tanner has been served with a written notice to quit. Signed by Mr. WHG & his co. Assignees
Seale 1626 (Earl Derby , John Seale) Valuation Notes,No dates 19thC
DHRG No. 101787
Langmead made a rough calculation of the value but not the whole as the Hind would not stay but said he was going to Moreleigh. Mr. L said he was going to Exeter on horseback as the Hind said he should get a horse. Uncertain about this. Need for JS to ask the Hind these questions.
Seale 1627 J Newman to J Seale Answer to letter 19 January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101788
At a loss to know who gave Mr. Tanner possession of Sand Quay yard, not the Assignies. Mr. T. landed a few planks & had notice to remove them.
Seale 1628 J. Seale to J. Newman Reply to 1627 21 January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101789
Mr. Tanner kept possession in spite of notice to quit. Surprised that Mr. Prideaux had heard nothing more from JN about the unsolved matter between the Assignees & JS. If not settled by Monday Mr. P. would be ordered to levy upon the effect the full amount. JS believed Mr. N & an Assignees were agreeable to settle it as Mr. P. advised. Mr. Goodridge could do it.
Seale 1629 Mr. Brutton, Attorney to J.Seal re.Robert Newman’s Bankruptcy 22nd January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101790
J.Newman had shown JS's letter of 21 Jan. to Mr. B. The Assignees' duty was to sell the interest for the remainder of the time In the Sand Quay for the most money possible. & to take care of the effects laying there still & not yet disposed of & which cannot be moved. The rent due to Christmas 1803 would be paid in the following day or two.
Seale 1630 J. Newman to John Seale Reply to JS’s letter of 21January (1628) 22 January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101791
The business of Sandquay had been left to their Solicitor Mr. Brutton. A letter from him showed that JS agreed with them on every point respecting Sandquay.
Seale 1631 J. Seale to Mr. Brutton, Atty. Solicitor to Newman 28 January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101792
JS waited for the rent, not yet paid. Business in Exeter, so JS would call on Mr. B. Report said that Mr. Tanner had agreed with the Assignees to have possession of Sandquay. Why was JS not informed? Mr. T. had offered to bring a person to affirm on oath this was so. The assignees told JS this was false & that they had given Mr. T. notice to quit.
Seale 1632 H.Brutton to John Seale 31 January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101793
HB consulted with R. Newman; draft of Agreement altered. The crane would have been paid for by JS to the Assignees if it had been executed, so the difference was nothing. JS's positive answer required.
Seale 1633 J. Seale to H.Brutton Reply to1632 31 January 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101794
The draft was just what the Assignees agreed to. No mention of putting the premises in proper repair. The clause stated JS paying for all buildings etc erected. All he had to pay was for the wood coverings for sheds as agreed. JS leaving Town that afternoon so needed Mr. B's determination concerning Mr. Tanner.Compliment to.R.Newman sorry he was unable to call.
Seale 1634 Declaration. Assignees. Jnr. Newman Wm. Baker Wm. N.Goodridge Witnesses. Hy. M.Ford Thomas Lister H.Snelling 1 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101795
Warranty. The Assignees of Robert Newman late of Dartmouth, Shipbuilder lately Bankrupt, declare they have not given Benjamin Tanner of Dartmouth, shipbuilder, any right etc. to possession of the Building Yard Quays & other Premins at the Dock in Dartmouth; & authorise W.M.Goodridge to deliver up the keys of the same to John Seal.
Seale 1635 Declaration Assignees Jnr. Newman Wm. Baker Wm. N.Goodridge Witnesses. Hy. M.Ford Thomas Lister H.Snelling1 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101796
The Assignees agreed to surrender to J.Seale, before 1 April 1804, all the Term, Estate & Interest in Sandquay & also the Cellar under the house of Thomas Langmead, tenant, etc. granted & demised by Lease dated 1 January 1803 by J.Seale to R. Newman; yearly rent £250, payable quarterly. Boundary Walls and Pillars were to be left in good repair, & the south slip finished similar to the other two made by R.Newman. The assignees or Vendees should make ready for launching two vessels then on the Stocks, free of expense to JS till 1st April 1804 then to pay £20/month for each vessel till 1 July 1804 etc. JS had £52-10s for the quarter to 1 April. If JS did not agree within one week of those presents he was to pay the Assignees for all buildings etc. erected by RN except such parts built by JS with stone etc. Then the Assignees could remove such buildings etc. After signing they would be released from all convenants on the part of the Lessee etc.
Seale 1636 Jnr. Newman to John Seale 1 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101797
JN would at any time make affidavit that he never gave possession of the Tenement called Sandquay to Benjamin Tanner as tenant.
Seale 1637 J. Seale to Wm,Baker Assignee of R. Newman. Receipt 2 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101798
Receipt Received of WB for the assignees of Robt.Newman £162-10s being for rent of the Building Yard due 1 January 1804
Seale 1638 J. Seale to Mr. Brutton 10 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101799
Estimate of £114-16-7½ including rough doors, slips etc. The doors were part of the enclosures Mr. Newman was to do. They should not be valued. Quoins should be done with better stones. Since JS came down, he tried to accommodate Mr. Wm. Newman towards sawing and preparing his stuff etc. & he intended to allot him the south side of the Yard to fence off Mr. Tanner, the use of the Counting House & free access till 1 July. JS objected to the slips being torn up or the walls taken down etc. The estimate was too high.
Seale 1639 Memo’s. Valuation of Materials by Newman Assignees. 19thC
DHRG No. 101800
JS objected to the lumping valuation, Doors & slips not to be included. Quays to be taken down & converted to making them. Allowance for repairs of the Quay head much under valued. No objection to Assignees building & repairing slips etc. as long as they were up to Government Standards. JS must first approve before timber work of the sheds is removed.
Seale 1640 Brutton to John Seale 13 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101801
Mr. B. had sent a copy of the agreement between JS & the Assignees of Robert Newman to Mr. Goodridge. It did not obligate them to give JS possession of Sandquay till 1 April 1804. As JS had that possession already it should induce JS to give every accommodation to R.N.
Seale 1641 J. Seale to Mr. Brutton reply to 1640. 14 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101802
The different valuation at the Dock of the Assignees & JS discussed. JS was expected within one week to pay the full value of the materials or else the assignees would be able to carry them off. Why was the estimate so high? The assignees surveyor confessed that JS would be charged with finding & providing materials for the repairs which he had already supplied and that the slips need not be left entire & all the woodwork would be torn up for the sake of a few slabs with which they were covered. This valuation JS would not accept but he would have no objection to paying if the valuation was more reasonable.
Seale 1642 Wm. Hockin to John Seale 16 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101803
WH. received a letter from Mr. Brutton concerning the agreement between JS & the Assignees. He suggested a meeting with JS 11am 17 February.
Seale 1643 J.Seale to Mr. Denyer 17 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101804
All crossed out Mr. D's neighbour had not sent his bill with the newspapers. JS desired Mr. D. to step in to him & desire him to send it.
Seale 1644 J.Seale to Mr. Hoskin Reply to W.Hockin. 25 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101805
Mr. Tanner unable to do the estimate until the following Monday. He said no delay on his part and an accidental delay of 2 days was of no consequence.
Seale 1645 J.Seale to Mr. Hoskin Atty at Law 28 February 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101806
Mr. Tanner had just given JS the estimate which was £82-14-5d
Seale 1646 Brutton to J.Seale 1 March 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101807
The unpleasant subject of the Sandquay:- As JS had recognised Tanner as his tenant was he going to pay the sum of the valuation or procure their removal as agreed, as the Assignees were determined to enforce this.
Seale 1647 J.Seale to Mr. Brutton Solicitor 2 March 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101808
Mr. Seale had no wish to prevent the Assignees settling Mr. Newman's affairs as agreed at a fair price. Mr. Goodridge agreed that another valuation should be made. Mr. S. agreed to pay Mr. Hockin £82-14-5d which he refused to accept. Mr. Rowe refused to give Mr. S. particulars of the former valuation.
Seale 1648 Brutton to Mr. Lamb Atty. at Law Reply to a letter of 2 March. – 3 March 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101809
The Assignees had no objection to revising their Estimate of the articles to be paid for by Mr. Seale at Sandquay if he took them. If not & he did not deliver them to the Assignees Mr. Brutton would speedily resort to the Law to compel him.
Seale 1649 Brutton to Mr Lamb Atty. at Law 6 March 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101810
Mr. B. had been unaware previously that Mr. Seale's agent had been with Mr. Rowe & had approved of his valuation. Surveyors could refuse to tell the value of separate items in a valuation of property. The Assignees had done no more than their duty in insisting their demand to be paid. Mr. Seal's correspondence has been too long & vexatious.
Seale 1650 A.Lamb to J.Seale Valuation at Sandquay. 7 March 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101811
Value of Materials with Newman's, Assignees at Sandquay. Mr. L. had seen Mr. Goodridge who would take £105 but nothing less. Mr. Seale asked for his determination.
Seale 1651 J.Seale for Mr. Lamb to send to Mr. Brutton Reply to letter of 3 March 8 March 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101812
Mr. B. had stated that the Assignees had no objection to the surveyor revising his valuation, but he had refused to give any particular details. The person sent to assist Mr. Rowe was not a surveyor but a house carpenter, for many years in Mr. S's service. Mr. S. found £82-14-5d to be a fair estimate. Mr. Goodridge one of the assignees offered to leave the valuation to the judgement of two competent surveyors. Mr. Rowe said he would accept the lower valuation? (Difficult to interpret) Mr. S. had no wish to cause delay. Note to Mr. L:- Mr. S. would call on Mr. L. about 5 pm to make sense of this.
Seale 1652 Robert Newman to John Seale 15 May 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101813
The £20 difference between £114 & the £94 paid by JS was too little to warrant a Law suit, but the Assignees were bound not to relinquish the smallest sum due to the Estate. The handsome manner they gave JS possession of the premise at least 2 months before they needed and paying the full rent. Giving up the premises was little less than giving JS £50. JS might think this of no consequence, RN proposed that JS should divide the difference & settle the account. JS was to keep this a secret. (Note by JHS.:- A very kind letter from Mr. Ridout had come with a copy of his Mother's Will)
Seale 1653 J.Seale to Robert Newman Reply to 1652 24 May 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101814
Papers not available so Mr. Lamb's offer on JS's account not known. JS believed it was fair but not £94. Since then another Valuation by different persons was lower. JS would deduct £60 for the rent of Quays & for completing the slips to 1 July. Impossible for RN to win the case. The Assignees had 2 options, they chose to give up the premises immediately after the sale & not, unwisely to hold it the rest of the term. It had been agreed JS thought, that the slips built by RN were to be left entire, these were referred to in the covenant, but the Assignees insisted that the slips for drawing up timber were not of that description so were not to remain.
Seale 1654 J.Seale to Robert Newman 2nd Draft of reply to 1652 24 May 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101815
JS intended to reach Exeter the next Sunday evening & to attend to the Business Monday morning at the Old London Inn. RN should bring all documents to settle the differences between them.
Seale 1655 J. Seale to Robert Kekewich State of Cse against JCF 9 June 1804 or 19 June 19thC
DHRG No. 101816
JS forced to go into Chancery with RK as guide. JS Senior in 1766 married Anna Maria, daughter of Sir John Rogers of Blachford. She & her unmarried sister Catherine inherited Franklin as joint tenants in fee from their mother. JS Senior bought CR's moiety. In 1774 he also bought a house in St. Sidwell's parish in Exeter from Bowring, adjacent to a house inherited by AMS from CR (d.1771) The two were converted into a coach house & stables. AMS died 22 Sept.1802. By her Will C. Fanshawe & JCF. have her share but have appropriated the whole of Franklyn and St. Sidwell property & have refused to give any account of Deeds etc. They have also taken much furniture & plate originally from Mt. Boone which by JS.Senior's Will AMS had the use of but were to be restored to JS on her death.
Seale 1655 J. Seale to Robert Kekewich State of Cse against JCF 9th June 1804 or 19 June 19thC
DHRG No. 101817
JS forced to go into Chancery with RK as guide. JS Senior in 1766 married Anna Maria, daughter of Sir John Rogers of Blachford. She & her unmarried sister Catherine inherited Franklin as joint tenants in fee from their mother. JS Senior bought CR's moiety. In 1774 he also bought a house in St. Sidwell's parish in Exeter from Bowring, adjacent to a house inherited by AMS from CR (d.1771) The two were converted into a coach house & stables. AMS died 22 Sept.1802. By her Will C. Fanshawe & JCF. have her share but have appropriated the whole of Franklyn and St. Sidwell property & have refused to give any account of Deeds etc. They have also taken much furniture & plate originally from Mt. Boone which by JS.Senior's Will AMS had the use of but were to be restored to JS on her death.
Seale 1656 Jn. Dale to Jn. Seale 13 June 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101818
No mention in JS's letter if the cider was pale Cochagee which JD had a sale for with Teamalier. If so it would come very expensive, 2/- first hand, duty 20/- per gallon. JD bought cider at Hay's Wharf (The best) at 20d per gallon. JS's cider would stand SD in at least 10/- per gallon more than the price at Hay's Wharf. If JS would help by taking off 2d per gallon to help JD in the freight etc. & the cider was pale & of the right quality JD would be glad for the cider to be shipped.
Seale 1657 John Seale to Mr. Dale Received 15 June 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101819
The cider was not pale cochagee but of a very rich & good quality & ready, but the prospect was all blighted & there would be none made in that region.
Seale 1658 John Seale to J.Dale 17 September 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101820
Just back from an excursion into Cornwall. Glad JD had received the Cider but surprised not to have heard of the wine which was supposed to have been sent in the vessel on its return.
Seale 1659 Jn. Dale to J. Seale Inscribed 27 June wrongly 17 June 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101821
As JS implied the cider was ready & possible ??? JD suggested having it at 2/- a gallon, to be directed to Sam! Pidcock, 27 Haymarket, London to save duty. JS had mentioned blight where he was. JD had not heard of it because cider was at the same price & plentiful at the W.
Seale 1660 J.Seale to J. Dale (Mr. Pidcock) Reply 2 drafts one crossed out. 30 June 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101822
Cider put on board that day the Sloop George, Capt. Hooper at Dartmouth, ready to sail Tuesday, waiting the convoy at Hays Wharf. Capt had letter of advice to be sent to JD on arrival. Presume that JD would return the wine by the same ship. The fruit had blight so no cider would be made that year.
Seale 1661 J. Seale (Mr. Pidcock) to (J. Dale) Copy of note for Mr. Pidcock to deliver 19thC
DHRG No. 101823
Hogshead of cider arrived safely from Dartmouth & waits (J. Dale's) further direction
Seale 1662 Geo. Bridgeman to Mr. Bruttom Sol. To Newmans Assignees 8 July 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101824
Mr. Seale had no wish for a legal defence. The value of Mr.Newman's property in yard best decided by a man agreed on under Bonds of award for each party to nominate one person & the two would choose an umpire to decide between them at the Castle in Dartmouth.
Seale 1663 Mrs. S. Seale to Capt. J.H.Seale 19 July 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101825
On the previous Tuesday JHS's letter arrived as JS was taking Paulina from Norton to the Sands, a pleasant day. Lady Jodrell, JHS's Aunt (Adams?) with Miss Bond & D.H(ayne?) from Fuge joined them. Mr. Adams would be joining them for dinner that day, when JS hoped to settle matter with Mr. Bond. Lady J and Paulina were very happy: P not knowing if she were on her head or her heels. Lady J wanted to drink JHS's health but feared it might confuse P. Mr & Mrs Bond had long noticed P's attachment for JHS but Lady J. had not, Aunt very pleased both she & SS had rather given it up.
Seale 1664 Robt. Kekewich to John Seale14 June 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101826
Received the copy of Mrs. A.M.Seale's Will from JS. Concerned at hostility between JS & Mr. Fanshawe who was wrong to oppose JS's first claims. RH advised JS to lead Mr. F. into the Courts of Equity & Law. The proper mode of proceeding RK believed would be by Ejectment to recover the possession & by a Bill in Chancery for a discovery. Ejectment could not be tried before the following lent assistance & no step would be taken in a Court of Equity with any effect till Michaelmas Term. Happy to render JS every service. If health failed AH might end his professional career that September. In the mean time JS could take it over with George K.
Seale 1665 Mr Seale’s proposed settlement. Objections & proposals to the marriage settlement of Miss Paulina & Mr. John H.Seale 19thC
DHRG No. 101827
JS not at all satisfied with the terms expected on behalf of his son. JS would give up Mt. Boone & estates worth to the value of £1000 per annum to his son, Lady Jodrell could give Pauline £10,000, half of which would clear off a charge upon one of the estates to be transferred & the other half for the emergencies of the couple. Lady J. would have £30,000, £20,000 of which at her own disposal & £10,000 to devolve to Pauline on Lady J's decease according to Sir Paul J's direction. The couple would have £1400 per annum on their marriage, while JS's fortune on his decease would be not less than £80-100,000. JS hoped to delay an answer to Mr. Bond till JHS returned etc. List of estates, tenants & rents.
Seale 1666 J Seale Marriage settlement 19thC
DHRG No. 101828
JS agreed to give up the house at Mt. Boone to JHS on his marriage together with estates about it to the value of £1000 per annum & would settle such estates in value upon Miss Jodrell by way of jointure, in view of Lady J's generosity.
Seale 1667 J.Seale to Fraser Army Agent 10 September 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101829
JS's friend Mr. Walford of Bochyn hoped for a surgeoncy post in the Militia. Friendly advice needed.
Seale 1668 Jane Jodrell to John Seale junior 18 September 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101830
If marriage of JS & JJ's daughter took place within the next 8 or 9 months JJ would give Paulina ¼ of the interest due on the Nabob's Bond from the end of the 1st year after Sir Paul's death etc.
Seale 1669 Jn. Dale to J. Seale 26 September 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101831
Delay due to JD being out of Town. Wine on ferment so not sent by return. Weather then very hot, now in high perfection so advice about suitable vessel for it to be sent by requested.
Seale 1670 J.Seale to Messrs. Dale & Co Wine merchants Reply 3 October 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101832
Enquired at Dartmouth:- The George Sloop, Richd. Hooper Master, at Cottons Warf, due to sail in about a fortnight. Suggested for bringing the wine. JS hoped the cyder (sic) was sweet & good.
Seale 1671 S.Pidcock to J.Seale 22 October 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101833
Printed wine list & bill. Delivery on board Perceverance (sic). Capt. John Adams Master of Dartmouth 1 cask of Lunel Wine (13 gallons 2 qts) Capt. JS wished for gone to another port.
Seale 1672 Col. Montagu to J Seale 22 October 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101834
Character of John Taylor :- A good plain gardener as any in the country but he lacked sobriety so had been dismissed by Col. M.
Seale 1673 J. Seale to Mr. Luscombe 24 October 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101835
Letter received from Col.Montagu. JS was taking on John Taylor as gardener for a months trial & if satisfied he would have 2 rooms rent free for him & his family.
Seale 1674 J. Seale to Col. G. Montagu 1 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101836
The man had been taken upon a months trial under a charge of forfeiting his place on any sign of his addiction.
Seale 1675 W. Snelling to John Seale 9 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101837
Happy Mr. Tanner had a brig with capital timber being unloaded. Hope to send £20 9 Nov.
Seale 1676 J. Walford to J. Seale Reply to a letter of 1 Nov Thursday 8 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101838
Tried to send some woodcocks but only obtained 1 brace about a fortnight before. Unable to send any with Mr. Bruce. Mrs. W. was to set off from Falmouth to London via Exeter & Bath, where she was to join Mrs. Milton. They hoped to reach Bond Street at Mr. Vanderposts, whose exact address was mislaid, so they would call at the War Office first. The number in Duke Street was obliterated by the seal on JS's last letter, so JW was sending his letter to Mr. Kerbys. The Lord Mayor's Show was soon, better than the Hamburgh Diplomatiques Invitation to the Coronation.
Seale 1677 Wm. Snelling to (J. Seale) 10 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101839
Unable to come to a settlement with Mr. Dimond, who had brought(?) in a charge for 2 rooms JS took of a farmhouse with an alleged promise of building a granary. As it was not built he charged £13/annum, so WS made the same charge for the orchard grass which he would not admit of. Mr. Hooper had arrived(!) knowing nothing of the wine. Mr. Phillips said WS could get £10 but not till the last minute. Mr. Spilling was the General Inspector but Mr. Rockit did not know where he lived(?)
Seale 1678 James Fox. to (J. Seale) 18 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101840
Request for JS if possible to recommend to Commissioner Duncan, JF's son-in-law, sailmaker, to the expected vacancy in the Sailmaker's Department at the Dock Yard in Plymouth
Seale 1679 Mrs. S.Seale to John Seale 19 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101841
(Enclosure evidently 1678) Good account of Robert Seale. Letter from him on the day JS left Marlow. Account of JS's visit. Nurse Fox gave a paper from her husband which SS enclosed.
Seale 1680 R.H.Seale to J. Seale 19 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101842
Instructions needed for going home. John might wait till 29 November & go with Robert to Bristol or Robert might meet John already in Bristol. Spent 18 Nov at Raywill Cottage but Mr. Bentley was not there. Left a pair of boots & a great coat, much too small, when first at Marlow, so Robert would write for his boots & instruct Mrs. Marshall to dispose of the coat to some poor person. Burrand had asked Robert to go with him in his own chariot as far as Maidenhead, but Robert refused. The Captain & Col. Butler would probably not approve. Robert had made a party with other cadets to go in a post chaise Reassurances to Lady & Miss Jodrell. Mr. Kekewich & Grenville. 7 shillings requested to be sent for packing material.
Seale 1682 Evidently in answer to JS’s letter about a lost umbrella. 20 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101843
Unknown umbrella received by coach. On enquiring found one brought to the bar by a maid from Bedroom. N71 perhaps where JS slept. If so JS's servant, who said it was given to one of TW's people misinformed JSW. A post boy came back for an umbrella. TW looked in the dining room but it was not there. Much concern for TW families often left things. Any dishonest servant instantly discharged. People who put luggage in coaches etc. were 'horse keepers' They belonged to Mr. Pickwick. TW was hopeful the umbrella sent was JS's. No charge: to be left at the Golden Cross, Charing Cross for JS.
Seale 1683 Wm. Snelling to John Seale 21 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101844
Unable to send more than £20. Tried all the butchers with no result. Mr. Bennett unable to pay before Christmas. Moreshead could not get anyone to thresh his corn. Schedule dated 10 Nov. for JS to make returns for 21 days or a penalty not exceeding £20.Mr. Tanner very brisk. A large Brig came with cargo of planks. NO order from Government for ??????? the Martyn. Thieves took 60 to 70 feet of lead pipes from the upper part of Daniel's plot, no ??? from any of the tin men & glaziers. WS would have it cried. The gardener was ill due to damp sheets. Gig horse unwell since return from Exeter, but better. Peafowl's brought in. JHS mare's shoes taken off. Wine arrived to be brought ashore the next day. Lady Jodrell's things put on board Capt. Phillips'. She would get a letter from Mr. Charter as soon as the ship sailed. Battershill building the wall fast. No progress with Quay things at Mt. Boone. Continual rain. The large chestnut blown down on the way to the Hermitage. Battershill brought the ?? of Distress on Holdfish for JS to sign. 21 days limit expires the next day.
Seale 1684 W. Snelling to John Seale 23 November 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101845
Could only get one hare. Out with gamekeeper, got 3 cocks, interrupted by rain 10 am. Then rain day after day. Young puppy sent in from Sands. Order required if needed to be sent to London. The gardener very poorly. Mrs. Seale well.
Seale 1685 W. Snelling to John Seale 1 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101846
Unable to get a shilling from Mr. Coombs. Moreshead, Bennett & the butchers. The gamekeeper could not get any cocks; been to every brazer & glazier in Totnes, Kingsbridge, Brixham & Dartmouth - searched a house & had it cried; no account of the pipe. Mr. Tanner intended to call on JS & would probably mention the gutter behind the engine house, dispute with WS about it. Mr. T took advantage of ? if he could.
Seale 1686 J.H.Seale to John Seale 2 December 1804 Sunday night 19thC
DHRG No. 101847
Arrived Thursday,very cold journey. Robert came Friday with sketch book & would set off for Devon Tuesday morning. Great improvement, much grown in height, no more stoop: he liked the Academy, a talent for drawing. JHS warned for a general Court Martial on Monday, but exchanged with an officer for guard duty so unable to answer Lady Jodrell's letter till Wednesday or Thursday. Love to Pauline, who was visiting JS. Money needed badly overdrew Hawkins, before going to Town.
Seale 1687 W.Snelling to J. Seale 4 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101848
Hope to send £20 5 Dec. 2 hares & cock pheasant sent previous Saturday. Woodcock scarce. The gardener much recovered, no need to send schedule of income unless required. 15 bottles of wine ?? Koff; details of ?garden send 5 Dec The 'Martin'? Not yet ???? The Rock to go on at Sandquay?? The old horse had been lame but was better/
Seale 1688 Lady Jodrel to J.H.Seale Undated letter to prospective son-in-law Tuesday 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101849
Great impropriety if Paulina came to Dartmouth. Bad for engaged women to frequent public places when the gentleman was absent especially if unwell. Paulina suffered when JS was unwell. Writing to him & drawing alone brought satisfaction. John mistaken about Mr. Bond & H. Jodrell. HJ's warm approbation of Paulina's choice, he hoped for no delay, certain clauses in the settlement had not been mentioned by sergeant. But to HJ or Mr. Dennet. No word from JS or Serj. B & £500 per annum. Mr. D. needed certain papers from JS, whose ?? advisers were eager for completion etc. Lady J was eager to carry out Mrs. Adams' commissions. Lady J's longing for Devonshire. HJ displeased Lady J had taken papers out of Mr. Fordyce's hands. Compliments to Miss Hawkins. Mrs. Bond had asked Lady J for Paulina's piano for The Miss Andersons for a short time.
Seale 1689 J.H.Seale to J.Seale 6 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101850
Arrived 5 Dec. from Stapleton Guard. Contents of JS's letter very acceptable. A carriage would be necessary when married but not carriage horses : if he became rich enough he would have a saddle horse for Paulina. Need to be economical. JS would find Stoke Cliff a very incommodious house; only taken for a year so time to find a better place. Better for Duncan to break the ice than JS to be put to great expense with perhaps a repulse. Care needed so he did not come in on the interest: conference with him 7 Dec. Robert left 6 Dec. morning with £2 leaving JHS penniless so would like £30.
Seale 1690 J. Seale to Rev. S.Savery 8 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101851
JS talked to Lady Jodrell about the subject mentioned on Sunday, but Rev. JS & the young lady's time was much taken up so the thing would not have been directly cleared up. JS hoped the hare arrived 7 December
Seale 1691 J.H.Seale to J.Seale 10 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101852
Thanks for present. Correspondence mostly cleared. JHS had written to Mr. Lister and Aunt about his marriage etc. Binks not a good taylor, but very reasonable charges, particularly for the embroidered coat. When last in town measured by Coombes & Davis, popular with the regiment, better than Binks. JHS asked JS if he would pay his debt at Andres, 120 New Bond Street. Mrs. Duncan was a woman of discernment & great taste: everyone agreed. JS's conclusion about Duncan's conduct probably correct. He was obliged to JS for the offer. JHS heard from mother that Holdsworth was made Recorder.
Seale 1692 J.Pidsley for Newcombe to J. Seale 10 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101853
Mr. N. sent thanks for remittance of his Interest
Seale 1693 Mrs. S. Seale to J.Seale 14 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101854
The above letter came that day. Robert arrived the previous Friday. Nurse Fox said that the foreman's place in the Sailmaker's Loft would soon be vacant, Commis & Duncan had the disposal of it. Letter from John at Bristol; his approaching happiness & of his living at Mt. Boone, & that JS intended to get Stoke Cliff. She should have been consulted first; her objection was that the only comfortable bed in the house was the one Harriot died on, which SS would never occupy, otherwise the house would have done very well. She thought Lady Jodrell's house or Belmont, if obtainable would be very desirable.
Seale 1694 Lord Rolle to Captain (JH) Seale 27 December 1804 19thC
DHRG No. 101855
Lord R. perused correspondence d& considered JS had been very harshly & under ???? Treated. Lord R. gave JS the highest commendation when he volunteered into the Line, & again recommended him for a Company & would continue to speak without reserve to General Tarleton. The system of regulation etc of the prisons led to misunderstanding between the agents etc & the military. Very happy about JS soon to be settled in Life and wished him happiness.