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Found 4554 results

Seale 0204 John Gawler to Rich’d Harris Atty 8 May 1769   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100357
Thanks for letter about JS's & late Mr.Forty's affair -F's estate limited to Lang & Penfound in Trust. L & P were dead so difficult to get facts. JG wrote to J.S. to find what he knew. 1. When & how Debt became due & 2. How was account settled at time of Sale etc. Note by JS.: Indenture of Release dated 11 March 1756 whereby premises were conveyed to JS for £550. Mortgage from Lang, Penfound & Forty to JS for £430 is on 30 Sept. 1751

Seale 0205 Richard Harris to John Seale 6 June 1769   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100358
Acknowledgement of receipt of 3 Bank Bills of £100 each and 4 on Mr. Child for £50 each, total £500. Glad Mrs. A.M.Seale & sister are better after colds, & that the Counsellor had arrived safely in London.

Seale 0206 Richard Harris to John Seale 23 Oct. 1769   Seale Family Papers      1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100359
Received JS's letter with bills when on horseback going to keep Mr. Savery's Courts, returning the following Saturday.

DHRG No. 100360
Bill for:- Shoes, dress shoes, dress pumps Weed heels (?) Wax shoes £3 - 3s- 6d Paid before T. Seale died.

Seale 0209 Mary Hayne junior to Charles Hayne 31 July 1770 H.P. II . 14   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100361
On July 30 MH gave bill to Mr. Seale, who wished to see the crop bill. Request to send the crop bill by bearer to M.H. junior who would wait Mr. S's return at Dartmouth. She would tell CH junior, young Mr. S's answer soon.

Seale 0210 Wm. Creed to John Shapleigh 16 Nov. 1770 HP 1032fzi   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100362
Renewal of late bankrupt A.Penfound's Commission Debt from profits in ''Dartmouth Galley'' due either to Mrs. Hayne or late Mr. Holdsworth. Latter paid monies to Mr. P. without agreement with Mrs. Haynes etc. Mrs. Hayne & Mrs Holdsworth agreed for one of them to prove the debt. Mr. W. Prideaux for Mr. Hiworth & Wm. C. for Mrs. Hayne agreed for Mr. Shapleigh to settle petition to prove the case.

Seale 0211 Wm. Brown to Mr. Seale (T.H.Seale) 5 & 6 Dec. 1770   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100363
Bought of Wm. Brown:- 1 Coke upon Littleton Folio; & 1 'Tis Well tis no Worse'. Settle account on coming to Town. Also sending The New Comedy.

Seale 0212 Wm Creed to Mr. John Exley 8 Feb. 1771 HP 1032 pz   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100364
Claims from 'Dartmouth Galley' in Penfounds estate. Draft of intended petition drawn up by Counsel Shapleigh sent to Mr. E. as agreed by W.Prideaux for Mr. Holdsworth & Mr.C for his sister Mrs. Hayne. If rejected Mrs.Hayne would revive all proceedings. Friendly nephews Hayne & Southcote had visited Mr. C. several times.

Seale 0213 Arthur Holdsworth to Mrs. Hayne 8 April 1771 H.P. II . 8   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100365
The Penfound Bankrupcy Suit over the 'Dartmouth Galley' A.H. concerned about the suit revived against him; Begs some days longer respite; presumes letters addressed to Lupton will reach Mrs. Hayne.

DHRG No. 100366
Bill for:- Best Folio (paper) Black edge Folio & stick Wax Sheet blotting & Pens Deck Sermons 3 Vols.

DHRG No. 100367
Fourth Bill Various clothes,waistcoats & linings, shalloon etc. Lodging & coals , candles etc. etc. To a Bill delivered £90 - 16s - 9½ d - = Total £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d

DHRG No. 100368
Fourth Bill Various clothes,waistcoats & linings, shalloon etc. Lodging & coals , candles etc. etc. To a Bill delivered £90 - 16s - 9½ d - = Total £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d

DHRG No. 100369
Used as cover for other documents concerning T.H.Seal's affairs.
Fifth Bill.Various clothes, shalloon, button's, garters etc. etc. etc.
To a Bill delivered £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d.
= Total £197 -15s - 11 ¾ d

DHRG No. 100370
Used as cover for other documents concerning T.H.Seal's affairs.
Fifth Bill.Various clothes, shalloon, button's, garters etc. etc. etc.
To a Bill delivered £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d.
= Total £197 -15s - 11 ¾ d

Seale 0216 John Shapleigh to John Seale 12 Sept. 1771   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100371
Responsibility of those in power dealing out punishment. Need to look into the statute book to see what power a J.P. should have in deciding Judgement concerning bad workmanship on roads, punishment for misbehaviour etc. Due regards to the landowner affected. Mr. Shapleigh states that he has been desired to help that Parish & hopes that J.Seale will do his best to help the Parish also.

Seale 0217 Richard Trist to Thomas Henry Seale 15 Oct. 1771   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100372
R.T. in great need of money to pay debts within little more than 3 weeks; Hopes THS can supply £200 and that R.T.'s brother might also help.

Seale 0219 Richard Harris to John Seale 21 Nov. 1771   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100373
RH. Hopes enclosed answer is well drawn, bill not seen. Marsh's letter also enclosed. J.S's petition drawn by Cholwich, RH also has Grybert's & Holdsworth's petitions etc. J.S. has copies. R.H. had several opinions of Grappers. Etc. etc. Answer to be ingrossed if agreed by T.H.Seale. R.H. at Nethway previous week something Mr. Luttrell was to do but could not do before the following Friday. Rev & Mrs. Fownes & Kitty F. were at Nethway.

Seale 0220 Governor Holdsworth to (J. Seale) 25 Nov. 1771   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100374
Mr. Holdsworth unable to find Leases papers after search. He suggests lease counterparts could be in the parish chest.

Seale 0221 Th. H. Seale to J. Seale senior 28 Nov. 1771   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100375
T.H.S. acknowledges father's letter & answer in chancery. THS leaving London on receipt of J.S's next letter. Seeing Mr. Fanshawe following day. THS bringing letters of Attornay. Mr. Vavastour's missing lease. Mr. Holdsworth's presumed attempts to prevent accurate description of property; old leases adequate. Mr. Luttrell's attempt to keep things dorment. Mr. Newcomen's probable guilt- Possible Lottery prize £20000

DHRG No. 100376
Receipt : 27 November 1772.
J.F's bill unpaid.
Boots, buckles, shoes, spur leathers £2 -19s - 6d.