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Found 4554 results

DHRG No. 100377
Receipt : 27 November 1772.
J.F's bill unpaid.
Boots, buckles, shoes, spur leathers £2 -19s - 6d.

DHRG No. 100378
Bill for:- Books, Paper, Wax, blotting & pins, inkstand, ink, Attorney's Guide, Memo book, pocket book etc. £6 - 14s - 0d.
Receipt:- Ann Brown 27 November 1772.

DHRG No. 100379
Bill for:- Books, Paper, Wax, blotting & pins, inkstand, ink, Attorney's Guide, Memo book, pocket book etc. £6 - 14s - 0d.
Receipt:- Ann Brown 27 November 1772.

Seale 0224 Thos. H. Seale to Richard Trist, Bond 6 Dec.1771 – transcript   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100380
Bond.:. THS held & firmly bound to Richard Trist of Arundel Street in the Strand, London Taylor in the sum of £480.
RT to be paid £240 on or before 10 May 1772. Witness William Trim.

Seale 0224 Thos. H. Seale to Richard Trist, Bond 6 Dec.1771 – document   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100381
Bond.:. THS held & firmly bound to Richard Trist of Arundel Street in the Strand, London Taylor in the sum of £480.
RT to be paid £240 on or before 10 May 1772. Witness William Trim.

Seale 0224a On the back of the Bond (0224) Receipts 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100382
Receipts: - 24 July 1772 £168 in part Bond 23 October 1772 £72 received by The hands of J.Marsh in full for the Bond by R'd Trist.

DHRG No. 100383
Debts accumulating since first going to the Temple. Allowance exceeded in order to keep up appearances so had to take up sums of Hurns, Hayne & Marsh. Marsh very poor. Apologies for imprudence. Trist owed money. THS gave Trist bond for £240. Trist not expecting to be repaid while J.Seal senior is alive.

DHRG No. 100384
Smallpox in Dartmouth, so hopes Mrs. H. etc can go to Fuge for a month or two. 2 or 3 rooms required, Mr. H. willing to pay rent etc. They would leave if CH had a tenant at any time.

Seale 0228 Richard Trist’s Bill 30 Nov. 1771 to 20 December 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100385
Bill not paid. £33 - 8s -6½d Probably JS paid £14 -7 -9 Coat and Waistcoat,Breeches, Buttons, Twist etc. Coals, Candles etc. £33 - 8s - 6½ d.
Bill paid by Trist to Cawley & Co. for seives & saw plates.
Receipt by hand of March(snr) 3 Dec.1772

Seale 0228 Richard Trist’s Bill 30 Nov. 1771 to 20 December 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100386
Bill not paid. £33 - 8s -6½d Probably JS paid £14 -7 -9 Coat and Waistcoat,Breeches, Buttons, Twist etc. Coals, Candles etc. £33 - 8s - 6½ d.
Bill paid by Trist to Cawley & Co. for seives & saw plates.
Receipt by hand of March(snr) 3 Dec.1772

Seale 0229 Anonymous Letter To Charles Hayne 6 March 1772 HPII p7   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100387
Satirical letter to CH on his appointment of Sheriff. Advice given, Captain of the Troop & Javalin men, Deputy Sheriff & Chaplin. Approval of CH's elder sister's probably choice of Newman. Savage & Walker respectively. Need to make retinue drunk after Assizes. Behaviour before the Judge, talk about weather & hunting etc. Sleep during trials. Recommends Rector of Aveton Gifford as second chaplain.

Seale 0230 Memorandum by TH Seale 23 May 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100388
Mem. Shoes bought in 1761 from shoemaker in butcher row behind St. Clements, not paid for, name not known. R. Trist lodged there, worried lest THS should die before depts are paid. Debts minuted with others on paper in pocket.

Seale 0231 Memorandum by Th. H. Seale No date 24 May 1772?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100389
One Beamsley owed 30/- for a wig One Fourneau owed for boots & shoes. One Sealy owed 8 Guineas borrowed He had gone abroad for diabolical practises.

Seale 0232 Memorandum by Thomas H. Seale June 1st 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100390
Memo. Acount between Charles Hayne & THS. CH indebted to THS. THS bought buckles & spurs & paid. Trist's maids etc. In all £3 - 11 - 3 mistake for £4 - 1- 3 ?

Seale 0233 To Mr Colson 23 May 1769 to 13 July 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100391
Letter requesting him to compute the interest of different sums for different times.

DHRG No. 100392
Memorandum. A list of Bills paid in London Creditors:- Ashford, keeper of coffee house. ffilts a Shoemaker Babant & Godfrey (swords) Fennough, boots & shoes. Beamsley - dress wig. Brown - Bookseller. R.Trist's Bond etc. Debt due still to Marsh & Others - Lottery ticket.

Seale 0235 Copy of a letter & Memorandum by J Seale 23 (July?) 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100393
Badly damaged:- Thanks for trouble taken neccessity of troubling Mr. Maguin concerning R. Trist. Taylor & his Bond ( much missing) Mrs. AMS desired her lottery ticket to be registered. Memo of money due to Trist, Marsh & others & receipts etc. Late Thomass's bills.

Seale 0236 Memorandum by J Seale re Thomas Seale’s debts 24 July 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100394
Memorandum. : List of Bills left unpaid on Thomas Seale's death to Trist, Marsh, shoe maker, Babant & Godfrey, Bookseller, Beamsley for wig & Seeby(?)

Seale 0237 Richard Trist to John Seale 8 Sept. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100395
JS would require bills collected by Trist. RT had received swords from Brabant & Godfrey, an empty wig box from Beamsley & a trunk belonging to Rev. Dr. Andrew? No sign of a bureau (beauro) Swords & wig box would be sent when required.

Seale 0238 Richard Trist to John Seale 17 Sept. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100396
Uneasy that JS thought Thomas S left money clothes in London. T.S. brought 1 suite the last visit to London & carried 2 suites one made by R.T. T.S's servant would know more about things. T.S.'s mail dirrected to Union. R.T. heard of nothing left there or at Coffee Houses. Mr. Wickombe knew of no bureau but he knew of the swords so R.T. got them from Brabant & Godfrey. R.T. bound £40 for T.S.'s chambers. Rev. Dr. Adams did own the trunk.