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Found 4554 results

Seale 0239 John Marsh to John Seale 20 Oct.1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100397
Pleasant journey Exeter to Twickenham. Bad weather on leaving Dartmouth. Received Sir John Roger's bill on Mr. Fanshaws would pay Trist etc.; going to London 21 or 22 October to see people as required & buy lottery tickets. Compliments to Mrs. AMS & Miss E.S.

Seale 0240 John Marsh to Mrs. Seale 27 Oct.1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100398
Bought lottery ticket, enclosed;: paid Trist. Going to London beginning of the next week to pay the small bills, would then find out about the Chambers. Compliments to Mr. & Miss S.

Seale 0241 Richard Trist to John Seale 27 Oct. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100399
Received £72 in full from J. Marsh for T. Seales Bond with out interest. J.S. would not pay interest as he said it was chiefly for clothes. R.T. entitled to interest as it was also for wig, lodgings etc. Treasurer of Inner Temple inspecting payment. R.T. hoped Mr. Fanshawe would make situations clear & settle accounts. Much trouble for R.T., real want of cash.

Seale 0242 John Marsh to John Seale 7 Nov. 1772 – transcript   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100400
Paid £72 due on R. Trist's Bond, also Burnet's (shoemaker) debt. T. Seale's shoemaker and coffee man not found. No one called to the Bar till admitted to Chambers in the Temple. The action of owners of chambers towards gentlemen called to the Bar. T. Seale dying before surrender of chambers, the ownership fell to the Inn. Marsh would enquire of people called to Bar.

Seale 0242 John Marsh to John Seale 7 Nov. 1772 – document   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100401
Paid £72 due on R. Trist's Bond, also Burnet's (shoemaker) debt. T. Seale's shoemaker and coffee man not found. No one called to the Bar till admitted to Chambers in the Temple. The action of owners of chambers towards gentlemen called to the Bar. T. Seale dying before surrender of chambers, the ownership fell to the Inn. Marsh would enquire of people called to Bar.

Seale 0243 J. Seale (junior) to J. Seale (senior) 10 Nov. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100402
Comfortable journey to Ashburton; oilcape kept neck & shoulders dry. Money & bills delivered to Mr. Harris. Mr. H's reluctance, bills expensive to change so insisted J.S. junior changed them. J.S. senior's opinion needed. Receipt & 2 bills enclosed. Luttrells at Buckland so Mr. Harris put off visit to Nethway.

Seale 0244 John Seale (junior) to Mr. Harris (On the back of 0243) 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100403
Received letter & Mr. H's receipt from J.S. junior. Mr. H. mighty 'scrupilious' about receiving bills. J.S. senior could have as many as he chose exchanged at 5/- per 100 at Exeter Bank. No need for Mr. H. to worry.

Seale 0245 John Marsh to John Seale 17 Nov. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100404
Interview with Under Treasurer of the Middle Temple. Mr. Field owner T. Seale's chambers, given Bond that T.S. would resurrender the same or pay £40. T.S. died before this so the Inn took possession. Field entitled to £40. No instance like this in last 20 years. Details of fee due to House of Commons sent to Trist & by him to J.S. No shoemaker or coffee man.

Seale 0246 John Marsh to (John Seale) 28 Nov. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100405
Received 2 frank covers & bills due from T.S. No other contract than Bond. Going to Town so would check Bond. Trist cannot avoid paying it if J.S. decides not to… J.M. would pay what is due to Society. Not all bills paid, would send J.S. receipts & Trist's Bond. Has 2 other franks. Mrs. AMS's lottery ticket not drawn 27 November but was registered & could win prize.

Seale 0247 Brabant & Godfrey Receipt dated 3 Dec. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100406
For Sword, hose, gloves, hat, drawer Buttons, Thread, Box, Purse etc. etc. Total:- £20 - 4 - 0d

Seale 0248 John Marsh to (John Seale) 3 Dec. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100407
Paid Brabunt & Godfrey, for Messrs. Brown, Fernbough, Brumsby & Trist various sums, and the Dues at the Temple. Inclosed receipts for same & Bonus Mr. (Thomas) Seale gave Trist. Agreement in Bond. Owner of Chambers had Bond, lived in Hampstead. Mr. M. asked for it to be sent to him. It must be paid or he would sue Trist, who says he insists on interest. T.S. paid Filt's shoemaker. Nothing more due except Bond for Chambers. Compliments to AMS & ES.

Seale 0249 John Marsh to John Seale 10 Dec. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100408
Received Bond from Mr. Morell owner of Thomas Seale's Chambers. No contract other than the Bond. The details of this. As T.S. did not surrender the chambers before he died they fell to the Temple. A great loss for Mr. M. so he insists on interest of the bond from T.Seale's death etc. better to pay the money directly. Direction needed. Compliments to Mrs. & Miss Seale.

Seale 0250 J. Seale to John Marsh (Damaged) 13 Dec. 1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100409
Received Trist's & other's accounts. Morrell's ticket to Trist enclosed. 1st account about chambers J.S. had heard of. Surprised Morrell had not called upon Trist since payment. Mistrust about bond given by late son. All Trist's bills given at different times except one. Request when in Town Marsh calls on Trist. Mrs. AMS anxious about Lottery ticket. Thomas S. died 4 June 1772.

Seale 0251 Inventory No date Probably Thomas Seale’s property.1772?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100410
Inventory: 3 sheets of paper, 2 of them torn from an account book.

Seale 0252 John Marsh to (John Seale) 19 Dec.1772   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100411
On back of Cr. of 10/12/1772.
Received favour. Have seen Trist & Morell. Paid principal & interest due of Mr. Seale's Bond. (sent enclosed) Mr. T. said whole of Bond & Bill justly due to him. Mrs. Seale's ticket undrawn. Compliments to Mrs. & Miss Seale.

Seale 0064 Charles Hayne to William Hoyles Feb. 1773 HP. Vol 1 p.22   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100412
Account referring to cargoes Att. Leghorn 2.18 Rotterdam £42.11.03: Dartmouth £28.07.09

Seale 0253 Edmund Elyot to John Winter 2 Jan.1773 – transcript   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100413
Copy of a bill sent to Mr. Marsh to exchange. 2nd March. 30 days after date….pay Mr. J.G. Waller... . - - £70 to account of E.Elyot Endorsed J.G. Waller pay Mr. J.M. or order for J.S.

Seale 0253 Edmund Elyot to John Winter 2 Jan.1773 – document   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100414
Copy of a bill sent to Mr. Marsh to exchange. 2nd March. 30 days after date….pay Mr. J.G. Waller... . - - £70 to account of E.Elyot Endorsed J.G. Waller pay Mr. J.M. or order for J.S.

Seale 0254 John Marsh to (J. Seale) 2 Feb. 1773   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100415
Received favour of 26 January & Bill on John Winter. Mr. Marsh going to London. 3 February to put the money into J.S.'s account. J.H. had not a scheme of the Lottery, but believed prizes payed in April. Advised that those few tickets kept them till that time then sold to Lottery office. O.S. trouble getting certificates. Mr. Marsh could arrange this.

Seale 0255 J. Seale to Mr. H .No date 1773?   Seale Family Papers      1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100416
Mr. Seale's compliments to Mr. H. Accepts with thanks Mr. H's offer of whale bones. Unaware that Mr. H. was in town. (Memorandum)