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Found 4554 results

Townstal Apportionments – Lines 1 to 733   Property      Land Maps      Tithe Maps and Apportionments
DHRG No. 100132

Stoke Fleming East   Property      Land Maps      Tithe Maps and Apportionments
DHRG No. 100133

Stoke Fleming West   Property      Land Maps      Tithe Maps and Apportionments
DHRG No. 100134

Stoke Fleming Apportionments – Lines 1 to 1324   Property      Land Maps      Tithe Maps and Apportionments
DHRG No. 100135

Blackawton & Strete (North)   Villages      Blackawton Property      Land Maps      Tithe Maps and Apportionments 19thC
DHRG No. 100136

Blackawton & Strete (South – Strete)   Villages      Blackawton Property      Land Maps      Tithe Maps and Apportionments 19thC
DHRG No. 100137

Dartmouth and Kingswear Directory 1939 General Information   Publications      Dartmouth Directories      1939 Villages      Kingswear 20thC
DHRG No. 100139
Published by Cranford Press

Dartmouth and Kingswear Directory 1939, Dartmouth Streets and Residents   Publications      Dartmouth Directories      1939 20thC
DHRG No. 100140
Published by Cranford Press

Dartmouth and Kingswear Directory 1939 Kingswear Residents   Publications      Dartmouth Directories      1939 Villages      Kingswear 20thC
DHRG No. 100141
Published by Cranford Press

Descendants of Robert Holdsworth   Family History      Named Families
DHRG No. 100143
The fifth Arthur Holdsworth (1757-1787) died young and before his eldest son Arthur Howe Holdsworth was old enough to be MP and Mayor. A cousin of the fifth Arthur became Arthur Holdsworth VI. This Arthur came from a separate Holdsworth line and is shown in the Family Tree report Descendants of Robert Holdsworth.

Russian Decoration for Dartmouth Man   Social History      Historic Events      First World War 20thC
DHRG No. 100145
Document Held: Newspaper Article. Harry Langmead, first-class petty officer blacksmith on board H.M.S. Jupiter received from the Czar of Russia silver medal For Zeal, with a ribbon, and also the Order of St. Anne, These decorations were awarded by the Emperor of All the Russias in appreciation of services rendered by the ship's company from February to May, 1915, during which period the Jupiter salved a large steamship which went ashore.

1586 – 1850   Family History      Marriages      St. Saviours
DHRG No. 100146
St Saviours marriages from 1586 to 1850, listed in date order. Transcribed by & used with the permission of Mr N McNaught.

1745 – 1833 Strays   Family History      Marriages      St. Saviours
DHRG No. 100147
St Saviours Strays 1745 until 1833, listed alphbetically. Transcribed by & used with the permission of Mr N McNaught.

1883 – 1911   Family History      Marriages      St. Saviours
DHRG No. 100148
Document Held: St Saviours Dartmouth. Pages 33, 35, 36, 48 & 49 are missing. Search by page number for required certificate.

1911 – 1937   Family History      Marriages      St. Saviours
DHRG No. 100149
Document Held: St Saviours Dartmouth. Search by page number for required certificate.

1937 – 1955   Family History      Marriages      St. Saviours
DHRG No. 100150
Document Held: St Saviours Dartmouth

Marriage Consent Note   Family History      Marriages
DHRG No. 100151

1603 to 1850   Family History      Marriages      Dittisham Villages      Dittisham 17thC 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 100152
Dittisham Marriages from 1603 to 1850, listed in alphabetical and date order. Transcribed by & used with the permission of Mr N McNaught.

1699 – 1805 Strays   Villages      Dittisham Family History      Marriages      Dittisham 17thC 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 100153
Dittisham marriage strays from 1699 until 1805. Listed in alphabetical order. Transcribed by & used with the permission of Mr N McNaught.

St Clements Marriages 1597 – 1786   Family History      Marriages      St Clements
DHRG No. 100154
Marriages at St Clements Church from 1597 until 1786. Transcribed by & used with the permission of Mr N McNaught.