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Found 4600 results

Deeds etc. deposited in the Museum by Mrs Lambert   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100043
Document Held: Dartmouth Museum.
Indenture made in 10/1/1828 between Sarah Dashper & Robert & Arthur Holdsworth.
Schedule of indentures dated 1718, 1728, 1746/7, 1802 giving names of previous owners including Newton, Francis Lydston, Hicks, Newcombe, Polly Gundry, Abraham.
List of Indentures of sales from 1735 to 1880
List of documents relating to Kelly's Gift (Trust) from 1635.

Westbourne, Vicarage Hill   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100045
Summary of deeds of Westbourne.

Summary   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100046
Deeds relating to No 15 Ridge Hill from 1810 to 1922.

Christopher-Gibbs   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100051

Gibbs-Banfield   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100052

Gibbs-Mayne   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100053

Kelly-Hockin   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100054

Kelly-Mayne 1861   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100055

Lidstone-Martin 1889   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100056

Teage-Lidstone R   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100057

Teage-Newman F   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100058

Tax Form   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100059

Summerland Browns Hill   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100060
A collection of deeds re house and gardens called Summerland at Browns Hill 1728 to 1864.

Conveyance Summary   Property      Residential      Mount Boone House
DHRG No. 100061
Conveyance of Mount Boone Estate, lately conveyed by Mary Harris, widow, to John Scale, 20/10/1725.
Indenture of Conveyance between 1. Mrs Elizabeth Seale, widow, mother & guardian of John Seale, an infant under 21, viz. aged 19 years, and 2. Capt. Thomas Pipon, brother of E. Seale and uncle of John Seale.

Mount Boone House Conveyance 1724 – Image of Original   Seale Family Papers      1600-1749 Property      Residential      Mount Boone House 18thC
DHRG No. 100062
Image of document.

Mount Boone House Conveyance   Property      Residential      Mount Boone House
DHRG No. 100063
Image of schedule of contents

Mount Boone house Conveyance   Property      Residential      Mount Boone House
DHRG No. 100064
A History.

Conveyance of property in Lower Street   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100066
Document Number: TO/Ad/Pr/001
Document Held: DRO Exeter

Mr Robert Cranford to the Dartmouth Local Board of Health. £475 from Board of Health for 2 houses near churchyard on the west, a public street and premises owned by John Strike, innkeeper. On north partly by a public street and partly by public steps lately converted to a slopeway from New Quay to the church. On east by street leading to Lower Street. On south by lands of Robert Luke, previously in the possession of Pegg Maddick and Margaret Stephens or tenants and then Wm Ash Hawke, Gge Walter Bodley and Thom Lear as tenants. Premises lately taken down to improve and widen the streets.

Conveyance of House in Pillory Lane   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100067
Document Number: TO/Ad/Pr/007
Document Held: DRO Exeter

£70 paid to Robert Cranford by Town Council acting as Urban Sanitary Authority.

Treasurer – Richard Webber Egg
Mentioned;- Alexander Ridgeway
Public Health Act 1875

Dwelling bounded south side of Pillory Lane on north and east by dwelling property of Trustees of the Borough, on the south side by property of Alexander Ridgeway Esq, on west side by piece of land formerly a house taken down by Council for widening highway.

Valuation of the dwelling house late Lakes   Property      Residential 19thC
DHRG No. 100068
Document Number: TO/Ad/Pr/009
Document Held: DRO Exeter

Oaths made by;-
Henry Joseph Holdsworth Esq – Mayor,
Robert Efford – Builder and Appraiser,
William Adams – Builder.
Visited the dwelling house in possession of Messrs Harris & Co and John Jennings to survey and estimate.
Valued at £20 per annum (rent), £350 for the term of 79 years. For further information for documents in this series see 103051 Guildhall Documents 1.