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Found 4600 results

DHRG Book No. 5
The present Dartmouth Guildhall dates from 1849, as the stone over the entrance proclaims. There have been no less than four previous sites to which the term "Guildhall" is applicable. Ivor Smart traces their history, providing a great deal of information about Dartmouth’s development over many centuries.

DHRG Book No. 4
This book tells tales of hunting, cock fighting, a great fire and various shipwrecks near Brownstone over the years, and also the building of the still prominent Day Mark tower in 1864.

DHRG Book No. 3
Ivor Smart’s book contains much detailed information about the Newcomen family, their houses, and Dartmouth in the 17th and 18th centuries.

DHRG Book No. 2
The late Dr Giles Keane wrote this history of Dartmouth and Kingswear Cottage Hospital starting from its beginnings in 1887 to 1991. A second edition of this booklet, published by the League of Friends to bring the history up to 2014, is available from Dartmouth Museum.

DHRG Book No. 1
Ray Freeman’s first booklet for DHRG tells the stories of the Holdsworth and Newman families, interrelated by marriage, who had a major influence on the affairs of Dartmouth and the surrounding areas from the 17th century onwards. Both contributed immensely to the development of Dartmouth.

Jack’s Walk   DHRG Books 20thC
DHRG Book No. 0
In this DVD join Jack in his walk in the 1920s from his home in Sandquay Road across Dartmouth to the old primary school - now Holdsworth House.

Conveyance of Mills   Property      Commercial
DHRG No. 100001
Document Number: TO/Ad/Pr/010
Document Held: DRO Exeter

The town mills were conveyed to Holdsworth by Pollexfen and Julian his wife which Julian was the widow of – Roope. By lease 161 Ambrose Roope granted to the Town the water from Ford Meadow to the conduit in the Churchyard.

Between:- Arthur Holdsworth
Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of Borough

Paid £450 to AH by Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of Borough for 2 corn or water grist mills and 1 malt mill together with the mill pool and a certain Kay (quay) lately erected by – (sic) Wills late of Stoke Fleming yeoman deceased on north side on or near the Foss.

Also garden and stable at North ford at head of the Mill Pool and 2 closed of land or meadow at North Ford one on North side and one on South side of a close called North Ford which belong to the Mills litter (sic) together with mills, mill pool and 2 closed occupied by Richard Toms then John Ching then in possession of Cornelius Hayne Esq deceased.

Barrington House, Tracing its Past.   Property      Commercial Property      Residential 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 100002
Barrington House as it is now known (2013) has had a number of different names since it was built when it was called Park Villa reflecting the nature of the land it overlooked. It was also known variously as Townstal House & Townstal House Hotel then the Royle House Hotel followed by Barrington House Hotel dropping the Hotel when it was converted into apartments in 2012/13.

There is a record of the land being leased from Mr. Henry P.Seale and others to a Mr. and Mrs. Smith in 1867, a conveyance from William Smith to Ralph Richardson in 1873, then conveyed to the Rev. John Aldous in 1880.

Three other villas were built about 1870 in the area, Redwalls, Ashleigh and Rook House. However Swinnerton Lodge dates from about 1830, and Boringdon (formerly Townstal Villa and Bexley) from about 1850.

The list of Conveyances shows various owners and lessees from 1936 to 1988, including Mr. Williams, Lt Cdr and Mrs. Bryer (Fryer ?), Emily Linsdell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker, Sansum Investments, Mr. J. Pedersen, Mr. and Mrs. Pedersen and Mr. Hawke. During this time the house became a hotel. Mrs. Baker, a previous owner, also mentioned a Mr. Legge and a Mr. Royle (who named the hotel the Royle House Hotel (note, not "Royal" as in the archive item)) as later owners. In 2000 Mrs. Baldwin renamed the hotel as Barrington House Hotel. Other information received subsequently is that the purchasers in 1977 were Audrey and Ted Royle.

Leases   Property      Commercial      Butterwalk
DHRG No. 100004
Precis of leases for the Butterwalk in the 17th Century.

History   Property      Commercial      Butterwalk
DHRG No. 100005
Part of a draft document on the history of the Butterwalk.

Butterwalk restoration   Property      Commercial      Butterwalk
DHRG No. 100006
Letter from Ray Freeman to the Dartmouth Chronicle pointing out several inaccuracies in a recent article

Deeds Royal Oak   Property      Commercial      Royal Oak
DHRG No. 100008
Summaries of Deeds re Bayards Restaurant

Census   Property      Commercial      Royal Oak
DHRG No. 100009
Royal Oak Public House in Census of 1861

Directory Entries   Property      Commercial      Royal Oak
DHRG No. 100010
Directory Entries for Royal Oak Public House

Dartmouth Pubs & Inns   Property      Commercial
DHRG No. 100011
Brief history of Inn & Pub owners or landlords in Dartmouth with some notes where available.
Most recent information may not be up to present date.

Hawke Ernest, Furnishers   Property      Commercial
DHRG No. 100012
Summary of documents and covering letter by Ray Freeman relating to Ernest M Hawke of Duke St Dartmouth. from 1814 to 1973. PDF format.

Jesse Ceiling, Dartmouth   Property      Commercial
DHRG No. 100013
Situated in one of Dartmouth’s finest buildings, No. 12 the Butterwalk this beautifully designed plaster ceiling depicting the Tree of Jesse is probably the only surviving Jesse plaster ceiling in the world.
It can be viewed by arrangement with Dartmouth Museum.

4 The Quay, a Town House   Property      Commercial
DHRG No. 100015
A Devon town-house of 1664. A detailed document of the building which has a mixed Residential and Comercial use.

DHRG No. 100017
Document Number: TO/Ad/Pr/013
Document Held: DRO Exeter
Arthur Hunt, Redlap, Stoke Flemin – Merchant
Arthur Howe Holdsworth, Mt Galpine House, Dartmouth – Esquire
Rev Rob Holdsworth, Brookhill – Clerk
Hy Holdsworth, Hardness House – Esquire
Edmund Pollexfen Bastard, Kitley House
Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of Borough of Darmouth
John Oldreive, Landcombe, Blackawton – Land Surveyor (nominated by and in trust for AH Holdsworth

Lease and release of 22 October 1772, Borough of Dartmouth to Thomas Taylor Esq. Sum of forty ______ (sic) punds paid by John Oldreive ___ for all that palace or courtlage and yard with the cellars and lofts and storehouses at Hardnesse which extend from the street to the water eastward as far as the eastside of the Pallace formerly of Arthur Champernowne Esq, 34 feet from the palace to the South and bounded by the lands of Arthur Champernowne Esq on North, the water on East, a small plot belonging to Parish of Townstal and the slip belongin to the Corporation on South and the street on West. All this property to John Oldreive from 25 March 1833 for 79 years on Trust for AH Holdsworth, rent of 5 shillings 4 times a year.

Plus seals and signatures.

War Years Dartmouth Castle   Dartmouth Chronicle      Articles
DHRG No. 100019
Memories of Dartmouth Castle during the Second World War as remembered by someone who was between 5 and 11 years at the time. Printed September 21, 2001.