Seale Family Papers     1779 Jan-Jun
Seale 0415 James Burrow to Seale Esq. 11 Jan 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100575
J.S.'s servant said J.S. preferred bay to grey geldings. J.B. was going to Stanbury Fair the following Friday. Request for an answer & clever horses should be at J.B's house by the Thursday fortnight.

Seale 0416 J. Seale to H. Roope 18 Jan. 1779 Request for Loan   18thC
DHRG No. 100576
Need to pay large sum beginning of February. Request to borrow any sum from £500 to £3000 Security at 5%, with 30 days notice of withdrawn.

Seale 0417 J. Seale to Mr. Sparks 21 Jan. 1779 Request for Loan   18thC
DHRG No. 100577
Disappointed at getting less money than expected. Have a large sum to pay the beginning of Feb. Willing to take of Mr. Sparks at 5% interest & to pay at 30 days notice all or part of the sum borrowed. Hopes for any sum £500-£3000 in the course of this month.

Seale 0418 H. Spark to John Seale 24 Jan. 1779 Re. Loan   18thC
DHRG No. 100578
Hopes to supply J.S. with the whole sum £3,000 that month. Mr. Spark had been applied for any sum from £500 to £10,000 at 5% in hand security.

Seale 0420 E. Remon jnr. to J. Seale 27 Jan. 1779 Fitting out Two Cutters for Privateering   18thC
DHRG No. 100579
Letter to be sent by Mr. Dession of Dartmouth. Wrote previous July by smuggling vessel, but no reply. E.R. very involved with privateering. The privateers had good success. Fitting out 2 Cutters. Brother returning from West Indies, so E.R. would fit him out with a ship of 20 guns. Would J.S. take part in her?
Inscribed:- Robert Remon Signed E Remon jnr.

Seale 0432a J. Seale to E.Remon 27 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100580
J.S. received letter of 27 January but not the former one mentioned. Smuggling vessel 4 precarious conveyance. Succesful privateering. Our Channel ships on defensive. Ship fitted out for E.R.'s brother. J.S. declined being a Privateer. Would E.R. check if P.Mauger had received letter. Honourable acquitted of Adam Heppel, Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser less likely to be acquitted.

Seale 0421 Henry Sparke to John Seale 29 Jan. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100581
Very sorry, unable to provide any of the sum required due to scarcity of cash.

Seale 0422 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale 2 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100582
Conveyances of Moreleigh; £9,000 for the Mortgagees. Surplus and £500 more paid to Mr. Shapleigh. Title Deeds in C.F's custody. Other legal affairs C.F. had or would settle. J.S. asked to tell E.F. that the chairs had been bought & would be sent by the wagon.

Seale 0423 H. Fownes Luttrell to John Seale12 Feb. 1779 (inscribed) 12 March 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100583
Mr. And Mrs. Luttrell unable to be at the Exeter Assizes or the Christening as Mrs. Luttrell was very slow to recover from her illness.

Seale 0424 J. Seale to H.F.Luttrell Reply Feb. 1779 Christening Postponed   18thC
DHRG No. 100584
Reply all crossed out. Time of Christening postponed, as it was inconvenient to Sir F.Rogers. Transferred to a future date at Mt. Boone.

Seale 0425 J. Seale to Mr. Land 12 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100585
One Phaeton horse sent for out of order; request for details by the next post.

Seale 0426 J. Seale to Mr. Burrows 12 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100586
One of the pair of horses ordered left at Exeter. Doubts about ordering pairs of horses from Mr. B. in future.

Seale 0427 J. Seale to Mr. Fanshawe Feb? 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100587
1 letter to J.S. from Mr. F. came promptly, 2 others went to Portsmouth. Mr.Prideaux hoped Mr. F. would send by Mr Shapley the draft of Conveyance from mortgagees etc.& advise tenants of Moreley of landlord change. Rent asked for.

Seale 0428 Wm. Seward to Seale Esq. 13 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100588
Mr. James Carteret 2nd Lieut. of H.M.S. Britannia wished to be appointed on the Impress Service at Dartmouth. Request to know if any regulating Lieutenant is acting there.

Seale 0429 J. Seale to Wm. Seward Reply to 0428 16 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100589
Mr. Mitchel, living at Totnes, has the appointment on the Impress Service at Dartmouth. Capt. Keeler lately in command. Suggest Mr. Carteret should consult The Admiralty.

Seale 0430 J. Seale to C. Hayne Sent 14 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100590
Only 1 Phaeton horse available for C.H. Weather prevented sending it before. Parcel returned. Wishes to stock Moreley. Request for Hares. Asks if Jeff should attend to bag them.

Seale 0431 Chas Hayne to John Seale 14 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100591
Just received letter & parcel. Intends driving J.S.'s Horse with one of C.H's to church that afternoon. Welcome to Hares & to come & help George to catch them by Moonlight. Dean Hunt following Tuesday.

Seale 0432 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale. 18 Feb. 1779 Adml Keppell’s Aquiittal, Allington Petitiom, J.S.’s New Seal   18thC
DHRG No. 100592
C.F. unable to send draft of conveyance by Mr. Shapleigh as he had left London. C.F. would bring all deeds to Exeter at assizes. Tenants affairs best done at court just after Lady Day. Jeffrey & Jones had sent J.S.'s new seal R.F's letter, health better, well looked after at Mt. Boone, visit to Bagtor planned.Adml. Keppell's aquittal:- rejoicing, riots, many arrested but no prosecutions, outrage of Ld.North, Sir H. Pollisor & Ld. Sandwich; attack on Administration in Parliament; possible changes:- Ld. Sandwich to be replaced by Ld. Howe, Adm. Heppell or Ld.Bristol & the Lord Chancellor, de Grey to be succeeded by Mr. Dunning who would no doubt be Chief Justice of England in place of Ld. Mansfield within a year. Allington petition ended, elections void. Mr. Stratton, Ld Orford's candidate, expected to be chosen. C.F. not retained. His apologies to E.F. for not writing then.

Seale 0432b From J Seale 27 Feb. 1779 Aquittal of Admrl Keppel   18thC
DHRG No. 100593
Lost letter, Smugling Vessel & Privateers. Ship of superior force for your brother. Has Peter Mauger received letter. Acquittal of Admiral Keppel & Tryal of Sr Hugh Pallisar following a skirmish with the French.

Seale 0433 Jn. Rolle to Jn. Seale Rolle Received 21 Feb. 1779 Candidate for Exeter   18thC
DHRG No. 100594
Offers himself as a Candidate for the City of Exeter. Disgust at unnatural Coalition: Opposes scheme intended. Request for J.S's Vote and support.

Seale 0434 J. Seale to J. Rolle 1st Reply 26 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100595
Crossed out and not sent. Letter sent to Bampton not received till this day. If Election should be soon due to Sir C. Bampfield's vacation, J.S.'s vote invalid having not taken up Freedom.

Seale 0435 J. Seale to J. Rolle 2nd Reply 4 March 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100596
Letter found on return to Castlegrove. J.S.'s vote at J.R.'s service.

Seale 0436 G. Wise to John Seale 25 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100597
Arrangements for a Meeting of the Dean Hunt.

Seale 0437 J. Brown to John Seale 27 Feb. 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100598
Unable to attend concerning Execution of the Lease of the House.

Seale 0438 Jn. Tonkin to John Seale 12 March 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100599
Mr. Eyre of Bodmin paid £13 - 16s on J.S.'s account. Mr. Tinkham applied for money to repay his debt £800 soon available. Mr. Tinkham would like a little time to pay

Seale 0439 J. Seale to J. Tonkin 24 March 1779 reply to0438   18thC
DHRG No. 100600
No wish to embarrass Mr. Tinkham although J.S. would have liked payment soon to satisfy Mr. Harris's charitable donation. Mr. Gidley's debt must be paid

Seale 0440 J. Eveleigh to The Revd. Wm. Barter 27 March 1779 Scholarships   18thC
DHRG No. 100601
3 Scholarships vacant at Wadham College. 3 Candidates successful: success of 4th doubtful. J.E.'s influence at W.B;s service. Enquiries at Corpus. Provost of Wadham keen to help poor clergy.

Seale 0441 J. Seale to Mr. Gullett 28 March 1779 Deeds   18thC
DHRG No. 100602
Mr. G. settled J.S.'s purchase with Mr. Shapley. Description of deeds required.

Seale 0442 J. Seale to Mr. Walker 28 March 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100603
Apologies for resignation from Club due to distance of residence.

Seale 0443 Wm. Barter to John Seale 30 March 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100604
Some success in plans for J. Ireland (at Oxford). Mr. Everleigh to be informed of J.S's resolution. Congratulations J.S. having no opposition at Totnes to Tythes of Cornworthy. Hopeful that no one would buy the living from J.S.

Seale 0444 J. Seale to W.Barter 4 April 1779 Reply to 0443   18thC
DHRG No. 100605
W.B.'s letter received at Newton. Opinion required on chance of success & trust to pursue; not a clergman's son. Early answer necessary.

Seale 0445 J. Seale to W.Barter April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100606
Crossed-out 2nd(?) draft. Letter received at Mt. Boon not at hand so unable to answer speed required. J.S. Assumed W.B. wished to know whether to go for appointment with good prospect of studying at Oxford or, as J.S. preferred to procure Deacon's orders & retire.

Seale 0446 Wm. Barter to John Seale 5 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100607
Necessary to know J. Ireland's age & time of going to Oxford. Clerkship at Oriel it for a bachelor's degree for Orders; scholarship at Wadham for a fellowship & residing at Oxford for a long term with a moderate, not permanent income. Mr. Eveleigh would advise.

Seale 0447 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 9 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100608
Describes hand-bill advertising sale of Mr. Gerry's property value c. £900. J.S.'s purchase would annul debt to Mr. F. Advises J.S. to use an unknown agent to make enquiries. Widow Veale to advise on monuments.

Seale 0448 Jn. Tonkin to John Seale 12 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100609
Mr. T. not heard from Mr. Gidley. Agrees 29 April being the date to receive Searle's papers from J.S. S.H. Bourchier Wrey impatient to settle account. Mr. T. had explained to Sir B..H. why ….. S could not come in their neighbourhood.

Seale 0449 John Seale to J. Tonkin12 April 1779 reply to 0448   18thC
DHRG No. 100610
Reply : two rough drafts. Mr. T. welcome to inspect Searle's papers; not to be given up Searle till J.S. comes to Ashburton. Bonds to be delivered before imminent departures of the Fleet, Mr. Thomas to transact the affair in Newfoundland.

Seale 0450 Chr. Gullett to C. Fanshawe1 7 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100611
Mr. Shapleigh's Conveyances. J.S. to pay C.G. £500. C.G. sold J.S. 13 Lots together. He procured £1000 for Mr. J.S. C.G. left it to C.F's and J.S's generosity about compensation.

Seale 0451 J. Seale to Chr. Gullett 16 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100612
(2 drafts, the first one crossed out) C.F. had transmitted C.G.'s letter of 17 April. J.S. will give Drafts on the Exeter Bank, due to Mr. Shapley. J.S. asks for C.G's charge and estimate of compensation.

Seale 0452 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 18 April 1779 Purchase of Moreleigh   18thC
DHRG No. 100613
Received the enclosed (17 April from C.Gullet) J.S. has applied to C.F. for advice on the Purchase of Moreleigh and C.F. has acted accordingly. The other matter was quite out of C.F.'s province.

Seale 0453 J. Seale to C. Fanshawe 18 April 1779 reply to 0452   18thC
DHRG No. 100614
J.S. has written immediately to Mr. Gullet on receipt of C.F.'s letter. King forgot to include Act of Parliament. Hopes C.F. will receive it safely.

Seale 0454 J. Seale to Thos. Stawell 19 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100615
Mr. Stawell seemed pleased with the house only objecting to set of Mahogony tables. List of furniture J.S. wished to dispose of enclosed. Premises rented of Mr. Lucas Grass & Potatoes mentioned.

Seale 0455 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 19 April 1779 Americans defeated at S Carolina   18thC
DHRG No. 100616
Glad Mrs. S.S. was better and the ''little girl'' is doing well with small pox. AMS poorly, trusts with Mr. Luscombe's, soon better.

Seale 0456 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to letter of 19th April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100617
Concerned that AMS had to consult an apothecary. He advocates fresh air & exercise. J.S. had been at Dunster Castle for 2 days. Mr. Luttrell about to go to London to place out his son Tom. Mr. Fanshawe should have had parcel & letter but King did not take it. J.S. told R. Prideaux he was dissatisfield about debts.

Seale 0457 J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Wm. Barter 23 April1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100618
J.S. requires some information. Invitation to meet Mr. B. on the following Monday in Newton Abbot to eat steak with him en route to Mt. Boone.

Seale 0458 J. Seale to Mr. J. Newbery28 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100619
J.S. called on J.N. but he was out. Steward ordered to deliver receipt for money detained. It did not balance the bill. Papers sent to J.N. chiefly memos. Deeds sent with Smerdon's name with reference to Mrs. Hunnywells property. Mr. Abraham's note missing for Mr. Templar etc.

Seale 0459 Chas. Hayne to John Seale 20 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100620
£200 Bill received: difficult to negotiate. C.H. discusses horses: bridle & coach work would be ready by the middle of June. CH leaving for Devon in 3 weeks time. Saddle & bridle ordered.

Seale 0460 Ch. Gullet to John Seale 21 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100621
A list of Deeds would be delivered ''Business scarce to admit of a Bill''
Mr. G.relies on J.S.'s generosity.

Seale 0461 Chas. Hayne to John Seale 24 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100622
J.S's servant James arrival with letter. CH looking for horses, harness & saddle for J.S. & checking on the progress of J.S's coach.

Seale 0462 Chas. Hayne to John Seale 27 April 1779 Horses bought for Coach   18thC
DHRG No. 100623
4 horses bought for J.S. to arrive end of following week. Charles Fanshawe quitted The Temple……. Address not known. Mr. Luttrell & Tom just arrived.

Seale 0463 J. Seale to Mrs. Seale 29 April 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100624
'Schedule of Deeds sent (to Mrs. Seale)'' Betty Meads would deliver the letter, uncomfortable for her to remain (at Castlegrove?) Thanks for allowing her to stay so long: Distress caused. Annual payment to continue for AMS. Offer of furniture. One deed drawn by Mrs. Harris unexecuted.

Seale 0464 29 April 1779 Schedule of Deeds   18thC
DHRG No. 100625
Schedule of Deeds. Anna Maria Seale and St. Sidwells house. Deed concerning Mrs. Rogers & Bourain covenent; & members of the Bourain family etc.

Seale 0465 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 1st May 1779 Papers re. Bowerings LittleTenement   18thC
DHRG No. 100626
Betty Meade brought letter & papers re Bowerings Little Tenement. AMS much distressed. Eliz. Hekewich eager to know date of Mr. Luttrel's death. Mr. Fanshawe to examine his will.

Seale 0466 John Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Replyto 0465 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100627
Mr. Luttrell died 1 October 1733. Hope things arrive safely. Sorry Mr. Fanshawe is so ill. Invaders of Jersey fled on arrival of the fleet.

Seale 0467 J. Seale to Mr. Robbins 9 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100628
J.S. disappointed of receiving some moneys he expected. More agreeable to J.S. Security very good.

Seale 0468 J. Seale to H.F. Luttrell 9 May 1779 Need money to pay debt   18thC
DHRG No. 100629
Money scarce; great trouble for J.S. unable to pay some debt, otherwise would not have requested (payment) within 6 weeks from Mr. Luttrell

Seale 0469 Thos. Rennell to John Seale 9 May 1779 Pauper needs hospital   18thC
DHRG No. 100630
Bearer's brother John Hole with one leg. A pauper of that parish urgently required J.S. to recommend him to a hospital. Mr. Robbins asked but he was at Exeter. Mr. Holdsworth not a subscriber.

Seale 0470 J. Seale to T. Rennell 9 May 1779 Reply to 0469   18thC
DHRG No. 100631
1st draft. J.S. glad to find a vacancy at the hospital but he needed to hear from the poor person first. Compliment to Mrs. R. & family.

Seale 0471 J. Seale to T. Rennell 17 May 1779 Reply amended   18thC
DHRG No. 100632
J.S. went to Exeter on receipt of letter. Vacancy in hospital found; recommendation sent. Security form to be signed by Mr. R. & church wardens.

Seale 0472 J. Seale to Mrs. Seale 9 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100633
First 14 words of an otherwise unwritten letter crossed out, stating that the family were well.

Seale 0473 J. Seale to (Elizabeth Fanshawe) 9 May 1779 Needs money to pay hospital   18thC
DHRG No. 100634
Letters from Mr. Rennell of Stokeham about a man with leg cut off. J.S. begs Elizabeth to pay his £5 subscription to the Hospital. Mr. Remon, West India Company, selling a prize in Falmouth, he married a Miss Pipon. Jersey threatened by the French. J.S. at Holdsworth's Feast & Ball. The Fleet in Torbay. Old Mr. Luttrell's will - a copy may be ready for Mr. F. to see.

Seale 0474 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale 13 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100635
Memo a Bill for £10. Mr. Fanshawe expected following Wednesday. News wanted about Mrs. Seale of Jersey. Thanks from AMS for pig. Mr. Fanshawe delivered seal to Mr. Hayne.

Seale 0475 J. Seale to Charles Fanshawe 28 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100636
Intended Conveyance for the Tythes of Cornwall - opinion needed. Six Clerks office. Securing Woodleys Isle for the Church of Ashburton etc.
On the back of a letter from Eliz. Fanshawe of 13 May 1779.

Seale 0476 J. Seale to Mr. J. Luttrell 24 May 1779 Mutiny on HMS Defiance   18thC
DHRG No. 100637
Offer of a carriage for Mr. Luttrell to attend the Exeter Races. Meeting on the Defiance - Fleet under Adm. Derby. J.S. dined with Southcote the previous day.

Seale 0477 J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Savery May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100638
Promise to help Mr. Sharp (music teacher). Deputation for a new game keeper.

Seale 0478 J. Seale to Mr. B. Wood May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100639
Rents of houses and tenants. Enquiry after age & health of Sarah Bowden.

Seale 0479 J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Savery May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100640
Little success at finding pupils for Mr. Sharp. (music teacher).

Seale 0480 John Fisher to John Seale 26 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100641
A servant of Mr. Melton's twice taken coursing. Surveyors of Highway demand for payment. Advice about cattle breeding. The sale of cyder etc.

Seale 0481 Cr. Gullett to John Seale 27 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100642
Receipt of bills from Mr. Matthews & a letter from Mr. Tonkin. Assumes Dartmoor plan not fixed. Gullett family holidays on Dartmoor due soon. Mr. G. at J.S.'s service after end of June (house free then).

Seale 0482 J. Seale to Mr. Gullett 6 June 1779 reply to 0481   18thC
DHRG No. 100643
Reply. J.S. has seen Mr. Tonkin, not pleased about disappointments: obliged at Mr. G's offer of his house, but unable to excute his intention for the season.

Seale 0483 John Mallet to John Seale 27 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100644
Unsettled accounts between Mr. Harris and Lady Orford.

Seale 0484 J. Seale to John Mallet Reply to 0483 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100645
Mr. Prideaux to meet Mr. Mallet about settling the accounts of Mr. Harris and Lady Orford.

Seale 0485 J. Badcock to John Seale 28 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100646
Hogshead of Cyder sent to Exeter

Seale 0486 J. Seale to Mr. Badcock Reply to 0485 23 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100647
Instructions about Livery required. Cyder received.

Seale 0487 Rev. S. Savery to John Seale 31 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100648
Mr. Sharp, Violin etc. teacher, to call on Mr. Seale soon.

Seale 0488 Sir F.L. Rogers to John Seale 31 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100649
Fox hounds and hunting.

Seale 0489 John Seale to Sir F.L. Rogers Reply to 0488 31 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100650
Hounds not required at present.

Seale 0490 Wm. Jones to John Seale 31 May 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100651
Request for help for nephew becoming a midshipman.

Seale 0491 J. Seale to Mr. Jones Reply to 0490 16 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100652
Sir F. Rogers, Commissioner at Plymouth dead, Capt. Fanshawe away in West India Station. Governor Holdsworth might oblige.

Seale 0492 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 3 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100653
Thanks for garden things & frames. Mr. Fanshawe just set out for London.

Seale 0493 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0492 3 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100654
Concern over Mrs. A.M.S's & Mrs. Fanshawe's poor health - suggests a visit to Mount Boone or Castle Grove.

Seale 0494 Charles Fanshawe to John Seale 5 June 1779 War with Spain   18thC
DHRG No. 100655
Mr. Newcomen, Clerk of the Dartmouth Turnpikes & Mr. Jeffery's enquiry about £100 possibly due to Mr. J. a school friend of C.F. Mr. Prideaux might know about coachman's wife's family. C.F. dined with Mr. Justice Buller.
Spanish war expected.

Seale 0495 George Taylor to John Seale 10 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100656
The difficulties Mr. T. has concerning granting ''deputations'' (licences to shoot game on a particular estate)

Seale 0496 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 10 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100657
Unable to visit Castle Grove. Staying in Plymouth at that time. Ill for some time, Sister also ill. Expenses more than income.

Seale 0497 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 10 June 1779 Reply to 0496   18thC
DHRG No. 100658
On previous Saturday, news of Grand Fleet. Joy at possible war with Spain. Mr. Fanshawe expected to leave Town soon.

Seale 0498 John Fisher to John Seale 11 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100659
Mr. Lucas very angry over J.S's letter, but finally consented to allow all but pigeon boxes, he & Mr. Robbins would find materials & J.S. the labour. Mr. L. thought a very extravagent bill for Pint(?). Mr. F. before telling J.S. would only pay in full for rent to the last Lady Day, Mr. L. agreed he would pay for firing pigeon box: Mr. ? a rascal for taking it away. Mr. L. promised to put Castle Grove garden in order: saying all garden ware was his to sell. Mr. F. against him cutting before there was plenty . Mr. Brown cut cucumbers & cabbages. 2 armchairs (?) carried off on Mr. L's order. Plans for cutting Little & later Great Court Green. Mr. Wood ordered 3 months imprisonment for Mr. Melton's man, his mittimus possibility of J.S. pardening him. Request for reply.

Seale 0499 J.F. Luttrell to John Seale 12 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100660
Could not find J.S's carriage at Fozards Stables - no mention of Builder. JFL and his father returned to D.Castle 10 June. Many leaving London. Spanish War is chief topic.

Seale 0500 John Forster to John Seale 12 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100661
Coach to be finished by 15th or 20th June

Seale 0501 J. Seale to Mr. Forster Reply to 0500 20 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100662
1st Draft:- Mr. Fanshawe or friend of his to bring down coach. 2nd Draft:- Too late, Mr. F. already left. Need to send it by waggon if safe. To be left at London Inn, Exeter with care . Pair of Harnesses & Bill to be sent too.

Seale 0502 Hen. Tolcher to John Seale 15 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100663
Hock not available. Madeira can be supplied. Hogshead £25

Seale 0503 J. Seale to Mr. Tolcher Reply to 0502 15 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100664
Whole cask to be sent by Coaster. A toast to be given to Mr. T at Mt. Boon whenever he can come there. Also order 6 doz. For Mr. C. Fanshaw at Holgate.

Seale 0504 Rob. Browne to John Seale 16 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100665
Propagation of Pinks and their availability. Distribution restrictions etc. . Shortage of glazed frames.

Seale 0505 Sir F. Leman Rogers to John Seale 18 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100666
J.S's chestnut ponies awaiting directions. FLR had not met with a cub fox. Invitation to go to Bodmin Races. Hunting on Dartmoor. Hopes to meet J.S. at Exeter.

Seale 0506 J. Seale to Sir F.L.Rogers 25 June 1779 Reply to 0505   18thC
DHRG No. 100667
Thanks for stopping the ponies. J.S. busy at hay. Happy to see Sir FLR & Lady R at Mount Boone

Seale 0507 Peter Woodley to John Seale 21 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100668
Requires Mrs. James Perry's deeds. Mr. W. In company with Sir Bourchier Wrey.

Seale 0508 J. Seale to P. Woodley Reply to 0507 25 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100669
Hopes Deeds will be received by the next post.

Seale 0509 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 22 June 1779 War with Spain Imminent   18thC
DHRG No. 100670
Mr. F. would write to Mr. Jeffrey. Mr. F's brother's Coachman business. Mr. F. took diligence with 2 ladies to Devon. Spanish war Imminent, but good effect on Britain. News of success in Virginia & The Jerseys. Six Clerks Office.

Seale 0510 Tom Jones (Inscribed Wm. Jones) to (J. Seale)24 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100671
Although his request was not fulfilled, Mr. Jones feels himself to be under a great obligation.

Seale 0511 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 24 June 1779   18thC
DHRG No. 100672
AMS very poorly but now better; glad family are well. Cheap things at Chinaman's sale: hopes to visit Sister in Plymouth - town very hot. Mr. Fownes & family called previous evening. Spanish war not good.