Seale Family Papers 1806-1809
Seale 1753 Jane Jodrell to Mrs. J.Seale 17 February 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101913
Mr Seale very well, had just left, same opinion as Lady J about her affairs. Mr & Mrs Jodrell very civil to Lady J that year. Mr & Mrs Neck seen twice in Town. Good account of PS by Mrs Bond & by Mr Bond to Mrs Neck. Lady J had nothing to complain of except nervous or rheumatic confusion in the head making mental exercises difficult. Weather unsettled. Lady Turner seen. She was very well, Sir John had gout all winter. A fortnight previous, Mrs Dunford was playing cards one evening & died early the following morning.
Seale 1754 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 22 February 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101914
(Henry's birth & hair) ''My dearest Mother or dearest Grandmama'' Johnny & Mrs Seale out of the room, to say how well she was, sitting in the arm chair.
Seale 1755 Lady Jodrell to J.H.Seale 23 February 1806 Monday evening 19thC
DHRG No. 101915
Thanks for letter of Feb.19 & a former one. Employment good for happiness. Hopeful J.H.S would find a suitable situation. Militia not tolerable for long. Brother attentive to Parliament sent a strong letter to Lord Hawick - a strong case. As soon as possible Lady J would leave London for Devon to be with sister Bond, she hoped to get her to London for the best advice. An excellent man's will, Mrs Bond satisfied, but not left as well as she ought. Fewer charities possible than in Mr Bond's lifetime. Glad Mrs Adams was with JHS. Interesting to see little Hal between Miss Hawkins & Mr Charter. Seward's Anecdotes described a man without work who committed suicide. Seward a friend of Dr Johnson. Heard JHS was soon to go to Portsmouth. Presumably Lord Rolle would call on JHS. Lady J saw J Seale, he had to be at Exeter for the Assizes on 16 March..
Seale 1756 J.H.Seale to J.Seale 2 March 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101916
Hockin executed the ''distress'' & Tanner tendered in £66-0-0¾ total £68-19-0 so not accepted. Sloop to be sold that Wednesday. Postponed by JHS to Thursday. Hind (Snelling) said amount was right. Tanner was going on with the wall in spite of the Hind's forbiddance. He had taken down the former wall, Snelling at Prideaux's about ground Conadon had in Ford, saw the Old Man who said JS was grasping but the Corporation would take the tythes in kind. Paulina & Henry Paul were well, hoped name was approved. Mother asked for 8 breakfast cloths. Miss Mervin could get them.
Seale 1757 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 31 March 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101917
Invited by Paulina to Mt. Boone, arrived for dinner 30 March. Tolerably well after a Fever; Paulina & Henry both well; Mrs Cumming the new nursemaid, hopefully more useful than the previous extravagant fine lady. Mr & Mrs Bond dined there that day. Mrs Walcot was there most days. SS's sister & Dolly came one day to see her. Invitation by Bond's to Norton so might go there when Paulina leaves, and then to Blackawton. Invitation also to Kittery. Letter from John well but disconsolate. Request for 6 breakfast cloths & 2 chimney rugs. Reason for not taking Belmont not good, cheaper than the one JS rented. Mr.Bukley requested interest on JS's debt. The Hind asked if JS had answered Cock's letter & no keel was made for the Creole frigate. Slip being built at Higher Noss Point. Mr Tanner gone to London, no rent paid, but expected soon. Newman's Yard to be cleaned.
Seale 1758 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 23 May 1806 Liverpool 19thC
DHRG No. 101918
Little Harry recovered from cowpox. Recently at Mrs. Lawrences' party; disappointed, few visitors, due to a ball at the same time. Mr. Lawrence very much a gentleman; Mrs L a little in the ''affetuoso''; her sister Mrs Robinson minced her words. Parcel arrived, a little robe from Aunt, the prettiest caps from Lady J. though those from Miss Dolly & Miss Andersons were not without merit, short pettycoats for Harry to wear towards the end of summer, a few pairs of little cotton socks from Grandmama would be acceptable. India affair at a standstill. Letter from Mrs Seale. Mrs Neck miscarried.
Seale 1759 J.Seale to Lady Jodrell The Nabob’s Debts. 20 July 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101919
Arrived at Exeter evening 5 July, before leaving Town JS enclosed a letter for Lady J from E.India Co. with a copy of a receipt approved by Mr.Dennett & an account of JS's progress with Sir F.Vincent & Mr Dennett. JS's papers etc sent by wagon in a box. JS would propose to Mr Dennett points to add to a new case for the Solicitor General, he hoped for favour with the Crown through Mr.Fox? or by Mr JS? thro Ld.Ebrington. Ld Grenville, & Mr.T.Grenville. Nothing to be said to Mr.Inglis etc. Lady J was to tie the papers with their dates in a bundle & wait. JS would give his advice on anything new & would & during Mr Elphinstone's presidency bring it to some issue or other. Compliments to Mrs. Lind. JS did not know Mr Lind..
Seale 1760 Jane Jodrell to J.H.Seale 1806 or 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101920
JS due to leave the following day; had a very different point of view to H.Jodrell. JJ would write after seeing Mr. Elphonstone or as soon as possible. JS strongly against the agreement. JJ would do nothing without JH's concurrence.
Seale 1761 Jane Jodrell to Capt (J.H) Seale 21 July 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101921
J.H.S. Lady J, Mr Elphinstone & Henry Jodrell had the same opinion. The clause bringing the investigation of the debts before Parliament was favourable. Advised to send the attested copy of the Bonds to the Court of Directors requesting them to lay it before the Commissioners & not to deal with Fordyce. JS prepared a case for Sir S Romilly pointing out to Mr. Dennett that the case laid before Sir O G? was deficient. Opinion of Sir H Guillam etc. was to have redress by law but not through Mr Fox. JS would tell of his talk with Sir F.Vincent. Hopeful of Sergt.Best's help after the Circuit. Misleading Bill just passed in Parliament. The Court of Directors had advanced Lady J. £600. Leaving to smaller lodgings with one servant as near as possible to Mrs Lynn. Going to stay at her cottage near Clapham, returning to London when Parliament was to meet. The maid's room cost 10/6 a week. Glad JHS & Pauline were in favour with Lady Rolle. The Queen & Lord Ailsbury might help their cause.
Seale 1762 J.Seale to Lady Jodrell 29 July 1806 (Index 109) 19thC
DHRG No. 101922
Points to be added to a new case sent to Mr Dennett to be set before the Solicitor General including notice of the advance received by Lady J from the East India Company. She should take a copy of the letter about the advance & the receipt etc. to Mr Dennett. These would prove Lady J's rights & peculiar hardship of her case & prevent a ruinous compromise. She had a legal & equitable claim upon the Company in the opinion of the eminent lawyer. If Mr Fox's state of health would not allow him to give his support, Mr & Mrs Elphinstone(?) had dined recently with them & had taken a view of their very pretty pleasure grounds.
Seale 1763 J.Seale to Lady Jodrell 5 August 1806 Letter from JHS came Thursday 7 August 19thC
DHRG No. 101923
Letter of 31 July received. JS wished Lady J had a copy of the receipt. Signing the agreement was the last resource as Fordyce's exorbitant demands would be hard to avoid. The Compact was between the E.India Co. & J.F. as the claimants' agent. Mr F in a declining state. Strong grounds for an application, best to wait for counsel's opinion if favourable this would be useful to the proceedings recommended by Mr Elphinstone etc.- Lady J's nieces were with JS. The Courier stated that the S.Devons were to be stationed in Plymouth. Mrs Bond was very well. What rent did Lady J pay for the Southampton house that JS since occupied? Letter from JHS. No mention of coming to Devon. Harry was just weaned.
Seale 1764 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 12 August 1806 & Thursday 14th 19thC
DHRG No. 101924
Madam Grassini to sing & Oratorios & concerts in Liverpool. Lady R had just gone to Wales en route to Devon. She & P.S. had been to see Mr Blundells' vast collection of busts, statues & pictures etc. at Ince. He took them to his green house also & gave them an excellent dinner with the daughter of Sir George Dunbar. - (14 Aug) PS had been to a concert, very hot; she met Madam Graddini at a party, charming manners. Wedding of Thomas (Bartholomew) that week, still with them. Henry thriving (21 Aug). Alfred Woodmason was with them, not grown since he ws 10? JHS & PS preparing for journey to Matlock, making short frocks for little Hal, no teeth. Love to Mrs Lynn. William Huish would accompany them if allowed by Mr H.A. letter addressed to Mrs.H would get to PS. Alfred begged remembrance.
Seale 1765 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell 11 September 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101925
JHS & family stayed that last week with the Huishes, leaving 15 Sept. with the ladies of the house for Derby for one day & then to Armitage; Mr Huish a very fine old man, Miss Margaret was to marry Mr. Smith, said to be a man of property; Mrs Huish was in bad health. JHS etc. toured Derbyshire on the way. Mrs Denison wished to know how Lady J made her cocoa. JHS expected they would be c/o Mr George Tollet of Swinnerton Hall near Stone the week after the next one and at Liverpool by 30 Sept. He wrote to Mr. Henry Jodrell asking them to visit them there. Henry had cut one tooth.
Seale 1766 Jane Jodrell to Henry Seale – Capt. Seale 01 October 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101926
Mr Dennet not seen till 30 Sept; not an instant to lose in making their arrangements but they must not go before the Commissioner till all else had failed. They would not consider the case till all concerned had signed the agreement. Serg. Best said he would ensure them every shilling if Mr. H. Jodrell had not signed the Deed. When JS was last in Town all were fixed on throwing out the Bill so nothing else was considered. If Mr Fox had not been ill things would have been different. Mr Dennett asked Lady J to summon JS to Town at once as Sergt.Best would be there. She would do nothing till JHS came. It was Henry's birthright. Mr. H.Jodrell was for going before the Commissioners directly but Mr Dennett disagreed. Would JHS be able to influence Ld.Ebrington to present a memorial to his uncle. Mr J Lindsey she expected, would be in Liverpool that next week. She hoped to see PS's sketches.
Seale 1767 PaulinaSeale to Lady Jodrell 10 o’clock Oct 6 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101927
Letter received Tuesday on return from their delight excursion through Derbyshire to Nottingham; an account was to follow. PS promised Mr & Mrs Huish to cut out borders for a Box Mrs H was making as a present to Mrs Smith to be. John (H?) was very civil. A week's or so excursion was planned in Wales so the time when John Lindsay would be in Liverpool was requested. No sign of a parcel for JHS & Mr Lindsay at the Coach Office. Harry had 2 teeth & a third coming. JHS had left at 7 am on a field day. Lady J could congratulations to Margaret Huilsh.
Seale 1768 J.H Seale to Lady Jodrell 2 October 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101928
JHS saw the Gazette of 12 Aug. showing the India Co's debt on account of the Nabob including Lady J's with those having signed the trust deed to be taken into consideration on 5 Oct. requiring all with anything to say to be present. As Mr H.Jodrell would probably not be in Town, JHS wrote to JS desiring him to come to London.
Seale 1769 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell 5 October 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101929
Surprise at the comment ''not to lose one instant'' in the Gazette of 12 Aug. the Commissioners had given notice; astonishment that Lady J was not told by Mr Dermott etc. Due consideration of going before the Commissioners could have been taken long since. How far was Lady J entangled in this deed? Her lawyers could decide what the Parliament thought of her deed. She might try to apply to Mr Turney, newly appointed to the Board of Control, or to Lord Ebrington. JHS could come to London if absolutely necessary, but it was very expensive coming to London as it was living with the regiment - Paulina had heard from Mrs H Jodrell, still at Bayfield, building and repairing; no news of JHS's letter reaching Mr H Jodrell. A letter from Scotland was waiting for Mr J. Lindsay. JHS etc. had had a very pleasant excursion. Young Hal dined with his mother that day & sat up eating mutton.
Seale 1770a Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell (J.H.Seale) 11 October 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101930
Details about missing parcel needed. PS & JHS left Liverpool 26 Aug. for the Star Inn. Manchester; JHS wet through, quarrel with landlady at Horley, horses reluctant, beds & breakfast bad; they saw the manufacture of cotton, the College Library, a charity for boys & the Infirmary; a dirty ill-built town. On to Buxton via Stockport with its many factories etc. They changed horses at Bullock Smithy Inn, violent rain for half an hour & arrived at the Eagle at Buxton about 1/4 hour before Mrs.Cummings with little Harry. Next day they saw the Crescent & drank the water & visited Pool's Hole. They continued on in a thunderstorm to Castleton. John & 2 London men went to the magnificent Peak's Hole. Next day they joined a Cockney family & went to the Speedwell mine & into a boat underground. The boatman sang accompanied by the guide on a French horn; then on to the Odin mine at Mom Tor & so back to the Inn. They said Goodbye to the Cockneys & rode to Chatsworth through the Vale of Middleton. Next day they saw the House & Park & stayed the night in Matlock.
Seale 1770b Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell (J.H.Seale) 11 October 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101931
They walked to Mr. Arkwright's place but had to take shelter in the Methodist Meeting House where they heard the end of a good sermon. Next day they walked in Mr A's grounds & met the Cockney's (Woodthorps) & explored the mines & the following day they visited with them the Cumberland Cavern. They then went to the Huishes at Nottingham, that family were much affected by Cupid except 'Cal'. Margaret accompanied them to Derby and introduced them to Mrs Locket & Miss Bilbow & they saw the China works. They left little Henry & Mrs Cummings at Okaover Hall with its large collection of pictures including Raphael's Virgin & Child. They walked up Dove Dale. PS sketched & they dined & slept at Ashbourne. They returned via Kedleston & drove through Lord Scorsdale's Park & saw his house. They dined at Mrs Locket's & left Margaret there & rode on horseback to Burton & from thence drove to Armitage, finding Mrs Lister & her little girl there. They slept at Wolesley Bridge as Mr L's house was unfinished.
Seale 1770c Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell (J.H.Seale) 11 October 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101932
He took them Ld. Curzon'z & then to Lord Uxbridge & after dinner they left Mr.Lister & arrived the next morning at Swynnerton where they stayed a week with Mr & Mrs Tollett. JHS went shooting & PS hare coursing with the Tollets. They rode with Mr T round the Marquis of Stafford's grounds & met the Count d'Arton (Later King Charles X), the Duke of Berri, the Baron de Roll & Monsr. Puisegarde, all staying at Trentham & who breakfasted with the Tollets & attended Mass at the Chapel in their house. The family returned to Liverpool after an uneventful joirney there. The first cutting of Harry's hair enclosed.
Seale 1772 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell Friday Oct 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101933
Fated not to see Wales, violent rain & PS's bowel complaint in the night, it was very prevalent in the town. The next day she took rhubarb but continued unwell, since then almost well. Weather turned very cold so tour postponed; so PS quite easy about John Lindsay. Many reasons to go to Town but difficult for JHS to get leave; many officers away. Lady J would soon see Margaret & Eliza; wedding probably early November, they were to leave Nottingham immediately for London. PS longed to know what Lady J thought of Mr Smith. Sally's address needed. Harry's lock of hair not to be found. PS could cut another, but Harry had not much to spare.
Seale 1771 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell Sunday & Monday Mor? Oct 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101934
Henry's hair not enclosed with last letter. Mr Huish gave PS an account of £20-2-0 for 23 pairs of ladies' silk stockings for Mrs Kippesley & Mrs Fortescue. Advice about Henry welcome. He wore a calico shirt & 'breeches' consisting of a triangular piece of cloth held up with string & no pins, invented by Cummings, a flannel petticoat & a frock. Socks were badly needed. On that coming Tuesday or Wednesday an expedition to Wales was planned returning Thursday or Friday the following week. Requests to Lady J to inform John Lindsay about this. Unfortunately unable to offer him a bed. PS was writing to Lady Rolle. No sign of Henry's hair it must have been sent.
Seale 1773 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 31 October (1806) 19thC
DHRG No. 101935
The Major's message, staying till 8 Nov. then moving to the S.W. JHS's leave due, end of December till 10 March. Nearly 6 months to be on the march. PS would go home. If at Winchester JHS would easily come down between the returns. Paul not seen since the previous Tuesday. preparing for his voyage. Lady J's message would be delivered. 30 Oct.the Election so the Regiment was moved out of town. JHS went with 3 companies to Ormskirk. John Lindsay was expected. Henry had 2 dimity coats & 6 teeth. Glad Lady J had seen Mrs West. PS liked Petrarch. Were Ps's cousins with Mr Jodwell? Many invitations from Lady Rolle to stay at Breton. Capt. Longmead was with PS when writing her letter. No socks received. PS hoped Jane was better. She asked to be remembered to Sally.
Seale 1774 P.Seale to Lady Jodrell 14 November 1806 19thC
DHRG No. 101936
Route not yet told; all packed & ready to go. John Lindsay much altered, very fat, remarkably well, a few grey hairs, urged to stay in Devonshire in January or February. Little Henry might talk before he walked: the learned said if set up on his legs, they might become crooked. Mr Roscoe had just won the election. Just heard the Regiment was to go to Basingstoke & Alton. PS due to start to Devon that week. The socks would do very well. John Lindsay had just left, he said that PS would not eat, drink or walk. She could not tell him the reason. Lady J was to guess. Paul had not gone.
Seale 1775 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 5 December (1806) 19thC
DHRG No. 101937
The united tongues of Mr.Charter & Mrs Walcot delayed the letter to Lady J. JS had written that JHS had arrived (in London). PS stayed at Bicton on her journey; Lady Rolle very kind. They went to a play in Exeter. Cumming sent home a few days. Years before, she had adopted a little girl, Charlotte, whose mother had died & father had deserted her. Charlette was apprenticed, as a mantua maker with a Mrs Cole of Totnes, she wanted to be a lady's maid, so Mrs Cole recommended her to an elderly Lady in Exeter, but she found this was a house of infamy, so decided to go home in a chaise to Totnes. The man who fetched her trunk started to take liberties, she screamed, the horse bolted, the trunk fell on her & killed her. Cumming went to her grave, but soon came back. PS was staying with Mrs. Seale till her cook arrived. She had her when she went to Mrs. Crosbies house in Liverpool. PS & Henry visited Norton, Mr Bond very well Mr B in bed with bilious fever, later much better. Charlie & Robert expected home after Christmas. Mrs. Duncan very well when they called.
Seale 1776 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 12 December & 13 December 1806 (Index 110) 19thC
DHRG No. 101938
Finished a set of views for JHS using only one colour. 10 views been done so far, beginning a set for Lady J. Mr Bond wished to see them. Cook & maid arrived with a bad account of the Regiment's new quarters. (15 Dec) Forgot no post on Fridays. Weather very bad, move to Mt. Boone delayed. The Petersons were coming to PS on Monday so she would invite the Ongiers, Newmans & other young ladies to tea etc. JHS thought she should invite the Madame Holdsworth first, impossible at that time. A Mrs Clements had settled there, very pleasant & the Sutton family, a widow & many children were living at Belmont. Mrs Sedley had bought Bell View.
Seale 1777 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell Christmas Day (1806) 19thC
DHRG No. 101939
Request for 2 feather beds (bed ties) & blankets. The Regiment now at Portsmouth which JHS did not like but an excellent pack of foxhounds near by. PS sent Thomas with Henry round by the back of the garden. Henry went ???? But not to Mrs.Adison or Miss Hawkins who were there too. Tomorrow Symes was no more, so Lord Rolle thought the Regiment would come to Devon. PS called on Mrs Clements after Church. The Perrings had settled in Cornwall. Grace was dead & one brother. Mrs Sadley was very ill & weather bad. Charlotte & Mary Anne were staying with PS. The family at Clifton; home for the holidays, sad at Miss Roope's death . The Andersons were also staying. JS & Robert arrived 24 Dec. gone to Torbay to see Charles aboard the Scorpion; Captain Carteret unable to let him go ashore even for a day. They should see Charles in 3 weeks; PS to have 30 people to dinner in the great hall with supper & dancing.
Seale 1778 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 30 December (1806) 19thC
DHRG No. 101940
Mr Bond had a bad gum boil, lanced by Mr Hunt, his fever of long duration was higher but Mr Hunt thought not dangerous. PS saw Mr Neck 20 Dec. he had come over from Mary Chuck but unable to see Mr Bond. Mrs Neck quite well, waiting for her brother's recovery before coming. Mrs Towry's death a great shock to her parents, an affliction for Mr Chamberlain. Mr & Mrs Bond read about it in the paper, hurt at not being told by the family. Henry had a complete examination. Cumming was superstitious that children do not grow so well after being measured, so was angry with JS and PS. Sally's note sent to Mary Lock. The little socks fitted well. Mrs Sedley a charming (lady?)
Seale 1779 Lucy Pering to Lt. Col (Charles) Hayne 11 January 1807 ( From Hayne Albums ) 19thC
DHRG No. 101941
L.P. uneasy at CH's letter; grateful for his kind attention & high opinion of her etc, She had decided she would accept his proposal that Friday & believed she would be happy.
Seale 1780 John Pering (brother of Lucy) to Lt.Col. (Charles) Hayne 11 January 1807 ( From Hayne Albums) 19thC
DHRG No. 101942
Content of CH's letter unexpected; it seemed CH thought Lucy's mind was too much influenced by what JP said about apprehensions for her happiness. CH would no doubt pardon her for her anxiety. Much heard in CH's favour JP absented himself when CH dined at Rochford. In haste due to church business.
Seale 1781 John Pering to Charles Hayne 12 January 1807 ( From Hayne Albums) 19thC
DHRG No. 101943
CH's last letter had increased JP's good opinion of him. Regret on CH's account as no lady could have made CH happier than JP's sister. Her regret was very great. Hopeful of calling on CH that Friday & that he would accompany JP to Rochford.
Seale 1782 T.Bond to Lady Jodrell 13 January 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101944
Mr Seale was about to go to London so would take anything Lady J wanted. Hopeful that she would get justice due to her. Paulina & Henry were flourishing. Her Nieces staying at Norton went to the balls & plays in Dartmouth. TB's health much restored. ???? lost his wife. Mrs Towry, Chamberlain's eldest daughter died.
Seale 1783 Mrs. Bond to Lady Jodrell 13 January 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101945
On 3 Jan. Mr Bond could not see anyone. Since then they had 2 of the Rowpes the last week & on 12 Jan he saw Mr Seale & rode on the lawn; his sleep almost back to normal. Mrs Bond's physic was only for her old Liver complaint. Mr Seale brought news of Lady Jodrell. Was Mr Wilks alive or not?
Seale 1784 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell Sunday night ( Jan 1807 ) 19thC
DHRG No. 101946
Mr Bond's nervousness had made his illness worse, but that previous day he walked out with Mrs B Every fine day they went to the wood to feed the birds. Nothing in Dartmouth except private theatricals concerts & balls. The widow of Col Charlton (his regiment the Worcesters were at Berry Head) and her family at Belmont were play-mad. One of the officers had come over & acted the Old Maid; Mrs Seale took Charlotte & Mary Anne. PS had a bad cold so stayed at home with JHS. If John had gone he would have met the officers & have been forced to invite them with the Stafford china still in Liverpool. PS & JHS took the Sacrament in Church that day their first opportunity. Had PS asked for blankets? Little Hal was well. The Andersons were staying till after the next Assembly. Mrs Clements tried to introduce concerts unsuccessfully. Mrs Sealey, a charming young woman. Was Uncle Harry in Town? Love to Uncle & Aunt Bewicke.
Seale 1785 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 13 January?1807 Tuesday 19thC
DHRG No. 101947
Mr Bond was pretty well. While PS wrote little Hal fell off a little red trunk. The Charter's spent a day with them the previous week. Mrs Charter not very well. Mr C made a great fuss of little Hal, even more than John Lindsay. PS would have worked harder on her sketches if she had known Mr Seale would be leaving so soon. Many more for Lady J. were planned. Remembrance to Sally. PS paid Mary Lock for what she did for her when at Mt. Boone. Charlotte & Mary Anne sent their love. Any news from Scotland? Anxious for news of the Clelands.
Seale 1786 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 22 January & 23 January 1807 Friday the 23rd 19thC
DHRG No. 101948
Lady J's letter received franked by Mr. Bewicke, the imiosed sent to Norton.Mr Bond continued to mend. Col Hayne was staying a few days; Miss Fownes & the Duncans came to dinner & tea respectively. Col.Hayne and the commissioner played whist with Mrs Duncan & Mrs Fownes as partners. Mrs Duncon, Miss Kitty Matilda. PS etc & the Andersons played a round game. Miss Fownes lost 12 shillings. Mr Sedley & a cousin of his dined with PS etc. That Friday Mrs Sedley was too ill to venture out. Glad of the good account of Mr & Mrs Bewicke. Henry was Oh a Tay with the car. (24 Jan) PS (Presumably) dined with Mrs Seale and saw the Charters who were quite well.
Seale 1787 Rt. Seale to J.Seale 28 January 1807 Wednesday 19thC
DHRG No. 101949
News had come by Mr. Charter of Mr Bond's death at 3 pm that day. He had a violent spasm in his throat on 27 Jan. Mr Hunt had called in Dr Blackall.
Seale 1788 Pauline Seale to Lady Jodrell 02 Feb 1807 Thursday Evening 19thC
DHRG No. 101950
Mr Seale would have reported Mr Bond's death. The Andersons went to Norton on the Wednesday. Charlotte sent a note about Mrs Bond. Bains said she slept part of the night. (Thursday) Mr & Mrs Charter would be at Norton & PS the next day.
Seale 1789 C.Anderson to Lady Jodrell 29 January 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101951
Mrs Bond composed but fatigued after his long illness. The Andersons were staying till the Mr Bonds came. Mr Charter & the Necks were there. Mr Bond was not thought in danger until Monday, when he was seized with a spasm. Mr Hunt summoned Dr Blackhall, who came on Wednesday. He had just left when Mr Bond had another seizure. Dr B. returned but Mr Bond died in Mr Hunts arms. Uncle Bewicke's address was not known. Paulina & Mrs Roope were expected. Concern for Mrs Bond over the number of people. Mr Hunt wrote to the two Mr Bonds, CA wrote to Mrs Bewicke, Mr Woodmason & Mr Hush. Lady J was asked to tell Aunts Lynn & Anderson and CA's brother. Kind remembrances were sent to Lady J & Mary Anne.
Seale 1790 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell Friday. 29 Jan? 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101952
PS just returned from Norton; Mrs Bond was calm & resigned. Mr & Mrs Neck prayed with her in Mr Bond's room. Mr Bond enjoyed books & music. JHS sent his love.
Seale 1791 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 31 January 1807 Saturday 19thC
DHRG No. 101953
Letter enclosed to be forwarded to Madm Triand as PS had forgotten where she lived. Mr Neck had just left, good report about the aunt. Mrs Seale & Robert were with PS that day.
Seale 1792 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 2 February 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101954
Just come from Norton. Mrs Bond had a good night but far from well. She had not yet written, expecting the 2 Mr Bonds that day. Paulina wanted Mr Bewicke's direction. Had the letter to Madm.Triand been sent on? The beds arrived but no Bill. They were just right. Harry was well. JHS sent love.
Seale 1793 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell (January 4) a mistake for 4 February 1807 (Index 111) 19thC
DHRG No. 101955
Mr. Bond, a good man & valuable friend, ready for death, a great loss but the Almighty knew best etc. Just come from Norton, Mrs. B. better. Lady J wasting her life uncomfortably. Funeral about 9, Friday.
Seale 1794 Pauline Seale to Lady Jodrell 4 O’clock Fe 14 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101956
The coaches & hearse stopped at Mt. Boone about 8am. JHS, Mr. Hurst & Mr. Charter went to Norton. After breakfast the funeral set out; first the hearse then Coach 1:- the two Mr. Bonds, Mr. Neck & JHS. Coach 2:- Mr. Charter & Mrs. Hunt. Coach 3:- the Servants; no other coaches. Numbers of people were waiting - Friday was not a Post day. No good clothes were made in the country, so Paulina did without a new pelisse or cloak for two winters. PS etc. would be remaining in Devon till March so she would be sending to Madm.Triand. Thanks to Sally but sorry about her tiring walk. PS was furnishing her room, the little parlour was very smart and the Tapestry rooms had curtains like the sofa Lady J. gave. The stairs were carpeted etc. Could Lady J. send a counterpane? PS would see what was at Harris's or at Exeter. How was Mrs. West? Mr. Holdsworth called but PS did not get a frank for Lady J. as she thought Lady J. did not want her address known.
Seale 1795 Pauline Seale to Lady Jodrell 12 February 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101957
Much exercise failed to cure PS's bad headache. Mrs Bond seemed better. Had a letter sent in a frank to Mrs. West arrived? No suitable counterpane at Harris, request for a very large one. Mr Charter, Mrs Seale & Robert dined with them. Mrs. C not well enough. Harry eat much mutton. The brothers left Norton 11 Feb.
Seale 1796 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell 19 February 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101958
Sad that Lady Jodrell lived alone, far from friends & Mrs. Bond. JHS advised her to make one last effort to Parliament or the Crown to settle the India Co. debt & if unsuccessful to get an annuity from The Company etc. & come to Devon. JHS would live more economically, leave the Militia and get a more profitable employment. Glad that Mrs. Bond's friends were satisfied with the Will, though Mr. Charter implied that Mrs. Bond's income was much reduced. She was with PS and JHS.
Seale 1797 Paulina Seale (quoting Capt. Carteret) to Lady Jodrell Friday (20 February) 22 February Sunday night 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101959
Spent the day at Norton, just returned; Mrs. Bond better, she, JHS & PS almost agree on the India affairs; tired of them. Little Hal pushed about the huge armchairs: not walking without holding on to something. When JHS was to leave probably at the beginning of March, they might leave Hal with Mrs. Seale or Mrs. Adams & PS stay behind due to her coming confinement. (22 Feb.- JHS received a letter from Capt.Carteret - The 'funny' French blockade of Britain, 'a parcel of paltry, privateers: In a previous cruise Capt.C took a cutter & lately a Fine brig off the Scillys. The 2nd lieutenant was in charge of her to Plymouth & Mr.Charles the potent officer next in command,shortly after this they would be at Plymouth. When the ship was refitted Charles could come home but PS would have left by then. PS was writing to Aunt Harry to get her a cottage dress, and would send a gown so Lady J. could give it to Aunt H. as PS had begged her to let her Montue Maker make it for her. PS's counterpane was coming. She had occupied her new room several nights, a delightful bed - Miss Hawkins said London beds were full of fowl heads & filthy claws.
Seale 1798 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell Tuesday 4 O’clock 6 Mar 1807. TwoPenny unpaid 19thC
DHRG No. 101960
Gay rout Monday night, the Duncans, Mrs Twysden; the Clements, Mr Charter etc,etc, a simple cold supper, an excellent cook. The very handsome counterpane had arrived. The china was shipped & on the way. Col.Stapletom told Col.Hayne that the Regiment was coming to Exeter that spring. JHS did not believe it so would take PS with him in a week. Request for Lady J to pay Madm. Triaud for a Spencer as JS had since ordered a pelisse. She hoped Lady J. would be in the country in the summer. PS expected her confinement soon, perhaps twins.
Seale 1799 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 7 O’clock 11 Mar 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101961
At Belmont the previous day, the young people performed in a play ''The Old Maid'', the Miss Claytons sang & played in the intervals. A gentleman sang Handel songs, Family not leaving Mt. Boone as soon as expected as JHS was going to the Assizes at Exeter. PS would join him at the end of the week, & go with him to Portsmouth. PS did not argue with the prejudiced & vain lady Lady J referred to. Hal's hair cut on his birthday was enclosed in the last letter. Hal walked alone that morning. Mr Charter often called, Mrs C seldom would walk up the hill, but her health was no worse. Flower seeds were expected soon from Liverpool, so was Lady J in the summer. PS & JHS were planning Hal's merry Christening, with the expected little one in church too with both Grandmamas. The Blackawton family, Aunt Bond, the Necks if possible, the Andersons & the Charters: JHS would tap a famous cask of ale from Burton. Glad Sally had fixed on a husband she had been a little cruel on her swain's. Surprised no news from Scotland; had Uncle Bewicke been offended by the letter she had sent about Mrs. Bond, he had not replied?
Seale 1800 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell 22 March 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101962
JHS had returned from Exeter that Friday, Due to a report that one Regiment was probably coming near Mt. Boone so he would not leave till the last moment. At Exeter he sat on the Grand Jury, the best way to meet the top people, he met Mr.Richard Jodrell, but he was taken up with Sir W.Pole, both great quizzies. JHS rode out with Mr.J. & showed him the country but it snowed incessantly. He was very busy at Mt. Boone, more tired of the Militia every day, hopeful of a job, but hard to find one. Mrs. Bond wished Lady J would come & stay at Norton with her. A new Administration would be an impediment to the Indian affair. If a new Parliament & H.Jodrell gets a recommendation from the Minister JHS would try to get him in for Dartmouth without expense, the present members being too friendly with the old Administration.
Seale 1801 J.H.Seale to J.Seale 26 March 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101963
On the way to Portsmouth, due to spend the night at Bitton. In JS's letter to Lady Jodrell he forgot to say what the War Office told him about the S.Devon Regt. Would JS be able to get anything out of the scramble of the ministers? In a letter to Lady Jodrell JHS suggested that H.Jodrell should get a recommendation of the new Ministry & JHS could bring him in for Dartmouth, as they were not likely to approve of the sitting such as the Bastards. It was doubtful if Lady Jodrell's case would benefit. The Assize was tolerably pleasant. JHS saw Mrs.Kekewick's a picture of death. Mr.K was very civil. JHS had a long talk with Mrs.K about Granville, Betty would go home when he went to school - Had JS received JHS's letter about Bennett & Tanner? The Hind took JS's letter to Mr.Farwell at Totnes who would do what he could in it.
Seale 1802 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell 29 March 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101964
JHS would like to stand for Dartmouth with the recommendation of Ministers after consultation. This was confidential. He was obliged to H.Jodrell & would have nominated him as he would have succeeded without expenses. He had spoken to JS but his influence would do no good.Was there any news from India or when Mr. Stone was likely to arrive? Scotch interference in the India Board would be unfavourable. Would H.Jodrell accept JHS's situation under Government? Request sent for Paulina to come, she could go to London for a fortnight & bring Lady J down (to Devon). JHS stayed at Bicton on the way with Lord & Lady Rolle. JHS lodging, where the Fortescues' had been, was tolerable. Henry would not be coming up. The Duke of Kent was expected 30 March.
Seale 1803 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 5 April (Sunday) 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101965
PS left Mt. Boone on Thursday & should have arrived Friday night, but was delayed by want of horses. Dorchester & Blandford in a bustle due to a possible change in Parliament. Sad parting from Henry. Very pleasing being in a Garrison probably like Fort St. George (Madras) The Stones expected. Not possible to call on Mrs Stone in Taunton. New Forest delightful, the roads were very good, the weather favourable. Mrs Bond much better, but her spirits were not mended. The best plan would be for Lady Jodrell to be with her. Not much confidence in the Andersons, Mr. Charter a great fidget, Mrs Neck too much taken up with worldly affairs. JHS planned a trip to Town between returns. Sorry Uncle Harry was so unwell. What was Sally's husbands name?
Seale 1804 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell April 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101966
Mr. H. Jodrell's note received - nothing to be done at present. If he did start the business, he should be quick as he was like the Vicar of Bray, ready to make terms with the Minister. Pitt was very adverse to Ed.B---d & the newpeople more so. JHS's uncle was going by the Mail for London for a week, intending to call on Lady J. Kind remembrance to Lady J's brother, sisters & Mrs. Fownes.
Seale 1805 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell Apl 14 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101967
JHS & PS were leaving for London 17 April after the Inspection with a man and a maid servant. Lady J was to ask JS to find a good hotel not far away, & 2 job horses, by the week. JHS had been at Steven's,Clifford St, very expensive. There were some good ones in Brook St., Albermarle St. Cork St. etc. His leave of Absence was only to 1 May.
Seale 1806 J.H.Seale to Lady Jodrell 15 April 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101968
Inspection fixed for 16 April not Friday. Leave only till 30 April, so leaving Portsmouth the 16th evening, arriving in London 17 April, so hopeful of seeing Lady J. & that the post would bring details of accommodation. JHS's servant told to call on JS on arriving on Friday.
Seale 1807 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell May 1807 Wednesday 19thC
DHRG No. 101969
Arrived to a late dinner Tuesday evening. Comfortable lodging found Wednesday morning. A good journey: a little faintness that night. Staying no more than 1 week. When would Lady J. leave Town & where could they meet? Would Lady J. go to Norton or Mt. Boone first?
Seale 1808 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 12 May 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101970
Col Hayne called 11 May. Intending to go to Devon that Thursday. PS hoped to accompany him. JHS disapproved of her travelling.with just Mary & no man. Susan's husband would not allow her to go too ''how provoking!'' At a loss for a cook in Devon. Would Lady J. ask Mrs. Stone if she knew of one a middle-aged woman, not fine? Taunton was quite near, & pay PS's debt to her. A letter from Mrs. Adams came stating that Mrs. Seale was very ill. Hal was well, with five teeth. Taunton was quite near, & pay PS's debt to her. A letter from Mrs Adams came stating that Mrs. Seale was very ill. Hal was well, with 5 teeth. Sorry Lady J's journey likely to be delayed, hopeful the weather was good for them at the Cottage on Sunday. Had Stephens Had the note requesting the crib .Love to Mrs. West.
Seale 1809 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 18 May 1807 (Index 112) 19thC
DHRG No. 101971
Arrived at Mt.Boone Sunday & next morning went to Mrs.Seale who was better but Dr.Puddicombe said not out of danger. Mrs.Adams & Miss Hawkins were with her. No cook available. Lady J more intimate with Mrs.Stone than PS so better to enquire about one, at 12 guineas; no servant under her. Little Hal was well. Aunt had called on her. Mr.Holdsworth's marriage to Miss Easterbrook fixed.
Seale 1810 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 22 May 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101972
Request for Lady J to send PS's letter to Mrs. Wright. Mrs Seale's fever was increasing. Mr.S not being with her not good in the eyes of the world. PS was tired,writing & drawing all morning.
Seale 1811 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 31 May 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101973
PS very busy re-painting & ornamenting a cabinet, saw Mrs Seale 31 May who Dr.Puddicombe said was out of danger. The weather 28-30 May inc. too bad for PS to call. Charles had arrived from Plymouth for a short time. PS's Aunt & the Charters expected for tea Friday but the weather prevented them. JHS plagued by blackheads. Hoped to be in Town soon after June 1. Death of his Pay Sergeant Gusset. PS had an excellent cook available midsummer, formerly with Miss Roope. The Plate Chest had arrived. No news of the Crib. The tea things were needed from Lady J for parties expected after PS's confinement. They had been avoided by leaving the country. The Duncans were leaving for Scotland 1 April. The Lethbridges flitting due to the intended Marriage giving Old Lady H occasion for their house. Dr.Blockwell had moved away. Mr.Hunt acted as Physician of Dartmouth, putting Dr. on his card.
Seale 1812 Paulina Seale to Lady Jodrell 3 June -6 June Saturday Night 1807 19thC
DHRG No. 101974
PS did not know of anyone she would like at the time of her illness. Mrs Seale recovered fast, but would not be quite well enough she would probably be at Mt. Boone at that time. PS could have Mrs. Roope, Cumming & Nurse Grant so Lady J need not worry. PS hoped JHS would have finished his work in Town & have left the Regiment. Little Hal was well, not spoilt. PS had chickens. (6 June) Aunt & Marianne spent 5 June with PS. Robert & Charles brought news of Mrs.Seale each morning. PS had been confined to her garden by Mr. Puddicome. JHS just arrived in Town.
Seale 1814 J.Seale to Col.Hayne Trustee of the land belonging to Townstal Parish 21 January 1808 19thC
DHRG No. 101975
4 trustees remained:- J.H Southcote, C.Hayne, J.Seale, R..Hutchings, Proper to add 10 more- J.H Seale, A.H.Holdsworth, H.Duncan, J.H.Southcote Junior, R.H.Seale, P.H.Seale, C.Hutchings, J.Teage, Lieut. Fox. -- Mr. Jones had settlement CH wanted. Mrs.Adams was getting over rheumatism. Hope CH's gout was better.
Seale 1815 J.H. Seale to J..Seale 7 February 1808 19thC
DHRG No. 101976
Arrangements to see Lord Rolle concerning the Memorial & for him to discuss it with Lds. Bayning & Bentinck. JHS would ask Mr. Stone to get Ld.Bentinck to write to Lord WB & solicit other Lords' help. Very happy with Best; who Lady J. said was intimate with Mr. Hobhouse. He should know if the Commissioners intended to pay off the debts or liquidate many claims. JS should get Mr. Bewicke on his arrival in Town to see Mr. H. Jodrell & ask him if Ld.Bayning was in Town & would join Ld.Rolle concerning the Memorial. J.Netherton asked if JS would buy his share in the Warfleet lime Kilns as he had heard JS had bought Page's part or JS could sell it to Mr. N. JHS showed H.Holsworth & A.Hurst, Mayor & Justice, the road he wanted turning behind his stable. A.Hunt wanted it turned from the head of Lanford Lane through JHS's orchard to Coombe. King was ordered to make a plan. Holdsworth brought a paper to sign giving up the new road for the old. Leaving home Saturday.
Seale 1816 J.H.Seale to J.Seale Reply to JS 22 Feb.- 26 February 1808 19thC
DHRG No. 101977
JHS agreed with JS about Dartmouth policies, except Immediate communication with Holdsworth about nomination of JHS after E.Bastard's dissolution. JS should be very careful about Holdsworth, who had other views & might appeal to the Minister leading to the exclusion of JS's interest. Uncle met Mr. Bastard in Bath, he had a complaint in his chest. D-n would not stand himself but there were many who would wish JHS to be in that position like the family of Hunt & H of Hardness, but neither of them were likely to support him. The question of free men's sons having the right of their freedom. Glad JS took notice of young Smith. Sir T.Turton's motion might help the Carnatic case. Ld.W.Bentiken had informed Mr. Stone that Ld. Rolle had presented the Memorial. The Hind had the conveyance for JS of the lime Kiln from Mr. Payn drawn up by Mr. Tucker; Mr. Netherton's offer of his part had no sinister meaning. Had JS lodged money with Charles's agent for him? Possible profit for JS selling Cider in London. Did JS get the Sherborne Mercury? Mrs. J.Seale had 6 white wine. JS dept for Port
Seale 1817 J.H.Seale to J.Seale 6 March 1808 19thC
DHRG No. 101978
At Bicton much of the previous week, Received copy of Ld.W.Bentinck's letter to Ld. Rolle from Lady J. Request to Ld. Rolle, when in town to see Lds. Bentinck & Bayning for advice. JHS wrote to Mr. Stone who got Ld.W.B> to write to the Treasury. No advice to give from Mr. Bruce. Magazine obtainable in Exeter. J.Bennet, very insolent, paid £20 fine at Mt.Boone. JHS would defer to JS & write to Holdsworth against his will about getting the interest of the Treasury. The question of right, for Freeman's sons was good. Much of the opposition to the present people had no votes:- London market was good for cider. JS no less accurate than Mr.Joseph; 2 doz. & 4 bottles of white wine charged to JS. Tragic death of little black horse. On 5 March Snelling had news from Fuge, Dr. Puddicombe needed Uncle (Hayne) had dislocated his shoulder. Mr. Fownes had died. Paulina got mourning for going with Lady Rolle to the Assizes. Assistant Surgeancy of the Regt. for J.Puddicombe. Duncan wanted the road widened through The Rookery. JHS very reluctant. A.Holdsworth to be told to stop work till JS knew.
Seale 1818 J.H.Seale to J.Seale 23 March 1808 19thC
DHRG No. 101979
Back from the Assizes Ball at 2 am that morning. JHS was not in the Grand Jury, his name not called. JS's was quite high on the list. JHS accompanied Paulina as Lady Rolle was unable to due to a sprained ankle. He introduced her to Mrs. Palk, Lady Carew & the Sister and also the Rogers, Kennaways, Kakewiches etc. JHS & Robert each danced with one of the Sheriff's sisters. The Colonel was on the Grand Jury, not seen at the Ball. Sir B.Wrey was foreman of the Jury. Exeter very full. Going there again 24 March to dine at Eales's probably meeting the Rogers & then on to the Ball. Many enquiries after JS. JHS hoped he would come to Devon in the summer in more respectable company than Jacky Southcote & clan. H.Jodrell had no interest in Government.. Bastard was better. Division was likely between the Hunts & Mt. Galpin, J.Hunt had bought Belmont, with possession at Midsummer. Pierce Taylor said the Holdsworth must have the living. He & Bastard had been promised it but others thought they had no chance.
Seale 1819 J.H..Seale to J.Seale 28 March 1808 19thC
DHRG No. 101980
Ld.Rolle was going to Town next Wednesday & concerning the application to the Treasury would see Ld's Bentinck & Bayning Assizes, very full, many causes untried at the end of the week. Good reception for Paulina, noticed by the Pallis, Carews, especially Lady & Miss Carew, & the Kennaways. JHS took Robert that Thursday to dine with the Eales & met the Rogers, Quicks & Uncle Harry Templer etc. & most of them went on to the Ball. JHS danced first with the Sheriff's wife & Robert with a Rogers & a Crediton friend. Paulina & he then came home & JHS next day due to a painful boil so missed dinner with Jones & Mrs Eales' Ball. No sign of Tomlinson Wolf & Tanner in a list of Trials. Lord Rolle could not help Mr. Philip Leigh, Tom Tipwhit had management of Dartmoor Prison; The Regt. was not going there. What work box should Paulina have received? JHS needed to know about the man with whom Robert was to be in partnership. He seemed to be quite an adventurer. It might help Robert to learn about banking. JHS could exchange JS's old gig horse with a younger one, if JS could lay out the money to pay the difference. Robert & Paulina had ridden out.
Seale 1820 J.H.Seale to John Seale 16 April 1808 (Inscribed 11 April) 19thC
DHRG No. 101981
JHS exchanged JS's old gig horse for a very fine young one from the rascal Rookes. Next day it was lame, so JHS took it back. Rooke was averse at first at taking the horse back, JHS then said he would take action against him he relented, he had no other gig horse. JS got the value of his money back. Perhaps JS would be down & have no gig horse, but the knurls on the gig were hardly safe. JS could have either of JHS's or Paulina's little horse, which she rode. Lord Castlereagh's budget of Defence had just been received. JHS hoped Robert was with JS. Ld.Rolle would probably be down in May. His Volunteers would be coming out on permanent duty. John Puddicombe had joined the Regiment.
Seale 1821 J.H.Seale to Mrs (S) Seale 6 August 1808 19thC
DHRG No. 101982
Many business letters etc. delayed writing to Mother. Mr. Stone had just left, he came early on Thursday with his little boy who played with Henry. JS was expected soon. JHS was vexed he would not come & see Mr. Stone. JHS etc. went Friday to Monday D.Fuford to stay with the Tuckfields; an old house being greatly altered; a very fine Park, not extensive. The Bullers came over Sunday inviting JHS & PS to dinner Monday, thwarted by Military Returns. Preparing for the Assizes, Paulina was going to Bicton to accompany Lady Rolles to the Balls & perhaps visit the Tuckfields after Thursday's ;ball. Lodging booked for Aunt & a bed for Robert bespoke a pretty parsonage. Mrs & Miss Sophia Ilbert were there, Augusta had walked out --They also saw Matilda Fownes & Mrs. Carew. JS & Robert had just arrived. Mrs. John & Dr. Harry returned their kind love.
Seale 1822 J.H.Seale to Mr. Dermott 5 January 1809 19thC
DHRG No. 101983
Memorial drawn by Mr. Parker; his statements were correct, he was not Sanguine in the Attorney General's concurrence. Mr. Stone would send it back to JS to be sent on to Mr. H.Jodrell, at Bayfield Hall, Norfolk, who would be in Town in 7 or 10 days: after the meeting of Parliament. Request for Mr. D. to send JHS's Marriage Settlement needed in Lady Jodrell's affair. Mr. H. Jodrell had a copy.
Seale 1823 J.H.Seale to Lord Rolle January 1809 19thC
DHRG No. 101984
Draft on the back of a printed advertisement announcing the 2nd edition of ''Prince's Worthies of Devon'' with a request for corrections.
No answer received from Lord Rolle to JHS's letter sent a fortnight previously. JHS had come up to be at the return & to see Ld.Rolle at Bicton & with great reluctance, to take his leave of Ld. & Lady Rolle & would be glad to return home that Wednesday if his resignation was known, but if Ld.Rolle did not want it known then, he would attend at the next return.
No answer received from Lord Rolle to JHS's letter sent a fortnight previously. JHS had come up to be at the return & to see Ld.Rolle at Bicton & with great reluctance, to take his leave of Ld. & Lady Rolle & would be glad to return home that Wednesday if his resignation was known, but if Ld.Rolle did not want it known then, he would attend at the next return.
Seale 1824 Lord Rolle to Capt. Seale 30 January 1809 19thC
DHRG No. 101985
Capt.S. had not received Lord R's letter. Lord R supported & permitted the Memorial. He advised delay in publishing it, and suggested Capt.S should hunt & dine with him & hear his suggestions on 31 January.
Seale 1825 Lord Rolle to Capt.Seale 2 February 1809 (Index 113) 19thC
DHRG No. 101986
Lord R if trusted would try JHS's horse, what was the lowest price or was it to be an exchange. Waiting all day to hear from Hawkins.
Seale 1826 J.H.Seale to Lord Rolle Reply to 1825 19thC
DHRG No. 101987
Lord R. could keep the colt Matchems as long as he pleased. Lowest price 100 guineas. Intention of leaping him, many applications. Dam 3 parts bred, got by Mat of the Mint, the father bred by the late Ld. Barrington.
Seale 1827 J.H.Seale to Ld. Rolle February 1809 19thC
DHRG No. 101988
JHS very sorry about Lord Rolle's hunting accident, should JHS be at Ottery on the 8th or not? Mr. Cole had written that Capt. Fortescue had said JHS should be at the next return without saying on whose authority. If Capt. F. wished JHS to relieve him he should have come to see him at Blackawton when JHS was staying with his Aunt (Adams). JHS supposed Capt. Rowe must recall unnecessary; he would be at the Barracks at 3 o'clock on the 8th if required. JHS's house was full of friends, some from Scotland so he did not expect to leave home till the 14th.
Seale 1828 J.H.Seale to Henry Jodrell May 1809 19thC
DHRG No. 101989
A letter from Lord Rolle enclosed a note from Mr. Dundas concerning his discussion with the Solicitor General about Lady Jodrell's affair. The delay was due to the solicitor not Mr. Dundon. JHS presumed that HJ was in possession of the Attorney's & Solicitor General's opinions of the last Memorial. JHS was just off to a recruiting service(?) Mt. Boone was JHS's headquarters for the next 6 months.
Seale 1829 J.Putter?? to John Seale 18 May 1809 19thC
DHRG No. 101990
Request to know if the late gentleman cadet at the Royal Military College had entered His Majesty's Service with the number of the Regiment & date of his Commission.
Seale 1830 J.H.Seale to Henry Jodrell After 18 May 1809 19thC
DHRG No. 101991
HJ's letter received previous night on JHS's arrival. The Attorney & Solicitor General's opinions had removed all obstacles to Mr. Dundas settling Sir Paul Jodrell's case. Mr. D. had the countenance of the Duke of Portland & Lord W. Bentinck, who was Governor of Fort St.George. JHS had written to Lord Rolle to use all his influence with Mr. D. before he left the Board, so Time was short. Ld. R. lived in Upper Grosvenor Street. Mr. Stone called & said he would write to Lord Bentinck & ask him to renew his application to the Board of Control. The Solicitor had told Mr. Dermott that the Opinions & Case were layed a fortnight since before the Board. Urgent to settle while Mr. Dundass was still there.