Seale Family Papers 1776-1778
Seale 0308 Sarah Seale to John Seale Jnr after April 1775 before 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100468
A letter brought by a gentleman for J.S. junior forwarded as possibly important. Hopes J.S. got safely to Mt. Boon in bad weather
Seale 0309 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr No date (12 January 1776) Safe Delivery (birth) 18thC
DHRG No. 100469
Sad headache. Congratulations on safe delivery of Sarah Seale. Mr. Harris says J.S. junior has map. Request that it be sent by return. Have written to Mr. Vivy relating to affairs in Cornwall.
Seale 0310 J. Seale Snr. to John Seale Jnr. No Date (7 Jan 1776) Congratulations on birth 18thC
DHRG No. 100470
'I received your letter about 9am'' etc. Congratulation on the increase of family. Mr. Harris delayed by heavy rain.
Seale 0311 Richard Harris to John Seale Jnr Jan 1776 (Friday) Much Snow 18thC
DHRG No. 100471
Came from Mt. Boone Saturday on horseback in bad weather. Much snow here. Chancellor Dunning snow bound at Park. Cornish journey off. Mrs. Seale & little Miss both well.
Seale 0312 J.F. Fanshawe to John Seale Jnr Jan 1776 Birth of Daughter 18thC
DHRG No. 100472
J.F. & Mrs. Fanshaw & daughter send congratualtions on the birth of a daughter for J.S. & S.S (Harriet (1) died in infancy)
Seale 0313 Sarah Seale to John Seale Jnr Information about a House to Rent 1 Feb. 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100473
Enclosed picture of house applied for, brought by Mr. Melton. Mr. Lucas would leave furniture till J.S. provide some. 2 others have applied. J.S. was first Mr. M. & Mr. L. would meet J.S. at Cas. Hegrove. S.S. now stout, able to walk with stick, with old Lady, J.S. to have sporting right's on Mr. L's royalty. S.S. had woodcock for dinner. Worry about J.S's journey to Mt. Boon. Weather very bad.
Seale 0314 John Seale Jnr to Sarah Seale No Date Probably around about Jan or Feb. 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100474
Rough draft on same sheet as part of the story of the Rape of the Sabine Women. Mr. Lake fixed at Teignmouth; unable to have his company till the end of the season. Now settled at Castlegrove. S.S.'s(?) 2 months absence time to make house habitable. Mr. & Mrs. Luttrell expected on 28th, warned disorder, C.Hayne also expected. Lady Davie very ill.
Seale 0315 Sarah Seale to John Seale Jnr No Month. 15th 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100475
Very recently arrived at new habitation. Pleased with situation, walked in garden with Mary. Dolly had a bad cold. House needed improvements, dirty. furniture dirty, a bad housekeeper not kept on, though honest, so Mr. Lucas had kept her. Misunderstanding with Aunt Catherine sorted out. On the back of the letter - The end of a letter of Congratulations on the wedding or Sarah & J.S. 11 April 1775. from Dr. Mervin
Seale 0316 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr. Cornish Affair mentioned no date sunday evening 1776? 18thC
DHRG No. 100476
Mentioned Cornish affair to Mr. L. --- parted amicably. He advised selling not leasing. Miss Hayne wrote that Mrs. J. S. was well enough to dine in the parlour. Mr. Harris expected ??? Trees not arrived. Servant Mary married. Fish to send to Mr. Cummins. AMS expecting box from London.
Seale 0317 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr Map of the Mud not found no date Friday night 12 o’clock early 1776? 18thC
DHRG No. 100477
Father vexed J.S. has not found Map of the Mud. Foster expected the next Sunday, map wanted then. Better enquire of Mr. Praed about it. Hope map is not lost. Trees not yet arrived
Seale 0318 J. Seale to Sir? no date 1776? 18thC
DHRG No. 100478
Thanks for snipes. Journey possibly delayed by weather. Hopes to be at Mt. Boone following week. Will report on affair with Corporation. Desires to know price of the stone post for gate and of drawing of a brief in their cause.
Seale 0319 J. Seale to (1) ? Sir….. (11) ? Elizabeth or Charles Hayne No date 1776? 18thC
DHRG No. 100479
Possibly writing on reverse side refers to a different letter to second draft on the front. No knowledge of having Map. Apologies if responsible for its loss. Would write to Praed Does not consider it important. Major Brown held up by weather walks with little Harriot Ann Seale. Refers to himself as brother.
Seale 0320 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr Map of the mud found no date Sunday evening1776? 18thC
DHRG No. 100480
Map found. Mr. Harris' fault. J.S. got the blame. Letter from Mr. Vivian who will give every assistance. Post at Tavistock frozen to death the previous week. Much snow at Cornwood & Plymouth. Little snow but severe frost at Dartmouth. Glad little Harriet had recovered.
Seale 0321 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr. 3 March 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100481
No account of the Jury yet arrived: requests J.S. to call on Under Sheriff. Foster finished the map. Hope that J.S. had good journey.
Seale 0322. Frederick Rogers to John Seale Jnr. 1 May 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100482
Threats of Dartmouth cause at next Assizes. Glad Mrs. S. was well enough to be at Mt. Boone. She would also be welcome at Blachford. Death of Mr. Newman - Mrs. Fanshawe sends news of family. F.R. still busy building.
Seale 0323. Mrs A.M.Seale to John Seale Jnr. 4 May 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100483
Mr. Harris left 30 April, due to go to Cornwall with J.S. (junior). J.S. senior displeased at no news from family: large Bill come; Mr. Payne to be at Plympton. Mr. Harris very poorly, while staying. E.S. begs J.S. junior to call on Mr. Furly in Cornwall.
Seale 0324. E.Remon to John Seale 12 May 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100484
Thanks for letter of 17 November 1775. Mrs. Marett widow of Peter Marett died the previous week. Her daughter Mrs. Le Couter asked E.R. to write to J.S. Cider scarce in England. E.R. could send it to any port in Devonshire at 2 gns. a pipe free of freight.
Seale 0325. Miss Seale Mr & Mrs. Seale to John Seale Jnr Sunday night No Date1776? 18thC
DHRG No. 100485
Formal Mr. & Mrs. Seale etc. prevented by Mr. and Mrs. Harris who came on Saturday. Mr. H. had been very ill but was better, he was persuaded to come to Castle Grove, but had to be in Ashburton Fair on the next Thursday invitation could be given in person.
Seale 0326. Elizabeth Seale to J. Seale Jnr 28 May 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100486
Peter Gibbs setting off for Castlegrove. Father & Mother arrived previous evening. Robbins said J.S. was about to begin about the house, so uncertainty about invitation.
Seale 0327. W.M. Eales to J. Seale Jnr 4 June 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100487
(Damaged) Hopes to come soon to Castlegrove; also that Mr. & Mrs. J.S. would come to the Thatched House under the Hill. Various people arriving or due in Teignmouth. Smuggling girls referred to.
Seale 0328. Mr. Beague to John Seale Jnr. No Year. 15 August (1776?) 18thC
DHRG No. 100488
Formal invitation to dinner on a side of Venison on 16 August.
Seale 0330. Richard Eastcott Jnr. to John Seale 5 Sept. 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100489
R.E. forgot request due to Mrs. E's illness. Hopes to get it written out before J.S.'s servant leaves Exeter or when he next comes. Glad that J.S. received piano forte safely.
Seale 0331. From J Seale 16 Oct. 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100490
J.S. would have supported Mr. Cholwich if not already engaged to Mr. Baring. Glad to hear brother of ……….is better. Mrs. Fownes gives constant accounts of his progress, which is why nothing sent to Dunster Castle.
Seale 0332. John Baring to John Seale 31 Oct. 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100491
Election following Wednesday. Candidates agreed to vote by regular equal tullies. Best day to attend is Thursday. Hopes to be favoured with J.S.'s company. Friends at Plymouth Turnpike would attend him.
Seale 0333. Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 15 Dec. 1776 18thC
DHRG No. 100492
Thanks for letter & woodcocks. Capt. Luttrell very ill. His brother John not realising this, more interested in hunting at Lupton with Mr. & Mrs. Southcott. Sloop with hogshead sailed to Exeter. Many complaints about J.S.'s pointer destroyer of poultry. Ships lost. Lamen ??? was in Dartmouth about pressing for the Navy. C. Barter returned.
Seale 0307 Sarah Seale to John Seale junior 1776? 18thC
DHRG No. 100493
Looks forward to letter from J.S. junior. Pleasant drive round Topsham Bowling Green with Miss Penny. John brought news of Lord Ashburton's death due to an egg shell in his throat. Respects to J.S's parents & love to Fanny.
Seale 0334. Thomas Piper to John Seale 8 January 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100494
Received letter of 15 December. Mr. Mauger had told T.P. that particulars regarding J.S.'s estate in Jersey were correct. The caluation was very high; J.S.'s houses were in a very bad state, while good houses in St. Aubin were empty & several were to be sold. Could J.S. accept terms T.P. had before proposed.
Seale 0335. Thomas Pipon to John Seale 14 Feb. 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100495
Received letter of 21 January. J.S. appeared unwilling to sell unless he got much more than the true value. T.P. had enough houses & gardens. One of his brothers then abroad, needed the estate, for which T.P. would pay £1500 or £1600.(more than T.P. would have paid it for himself) Guarantee needed. Several houses needed demolishing for public safety.
Seale 0336. George Robbins to John Seale Jnr Monday 17 Feb. 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100496
G.R. would honour the draught. Unable to be with J.S. through being thrown from his horse, unable to put on his shoe, but hopes to that week. He had seen Carter & Northcott who said the Good(?) should be finished in a fortnight at most. Mr. F. Eastman would be all completed that week.
Seale 0337 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale Jnr No Date Tuesday Evening Feb. 1777? Birth of Elizabeth Maria Seale . 18thC
DHRG No. 100497
Letter received by Kitt. Congratulations on birth of daughter. Letter to J.S. senior from Mr. Harris: notice of trial given to his agent; all stress laid on the fishery: hoping to see J.S. junior the next week. Birth of Elizabeth Maria Seal 16 February
Seale 0338 John Seale senior to John Seale junior No Date Tuesday Evening February 1777? Trial with Corporation, Gov.very ill 18thC
DHRG No. 100498
Congratuations on birth of child. Letter from Mr. Harris to say trial with Corporation to come on next assizes. The Governor very ill, attended by Dr. Glass & another physician. Little hope of recovery.
Seale 0339. Rev. Thomas Baker to J. Seale 23 Feb. 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100499
Accusation by Mrs. Cock that the Officer of Excise ransacked her house, when examined by Mr. Bulteel & T.B. was entirely groundless. Her offence was proved that she pretended that the Spirits belonged to the lodger, but only a part did. Her information about J.S.'s letter to T.B. was untrue etc.
Seale 0340. P. Mauger to John Seale 25 Feb. 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100500
Mr. Pipon will have nothing to do with the arrears. If J.S. disposes of his estate in Jersey, he would give Mr. P. possession from Christmas last for ever but J.S. would keep arrears of rent. Mr. P. does this for his absent brother.
Seale 0341. Thomas Pipon to John Seale 22 April 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100501
T.P.'s brother hoped all was settled concerning J.S.'s estate in Jersey, so that his brother would return to England sooner. T.P. had agreed to J.S. proposal of 21 January Mr. Mauger defers passing necessary deeds etc. till he gets papers from J.S.
Seale 0342. Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Junior 27 April 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100502
J.S. senior received letter & bill from J.S. (junior) & cucumber. Mr. & Mrs. Southcott came but had to return to Buckland on the Friday on Business. They hoped to come again soon.
Seale 0343. J. Seale to Peter Mauger 29 April 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100503
Request that P.M. would call in the arrears of rents remaining due to the Jersey estate before the estate is sold. Letter from Mr. T.Pipon saying he agreed to J.S.'s propsal. J.S. would be glad to know how the Purchase money is to be paid.
Seale 0344 Thomas Pipon to John Seale 3 May 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100504
According to Mr. Mauger's letter it appeared that J.S. had misconstrued something T.P. had written in his letter of 9 April, quite unintentionably. It would not make any difference to J.S. when he receives the arrears of rents.
Seale 0345 J. Seale to Thomas Pipon 1st draft 13 May 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100505
It appears from letter of 3 May that T.P. agreed to pay £1700 for the estate as agreed. In letter of February T.P. seemed dissatisfield at the price so J.S. had deferred answering till he heard from Mr. Mauger concerning the arrears etc.
Seale 0346 J. Seale to Thomas Pipon 2nd draft 13 May 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100506
As above. Nothing received from Mr. Mauger T.P. to ask Mr. Mauger to draw an abstract of the writing necessary to convey the Estate etc. & to call in the arrears as fast as possible. Compliments to Pipon family.
Seale 0347 P. Mauger to John Seale 13 May 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100507
Everything settled P.M. assumed to J.S.'s satisfaction. Mr.Pipon desires estate made over to him for rent. A reliable person assures P.M. that £1700 would be paid within 6 months after passing the contract. The arrears would be secured to J.S. by a clause in the contract etc.
Seale 0348. J. Seale to P. Mauger Reply to 0347 May 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100508
J.S. does not doubt the disposal of estate would be punctually observed, but forsees more trouble. Usual for purchaser to pay the whole sum at the signing of contract. T.P. mentioned paying part later. All the arrears should be secured before the estate is sold - just received T.P.'s letter of 20 May.
Seale 0349 Thomas Pipon to John Seale 20 May 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100509
Mr. Mauger informed T.P. that J.S. desired more particulars to be settled. P.M. was satisfield that £1700 would be paid punctually & arrears settled. No need for apprehensions.
Seale 0350 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 23 May 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100510
Mrs. Fownes said J.S. & all were well. No more heard from Mr. Harris. Rule of Court Enlarged till third day of the next term. Governor said to be dead. Mr. Luttrell expected. Surprise application by Mr. Southcott. Freeman to be elected. Capt. Vincent returned from Bristol. Mrs. Fownes' brother to marry the grand-daughter of late Bishop of Bath & Wells. Old Mr. & Mrs. Seale consent to inoculation.
Seale 0351 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 8 June 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100511
Glad to hear J.S. & family were well. Suppose inoculation of little girl is postponed. Concerning law suit about fishing rights at Dartmouth, motion postponed till 6 June. Consultation had been made. Questions entered very fully by Mr. Mansfield. 2 Judges present. Mr. Rogers sent for to Sir Fredrick dangerously ill at Bath. Capt. Vincent sailed previous Friday. Mr. Harris has gout.
Seale 0352 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale junior 19 June 1777 Death of Sir Frederick Rogers. Fishing Rights 18thC
DHRG No. 100512
Death of Sir Fredrick Rogers. Letter just received from C. Fanshawe with congratulation for winning the law suit against the Corporation concerning fishing rights at Dartmouth. E.S. recommended Black or Grey silk with plain linen
Seale 0353 E.Remon junior to John Seale (senior) 24 June 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100513
Previous winter E.R's brother captured by American privateer, prisoner for a month, retaken in his own ship by H.M.S. Phoenix, home via New York. He & E.R. willing to buy J.S.'s estate in Jersey under proposed conditions. Mr. T.Pipon also applied for his brother in W.Indies. E.R. particularly wanted one field near father's home.
Seale 0354 P. Mauger senior to John Seale (senior) 27 June 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100514
Mr. Pipon would have J.S.'s estate in Jersey made to him for rent so as to avoid trouble from J.S.'s relations for redemption of estate is purchased for money. J.S. demands £1700 for the Estate, £850 would be paid by person who would buy the rents, the other half paid 6 months later. J.S. worried about arrears etc.
Seale 0355 J. Seale senior to P. Mauger senior 15 July 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100515
Mr. Pipon refuses to buy J.S.'s estate in Jersey. Instead he wishes the estate transferred to him for rent so as to avoid trouble from J.S.'s relatives. J.S. denies that there would be any trouble whatever method is decided upon. When all is agreed P,M's is to Amen The Deeds of Transfer & send to J.S.
Seale 0356 J. Seale (senior) to J. Seale (junior) 5 July 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100516
Mr. Harris' advice received & understood. Uncertain about going to assizes. Letter from Mr. Mauger. Weather not good.Instructions about sending goods.
Seale 0357 J Seale (junior) to J. Seale (senior) Answer to 0356 5 July 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100517
Goblets not arrived at Taunton. Burrows to send them on to Exeter. Weather settled: the hay harvest.
Seale 0358 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale junior 4 August 1777 Counsel for J.S. against Corporation. 18thC
DHRG No. 100518
E.S. & family still at Exeter. J .S. (senior) has Gout, swollen foot. Intended leaving next Wednesday if fit. E.S. letter enquiring about Counsel for J.S. against Corporation. Prideaux retained Mansfield Buller to check before being retained by J.S. Hope J. junior approves. To be kept secret.
Seale 0359 P. Mauger (senior) to John Seale(Senior) 7 Aug 1777 Transfer of Estate Form of Power of Attorney included. 18thC
DHRG No. 100519
.M. in accordance with agreement has transferred all J.S.'s estate in Jersey to Thomas Pipon son of Thomas, attorney to his brother Charles etc. and by another deed sold to Thomas Pipon son of Joshua for £1700 etc. Mrs. Seale is to send Peter Mauger junior a power of attorney, so he may take over some of the duties P.M. senior, who has ill health, would have done.
Seale 0360 J. Seale senior to Mr. Mauger 20 Aug. 1777 Jersey Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100520
Receipt of favour enclosing bill of Exchange from Mr. Pipon for £1000 which will go in part of the purchase money Mr. Pipon has agreed to give for J.S.'s estate in Jersey. AMS to sign the Power of Attorney form..
Seale 0361 Rev. C. Barter to John Seale 1777 Tomb for John Seale Snr 18thC
DHRG No. 100521
C.B. does not think a faculty is required for building a tomb. The parish priest decides there is a fee for breaking the ground. No room in Communion Space due to Harris Tomb. Only place available is under Mrs. Wakenham,s ??? & south side of Kendell's.
Seale 0362 Revd. Hutchings John Seale 11 Sept. 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100522
Condolences on death of John Seale senior.
Seale 0363 J. Seale to Rev. J. Hutchings 16 Sept. 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100523
Thanks for Mr. Hutchings great concern AMS, Elizabeth Seale & Sarah Seale as well as may be expected. Compliments to Mrs. Hutchings.
Seale 0364 John Henry Southcote to John Seale October 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100524
Mr. Badcock of Taunton broke his leg at Mr. Southcote's the previous day. Mr. Patch from Exeter satisfield with Mr. B's condition. John Seale told that his friends would be welcome at Mr. Southcote's house.
Seale 0365 Peter Gibbs to John Seale 9 Nov. 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100525
Matthew Peek, evidently a tenant farmer will not accept J.S.'s terms. He suggests various modifications.
Seale 0366 J. Seale to Peter Gibbs Reply to 0365 13 Nov. 1777 18thC
DHRG No. 100526
P.G. to set the estate to Peek, he finding reed & 'sparrows' etc. according to the agreement, if he does not agree then J.S. will hear no more of him. PG is, in this situation, to look after the estate but not to lime it.
Seale 0367 C. Fanshawe to John Seale11 Nov. 1777 (with reply) Capt.Tollemache killed in duel 18thC
DHRG No. 100527
Damaged letters:- Concern for AMS & family after death of J.S.senior. Capt. Tollemache of the Navy who married Lady Bridget Henley killed in duel with Pennington of the Guards in New York. TS brother killed in HMS Repulse. One of P's brothers was killed in a duel a year ago. CF & his mother look forward to seeing J.S. etc. in Plymouth.
Seale 0368 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 30 Nov. 1777 Mrs.Harris’s broken leg 18thC
DHRG No. 100528
Much better & ready to leave off physic. Mrs. Harris en route to Nethway broke 2 bones in her leg. Mr. Wolcot set it. Mrs. H. very old. Mr. H. left on business. Miss Caty to come Tuesday, 2 people needed to sit up every night. AMS very poorly, but better. E.S. had a very bad cold but better. Peter Gibbs confined to his bed.
Seale 0369 T. Wood to John Seale 2 Dec. 1777 Wager 18thC
DHRG No. 100529
Mr. Newton & T.W. lost bet of a Rump of Beef & Dozen (of Claret) to Bill Walker etc. at Vine Tavern, Tiverton. Mr. Seale invited to join party, & Mrs. Seale to dine with T.W.'s sister otherwise. Mr. & Mrs. Seale to dinner on the Saturday.
Seale 0370 Peter Mauger (attorney) to John Seale Jnr 13 Dec. 1777 Jersey Estate, A.M.S to sign Power of Attorney 18thC
DHRG No. 100530
Condolences on death of John Seale senior. P.M's father transferred old J.S's estate in Jersey to Thos. Pipon; who gave a bill of exchange of £1000 in part payment, sent on to J.S. senior & Power of Attorney not yet executed. A.M.S. must sign it. P.M. junior requires Power of Attorney.
Seale 0371 Thomas Derby to J. Seale 28 Feb. 1777 Stray Dog Found 18thC
DHRG No. 100531
Stray setter or Pointer with collar marked J.Seal Esq. Mt. Boon appeared at T.D.'s house. Unable to trace owner. Heard of J.S. when at Walronds at Bradfield. Asks for reply.
Seale 0372 Edwd. Blackmore to Mr. Harris (Attorney at Law) 14 March 1778 Yellands Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100532
No answer received about Yellands Estate. £8 or upwards due to Mr. & Mrs. Seale for arrears of tin dues - Mr. Polkinhorne refused to take up account from old Mr. Phillipps.
Seale 0373 A.M.Seale to Mr. Robbins 14 May 1778(?) (not 1776) Rough draft on the back of Royal Menu. 18thC
DHRG No. 100533
Received bill from Mr. R. rather confused about it. AMS sends a bill for £80.
Seale 0374 Notes by J Seale Jnr. written on the royal menu 1778 New Quay Beneficial. 18thC
DHRG No. 100534
Peter Hawkins, John Hanover, John Hawkins, Henry Smith & Henry Treby, old boatmen found the new quay beneficial.
Seale 0375. J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Price 1 June 1778 Mr Pippin’s Hounds 18thC
DHRG No. 100535
Mr. Pippin gave J.S. the remainder of his hounds, one of which called Pratler was given to Mr. Price. It is at J.S.'s house. J.S. asks if Pratler should go to Mr. Price or stay with J.S.
Seale 0376. Rev. Mr. C Barter to John Seale 13 July 1778 Townstall Estate 18thC
DHRG No. 100536
That morning Rev. B. talked to Mrs. Garland about her selling Townstall Estate. She had no inclination to sell, nor the right to sell her son's position. Mr. Harris' high opinion of J.S. Mr. Eveleigh very dependable. Messrs Luttrell and Hayne would agree.
Seale 0377 Geo. Eveleigh to John Seale 13 July 1778 enclosed with 0376 18thC
DHRG No. 100537
Enclosed by Mr. Barter. Mr. E. solicits the favour of J.S.'s Business.
Seale 0378 J. Seale to Mr. C. Barter 13 July 1778 reply 18thC
DHRG No. 100538
Messenger to be dispatched at once with thanks to Mr. Barter, but not yet ready to accept Mr. E.S. offer. Requests to deliver the enclosed to Mr. E. (see next entry)
Seale 0379 J. Seale to Mr. Evelin 13 July 1778 reply to 0377 18thC
DHRG No. 100539
Thanks to Mr. E. but not yet ready to accept his offer
Seale 0380 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale About 15 July 1778 Friday afternoon 18thC
DHRG No. 100540
AMS sorry to hear S.S. so ill, hopes to go to her that evening or next morning or have her to stay. Kitt & Mrs. Ford brought letter from S.S. who seems better, no alarming circumstances. Hopes J.S. received box & key. Betsy gone to call on Aunt Catherine; Mr. Harris ill. Mr. CF at Castle. AMS to go soon to Castle Grove. Asks for £25 or £50 till she gets money from Seanes bill to pay Robbins and Mercers. Compliments to Mrs.Harris and Kitty. Stockings sent
Seale 0381 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 19 July 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100541
Silk stockings arrived safely. 4 Bills of £10 each sent; more to follow when available; J.S. highly obliged by AMS's commands. Mr. C..Fanshawe called previous day, gone to Plymouth but returning the next day.
Seale 0382 Mr. Luttrell to John Seale 14 July? 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100542
Disappointed not seeing Mr. Seale. Mr. L. would write soon from Nethway.
Seale 0383 J. Seale to H.F.Luttrell 19 July 1778 Luttrell Debt 18thC
DHRG No. 100543
On death of Mr. Harris, J.S. is legally entitled to the disposal of his affairs. H.F.L. appears to be in debt to Mr. H. J.S. will observe the greatest secrecy and wait till he sees H.F.L.
Seale 0384 Tho. Taylor to John Seale 20 July 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100544
Mr. Abraham brought J.S.'s message, hopes to wait on J.S. when available. Condolences to Mrs. Harris & Mr. J.S. Woodley on the death of Mr. Harris. Compliments to Mr. Fanshawe.
Seale 0385 H. Fownes Luttrell to J. Seale 21 July 1778 Debt due to late Mr Harris 18thC
DHRG No. 100545
H.F.L. ready to attend 'Little Madam' whenever convenient to J.S. Considerable debt due to late Mr. Harris. Compliments to Mrs. Harris.
Seale 0386 Henry Nosworthy to John Seale 4 Aug. 1778 Payment of a Debt 18thC
DHRG No. 100546
H.N's brother's debt to Mr. Harris. Presumes his brother's letter has informed J.S. that H.N. has the money, so H.N. request an interview with J.S.
Seale 0387 J. Seale to Mr. H. Nosworthy 15 Aug. 1778 reply to 0386 18thC
DHRG No. 100547
Ready to see H.N. when J.S. is in his part of the country
Seale 0388 Edward Holwell Drake to Seale Esq 8 Aug. 1778 Request for Deed of Trust 18thC
DHRG No. 100548
Request a Deed of his, in the custody of Mr. Harris, dated 1718 between Giles Risdon & Edward Holwell, grandfather of EHD.
Seale 0389 Beavis Wood to Mr. Harris (Attorney at Law) 8 Aug.1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100549
Bringing memorandum on houses on Barns Hill, Tiverton when at the assizes. Presumes Hawke the Tenant will see J.S. then.
Seale 0390 J. Seale to Beavis Wood 14 Aug. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100550
Saw B.W. at Tiverton. J.S. promised to see houses when he had time
Seale 0391 Fanshawe to J Seale Aug 1778 Invitation 18thC
DHRG No. 100551
Invitation for J S to visit J F in Epsom while staying in London
Seale 0392 Edward Holwell Drake to Seale Esq.4 Sept. 1778 2nd Request for Deed (see 0388) 18thC
DHRG No. 100552
Presumed former letter (of 8 August) has miscarried, request deed (as above).
Seale 0393 J. Seale to E.Holwell Drake 9 Sept. 1778 Deed not Found 18thC
DHRG No. 100553
J.S. received both letters, but delayed answering, being in London. Deed not yet found. J.S. knew of an affair unsettled between Mr. Risdon & Mr. Harris in his life time. Questions why E.H.D. had not demanded this deed before.
Seale 0394 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 6 Sept. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100554
A.M.S. forwarding letters: New huntsman arrived, gone to see dogs. C. Fanshawe returned from Plymouth. C.F., E.S., and Mrs. F. senior send love.
Seale 0395 J. Seale to A.M.Seale 9 Sept. 1778 Reply 18thC
DHRG No. 100555
AMS's letter with enclosed received 8 September at Bampton before J.S. left. Mr. & Mrs. Fawnes to be at home following Friday. Much work at Ashburton. J.S. had intended huntsman to go to Bampton before Mt. Boone. Hopes AMS has partridges & hares. Peter Gibbs to feed dogs & horses. Begs AMS to get Livery for huntsman. A very good setter coming.
Seale 0396 J.H. Southcott to John Seale 6 Sept. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100556
J.S. would have heard from J.H.S. soon after they parted at Exeter if J.H.S. had received Mr. Bastard's answer. J.H.S. requests £2000 or £2500 within 6 months. J.H.S. put net across the Bay at Warfleet that week.
Seale 0397 J. Seale to J.H.Southcott 9 Sept,.1778 Reply 18thC
DHRG No. 100557
With sum already due J.S. could make up sum of £2500 or £3000 on Land Security at 4%. J.S. had a large sum to pay due to a recent purchase.
Seale 0398 Sir Bourchier Wrey to John Seale 15 Sept. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100558
Proposed being in Ashburton latter end of September so could receive ''my Old etc Counterpart!'' of letters etc. from J.S. & settling money matters. Remembrance to poor Mrs. Harris.
Seale 0399 J. Seale to The Hon. Sir B. Wray Bart. 21 Sept. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100559
Stay at Ashburton very unsettled. Suggest Sir B.W. gets in touch nearer the time of his visit there.
Seale 0400 John Gennys to John Seale 29 Sept. 1778 John Gennys’s Debt 18thC
DHRG No. 100560
J.G. had intended remitting £600 but had to buy a house etc. in Plymouth. Hopes his bond to Mr. Harris can be dispensed with. J.G's property almost entirely Land, he hopes this debt will be kept a profound secret.
Seale 0401 R. Prideaux to John Seale 13 Oct1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100561
Doctor Birdwood said Mrs. R. Prideaux very ill and almost helpless.
Seale 0402 J. Seale to Mr. R. Prideaux Reply to 0401 Expecting Heir Oct 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100562
Hopes the doctor can cure Mrs. R.P. Had hoped to see R.P. at Mt. Boone to discuss J.S.'s debts. J.S. had written to Mr. Gennys to say it would force J.S. to borrow. So he suggested Mr. R.P. might meet Mr. Gennys to discuss bad debts, otherwise let the affair rest if unable to leave Mrs. R.P. Mr & Mrs. J.S. expecting (the birth) of a son.
Seale 0403 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 16 Oct 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100563
Receipt for £100. Glad to hear by Edward, J.S. got to Newton safely. One horse heavy & dull, the other had to draw the carriage by himself. Barron would exchange horses. Hoped S.S. & the dear little maid were well. John Kelsoe brought letter & bill for £100. John Slade sent me up J.S.'s stick with Gold head blown out of Diogenes. Tea with Mrs. Pigot.
Seale 0404 J.Seale to Mr. Gennys reply to 0400 18 Oct 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100564
Concern for writing about debt; no wish to embarrass Mr.G. J.S. hoped to avoid having to borrow, he suggested having a meeting. Mr G. could consult Mr. Prideaux. JS soon to be near Mr. G. but confined to Castlegrove in expectation of young gentleman (a baby?) Mr. G. congratulated on increase of family.
Seale 0405 Eliz. Fanshawe to John Seale 24 Nov. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100565
Well recovered. Hopes the approaching Crisis (for S.S.) will add to happiness. E.F. mentions their intentions of a small country purchase not far from Plymouth called Fancy, Dutch proprietor. Thanks for pippins sent on from Sir F. Rogers. Enquired about the Man J.S.mentioned . No recollection of name Luke Young.
Seale 0406 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale 26 Nov. 1778 Nomination of Sheriffs 18thC
DHRG No. 100566
Paid Buckley for floorcloth. Nomination of Sheriffs. C.F. hinted to a certain officer that it would be hard for J.S. It cost the late J.S. £1500. C.F. paid 5 guineas for this. Will see Bearsworth about Title deeds. Called at Trist's, he was out so C.F. kept back letter to him. J.S. entitled to quarter the Berry Arms. Mrs. C.F. very ill, now better. C.F. to talk to Gullet at Exeter.
Seale 0407 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale 28 Nov. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100567
C.F. had seen Mr. Beardsworth about the portion of Mr. Rayleigh's estate bought by J.S. & his claim on the title deeds:referred to Mr. Gullet. Money due 2 February 1779. C.F. proposed meeting J.S. at St. Sidwells. 3 Candidates at Callington. Milles retained for Gov. Stratton. Interests are D of Bedford, L'd Orford, Mr. Caryton.
Seale 0408 Sir F. Leman Rogers to John Seale 1 Dec. 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100568
Letter from J.S. mentioning £500 to be paid F.L.R.. or Order by the Devonshire Bank. F.L.R. building etc. would be glad to have the other £400. Hopes Mrs. Seale will have a son. Asks for a promise to himself or Lady Rogers as Sponsers or any future one. Aunt well at Plymouth. At. Blachford for Christmas.
Seale 0409 J. Seale to Sir F.L.Rogers 6 Dec. 1778 Girl Born 18thC
DHRG No. 100569
Delay in sending whole £900. £500 bill on the Devonshire Bank & £400 with what more was due on the receipt of Rents. Mrs. Seale pretty well after birth of a Girl (Harriet) Grateful to accept the honour F.L.R. intends.
Seale 0410 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale December 1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100570
Hoping for news of addition to J.S.'s family J.S. not at Exeter when C.F. arrived in hopes of an enquiry from contending parties at callington. Told wrongly Milles was retained for Mr. Stratton. Palk no interest there. Stratton recommended by Ld. Sandwich to Ld. Orford united to Duke of Bedford. Request to know acreage of J.S.'s purchase etc.
Seale 0411 From J. Seale No Date Christmas 1778? 18thC
DHRG No. 100571
Mr. Harris intended to spend Twelfth day at Mt. Boone. J.S. came from thence the previous day. The postman would deliver ''one poor bird'' with this letter. Regards also to Miss Woodley.
Seale 0412 J. Seale Presumed to Mr. Goodridge. no date Christmas 1778? 18thC
DHRG No. 100572
Thanks for compliments & enquiries after Mrs. J. Seale's health. She and the child were pretty well. The child a happy consolation after a long illness. Best respects to Mrs. Goodridge.
Seale 0413 From J. Seale No Date Christmas 1778? 18thC
DHRG No. 100573
Thanks for information about House etc. Doubt if Leamon will take Estate, but J.S. does not apprehend he will take Mansion House therewith. Mrs. Seal hoped to have it. Respects to Mrs. H. & Miss C. with health & all the Mirth of the Season.
Seale 0414 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe No date. Christmas 1778? 18thC
DHRG No. 100574
Arived Exeter about 8, fine Moon, family well. Sent to Thornes for Court Calendar. J.S. about to be taught Violin, required music to be sent. Guitar with Gardening Book left behind. Cake made.