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Found 4554 results

St. Clements Church Townstal   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100026
Some notes on the history of the church.

St. Saviours Church Dartmouth   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100027
St Saviours, a brief history.

Congregational Church   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100028
A short account of the congregational church in Dartmouth.

Methodist Church   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100029
A brief history.

Baptist Church   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100030
History published in the 1950's

St. Petrox   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100031
A brief history.

Tithe rent charge claim by vicar of Townstal   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100032
Document Number: TO/Ad/Pr/014
Document Held: DRO Exeter
Meeting held. Present The Mayor, Aldermen Puddicombe, Cleland and Fox. Councillors Chalker, Hurrell, Egg, White. Wardens Ellis and Elford. The late Vicar of Townstal claimed a proportion of the Tithe Rent Charge of Townstal equivalent to tithes of pigs, geese, butter and cheese.

Report – In 1839 the whole of the Tithe Commutation Charge was awarded to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough and confirmed in 1840 and this should not be disturbed.

The Council have deeply mortgaged the Tithe Rent Charge.
The Vicar claims on behalf of: -
The Church
The Patron
The late Vicar
His successor
The Parishioners

The committee’s remarks.
In 1837 the Council sold the advowson on condition that they retained the tithes. No offer of compensation has been suggested by the Vicar.

Churches in Dartmouth   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100033
Churches and Religious organisations in Dartmouth view document

St Clements Craftsmen   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100034
Summary of artists, sculptures, stonemasons and manufacturers who have worked on St. Clements church.
(excluding General Printers and Publishers).

St Clements Church Memorials   Property      Religious
DHRG No. 100035
List of names on Memorials Slab Etc within the church.

38 Newcomen Road (Deeds)   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100037
Deeds for 38 Newcomen Road (once owned by Dr. McConaghey).

Orleans, 24 Southtown   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100038
Deeds for ''Orleans'' No. 24 Southtown.

4 The Quay, a Town House   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100039
A Devon town-house of 1664. A detailed document of the building which has a mixed Residential and Comercial use.

Hawarden, Summary of Deeds   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100042
Summary of Deeds relating to Hawarden when in the ownership of Thomas Wilton.
See also DHRG publication No 19.

Deeds etc. deposited in the Museum by Mrs Lambert   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100043
Document Held: Dartmouth Museum.
Indenture made in 10/1/1828 between Sarah Dashper & Robert & Arthur Holdsworth.
Schedule of indentures dated 1718, 1728, 1746/7, 1802 giving names of previous owners including Newton, Francis Lydston, Hicks, Newcombe, Polly Gundry, Abraham.
List of Indentures of sales from 1735 to 1880
List of documents relating to Kelly's Gift (Trust) from 1635.

Westbourne, Vicarage Hill   Property      Residential
DHRG No. 100045
Summary of deeds of Westbourne.

Summary   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100046
Deeds relating to No 15 Ridge Hill from 1810 to 1922.

Christopher-Gibbs   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100051

Gibbs-Banfield   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100052

Gibbs-Mayne   Property      Residential      15 Ridge Hill
DHRG No. 100053