Social History
Russian Decoration for Dartmouth Man   First World War     Historic Events 20thC
DHRG No. 100145
Document Held: Newspaper Article. Harry Langmead, first-class petty officer blacksmith on board H.M.S. Jupiter received from the Czar of Russia silver medal For Zeal, with a ribbon, and also the Order of St. Anne, These decorations were awarded by the Emperor of All the Russias in appreciation of services rendered by the ship's company from February to May, 1915, during which period the Jupiter salved a large steamship which went ashore.

Mrs Anstey – Early memories of Dartmouth   Audio Memories     Mrs Anstey 20thC
DHRG No. 102617
Born & lived until married in one of three cottages that used to be in Vavasours Slip; remembers the fire in the paint works opposite when she was age 3, families were evacuated to Clarence St. Father worked carrying coal for the Gas Works, Mr Tall was Manager of the works.
Played on the beach by the shipyards on the edge of what is now Coronation Park. Mr Trot delivered bread to the Naval College each day from Dunnings Bakery in Foss St, College used Kingswear Laundry.
She worked at the College aged 13 from 7.00 am to 12 noon 6 days a week for half a crown (12½ p) then worked at the Dartmouth laundry in Victoria Rd until married. Recalls butcher's shop in Lower St & Hannaford’s in Duke St, describes dish made by her mother from 10d of meat.
Tenements in Higher St, now Higherside Flats; Brown family; went to the Board School (now Holdsworth House sheltered accommodation). Borrowed blankets for the winter from Mrs Sanders.
Mr Anstey was engineer on the Totnes paddle boats before they were replaced by diesel engines & propellers, boats were owned by Mr Tollman, River Dart Steam Boat Co. Wages were very poor.
Remembers boiling clothes in a copper which was built into a wall of the house & using the mangle. House had running water but no bathroom, baths were taken in front of the fire with water heated in kettles on the range.

Peter Clark – Early memories of Dittisham, wartime events.   Audio Memories     Peter Clark 20thC
DHRG No. 102625
Born in Dittisham in 1925 where he lived until he joined the RAF in 1943 at the age of 18.
Talks about Dittisham before WWII, holiday craft on the river, Ditsum plums, banana boats in the river, P & O ships at Dartmouth, fishing in the river. Schooling at Totnes & Dartmouth & difficulties in travelling.
Outbreak of War. Evacuees. Belgian refugees & fishing boats in Brixham. ME109 attack on barge near Galmpton. Raid on Noss Works - talks about 8 Ditsum boys killed.
Worked as a junior clerk after leaving school in 1941, sent out to ships coming in to Dartmouth to take orders for supplies, send messages etc. Convoys came in the evenings & left next morning. Motor launches built at Galmpton. Barrage balloons on ships. Attacks on shipping in the harbour.
Period leading up to D-Day, ships in the river from Dittisham to Dartmouth. Bartering with American ships- fresh food, cigarettes etc. Sir Henry Martin (well known surgeon), air raid warden, first aid lectures.

Walter Parr Ferris   Audio Memories     Walter Parr Ferris 20thC
DHRG No. 102633
Owner of a Chemist Shop in St Georges Square & later in the Butterwalk. Memories of wartime Dartmouth, the Britannia Royal Naval College and the American Forces. D-Day preparations, the River, Castle Hotel meetings, Free French, air raids, bombs on Dartmouth and damage to Higherside flats and the Cherub. Bombs and damage to Philips Shipbuilders, Kingswear & Yacht Hotel; Home Guard and the Drill Hall Clarence Hill. Bomb damage to Duke Street & the Butterwalk, plans for demolition & restoration with the Jesse Room.

John Distin – Well known Dartmothian who talks about his life as a man & boy   Audio Memories     John Distin 20thC
DHRG No. 102654
Family came to Dartmouth in 1924 from Salcombe, father was working in the wreck of the Broadmayne as part of a syndicate which included a builder named Partridge. Later he worked as a fisherman & river pilot, taught himself to dive for salvage, found a cargo of marble & salvaged a yacht belonging to actor Seymour Hicks. Became diver engineer for Harbour Authority.
Went to school in Dartmouth, left at the age of 14. Started crab fishing with a man named Cramp during the early years of WWII. Joined Sea Cadets, volunteered for duty on a ship at 2s 6d a day. Joined water boat on the river supplying navy ships, river water desalinated.
Boat sent to Antwerp, caught in bad weather in Portland Race, became Skipper when Bosun jumped ship. Alan Percy from Dartmouth became Mate. Stayed with boat until end of war.
Returned to Dartmouth & fishing until called up for Army Service with Royal Engineers. Took part in the evacuation of Palestine. On de-mob returned to crab fishing with Jack Bell, hit by a plague of Octopus.
Started contracting work on the river – checking moorings, passenger trips, 1st Tall Ships race, ferry to Noss ship yard. Port always busy with lots to do. Bought redundant navy craft and burnt them to salvage copper rivets & fittings etc.
Became deputy pilot to Dave Griffiths and later qualified as a pilot for naval boats. Oil Tankers for Naval College, Timber Ships to Totnes Russian Fish Transfer boats.
Served as Skipper on a dredger called Penurgic for Philip & Son for 5 Years dredging area for yacht marina.

Jack McKay – Born in 1923, Jack’s memories of Dartmouth are as clear now as when a lad   Audio Memories     Jack McKay 20thC
DHRG No. 102655
Born at Sandquay in1923 Jack McKay talks to Wally Fleet of the History Research Group & together they take an imaginary walk from his home to school in those early days.

During the walk Jack describes the shops, shop owners & families along the route intermixed with tales of events that he remembers as a young school boy.

Russian Decoration for Dartmouth Man   First World War     Historic Events     Military     Royal Navy 20thC
DHRG No. 102662
Document Held: Newspaper Article
Harry Langmead, first-class petty officer blacksmith on board H.M.S. Jupiter received from the Czar of Russia silver medal ''For Zeal,'' with a ribbon, and also the Order of St. Anne, These decorations were awarded by the Emperor of All the Russia’s in appreciation of services rendered by the ship's company from February to May, 1915, during which period the Jupiter salved a large steamship which went ashore.

Pilot’s Rescue, 1940   Harbour Activities     Historic Events     Military     Port of Dartmouth     Royal Navy     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 102674
This contribution from the Dartmouth History Research Group, by Capt. Robert Franks, is about more recent times and concerns the rescue of an aircraft pilot in 1940 and the subsequent salvage of the aircraft’s engine in the 1980’s.

HMT Finesse: A Hero’s Tale   Harbour Activities     Historic Events     Military     Port of Dartmouth     Royal Navy     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 102675
During the Second World War the river Dart was the base for a fleet of trawlers which were converted into minesweepers. This story of an eventful day on HMT Finesse in 1942 was told to the Dartmouth History Research Group by Mr. Frederick Jenkins, now of Cardiff.

Dartmouth History Research Group’s own history   Clubs and Organisations 20thC 21stC
DHRG No. 102710
A history of the group since its formation in October 1991.

Dartmouth Museum, list of documents and other items   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum 17thC 18thC 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 102711
List of documents and other items held in the archives of Dartmouth Museum (covers Museum reference numbers from 1990-early 2009). For further information please contact them on 01803 832923 or by email:

Certificate of Service, WW I   First World War     Historic Events 20thC
DHRG No. 102728
Image of certificate given to Austin Drake, example of certificates given by Borough of Dartmouth to those who served in the forces during the First World War.

Names on Dartmouth War Memorial, Royal Avenue Gardens   First World War     Historic Events     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 102730
List of all those named on the War Memorial in the Royal Avenue Gardens Dartmouth including civilians. Covers 1914 - 1919, 1939 - 1945 and later conflicts. For more information on those who died in the First World War see and DHRG No 103086 on this website. For more information on those who died in the Second World War see DHRG publication 40, When War Came to the Dart, chapter 8.

The Wilton Memorial to Dartmouth Men who fell in the Great War 1914-1919.   Commercial     First World War     Residential 20thC
DHRG No. 102731
Images of booklet on the history of the Wilton Memorial, endowed by Sir Thomas Wilton, Mayor of Dartmouth 1914-1919. Author not given, published 1930. Endowment covered Cromwell House, Fairfax Place, and two residential houses in Victoria Road. Details given in booklet.

Witches of Dartmouth 1601-1602   Historic Events 17thC
DHRG No. 102734
Article by Todd Gray about a series of depositions of alleged witchcraft in Dartmouth.
With thanks to Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries for making the above available.

A Brief History of Dartmouth   Historic Events
DHRG No. 102735
A brief history of the town from before the arrival of the Normans in 1066 until recent times.
See also Significant dates in Dartmouths history.

Town’s Charter of Incorporation 1604   Documents     Historic Events     Town Administration 17thC
DHRG No. 102737
Transcription of the Charter of Incorporation granted by James I on 3rd August 1604.

Charters of the Borough of Clifton Dartmouth Hardness   Documents     Historic Events     Town Administration 14thC 15thC 16thC 17thC
DHRG No. 102738
Image of illuminated scroll listing the Charters granted to the Borough of Clifton Dartmouth Hardness from 1341 to 1674.

Kings & Queens of England   Historic Events
DHRG No. 102740
Dates of reigns of Kings & Queens of England, Egbert-Elizabeth II.

Mayors of Dartmouth   Mayors of Dartmouth from 1329 to 2012 14thC 15thC 16thC 17thC 18thC 19thC 20thC 21stC
DHRG No. 102741
Roll of Mayoralty - Mayors of Dartmouth from 1329 to 2006

Health & Housing in Dartmouth, Report by Dr Mivart, 1914   Public Health 20thC
DHRG No. 102742
Dartmouth Paper 1 by Tom Jaine, introducing reprint of report for Local Government Board by Dr F St George Mivart on Public Health & Housing in Dartmouth, 1914 (extracts). The report criticised both the town council and individual officers with respect to the introduction of new housing legislation, administration of sanitary laws and regulations, provision of a water supply, arrangements for isolating victims of infectious diseases and supervision of trades such as butchers, dairies and bakeries. Copy of full report held at The National Archives, MH 48/514.
Included here with the kind permission of Tom Jaine, Allaleigh House, Blackawton.

Report on the Borough of Dartmouth 1835   Historic Events 19thC
DHRG No. 102744
Dartmouth Paper 3 by Tom Jaine. Transcript of Parliamentary Commissioners' Report on Municipal Corporations in England and Wales, Dartmouth, 1835, with notes and commentary.
Included here with the kind permission of Tom Jaine, Allaleigh House, Blackawton.

Building development in Dartmouth 1580-1640   Public Health 17thC
DHRG No. 102745
Paper by William Holborow, written as third-year dissertation for a degree in architecture at Liverpool University; published as "Dartmouth Paper 4" by Tom Jaine, 1980, by agreement with William Holborow.
Included here with the kind permission of Tom Jaine, Allaleigh House, Blackawton.

Stoke Fleming Images in Totnes Image Bank   Stoke Fleming 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 102750
List of images of Stoke Fleming in the ex-Dartington Rural Archive, now in Totnes Image Bank and Rural Archive.

Loyal Address to George V   Historic Events 20thC
DHRG No. 102751
Loyal Address of Borough of Dartmouth to George V at his Silver Jubilee, 1935 (image)

Dartmouth MPs   Historic Events 13thC 14thC 15thC 16thC 17thC 18thC 19thC 20thC 21stC
DHRG No. 102754
A history of MPs for Dartmouth since 1289 by Eric Preston, DHRG, and published in the Dartmouth Chronicle in 2010. Includes a list of all known local MP's to that date.

The Coleridge Hundred and its Medieval Courts   Historic Events 11thC 12thC 13thC 14thC 15thC
DHRG No. 102755
Paper by Heather Burwin, prepared and written as part of the requirement for an honours degree in law at Exeter University, 1982. Coleridge Hundred included Dartmouth and Totnes.

Medical Records of Dartmouth, 1425-1887   Public Health 15thC 16thC 17thC 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 102770
Article describing the history of medical practice and healthcare in Dartmouth by Dr R. M. S. McConaghey, Dartmouth GP and medical historian, from the earliest available Dartmouth records, to the establishment of the Cottage Hospital. First published in Medical History 1960 April 4 (2) p91-111 (Open Access).

Photograph of last Council of the Borough of Dartmouth, 1974   Town Administration 20thC
DHRG No. 102903
Photograph taken prior to abolition of borough following local government reorganisation.

Three short stories   Clubs and Organisations
DHRG No. 102927

Image of £1 banknote, Dartmouth Bank   Historic Events 19thC
DHRG No. 102928
early 19th C banknote from Dartmouth General Bank, 1810-1824.

Dartmouth Museum – Percy Russell Settlement   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum 20thC
DHRG No. 102929
History of Percy Russell Settlement, Dartmouth Museum, by Barry Meggitt, Museum Trustee, 2006. Settlement was set up in 1958 to assist the financing of Dartmouth Museum.

Town water supplies   Documents     Public Health     Town Administration 20thC
DHRG No. 102933
Report by Rofe and Rafferty, Engineers, on plans for town water supply, 1934.

Memories of two London evacuees to Dittisham   Dittisham     Historic Events     Second World War     Villages 20thC
DHRG No. 102966
Memories of two London evacuees to Dittisham during the Second World War, Henry Robert Butt and Leslie (Jock) Harper.

Friends of Dartmouth Borough Museum,1959   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum 20thC
DHRG No. 102976
Rules of the friends of Dartmouth Borough Museum, as altered up to 17 Feb 1959

The Museum – how it started.   Clubs and Organisations
DHRG No. 102977
The Museum - Some facts and history about how it started.By Harold G White

Dartmouth Museum – Percy Russell Trust   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum 20thC
DHRG No. 102978
Percy Russell Settlement, Controlling Document 1958 (transcript)

A Cruise from the Dart in January 1880.   Everyday Life     Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth 19thC
DHRG No. 102983
Dartmouth Chronicle Article written by DHRG member based on a copy of a diary passed to Nigel Way, the previous owner of the Royal Castle Hotel, by a guest who was a descendant of the diary writer. Diary writer boarded steamship Kinfauns Castle, of Donald Currie's Cape & Natal Line, from Dartmouth to Cape Town, South Africa, in January 1880.

In The Beginning   Land 20thC
DHRG No. 102984
Memories of the Royal Avenue Gardens & other Town Gardens and open spaces, by W E Johns Town Gardener who came to Dartmouth in 1904 and succeeded his father, Mr F Johns, in the role. Date of article unknown.

Castle Estate Sale Document 1903   Dartmouth Amateur Swimming Club     Land 20thC
DHRG No. 102985
Transcript of indenture of sale 18 December 1903 of Castle estate from heirs of Hugh Mair to Town Council for "inhabitants and visitors of said borough ... to have the use and enjoyment ... for purposes of recreation" (plan mentioned not included).

Documents concerning Feoffees of St Petrox, Devon Heritage Centre ref. 1163F.   Public Health 15thC 16thC 17thC 18thC 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 102986
Summaries made by Ray Freeman in the Devon Record Office (now Devon Heritage Centre) of documents relating to Feoffees for St Petrox and conduits in South Town, when researching for her books on the history of Dartmouth. Summaries are grouped by property. Original documents early 15thC - 20thC.

WWII Air raids Dartmouth and District   Historic Events     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 102987
Extracts from a diary kept by Mrs Ivy Sams of Dartmouth of air raids in the area from 6th July 1940 to 30th June 1943.

Short History of Charities of Dartmouth   Dartmouth Charities 17thC 18thC 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 102989
History of The Dartmouth Charities by H G White (1981)

Dartmouth Magnificat   Historic Events 15thC
DHRG No. 102991
Extract from article of 1958 by musicologist Thurston Dart (1921-1971) on the Dartmouth Magnificat, a polyphonic setting which appears on four folios of the Borough Court Book 2 Richard III to 3 Henry VIII, held at the Devon Heritage Centre. Thurston Dart dated the work to the late 15th century.

St Clements & the English Civil War   English Civil War     Historic Events 17thC
DHRG No. 102992
Letter from Ray Freeman in reply to a query asking about bullet marks on the tower of the church, also containing information on vicars and burial records. (See Burial Records)

A Brief History of Dartmouth   Historic Events
DHRG No. 102993
A brief history of the town from before the arrival of the Normans in 1066 until recent times.See also Significant dates in Dartmouth's history.

Putting a date to Fashion   Everyday Life
DHRG No. 102994
Hints on dating photo's from the style of clothing worn

Letters from Mary Godfrey to her children, 1884   Everyday Life     Property     Religious 18thC 19thC
DHRG No. 102995
Two letters written by Mary Eliza Godfrey nee Giles (born 1795 in Tavistock) who married Joseph James Godfrey, Surgeon, of Liverpool, on 4th January 1821 in Chatham. Lived in Chatham and Liverpool, brother William Giles was Dickens' first schoolmaster in Chatham.The first letter recalls her grandparents and early life in Tavistock with a brief mention of Dartmouth. The second letter is an account of her life in Dartmouth from 1799 until 1810, where her father, William Giles senior, was the Baptist Minister.

Dartmouth Swimming Club   Clubs and Organisations
DHRG No. 102996
Transcription of agreement with War DepartmentSee also associated plan No 102725

Dartmouth Hospital Ships   Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth     Public Health 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 103000
A brief history of Dartmouth Hospital Ships, by Dr Giles Keane.

Formation of No 1 Commando   Historic Events     Military     Royal Marines     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 103004
Formation of the first Commando unit WWII at Dartmouth in March 1941, commanded by Lt. Col. W Glendinning.

Poll Tax 1377, Dartmouth   Historic Events 14thC
DHRG No. 103008
Article on the 1377 poll tax in Dartmouth, with full transcript of list of tax payers, by Maryane Kowaleski. With grateful thanks for permission.

Thomas Newcomen Bill for Gunpowder – transcript   English Civil War     Family History     Historic Events     Named Families 17thC
DHRG No. 103013
Transcript of invoice for expenses claimed by Thomas Newcomen (grandfather of inventor) following a journey to London to purchase gunpowder for the Borough of Dartmouth, 1642 (see 102046).

Town Regalia: The Silver Oar   Documents     Historic Events     Town Administration 18thC 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 103031
Photograph of Capt. Maunder with Dartmouth Corporation's Silver Oar. In 1721 a Silver Oar was presented to the Mayor & Corporation of Dartmouth by the then Duke of Cornwall, later George II, as a symbol of their rights as holders of the Bailiwick of the waters of Dartmouth. Taken back in the 1870s, it was restored in 1911 in a presentation by the Prince of Wales.

An Organist’s Life, by Ida Walker   Everyday Life 20thC
DHRG No. 103033
Miss Ida Walker (1880-1962) was a well known figure in Dartmouth. The companion of Miss Henley, of Anzac Street, she taught many local children to play the piano & organ and served for many years as the organist in St Barnabas. She wrote this account of her life in 1958. Containing many memories of individuals she knew, and of significant events such as the Second World War, it makes fascinating reading for those in Dartmouth around that time.

Dartmouth’s own car builder   Harry Inder     Historic Events 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 103053
Harry Inder designer and builder the first motor cars in Dartmouth in 1898

Dartmouth_WW1_Dead   First World War     Historic Events 20thC
DHRG No. 103086
Information on the many men commemorated in Dartmouth who died during the First World War. More information about each individual can be found on

Acton Evacuees 1939-1942   Education     Historic Events     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 103087
On Friday 1st September 1939 children from Acton Central School and other Acton schools boarded a train at Acton main line station for Kingsbridge in Devon. The Girls remained there while the boys (with two of their sisters) were accommodated in Dartmouth. War with Germany was declared two days later. The school remained in Dartmouth and Kingsbridge until 1942.

David (Dibi) Brown   Audio Memories     David (Dibi) Brown 20thC
DHRG No. 103109
One of a family of 12 children, born in 1952 in Silver Street, also known as Undercliff, David recalls his early days, his move to a house in the North end of Clarence St & to a house suitable for the large family at Townstal and working as a boy in the rowing boat hire business to contribute to the family income.

WWI Certificate   First World War 20thC
DHRG No. 103120
Image of Certificate given by the Dartmouth Town Council to those who served in the forces during WWI

Dartmouth Castle Garrison   Army     Historic Events     Military     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 103124
Names of Army personnel at the Dartmouth Castle garrison during WWII listed on an old duty roster.

DARTMOUTH OVER 60’s REST ROOM   Clubs and Organisations
DHRG No. 103128
History of the over 60s Rest Room located in the North West corner of the market building.

WWII Castle Garrison   Army     Historic Events     Military     Second World War 20thC
DHRG No. 103129
Names of Army personnel serving at Dartmouth Castle during WWII as remembered by Daisy Fleet & Caroline Hunt daughters of George & Selina Gunnell who lived in the old lighthouse during that period.

Significant events in dartmouth   Historic Events
DHRG No. 103140
A time line listing important events in Dartmouths past
From the early Eighth Century until 1949.

Thomas Newcomen, Bill for Gunpowder   English Civil War     Family History     Historic Events     Named Families     Newcomen Family 17thC
DHRG No. 102046
Document Held: Devon Heritage Centre.
Original invoice for expenses claimed by Thomas Newcomen (grandfather of inventor) following a journey to London to purchase gunpowder for the Borough of Dartmouth, 1642 (see 103013).

Syd Bell Track 1   Audio Memories     Syd Bell 20thC
DHRG No. 102618
Lower Ferry & employees, Living conditions in crowded accommodation, wash days, shops, trades & working conditions. Poor Law relief. Food - bread & dripping, sheep’s head, rabbits, pigs trotters. Father a Coal (H)lumper, fishing to supplement wages.

Syd Bell Track 2   Audio Memories     Syd Bell 20thC
DHRG No. 102619
Work for a furniture shop & removal firm. Food: tripe, hogs pudding, offal. Christmas stockings. Lower Street shops & pubs, doctors' fees, medicine. Butterwalk, Warfleet limekilns & brewery. Jobs in the coaling trade, making the tally, strikes, unions & unemployment.

Syd Bell Track 3   Audio Memories     Syd Bell 20thC
DHRG No. 102620

Tom Blamey Track 1   Audio Memories     Tom Blamey 20thC
DHRG No. 102621
Tom Blamey

Tom Blamey Track 2   Audio Memories     Tom Blamey 20thC
DHRG No. 102622
Tom Blamey

Tom Blamey Track 3   Audio Memories     Tom Blamey 20thC
DHRG No. 102623
Tom Blamey

Tom Blamey Track 4   Audio Memories     Tom Blamey 20thC
DHRG No. 102624
Tom Blamey

Charlie Evans Track 1   Audio Memories     Charlie Evans 20thC
DHRG No. 102626
Charlie Evans

Charlie Evans Track 2   Audio Memories     Charlie Evans 20thC
DHRG No. 102627
Charlie Evans

Charlie Evans Track 3   Audio Memories     Charlie Evans 20thC
DHRG No. 102628
Charlie Evans

Hannaford Family Track 1   Audio Memories     Hannaford Family 20thC
DHRG No. 102629

Hannaford Family Track 2   Audio Memories     Hannaford Family 20thC
DHRG No. 102630
Hannaford Family

Hannaford Family Track 3   Audio Memories     Hannaford Family 20thC
DHRG No. 102631
Hannaford Family

Hannaford Family Track 4   Audio Memories     Hannaford Family 20thC
DHRG No. 102632
Hannaford Family

Bert Lavers Track 1   Audio Memories     Bert Lavers 20thC
DHRG No. 102634
Bert Lavers

Bert Lavers Track 2   Audio Memories     Bert Lavers 20thC
DHRG No. 102635
Bert Lavers

Miss Lidstone Track 1   Audio Memories     Miss Lidstone 20thC
DHRG No. 102636
Miss Lidstone

Miss Lidstone Track 2   Audio Memories     Miss Lidstone 20thC
DHRG No. 102637
Miss Lidstone

Mrs Lidstone, Teacher Track 1   Audio Memories     Mrs Lidstone 20thC
DHRG No. 102638
Mrs Lidstone, Teacher

Mrs Lidstone, Teacher Track 2   Audio Memories     Mrs Lidstone 20thC
DHRG No. 102639
Mrs Lidstone, Teacher

Mrs Lidstone, Teacher Track 3   Audio Memories     Mrs Lidstone 20thC
DHRG No. 102640
Mrs Lidstone, Teacher

George Riddles Track 1   Audio Memories     George Riddles 20thC
DHRG No. 102641
George Riddles

George Riddles Track 2   Audio Memories     George Riddles 20thC
DHRG No. 102642
George Riddles

George Riddles Track 3   Audio Memories     George Riddles 20thC
DHRG No. 102643
George Riddles

Miss Smith Track 1   Audio Memories     Miss Smith 20thC
DHRG No. 102644
Miss Smith

Miss Smith Track 2   Audio Memories     Miss Smith 20thC
DHRG No. 102645
Miss Smith

Marjorie & David Skinner Track 1   Audio Memories     Marjorie & David Skinner 20thC
DHRG No. 102646
Marjorie & David Skinner

Marjorie & David Skinner Track 2   Audio Memories     Marjorie & David Skinner 20thC
DHRG No. 102647
Marjorie & David Skinner

John White Track 1   Audio Memories     John White 20thC
DHRG No. 102648
John White

John White Track 2   Audio Memories     John White 20thC
DHRG No. 102649
John White

John White Track 3   Audio Memories     John White 20thC
DHRG No. 102650
John White

John White Track 4   Audio Memories     John White 20thC
DHRG No. 102651
John White

Harold White Track 1   Audio Memories     Harold White 20thC
DHRG No. 102652
Harold White

Harold White Track 2   Audio Memories     Harold White 20thC
DHRG No. 102653
Harold White

Charity Commission document sealed on 8th April 1879   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102759
Recent copy of original sealed document.
This document relates to the administration of the Charities mentioned with particulars of origins.

The old spelling of Townstal is used throughout.

Charities mentioned :

Charities of Dartmouth & Townstal, 16th May 1906, pages 1 – 30   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102760
One of two original copies, last page copied.
This Inquiry into the Charity’s of Dartmouth & Townstall was held on the 16th May 1906 & draws on a Report on these parishes, dated 28th January 1822.
In addition to the details of the charities listed information on bequest & income are also given.

Charities mentioned :
Awdyan 's Gift, William Ley's Gift & R Kelly's Gift, The Widows Houses, and R Kelly's Gift, Fortescue’s Gift, Sir John Acland's, Gift Shapleigh's Gift, Paige's Gift, John Plumleigh's Gift, Forder Estate, Philip Ley's Gift, Prestwood's Gift, Lovering's Gift houses, Thomas Boone's Charity, Mayne's Gift, Langdons Gift, Richards's Gift, Peter's Gift, Gifts of Dyer and others, Rounsevall's Gift, Wheeler's Gift, Wotton's Gift, St Petrox Trust Lands, William Plumleigh’s Gift, Rev Charter’s Gift, Townstall Church Lands, Peters Gift, Henry Blondett Charity, The Dartmouth Charities, Edward Henley's Charity. George Mundy Jauncey Charity, Bayards Cove Mission, Francis Whitney Charity, Wesleyan Chapel School.

Charities of Dartmouth & Townstal, 16th May 1906, pages 31 – 44   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102761
For details see above.

Charities of Dartmouth & Townstal, 16th May 1906, pages 45 – 72   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102762
For details see above.

Dartmouth United Charities Scheme, 8th October 1909   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102763
Original copy.
Details of the Scheme i.e. administration & beneficiaries etc. relating to the Charities mentioned with particulars of origins.

Charities mentioned :

Dartmouth United Charities Scheme, 28th April 1953   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102764
Details of the Scheme i.e. administration & beneficiaries etc. relating to the Charities mentioned with particulars of origins. (See 1987 below).

Charities mentioned :

Bayards Cove Mission Charity, July 1971   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102765
Scheme Sealed 26th July 1971 & amended 22nd September 1980. For the governance of the charity including appointment of Trustees and vesting in Official Custodian for Charities. Regulated by conveyance dated the 22nd July 1905; and In the matter of the Charities Act, 1960.

Charities mentioned :

Bayards Cove Mission Charity, amended 1980   Dartmouth Charities 20thC
DHRG No. 102766
For details see 102765.

Dartmouth United Charities Scheme, 20th July 1987   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102767
Details of the Scheme including Administration, Allocation of property, Beneficiaries & Application of Income etc. relating to the Charities mentioned.

Charities mentioned :
Henry Biondett; Charity called the Eleemosynarv Share of the Dartmouth Charities; Forder eleemosynary Charity; The Parochial Charities, being the Charities of Sir John Acland, Alexander Awdyan, Thomas Boone, Mrs Rabbidge Dyer and others, Richard Kelly, William Ley, John Levering, Thomas Paige, John Plumleigh, George Prestwood, Joan Rounsevall, John Shapleigh, Lawrence Wheeler, The Widows' Houses; The Dartmouth Benevolent Society Fund; Bayards Cove Mission Almshouses,

Dartmouth United Charities Scheme, 28th March 1988   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102768
Scheme including appointment & names of Trustees, application of income, Management & sale of land. Names mentioned incl Wilfred John Bates, Thomas Kennish Ellwood, Donald George Hitt, Denis Arthur Woods, Sidney Herbert Bell, William Edward Lidstone , Alan Pyne, Gordon Pook,Peter Charles Tucker, Edward John Williams.

Cahrities mentioned :
Although the document refers to The Dartmouth Charities & The Scheme refers to The above-mentioned Charities and property thereof, no charities are listed. It further states that all charities & land shall be administered and managed together as one charity under the title of The Dartmouth Trust.

1906 Charity Commission Report (extract)   Commercial     Dartmouth Charities     Property     Residential 20thC
DHRG No. 102757
Extracts from 1906 Charity Commission Report on Dartmouth Charities, schedule of Property, Tenants, Income, Terms etc. The charities are not named.

Commission of inquiry into Charities of Dartmouth 1841   Dartmouth Charities
DHRG No. 102758
Doner or Title, Beneficiary,s & Parish of Dartmouth Charities in 1841

Presidents   Clubs and Organisations     Old Dartmothians Association
DHRG No. 102719
List of Presidents from 1923 - 2005.

A History of the Old Dartmothians Association   Clubs and Organisations     Old Dartmothians Association 20thC
DHRG No. 102980
Foundation and development of Old Dartmothians Association 1923-1999, by David I J Owen, Hon Secretary.

Old Dartmothians – some notes on founder members   Clubs and Organisations     Old Dartmothians Association 20thC
DHRG No. 102981
ODA Started Regatta 1923 by Major W. H. Fox; Alderman J. J. H. Moses; F. J. Voisey; Lieut S. C. Legg; Major W. H. Fox H M Consul Bizerta (Tunisia).

Old Dartmothians – The proposal   Clubs and Organisations     Old Dartmothians Association 20thC
DHRG No. 102982
Original proposal to form Old Dartmothians association.

Area Map, Castle Cove   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Amateur Swimming Club 19thC
DHRG No. 102721
Location of swimming club facilities.

Plan of new bathing house   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Amateur Swimming Club 20thC
DHRG No. 102722
Image of proposed new bathing house, 1906

Map of South Hams District Council land, Castle Cove   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Amateur Swimming Club 20thC
DHRG No. 102723
Map showing path to bathing area and impact of cliff falls in recent decades.

Associated Plan   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Amateur Swimming Club 20thC
DHRG No. 102725
Sketch of 1906 showing "encroachment" of DASC.

Maiden Race   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Steeplechase 19thC
DHRG No. 102713
This report on the novices race was in the September 1877 Chronicle.
See also the Race Meeting and the Novice Race Reports.

Notice of Steeplechase event   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Steeplechase 19thC
DHRG No. 102714
This notice was in the Dartmouth Chronicle, September 1877.
See also the Race Meeting and the Novice Race Reports.

Steeplechase 1877 Race Report   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Steeplechase 19thC
DHRG No. 102715
Image of Dartmouth Chronicle report.

The Cyril King Archives Volume 1   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum     Education     Port of Dartmouth     Ship Building 20thC
DHRG No. 103056
Cyril King was an Old Dartmothian who over the years collected a large amount of assorted archive material, much of it backed up with his personal memories of the town, its clubs & businesses. The collection is held at Dartmouth Museum. A large section of the archives is devoted to photographs and Philip & Son where he worked for many years and learnt his trade as a Draughtsman. For convenience the collection has been loaded in six parts. Those wishing to research a particular archive further should contact the museum quoting the reference number or numbers. (2012.102.001 for example). Volume 1 includes recollections of his time at school in Dartmouth.

The Cyril King Archives Volume 2 Philip & Son Shipbuilders   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum     Port of Dartmouth     Ship Building 20thC
DHRG No. 103063
Cyril King was an Old Dartmothian who over the years collected a large amount of assorted archive material, much of it backed up with his personal memories of the town, its clubs & businesses. The collection is held at Dartmouth Museum. A large section of the archives is devoted to photographs and Philip & Son where he worked for many years and learnt his trade as a Draughtsman. For convenience the collection has been loaded in six parts. Those wishing to look at any particular item should contact Dartmouth Museum quoting the reference number or numbers. (2012.102.001 for example).

The Cyril King Archives Volume 3 & Volume 4: Philip & Son, Ships & Photographs   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum     Port of Dartmouth     Ship Building 20thC
DHRG No. 103064
Cyril King was an Old Dartmothian who over the years collected a large amount of assorted archive material, much of it backed up with his personal memories of the town, its clubs & businesses. The collection is held at Dartmouth Museum. A large section of the archives is devoted to photographs and Philip & Son where he worked for many years and learnt his trade as a Draughtsman. For convenience the collection has been loaded in six parts. Those wishing to look at any particular item should contact Dartmouth Museum quoting the reference number or numbers. (2012.102.001 for example).

The Cyril King Archives Volume 5 & Volume 6: Philip & Son Ships; River Activities; Dart Steamship Company.   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum     Harbour Activities     Port of Dartmouth     Ship Building 20thC
DHRG No. 103065
Cyril King was an Old Dartmothian who over the years collected a large amount of assorted archive material, much of it backed up with his personal memories of the town, its clubs & businesses. The collection is held at Dartmouth Museum. A large section of the archives is devoted to photographs and Philip & Son, where he worked for many years and learnt his trade as a Draughtsman. For convenience the collection has been loaded in six parts. Those wishing to look at any particular item should contact Dartmouth Museum quoting the reference number or numbers. (2012.102.001 for example).

The Cyril King Archives Volume 7 Yachts and Yachting inc Regattas   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum     Port of Dartmouth     Ship Building 20thC
DHRG No. 103066
Cyril King was an Old Dartmothian who over the years collected a large amount of assorted archive material, much of it backed up with his personal memories of the town, its clubs & businesses. The collection is held at Dartmouth Museum. A large section of the archives is devoted to photographs and Philip & Son where he worked for many years and learnt his trade as a Draughtsman. For convenience the collection has been loaded in six parts. Those wishing to look at any particular item should contact Dartmouth Museum quoting the reference number or numbers. (2012.102.001 for example).

The Cyril King Archives Box Files 1_2 & 3 Various Drawings Photos & Descriptions   Clubs and Organisations     Dartmouth Museum     Port of Dartmouth     Ship Building 20thC
DHRG No. 103067
Cyril King was an Old Dartmothian who over the years collected a large amount of assorted archive material much of it backed up with his personal memories of the town, its clubs & businesses. The collection is held at Dartmouth Museum. A large section of the archives is devoted to photographs and Philip & Son where he worked for many years and learnt his trade as a Draughtsman. For convenience the collection has been loaded in six parts. Those wishing to look at any particular item should contact Dartmouth Museum quoting the reference number or numbers as shown on the list. (2012.102.001 for example).

Jack Cutter Track 1   Audio Memories     Jack Cutter
DHRG No. 103114
Background and how he came to Dartmouth, life as a teacher at the newly created secondary modern school and teaching of sport. Describes how he left to pursue a career but came back later.

Jack Cutter Track 2   Audio Memories     Jack Cutter 20thC
DHRG No. 103115
Dartmouth as an industrial town and the changes in the town. Resurrection of Dartmouth rugby club, anecdote about rugby in Kingswear. Time as scoutmaster while teaching in Dartmouth. His time as a Councillor and Mayor in Dartmouth.

Harry Inder – An Inventive Life   Harry Inder     Historic Events 19thC 20thC
DHRG No. 103195
Harry Inder is recognised in Dartmouth as inventor of the town's first motor car. But that's not Harry's only achievement. Barry Inder, his grandson, has been researching Harry's wider contribution to Dartmouth's shipbuilding and engineering history, and his other significant inventions.

Royal Jubilees in Dartmouth   Historic Events 19thC 20thC 21stC
DHRG No. 103194
To mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022, DHRG has researched the history of Royal Jubilees and how they were celebrated in Dartmouth.

Memories of War   Historic Events     Second World War
DHRG No. 103187
Preliminary draft of DHRG publication number 16, "Memories of War, by local people at home and abroad, 1939-1946", compiled by Ray Freeman in 1995. Contains many accounts by local people of their wartime experiences, both in Dartmouth and elsewhere in the world during the Second World War. Copy of final publication held in Dartmouth Library.

Arnold Family Cine Film Taken in 1950   Videos of Dartmouth 20thC
DHRG No. 103200
Digitised version of an original cine film featuring Dartmouth taken in 1950 by Paul Arnold's grandather and kindly provided to us by Paul. Running time 1 min 3 sec.

Arnold Family Cine Film Taken in 1947   Videos of Dartmouth 20thC
DHRG No. 103201
Digitised version of an original cine film featuring Dartmouth and Plymouth, taken in 1947 by Paul Arnold's grandather, kindly provided to us by Paul. Includes several scenes of the 1947 Dartmouth Regatta. Running time 3 min 44 sec. If anyone recognises themselves, do let us know!