Seale Family Papers
Seale 0001 John Seale (1606-70) John Chevalier’s Diary   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100161
John Seale (1606-70) attacked by 2 soldiers from Elizabeth Castle. They were mounted on a wooden horse for 4 hours with muskets hanging from their feet having been kept prisoners for 3 weeks following the incident. An Irishman from the castle had a similar punishment for stealing a cock turkey. He also had turkey wings on his head.

Seale 0004. Rev. William Bayly. c1607-1673   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100162
Rev. William Bayly, Rector of Stoke Fleming. c1607-1673. Father of Joan Creed & Elizabeth Bayly by 1st wife, niece of Francis Row, Provost at Eton. False accusation of having scandalous curates

Seale 0137 Ambrose Penfound to William Creed 16 Apl 1662 H.P. 1032 fzc   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100163
Jacky Southcote's accounts. Clerk's and Cholwich's letters similar, relating to Mrs. Hayne's accounts. Speedy answer necessary. Mrs. H. requests a meeting with W.Creed the next Thursday. Sorry about Mrs. Creed's late illness.

Seale 0138 Ambrose Penfound to William Creed (H.P. Reply to 0137) Apl 1662   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100164
Refers to Penfound's letter about speedy answer to Mr. Exley and the proposed meeting; Mr. P. thought Mr. E. Had objections rather than Mr. Taylor. Counsel Jefferies opinion needed.

Seale 0003. Capt Seale of ”The Milford” Samuel Pepys Diary 1665   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100165
'Capt. Seale of the Milford hath done very well in boarding the King Soloman'' Sinking of the King Soloman of the 34 Dutch Smyrna fleet in the Bay of Cales. Letter from Captain Allen

Seale 0005. Prayer Book 1693-1718   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100166
Prayer Book with family records 9th June 1679 She married Robert Berry at Egg Buckland. Their daughter Elizabeth (1692-1718) married John Fownes (1686-1733) Their daughter Elizabeth (1711-17) John Seale )c.1705-1777) etc.

Seale 0006. Robert Berry 1695 – 1700   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100167
Dr. James Yonge's F.R.S. Plymouth memoirs. Ed.J.J.Beckerlesse
Robert Berry, Mayor of Plymouth 1695-6. Town Clerk 1699 a whig. He attempts to control the town and get it's revenue into his hands etc. His brother-in-law William Cock, Mayor of Plymouth 1702-3.

Seale 0007 Wager between Thomas Herne & Christopher Hayne 16 Sept. 1695   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100168
Wager. If T.H. should marry within 6 years of his arrival in England, he was to pay C.H. £100. Should T.H. not marry in that period C.H. is to pay T.H. £100

Seale 0008 C Hayne to J Douglas 9 May 1698 HP Vol 1 p.15   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100169
J.D. given 100 dollars to purchase items in the West Indies, eg. Quilt; chocolates, coffee, & tea cups. Tea Tables, lacquered ones, fans, punch bowls & muslin for cravats. Receipt for 100 dollars signed John Dagins. Witnesses in John Daglas, James Hardie, Francis Morrosh.

Seale 0012 Richard Mead to Christopher Hayne 3 Mar. 1700/1 HP. Vol.1. P 13   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100170
Pay to Christopher Hayne 1000 Pieces of Eight the progmatica value of Mr. Heneage Fetherston.

Seale 0009 William Godfrey to Charles Hayne 14 April 1701 HP vol.1 p.13   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100171
Receipt for one small box containing a filigree snuff box & a medal to be delivered to Madam Ann Hayne.

Seale 0010 Arther Shevuwm ? to Christopher Hains 25 Nov, 1701 HP. Vol.1 p.13   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100172
Receipt J.B. Bully aboard the Tilbury Received of Mr. Christopher Hayne & Co. merchants at the hands of Daniel Fecee 5 pounds? of pieces of eight? per order of Mr. J. Bully, merchant.

Seale 0011 a Receipt from William Godfrey 12 April 1701 HP. Vol 1 P.13   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100173
Receipt for one small box on board the Saint George to be delivered to Samuel Pepys in York Buildings, London. . W.G. The commander of the Saint George.

Seale 0014. Cornelius Hayne to Brother (Christopher? Hayne) 15 March 1707   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100174
Received letter of 11 March. Mr. Penfound's letter returned. CH paid his share to Mr. P; others should pay too. Tone of letter from Christopher(?) changed, unknown reason. Ill repute of Dartmouth & the Corporation. CH had a native's obligation to serve Country and Dartmouth. Major Churchill an outsider? CH hoped to get letters sent to C. Not intending to stay more than a month in London. Requested enclosure to be given to Mr. Harris.

Seale 0013 Christopher Hayne to Thomas Flud ”Loss of Shipping” 28 Oct. 1707   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100175
C.H. wrote of the news of the loss of the 'Association' the previous Wednesday on the rocks off Scily under Sir Cloudesley Shovel, the Royal Ann disappeared & the Eagle & Rumney were still missing but was hoped not lost. 4 Men of war lost with the Portugal outward bound convoy.

Seale 0015 Christopher Hayne re Shipping and forthcoming Election 15 Mar. 1707   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100176
Informed by Cornelius that (anonymous) correspondent would join him & stand for election at Dartmouth. CH congratulates correspondent on the safe arrival of his ship Neptune & mentions the loss of the Eagle, Ann & one other from Dartmouth.

Seale 0016 Christopher Hayne to John Palmer 15 Mar.1707 HP 1 pp 24 & 25   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100177
Request for support for C.H. in his campaign to become M.P. for Dartmouth

Seale 0017 Christopher Hayne re Election 15 Mar 1707 Hp 1 pp 24 & 25   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100178
Request for support in his campaign to become M.P. for Dartmouth.

Seale 0018 Christopher Hayne to Brother Cornelius Hayne 16 Sep.1710   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100179
£5 demanded from Mr. Mead. Captain Stone safely back but remained a prisoner. C'r H had no immediate intention of standing for Parliament. His difficulties of his executorship:- Short of money. Holder endeavouring to get money from his father.

Seale 0023 Will of John Seale 3rd Oct. 1713   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100180
Will Beneficiaries - Mother, Elizabeth Seale (née Benest) - sisters Elizabeth Marett - Susannah Poindextre - Nephew John Seale, son of Thomas - Uncle & Aunt Seale & children - Brothers-in-law Edward Marett jnr. John Poindextre & children - sister-in-law Elizabeth Seale (née Pipon) & children - Bishopsgate St. Workhouse - Poor of the French Church in Threadneedle St.- Poor of St. Bezlade Parish & other Jersey Parishes- Apprentice Nicholas Cary etc.

Seale 0019 Christopher Hayne to Mr. John Penfound 1st April 1714   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100181
Thanks for Mr. P's recommendation of CH as an M.P. Not engaged yet for anyone. Run down state of Dartmouth due to past mistakes.

Seale 0024 Christopher Hayne to Horris Walpole 21 Nov. 1714 HP1 p56 21   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100182
Commands received previous day. Discussion about a treaty of collerce with Spain at Townshend & Ambassador Methuin could arrange time & place. Mr. Bowles was on his departure. Mr. Bowles' brother hoped he might be the ambassadori chaplain.

Seale 0025 Christopher Hayne to Lord Townshend 9 Dec, 1714   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100183
Transcript enclosed about Spanish Treaty of 1667 with extract of the Hansiatic Articles also thoughts on Importation of tobacco to Spain, duties on Newfoundland fish & trading on Spanish ships.

Seale 0027.Condolence to Mrs Mary Harris 15 Jan. 1716 HP . Vol 1 p.38   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100184
Received letter of 10 January. Condolence over loss of Mr. Harris & the troublesome state of his affairs. Unable to be of service with Sir J. Hodges. Willing to help with estate if Sir J.H. is not reasonable.

Seale 0026 Tyrry Uximenez to Christopher Hayne March 1716 HP vol 1 p 19   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100185
Received letter of 12 January. Loss of fleet reducing commerce in Europe. French ship from San Domingo reported plate saved from hulk of the Cap,na & from the Almirante. Loss of plate small to those with effects registered. Death of Mr.Terrell reported by Uximenez. None of Mr. T's effects except lace in Uximenez's hands which was shipped with Sebastian de Layza's consignment.

Seale 0028 Christopher Hayne to Sarah Gibbs or Mary Jago 22 Jan 1716   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100186
Letters of 24 November & 16 December received . CH expected Cousin Hill would draw on him. Eastend bond accepted. Proving Dowrich's will expensive. Fremerton tenant backward; rates & taxes a burden. Great House at Dartmouth offered for sister. The tenant paid no rent. Best advice to sister to sell lands & house & come to Dartmouth.

Seale 0029 Affidavit sworn at Ugborough in the presence of T. Priestwood,10 May 1722   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100187
Cornelius H. believed alterations or erasures were made by his late brother Christopher, only, to his (Cornelius') former affidavit soon after the great fall in value of the Stocks in the South Sea Bank etc. (South Sea Bubble). Papers not produced when Christopher's will was proved. Cornelius paid the various beneficiaries. Sir Joseph Hodges & his late father & mother, Sir William & Dame Sarah; the poor of Dartmouth & Walter Jago, son of Mary, sister of Christopher, sister Betty should live at Plymouth with sister Hill or come to Dartmouth.

Seale 0030. John Pipon to his father 16 Oct. 1723   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100188
Letter from Mr. P. senior, enclosure for Ld.Carteret in favour of Mr. File Maistre as Billettier, Mr. Joshua le Provost having died. Approval of the Master in Chancery needed for the purchase of the heritages of Mrs. Harris, for John Seale. Price agreed. Need to check the Rights. Mt. Boone & Cornworthy were rented out to Mr. Portman Seymour, who had the rights apparently in Taunton. Mr. Payne (Mrs. H's son)& Uncle T.Pixon gave the rights of Norton Downey belonging to Mrs. Vaugham to Mr. Russell & J.P. The other rights were in the house of General Seymour's house in London not Taunton. Mr. Russell took an abstract. Mr. Ward, advisor to the Master, wished to check that the titles were good. A leaden Demicent for Rabbit & Quateren for Duck were sent,

Seale 0037. Mrs Harris to J Seale 14 Dec. 1724   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100189
Objects left at Mount Boon by Mrs. Harris. Parts of Pound & Press belonged to Mr. Herbert & Mrs. Pitfield. Crane in cellars belonged to Mrs. Harris.

Seale 0032 Indenture 1724   1600-1749     Mount Boone House     Property     Residential 18thC
DHRG No. 100190
Mrs. Seale & son trust Deed to Captain Pipon of part of Mt. Boon etc.---------
Witnessed by:- John Seale John Pipon Jo. Russell Tho. Pering.

Seale 0033 Inventory 20 Oct. 1724   1600-1749     Mount Boone House     Property     Residential 18thC
DHRG No. 100191
At Norton & Mount Boon.. Livestock Deadstock. eg. Hay, Clover Hay and Clover Husbandry. Household good at Norton. At the houses at The Higher Norton. At the Lime Kiln. Household goods at Mount Boon etc. Signed by:- Elizabeth Seale John Seale Thomas Pipon Witnessed by:- John Pipon Jo Russell Tho Pering.

Seale 0034 John Pipon re: Estate 20 July 1725   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100193
Writings concerning J.S's Estate in Chancery were left with Mr. Russell. J.P's other papers mostly copies of originals in Clerk of Chancery's hands. Deeds were with Mr. Bennet. Mr. Durell told to let J.S. have papers concerning himself. Mr. Seale had to be asked what he had paid the Master of Chancery. J.P. hoped his Uncle & Mr. Russell would look after J.S's interests.

Seale 0038. Mrs Harris to J Seale 27 Oct. 1726   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100194
Unable to come to Mt. Boone due to indisposition. Payne to come to discuss things left there.

Seale 0035 To Cornelius Hayne from his Father in law12 May 1726 HP.Vol 1 p.79   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100195
Mr. T. presumed that Corneliius H. and others were all at Dartmouth after a long stay with John Taylor, lady & Justice A. Staying with Mr. T. thought tedious? Mrs. Newcomen was to be paid for bottles - Mr. T. expecting answer from cousin Hoyles by way of Totnes. Wish to settle dispute without going to Law.

Seale 0036 Reply to 0035 20 May 1726 HP Vol 1 p.41   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100196
Reply to .Taylor's 12 May 1726
Previous delays in Totnes seeing wife's relations. Cousin Neel's absence & smallpox in Cousin Gotheridge's house. Mr. Amyatt not visited. Mr. T's other relations drank his health. Mrs. Newman paid for bottles & corks. Mr. T's letter sent to Mr. Hoyles. Need to settle law suit depending between CH. & brother. Taylor which Mr. T. should have settled without Law. CH had waited 5 years without result.

Seale 0039 Philip to J Seale re silver bowl 31 May 1727   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100197
Advice about the engraving of the Arm & Inscription on the silver bowl to be presented to Penbroke Col. Request for J.S. to ask Mrs. D'auvergne from Hampshire to send some item to P.P.. Model enclosed (legal) to be done in French (Attorneys all ignorant of French) Surprise that J.S. was to travel so soon.

Seale 0040 Thomas Pipon to J Seale 28 Nov. 1727   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100198
Plan to get JS made an alderman or freeman of Dartmouth? T.P. had been to Mr. May, Capt. Newman & Mr. Leigh; each one separately & told them J.S. had seen Mr. Justice who said he would help J.S. Common Freeman, very hearty for J.S. Need to see Mr. T (?) Without him & Mr. Justice alderman & freeman cannot be elected.

Seale 0041 Philip le Gayt to John Seale 3 Nov. 1729   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100199
Gratitude to John Seale's & to Rev. Mr. Falle's offer of financing the building of a Library & for donation of books respectively.

Seale 0042 Charles Taylor to Cornelius Hayne 15 April 1731 HP. Vol 1 p77   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100200
C.T. had letter from Uncle about Cornelius' uneasiness about C.T. Request for George T to have sum of dept. Hoped for increase of scholars. Asked for patience till C.T. could pay C.H.

Seale 0043 Cornelius Hayne to John Seale Perhaps 1731 or early 1732   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100201
In answer to proposals made by J.S. about Miss Mary Hayne, her father C.H. was sorry J.S. had been prevented from speaking about them that morning when he might have satisfield C.H. who would have known if his intended fortune for his daughter would have been agreable to J.S. C.H. would be glad to see him at his house.

Seale 0044 Philip Pipon to John Seale 30 June 1732   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100202
P.P. hoping for Cornish living. Presentation claimed by Mr. J. Coplestone & his heirs according to old deed, thought well of by Mr. Penfound. In Bishop Trelawny's time J.C.'s father's unseccessful nominee had an (illegitimate) child.: After 6 month's delay the living lapsed to the Bishop. J.C. had entered a caveat in the Bishop's Court, applying himself to Mr. Geare, P.P.uncles Proctor. There was no other application. P.P. hoped to travel to Cornwall from London & that J.S. & 'Cousin John' would accompany him. P.P. and J.S. would then go to Jersey from the west.

Seale 0045 Anne Seale to brother John Seale ( french) 7 Nov. 1732   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100203
Hopeful of receiving a letter from J.S. Her aunt of La Moye (in Jersey), her mother and aunt Marett sent their compliments. Cousin Peter Marett had just arrived from the Canaries. She sent compliments to her aunt & uncle Pipon and also her cousins.

Seale 0046 To Christopher Hayne no date, before 1733   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100204
A Valentine. Ecclesiasticus 36:v v 24 - 26 9 V2 & 25:v referred to.

Seale 0047 H. Aubin to John Seale10 May 1733   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100205
Diamond ring in small canister of ¼ lb of tea, delivered to Capt. Cox. Total cost including tea etc. £101.15s.6d Gratuity left to J.S's discretion. Impression of the seal as on the canister enclosed. Notice of safe arrival requested. Mr. Richerson still under confinement in Jersey & would stay unless released by H.Dural. Rumour about Lieut.Bavly & his plans.

Seale 0048 Charles Hayne to John Seale 14 ? 1733   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100206
Indisposed previous week, but better. Sorry that both Mr. Holdsworth's were unwell. Glad that Grandfather had visited C.H.'s brother & sister. Wrong if sister went to Plymouth. Hopefull of being invited to the wedding of J.S. and C.H.'s sister.

Seale 0049 Charles Hayne to John Seale13 Aug.1733   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100207
C.H. thought J.S. had forgotton him, hoped J.S. was not offended. He hoped to be allowed to come home to see J.S. & C.H's sisters now married.

Seale 0050 Charles Hayne to John Seale 3 Sept. 1733   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100208
Not CH's fault 'losing time' His brother wished to meet him at Exeter that Monday or Tuesday evening, Mr. Holdsorth had written the direction of the letter. Hopeful that JS approved. Glad will is proved. Sorry JS had to begin lawsuit again. No notice to be taken of Grandfather's opinion. CH hopes lawsuit will not be given up.

Seale 0065 Charles Hayne to John Seale 21 Feb.1733   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100209
John Seale's debt to Charles Hayne £1840.12s.6½d

Seale 0051 Charles Hayne to John Seale 6 Feb. 1734 (Changed from 1733)   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100210
CH grieved almost as much about his negligence in answering JS's letter as in losing his Papa & Mama (d 1733 & 1731 respectively) His sister had married & she was almost the only comfort CH had. JS his only friend. Snuff box not received when Mr. Penfound was in London. Hopeful of continuing practising the flute.

Seale 0052 John Pipon to John Seale 5 July 1734   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100211
DEATH OF PHILIP PIPON. The Chapel of St. Aubin not begun but the site was ready, with most of the stone & timber. JP thought that the Bishop of Winchester should be asked to renew the Licence. JS's mother (JP's aunt) had too much linen so had offered to send some to Dartmouth.

Seale 0053 Charles Hayne to John Seale17 Aug. 1734   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100212
People with experience of a married life should give advice concerning it. CH wished Mr. Penfound would tell him when he was sending bills & buckles

Seale 0054 Charles Hayne to John Seale 22 June 1735   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100213
Arrived Oxford previous night. Violent storm hail stones as large or larger than walnuts. The rain digging great holes.

Seale 0055 Peter Marett to John Seale re Chapel of St. Aubin 18 Sept.1735   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100214
Letters of 23 May & 12 June 1734 gave accounts of the progress of the Chapel of St. Aubin. JS pleased with result according to M.L Greffier & T. Pipon. Front almost up to the top of windows. Back almost complete. Door towards JS's house.. JS's mother had paid £25. P.M. was hopeful of more to come & that others could be encouraged to subscribe. Petitions, letters & copy of Licence were ready to send to the Bishop.
Peter Marett also representing the other founders of the chapel.

Seale 0056 Charles Hayne to Mrs. Mary Seale 11 Nov. 1735   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100215
Apologies for idleness & neglect. Hopeful of seeing M & J. Seale beginning of December, and a boy or girl soon after (I.e. birth of J.S. junior expected)

Seale 0057 Charles Hayne to John Seale 22 (Jan?) 1735   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100216
C.H. arrived at Oxford previous Friday. Roads very bad almost impassable in places; good company. Humble service to friends and especially to sister & nephew (John Seal Junior) Request to write letter to Dr. Paxton

Seale 0058 Elizabeth Pipon to (John Seale) 6 Feb. 1736   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100217
Letter given to G. Villeneuve for Mr. Mauger going aboard with linen for JS :- 3 pairs of bed clothes, a dozen table napkins, doublets etc. & a gold piece worth £80 (for John Seale junior)

Seale 0059 Charles Hayne to John Seale 1 April.1736   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100218
Received letter. Oxford man did not deserve compliments, Billingsgate breeding. Silver Bowl given to College by JS was for general use not just his. No news of JS coming to London. CH hopes he would come by Oxford. Proposals & subscriptions sent to J.S. one for J.S the other for friend.

Seale 0060 Elizabeth Pipon to John Seale13 April 1736   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100219
Letter of 7 March received, glad that all were well. Told JS was going to London. Hopeful that work on the Chapel of St. Aubin would begin soon. They had come for the second payment of £25. EP hoped that JS & family would make a short visit to Jersey. EP waited for JS's opinion before any agreement with the demands of people about land? near the chapel.

Seale 0061 Charles Hayne to John Seale 9 Sept.1736   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100220
Received J.S's letter. Cousin Holdsworth's ignorance of University customs. Long vacation 'Act'? to Michaelmas. Few people at Michaelmas in the University. They come just before Lent to take degrees. Hopeful seeing J.S. following week. Blessing to nephew (John Seale Junior who died young)

Seale 0062 Elizabeth Pipon to John Seale In French 2 Oct. 1737 ?   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100221
Sending £15 bill of exchange. Request for 6 bushels of good wheat & for various materials to make clothes etc.

Seale 0063 Charles Hayne to John Seale 14 Feb. 1737   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100222
Received 2 letters from J.S. Hoped the Porter had come, given into Jewell's charge to go on Capt. Andrews' ship. J.S.asked if he still wanted gun, coffee cups by Revee's

Seale 0066 Charles Hayne to John Seale 3 April 1740   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100223
Arrived at Bath previous Tuesday.Bath thin of company, barren of pretty girls. 70 old men & women to one young, so CH might be obliged to come home soon. Mr. Newcomen joined in compliments.

Seale 0067 Charles Hayne to John Seale 28 Feb. 1740   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100224
All letters come from J.S. Glad sister is getting better. Doubtful about JS staying at Exeter for his trial at the following session. Judge incapable of judging right from wrong. If no trial CH would like to see JS at Exon as he hoped to be there all assizes. JS's paper put on board Capt. Reeve's (ship)

Seale 0068 Charles Hayne to John Seale 14 Oct. 1741   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100225
After arrival at Morgan's Coffee House where room full of people, foreigners plentiful so making the place disagreable so return to Devon might be sooner. Mr. Basset not yet been. CH wished to hear of sport with his dogs & whether CH & my Lord hunted together. Spoke with Marchant about JS's bill. It would be paid before CH should leave Bath.

Seale 0069 Charles Hayne to John Seale 10 Feb. 1742   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100226
Proceedings went on as usual at St.S--s c- -e so Country Members were leaving Town. Call of the house put off for 2 months. Penfound was told to send the Lord's protest & list of those who voted for & against. Some other documents enclosed. Letter from Thomas T ? He bought codfish for CH who hoped J.S. would thank him.

Seale 0070 Charles Hayne (Sheriff of Devon) to John Seale 3 April 1742 about 2 o’clock   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100227
2 letters received. Utmost hurry CH waited on Judges from 7am till 11 or 12 m the night. Glad sister is better. No occasion to send horse for Hamling : exchange with Penfound so JS could expect horse by the bearer.

Seale 0071 Legal document between Anthony Fforty & Charles Hayne 7 July 1742   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100228
A.ff . of Brixham firmly bound unto C.H. of Dartmouth of money to be paid to C.H. & Ambrose Penfound or their Attorney etc. the sum of £326 on 6 January ensuing with lawful interest.

Seale 0072 Mary Southcote Marriage Settlement 12 Feb. 1744   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100229
Marriage Settlement Indenture Tripartite.
Witnesses William Creed Ambrose Penfound

Seale 0073 Jane Creed, late of Fuge, of Coombe in Stoke Fleming on her marriage to Henry Southcote of Dartmouth. Deed dated 30 Jan. 1745 HP 1032 F/26   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100230
Appointment of Trustees in respect of Jewels plate etc. and of linen & household goods left by the will of William Roope, late of Fuge. Signed by Chas Hayne, Wm. Creed, Ambrose Penfound, Mary Southcote.
Jane Creed, late of Fuge, of Coombe in Stoke Fleming on her marriage to Henry Southcote of Dartmouth
William Ilbert of Bowerlingsleigh,
John Pollexfen of Mothercombe,
William Creed of Kingsbridge
Witnesses:- Thomas Adams, Eliz. Creeed William Roope Richard Crocker

Seale 0074 William Ffoulkes to Charles Hayne April 1747 HP. Vol 1. P46   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100231
Congratulations on birth of a son. Nic Rowe about to mortify at St. George's, he was accused of leaving his trees in the public highway causing danger. CH's neighbour at Leghill with his lady, soon to be at Netherways. Need for a receipt in the back of the Bond. WF's Father was ill for a fortnight but was better & hoped to spend summer at Exmouth. CH to tell Nic Roe that Mrs. Prosse had twins very late. Cheese pretty good, ale excellent. Jack Pitman had gout feared he would miss the Assizes. Mr. Crosby to go from Newgate to Old Bailey, person from Stoke Fleming soon to be hanged.

Seale 0075 Ben Juie to Jn. Seale 9 Feb. 1748   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100232
Received letter of 9 November so the dozen of Portugal partridges arrived. BJ still had the letter for Messes Les Sueur & Trollope as no ship had yet gone to Porto. JS to be Sheriff of Devon. BJ could supply wine, BJ's daughter married Mr. D. Le Sueur of Porto, hoping to come to Britain that summer. He provides wine to B.J.

Seale 0076 W. Oliver to J. Seale 20 May 1748   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100233
Nervous colicks allow no long delays. Advises Mrs. Seale to come to Bath as soon as possible & not to wait till the autumn. She should drink the waters early to keep cool. Dr. Hall was a good judge of health. Request to know when Mrs. Seale so that Dr. W.O. would find the best accommodation.

Seale 0077 Hy. Fownes Luttrell to John Seale 28 May 1748   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100234
Relating to the signing the Deeds of houses in Plymouth & Mr. F.L. requesting JS to keep his 2/3 of the purchase money. Mr. Penfound brought up Mr. Brent's Deed etc. all executed by F.L. He hoped his sister got safe to Ashburton & little boy was well, & the horse chosen for her was ridden by a person used to him. If too much fatigued Mr. FL would send a coach to meet her on the Exeter road.

Seale 0078 H.Fownes Luttrel to John Seale 7 May 1749   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100235
Sorry to hear Mt.Boon threatened by smallpox nearby. Mr. Penfound's bankruptsy, his conscience should affect him. H.F.L's wife not lain down her Burden. H.F.L's coming to Devon uncertain. Poor Mr. Yarde to be at Taunton next day, en route to Bath, still unable to stand on his leg. Cooper's disappointment referred to. Mr. Haynes lost suit. Fireworks in several part of the Kingdom, without leave ? except Hewdown. Request for JS to send to Holland for roots of Anemonies, Ramunculus, Tulips & Hyacinths for HFL's wife.

Seale 0079 John Seale Junr. to John Seale 24 Oct. 1749   1600-1749 18thC
DHRG No. 100236
Received letter of 20 October. Glad mother was better. JS junior still had cough. Mr. Teage & Mr. Hayden had been paid. JS junior had Maidenhair tea for breakfast. Mrs. Berry died about May, buried at Liskeard. Mrs. Greenwood & Mrs. Scotchburn her Executors. Little money available for funeral debts etc. Mrs. Brooking's eyes very bad. Brothers mentioned.

Seale 0080 Thos. Blake Inventory ref. Henry Southcote dec’d 22 Mar. 1750   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100237
Inventory of cabinet which belonged to Henry Southcote deceased:- gold & silver pearl necklace, Diamond, ruby, mourning rings, snuff boxes, button, buckles etc. etc. shagreen boxes, picture, a pistol etc. etc. Received of CH 5 shillings for some things in the cabinet.

Seale 0083 William Creed to May Hayne 12 Aug. 1752 HP. Vol 1. P48   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100238
Mary(Polly) Southcote died in 1752 aged 9. All money from the privateer Dartmouth Galley were to be paid to her. On her death her mother was her heir. Mr. Creed believed all the distributable estate of MH's late husband should go to her. J.H.Southcote was also entitled to a share of Polly's estate etc; (Law suits about this continued until 1771) Mrs. Creed very upset when Mr. Haynes' letter describing Polly's death. She had stomach ulcers. Her asses milk was old so she had Polly's till she got it from Combe Royal.

Seale 0084 James Pipon to John Seale 23 Jan. 1753   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100239
(Letter relating to a bill dated 23 April 1743) Letter from JS of 19 January acknowledging receipt of Bill for £33.19s 6d from J.P. & promise of cash available. J.P. accepted the invitation to be godfather of J.S.'s newly born son. He asked JS to get a proxy for him & to supply him with 5 guineas to distribute as usual.

Seale 0085 Seale against Fforty copy of issue sent by Joseph Dobbins 22 Feb. 1754   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100240
JS brought Suit against Anthoney ffortye of Brixham that on 30th September 1751 A.ff. became bound to J.H. of £860-2shillings. A.ff by John Hunt his attorney said the deed was not his. Appeal to Sheriff. J.S. sustained 100 shillings damage. Mr. Dobbins would deliver copy of issue & notice of Trial the next day. Letter largely illegible.

Seale 0086 Tho: Le Breton to J.Seale 27 Aug. 1754   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100241
In answer to letter of 31 July. Nothing further could be recovered from Mrs. Mauger. Mr. Le Couter would submit to nothing but the law. The course of Law followed by T.Le B was the only way to bring matters to a speedy conclusion. T le B offered to supply Sir John with money. He did not need it at that time.

Seale 0087 D. Messervy to J. Seale? 12 9 bar 1754 November   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100242
No letters from JS. Mr. Carteret with his sister were going to Plymouth to see their brother, taking D.M.'s letter to JS. On his return he hoped to visit JS to get for him 2 bushels of white wheat to sow. Mr. Carteret would pay. J.S. was to remind Sir John & Lady Caneu about the book Sir J.C. was to send D.M. Uncle Joshua Pipon of la Moye had married Mrs. Poingdextre, widow of Mr. le Couceur.

Seale 0088 Capt. Geo. Aug. Pynn to C.Hayne 13 Nov. 1754 HP Vol 1 p.52   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100243
GAP's letter sent by Cpt.Abraham Ball. Tolerable good fishery, a bit late in the land. Very hurtful, have four sailing days to Lisbon. If safe arrival GAP will send directions for payment of Harry's schooling. Hope also of coming to England. Harry's mother sent a bag of cod etc. for Harry and fish etc. for Mr. & Mrs. Hayne & cat skins for Mrs. H. GAP intended having Harry out in the spring.

Seale 0089 J. Seale to Mr. Harris 15 Nov. 1754   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100244
J.S. reminded Mr. H. about the waters of Dinicombe with that part bought of Mr. Falls. The greater part was claimed by Mr. Eam's; no exception was made of part of that water in the purchase deed. Great prejudice to JS. A dozen lemon in the post for Mr. H. Peter Knowling & Mr. Cocky? about to buy the Manor of Ashprington.

Seale 0090 Ambrose Penfound to Richard Harris 29 Nov. 1754   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100245
AP's letter relating to Mr. ffortye. A.P's letter of 25 Nov. gave reasons for not accepting RH's money. He would have preferred to have had it from RH. That person offered it to AP's client who accepted it unknown to AP, who could not be blamed for the muddle. RH came away without waiting for AP's letter. AP would reimburse him. AP had not yet got the various relevent deeds etc.

Seale 0091 J seale to Mr Harris (attorney) 8 Dec. 1754   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100246
In reply to Mr. H, Mr. Penfound said that if he had it, he could have delivered it to Mr. fforty. When Trust of Lung, & P's was over old ff & wife & his heirs in succession could enjoy it etc. Great entertainment at New Inn following day on Mr J ? ry's re-election. Mr. Wills with client Eams. Met JS previous Friday about water at Diniscombe in spite of JS referring Mr. Wills to Mr.H. Partition of Priory Manor with Diniscombe. ?? in Cornworthy referred to etc.

Seale 0092 J. Seale to Mr. Harris 15 Dec. 1754   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100247
JS. Glad to hear Mrs. H. Intended a visit, and Mr. H.'s if possible on his return from Exeter. Mrs.Seale desired Mr. H. while in Exeter to call on the Miss Spryes with a pattern & buy some of the same sort. JS hoped to send horses following Wednesday; children hoped to see them Thursday at Mt. Boon More referred to. Weather bad for travelling. Letter from Mr. A. Mathews. Request for Mr. H. to call on Charles Pearce & ask for bill for R.Copleston's clothes.

Seale 0093 Ambrose Penfound to Richard Harris (attorney) Answer to letter 9 Jan 12 Jan. 1755   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100248
Assignment of mortgage term to Cornelious Hayne done with proper care & advice. Copy of case & opinion sent to RH. Marriage settlement of 27 May 1729 unexecuted yet agreeable. Copy from original left with Mr. Seale to be sent on. What Mr. Jeffery said about fine quoted by RH. AP would write to Mr. Jeffrey. A Dedimus might be sent for. AP did not know where the deed relating to Mr. fforty was. The copy of the Casez Opinion must be returned to Mr. Maulsy.

Seale 0094 J. Seale to Mr. Harris? 12 Jan. 1755   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100249
Penfound (?) & J.S. exmining the late Mr. fforty's marriage settlement. Mr. Hayne's Trust. Mr. Hayne sure Anthony ffortie was entitled to fee during his life, then his brother etc. He advised letter to A.ff. J.S. scandalously dealt with by Mr. ff. & A.ff. JS preparing a bill. Mr. Hayne supposed himself & Mr. L would be trustees etc. Trust not appointed till in year after the Deed Poll was made & executed. Mr. Harris was asked to write to Mr. Jeffrey. £5 to be expeditious. -- Mrs. Harris requested the horse to be sent following Tuesday. JS hoped she could stay till end of week when youngsters could be sent. If so horse could wait till Thursday. Mr. Green said Mrs. G. could draw £50

Seale 0095 J. Seale to Mr. Harris No date. 6 o’clock 1755?   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100250
Just returned home from Stoke. Mrs. Seale said Mr. Penfound had been to Mt. Boon hoping for an interview. Mr. fforty & his mother wished affair soon concluded. Plan for meeting following Friday with Mr. ff, Mr. Harris & JS at Mt Boon. Offer of premises under mortgage to JS, whose debt would be the first to be discharged. Mr. Green's letter about Mrs.Holman enclosed. If Mr. K. could not come what should JS. write to Mr. G. Concern about something Mr. H. mentioned.

Seale 0096 C Taylor to Charles Hayne 20 Feb. 1755 HP.Vol 1 p 81   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100251
Request for Hudson's address as well as quantity of rum & sum involved all forgotton by CT. Money to be remitted, CT in London, no need for it in the country, also how much share of rum each for Mr. Luttrell. CH & CT so CT knows what he has to pay Hudson. Price of candles gone up. CT hopes CH sells his bullocks for more. Compliments from CT's wife & sons.

Seale 0097 Cha. Hayne to John Seale 19 Aug. 1755   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100252
As JS was CH's patron he was offered the first produce. JS was to tell the Bearer by return when the old buck was to be killed.

Seale 0098 Charles Hayne to John Seale No Date 1755?   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100253
Received letter previous Wednesday from which CH heard that a certain gentleman could not justify housekeeping on CH's account longer than mid summer. CH hoped his sister, soon to be married could stay a bit longer. CH desired Richard to say that Master was inclined to dispose of his very good portmanteau horse because he trotted too hard. CH would not bid for him without JS & the trustees approval. (Request for reply by return of post.) Kind love to Sister & Brother.

Seale 0100 Mary Hayne to William Creed No date. Friday 4 o’clock 1755? HP 1032f/za   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100254
Mr. Hayne set out from Lupton to Bath & probably from there to Harrogate. MH would like to see Mr. Creed at Stock the following Sunday.

Seale 0101 Ambrose Penfound to Charles Hayne 4 Sept. 1755 HP Vol 2 p 60   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100255
Mr. Seale called previous day. C.Hayne had not returned the draft to AP. He desired AP to write for it. JS in very good temper, not against AP making the deeds. JS mentioned this to CH , but CH was in a great passion so apparently did not take this in.

Seale 0103 Ambrose Penfound to Charles Hayne 23 Dec. 1755 HP. Vol 2 p.54   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100256
Mr. Seale content to wait settling Mr. ffortye's affairs until CH can get title & draught to London & settled by CH's uncle provided no delay. Mr. Seale requested that the draught of Furneaux's mortgage be returned. Mr. Prideaux desired an answer, which Mr. Seale requested should be by the following day so that the draught could be prepared as soon as possible. Cryptic notes:- Goodrich to be punished etc.

Seale 0102 J. Seale to Mr. Holdsworth 10 Jan. 1756 A Dispute   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100257
Mr. Penny answer to JS was wrong that JS had said that (Combe) Mud & Beach should be leased to his tenant & that the Captain of the Dean Ship had to agree with the tenant to land his cargo, a right that belonged to JS which no gentleman would wish to lose. A plain answer to this was asked for.

Seale 0104 S. Penny to John Seale. Dispute. 11 Jan. 1756 Saturday evening.   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100258
Apprehensive from JS's second letter & servant's report that JS believed that SP or Mr. Holdsworth disputed with JS any agreement he had made with the Captain of the Deanish ship. The Captain could do as he pleased. Mr. H. would give him cash. SP was sure that the Captain would pay JS whatever had been agreed.

Seale 0105 John Marsh to J. Seale. Penfound bancruptcy 17 Apr.1756   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100259
Difficulties for Mr. Seale & others, apart from Mr. Hayne, being discharged from being securities for Mr. Penfound Bankrupt; with reference to Compton estate.

Seale 0106 John Marsh & John Lampen to Charles Hayne 21 Nov. 1756 HP.2. P 56   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100260
Letter received from Mr. Marsh:- Cause of Southcote & Creed in the power of the Solicitor for Mr. H. etc. to proceed & to propose a Receiver. If not Mr.H or any of the Defendants and Guardian for Defendant may. No one did it. The death of Mr. Pering, Mr. M's client prevented progress but orders to proceed quickly. Warrant for Mr. H. to bring in books, papers & direct solicitor to proceed.--Mr. Seale told that following Friday for putting in CH's & the other defendants answers to ?'s bill at Noah Clifts.

Seale 0107 Richard Harris to John Seale 8 March. 1757   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100261
Glad of JS's safe arrival in London. 'Gone there to see sweet lady?' Mr. Luscombe at Brent & others thought so. Mr Yarde's method of courting a widow referred to. Letter to JS directed to Mr. Newton's about diamonds held by RH. JS to call on Mr. Sheene for fforty's writings & on Mr. Marsh for Writ of Assistance. Admiral Byng was to suffer on Monday (14 March). Had JS heard from Mr. Sharpe? Luscombes cause not to be tried yet.

Seale 0108 John Seale to Charles Hayne12 March 1757 HP Vol 2 p 58   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100262
Mr. P (enfound)'s Receivership. JS had seen some of his accounts so applied for order for Mr. P. to send the rest of his accounts after he had been written to. Mr. Moratt wrote to say the family were well at Lupton.

Seale 0109 Thos. Adams to Charles Hayne 25? Mar. 1758 HP. Vol 2 p58   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100263
A grand Council held previous Thursday at Mt. Boon. The Lawyer, Mr. & Mrs. Goodridge & Fownes compromised the dispute about Stoke Fleming. Mr. G. to be presented to the Living. Newcomen & TA discarded. CH should frustrate iniquitous scheme. He could enter caveat at the Bishop's Court before Mr. G. gets institution from the Bishop. Was presentation from the Infant (J.H. Southcote) valid?

Seale 0110 Rev. Geo Goodridge to Mrs.? Hayne Probably about March 1758 Monday 9 o’clock HP Vol 2 p.59   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100264
GG. Waited that morning on Mr. Fownes, who resolved to withdraw his caveat by the next day's post in spite of GG. urging him to pospone it till the following Friday. The Bishop could not grant institution till the Dismission of the Bill came from London. An account of it sent to Mrs. H's lawyer telling him Mrs. H. would be at Combe to see him the next day. If not there would be an answer at Mt. Boon.

Seale 0111 Rev. Thos. Adams to Charles Hayne HP Vol 2 p 59 30 Mar. 1758   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100265
TA had been with Mr. Ley all that morning preparing to see the Bishop, but a lawyer & Rev. G. Goodridge had already taken J.A. Southcote to see him . Mr. Ley told TA to summon C.Hayne immediately in order to visit The Bishop together with the Mayor, who was off to London immediately after dinner the next day. CH was to bring the Bond of deligation.

Seale 0112 Court of Chancery. Extracts from case before Whittington & Sewell. Southcote Goodrige & others (the Orators) v Hayne 6 Apr. 1758 HP. Jhs63 c12/5/17 Pro   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100266
Orators recite:-J.H.Southcote minor, aged 11, Lord of the Manor of Stoke Fleming having right to present the Rectory. J.Salter the rector died in 1756. Rev.T. Fownes claimed living. This claim was subject to another case in Chancery. Orators claimed J.H.S. lived nearly 8 years with G. Goodridge vicar of Shillingford under the care of his wife. J.H.S. was a pupil at a Grammar School in Exeter. CH & TA. send for JHS very early before the Schoolmaster was up. He was taken to the Oxford Inn to breakfast, consented to by the Master. JHS was later taken to the house of Mr. Ley an attorney at law in Exeter & later to a house of a friend of theirs where Southcote dined. CH gave him a shilling & TA gave him a clasp knife. Mr. Ley brought papers which J.H.S. was at last persuaded to sign giving TA the living. Upon returning to the Master J.H.S. revoked any presentation to TA, CH & TA applied to J. Seale but he refused to sign.

Seale 0113 Court of Chancery Extract from case of Adams (The Orator) v Mary Hayne & others.Master Zincke 19 June 1758 1032/Fz 16.
Orator recites:-J.H.Southcote, minor aged 10, Lord of Stoke Flemming, patron of Rectory. Father died 1750, intestate. Trustees of memorial estates J. Seale, Charles Hayne; Guardians Mary H, W.Creed, Rev.G.& Mrs. Sarah Goodridge. Mrs. Elizabeth Adams & Catherine, spinster. In 1756 J. Salter, Rector of Stoke Flemming died, Rev. T. Fownes claimed vacancy but withdrew claim. Orator had 3 children & maintained indigent sister-in-law. CH & JHS agreed to presentation to Orator on condition he agreed to resign Rectory when JHS was 24, if required. Presentation was not executed by J. Seale who conspired with M.H.., Wm. Creed, Rev G. Goodridge (who had no children) H.E. Luttrell, T. Fownes, JHS & others to defaud Orator. MH denied Orator access to JHS Rev. GG had with wife £30 per annum & £60 per annum from another living. The Bishop threatened to grant living to Rev. G.G.
   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100267
To:- Rt. Hon Sir Robert Henley Kt. Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great Britain

Seale 0114 Wm. Creed to Henry Fownes Luttrell. Separation of Mary Hayne & C Hayne 24 Mar 1759 HP vol. 2 p.76   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100268
Mary Hayne informed Wm. C. what passed between H.F.L. & Mr. Haynes. Mr. H. desired separation. M.H. wants to remain wife of CH. If she is turned out Wm. C. would like to know what allotment CH would give MH

Seale 0115 Joshua Pipon to J. Seale 23 Apl 1759   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100269
Answer to letter of 12 December 1757 not yet received as JP demand is justly due. Some of brother David's papers recovered, copies of his & JS letter enclosed (see below). He sailed from London in May 1740 & died in December 1740 in W. Indies. JP hoped JS would pay 4 years annuity to J.P's mother in law.

Seale 0116 J. Seale to David Piper Copy by J. Pipon 30 Nov. 1759   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100270
Formerly. J.S. received letters from DP on his arrival in England but latterly received none. Letter received from James P. in Newfoundland of 22 October 1739, ready to sail, destination not given. Request for balance of bond to be paid to Mr. Seale. JS unable to reimburse Mr. S. at present. Balance of interest & all about £40

Seale 0117 David Pipon to J. Seale Copy by J. Pipon 11 Dec. 1759   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100271
Loss of Ship John. Each of the 8 (owners) to pay £94. JS had 1/16 part so owed £47. Mr. Tomlinson made DP debtor for that; remainder of bond with interest came to £40. JS in debt to DP. £72. Blow to JS & DP. Request for Bond endorsed.

Seale 0119 John Seale to Joshua Pipon Reply to 23 Apl.1759 Rough & Final Draft   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100272
JS twice in London since receipt of letter; surprised that late cousin Seale had burnt the papers relevent to the Trust. Who ever was entitled to arrears should have applied soon after the death of Aunt Poindextra (some years before) JS not resposible for managing the Legacy. JP's deceased brother's David & John were in debt to JS. John drew bill on JS in Ireland & London.

Seale 0120 John Seale to Joshua Pipon Reply 1759   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100273
JS surprised at JP's hastiness. JS the best judge of the transaction in London during his minority. He presumed late cousin Seale's burning of Trust papers concerned merchandize disposed of waiting for receipt of copy of his letter for Mr. Manger. In case not discharged JS wrote to Mr. Le Couter to discharge it yearly. JS's servant & horse mentioned, but the letter breaks off abruptly.

Seale 0121 Mary Hayne to William Creed Probably 1759 HP 1032   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100274
Confidential. Mr. Creed requested to write to Mr. Exley (in London) by following Sunday. Mr. E to deliver record (of JH Southcote's accounts) to no one but Mr. C & MH. Plot afoot to get hold of them (for Charles Hayne) MH lame. MH hoped to see Mr. C at Mr. Seale's. Matter to discuss too important to be sent by post.

Seale 0122 Mary Hayne to William Creed Probably 1759 HP 1032f/2 DRO   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100275
Mr. Goodridge wrote that Mr. C was leaving home next day. No chance to meet at Mr. Seale's. Mr. Hayne had not arranged meeting with Mr. Luttrell & MH. as promised when at Mr. Yardes. Mr. L saw Mr. H who demanded MH's Trust Deed, mortgage & his part of the marriage writ. Her deed was in London & her part of the marriage was with Mr. Luttrell. Mr. Seale had an Equal right to the deed as Mr. H. who had a wicked design. Tom Adams came for 2 days, up to no good.

Seale 0123 Mary Hayne to William Creed No date Probably 1759 HP 1032fza DRO   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100276
Unable to be at Kingsbridge that morning due to the weather. Glad to see W.Creed at Mrs. Mordant's that afternoon. In Dartmouth possible wicked plots in London? Adams, Penfound, Newcomen & Perring with Hayne at Lupton previous week. W.Creed to be very careful what he said, as Tom Adams would find out & tell Hayne. W.Creed to take care also of Mr. Goodridge. MH expected to be put out by Mr. H.

Seale 0124 Mary Hayne to William Creed 3 Oct. No year Probably 1759 HP 1032fz/2bDRO   1750-1759 18thC
DHRG No. 100277
Desired by Mr. Salt to go to Totnes, uncertain about that; suggests that W.Creed goes or she takes Mr. Newcomen with her.

Seale 0125 Boyle Burton to John Seale13 April 1760 (wrongly inscribed July)   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100278
Previous letter BB to JS delivered by Capt. Messervy about Little Horse? BB assumes JS saw Mr. J. Legeyt,an idle, lazy indolent Coxcomb, not to be lent one farthing.

Seale 0126 J. Seale to Boyle Burton Reply to 0125 April 1760   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100279
Received both letters brought by Mr. Messervy. Little horse with bridle etc. bought; requests instructions for sending. Thanks for caution about Mr. Le Geyt, who called previous day, but JS was out- calling again - warned by Messervy & Ahier.

Seale 0127 de Gruchy & Le Breton to John Seale 25 Sept.1760   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100280
Awaiting draft of £15 - 2. Pipon papers would be sent with the sugar by the first ship. Kind of sugar required? Executors of legacies had very little cash in hand, but should have some in 30 days. Nothing heard from Mr. J. La Breton about bill.

Seale 0128 Boyle Burton to John Seale 13 Oct. 1760   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100281
Mr. Stevens satisfield that BB was on board the Indiaman; cargo of crockery, silks etc. In dock without masts or sails. Mrs. BB bought cups & saucers for JS. BB asked for his brother's 2 boxes of shells to be sent.

Seale 0129 Joshua Pipon to John Seale 4 Nov. 1760   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100282
J.P's father's protection of the Seale family much undervalued. JS's unjust contempt of JP's character and usage of Mrs.J.P. who had sole management of her estate. JP not afflicted with JS's fathers disorder. JP's family entitled to be in possession of late brother David's estate. Money intended for JS's education not appropriated by DP £7 paid by DF for JS to Mr. Thomblison appeared not to be repaid. Papers concerning JS left with Mr. De Grunchy.

Seale 0130 J. Seale to Joshua Pipon (Reply to 0129) Dec. 1760   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100283
J.P. taken great offence at JS's mentioning his affairs as a minor in Champery. His money without interest in Master's hands until JS was able to demand the principal. John P stayed with JS on return from Ireland. JP wanted better house in Jersey. Untrue JS had servant & horse when at school. JS cannot remember ever seeing his father & assumes he harmed no one. Mrs. P's letter & Maugers receipe explain the legacy. Request for La Couteur to discharge Legacy. JS would investigate David P's legacy..

Seale 0131 Susanne Pipon to John Seale 4 Nov. 1760   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100284
Her husband informed S.P. that J.S. had refused to pay arrears of her legacy and had the profit of it since Mr. Seale died. Unjust criticism of her very good husband's treatment of her. J.S. evidently unaware of his reponsibility to S.P.'s sister.

Seale 0132 J.Seale to Mme. Susanne Pipon (Reply to 0131) Nov 1760   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100285
Never J.S.'s intention to contest their uncle's donation to Susanne P's mother. J.S. would pay any arrears but he did not know the date his Aunt (S.P.'s mother) died. Mr. P.seemed to be offended because J.S. told what he had been told though had not believed. J.S. very glad to hear it was untrue & wished them all happiness.

Seale 0133 Joshua Pipon to John Seale 23 Jan. 1761   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100286
J.P. still offended by J.S.'s reflection on his character and behaviour towards his wife. J.P.'s father's trouble to get J.S. fixed in his property & protected against greed of the person in control (Lord Macclesfield). J.P. induced to mention J.S.'s father by J.S's reproaches. Proofs were enclosed, also certificate of J.P.'s mother-in-law burial. Mr. Seale's death probably in December 1739. Request for the names of the scandal mongers.

Seale 0134 J. Seale to Joshua Pipon (Reply to 0133) Jan. 1761   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100287
J.P. augmenting misunderstanding. J.S. did not believe what was said by a near relation of J.P. whose name J.S. would not reveal. J.S. not in possession of property till he comes of age. Lord Chancellors & Master's has management of orphan's funds. J.S. hoped his father was honest. J.S. ready to pay arrears of Aunt's annuity, one of her daughters still alive & under J.P.'s guardianship. Legal requirements needed to inherit. John the only attorney in Jersey.

Seale 0135 21 Ph: Vyvyan to Seale Esq Jan. or June 1761   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100288
Corporation of Plymouth's enquiry whether Honour Hingston was still alive & number of years unexpired granted to Robert Berry following her death.

Seale 0136 Mrs. Hayne’s School Bills for Mary & Sarah Hayne. to Ann Norman & Mary Mauger 27 Mar.1761 H.P. ghynsch   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100289
Mrs. Hayne's School Bills for Mary & Sarah Hayne.
Board, lodging, clothes, books, pens etc. Seat in church, schooling etc. Mrs. Follar's Milliners Bills. Mr. Orpen, the music mastor's Bills. Total £47-16s-07d

Seale 0139 Rev. Thomas Seale to John Seale 16 June 1762   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100290
Rev. T. S. & sister arrived home after visit to Mt. Boon. Betsy (Seale) taken back to school. Mr. Cholwich en route to Oxford hoping to become Dr.C. The locum tenens very ill. Best respects to Mr. & Mrs. Goodrich.

Seale 0140 John Seale to Rev. Thomas Seale (Reply to 0139) 27 June 1762   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100291
Visit to Mount Boon too short. Thanks for taking care of little Betsy. JS left Exeter to deal with the hay. Almost no rain since 10 June. Compliments from Mr. Goodridge & ladies near Exeter.

Seale 0141 Mary Hayne to William Creed 3 Nov, 1762. HP.1032fzd D.R.O   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100292
Jacky Southcote's accounts. MH with Mr. Exley that morning. Mr. E. required letter from Mr. Creed, who should desire Mr. E. to carry the affair before the Master. If the affair is not finished when MH should leave London she would be served 10 times worse by her wicked husband.

Seale 0143 Rev. Thomas Seale to John Seale 31 Jan. 1763   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100293
Apologies for long silence. Somerford, a good stopping place for Thomas & Fownes. JS's sons . Oxford recommended for them. The Principal of Hartford visited Rev. T.S. in 1762 & discussed this. Congratulations to JS & Miss Rogers on the marriage. Compliments to remaining Miss R. of Franklyn and Mr. & Mrs. Goodrich. Thanks to Mrs.Molly housekeeper. Philip bent on going to Jersey etc.

Seale 0144 Capt. Samuel Youlden to C. Hayne? 10 Jul. 1763 H.P. I. 101   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100294
Arrived Pittyharbour 21 June, very bad catch:20 sail of vessels looking for capeling which came very late. Sold 400 Quentals of fish to Mr. Mercy's ship of London, partly in exchange for salt. Received pot of butter & ham by Capt. French. Capt. Y. had a good banter to draw on.

Seale 0145 Rev. Ths. Seale to J. Seale 15 Oct. 1763   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100295
Elizabeth Seale going to school at Bath. Two boarding schools there. Hopes to visit her with Mrs. T.S, written to 2 cousins in London. Sorry that Godson did not relish Academy, another employment for him preferable. Hopes cousins will see Charles Long when he comes & that Jacky gets on at Exeter school. Cyder Act needs change.

Seale 0147 Thos. Skinner to John Seale 24 Jan. 1764   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100296
Capt. Teage arrived from Lisbon with hogshead of wine, taken to Capt. Robert Newman's cellars. Capt. Cooper died of gout in the head previous Sunday, worth 2-3000 guineas. Will, if any, unknown.

Seale 0148 Charles Taylor (uncle) to Chas. Hayne (nephew) 17 Mar 1764 H.P. 1. 82   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100297
Charles Junior got safe to Eton. Thanks for fish. CT supposes that all legal expenses paid to Sam would be allowed in costs. Cholwich stopped from proceeding. Sir. R. Bampfylde proposed repeal of Cyder Bill, desirable but impracticable. Cyder members blamed for not amending rather than insisting on repealing the Act. Parson Hutchings a merry priest. etc.

Seale 0149 Mary Hayne to William Creed 30 Oct, 1764 H.P. 1032fze   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100298
The care of Jacky Southcote. Mr. Exley just returned from Yorkshire. Papers ready to lay before the Master who was a good man. Cholwich making a fine penny of Jacky by the means of Mr. Hayne's uncle (C.Taylor?) M.H. has confidence in Mr. Exley, her stay in London very disagreeable if her children had not been so near.

Seale 0150 Thomas Seale to John Seale 3 November 1764   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100299
T.H.S. arrived 2 November. Mr. Newton's house full. Trist found lodgings near St. Clement's owned by disagreeable Mr. Fish. T.H.S. hoped to move to Mr. Western's who was moving house. Mr. Radcliffe & Mrs. Stroude came up with T.H.S. Mr. Taylor setting out to London the following Monday. THS hoped to see Mr. Fanshaw soon. Letter delivered to Mr. March who would enquire of Mr. Dunning if he would advise JHS on his studies.

Seale 0151 Mary Hayne to Charles Hayne 12 Nov. 1764 H.P. 2. 74   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100300
Polly (ie. Mary) Hayne's illness. Mrs. Hayne returned with her to Chelsea, putting her under the charge of the school apothecary, her health improving. Sally (ie: Sarah) Hayne's was better. Mrs. Hayne at Eton to see Charlie Hayne junior getting better, but continuing with blister till his return home. His doctor Dr. Barth.

Seale 0152 Mary Hayne to William Creed 27 Nov. 1764 H.P. 1032fzf   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100301
Anxious about W.Creed's health.Mr. Goodridge says Jacky Southcote & Charles Hayne were in London. Scarlet Fever at Eton. Mr. Exley said that the Master thought the allowance for infants very reasonable. Cholwich's clerk on behalf of Charles Hayne, Mr & Mrs Adams & Miss Creed had no instructions from Mr. Hayne. Mr. Taylor, deputy Remembrances desired Mr. Radcliffe to write to Mr. Hayne. The Master had ordered writs to hear Mr. Hayne's answer or objection. M.H. assured all would be well for her to go to Lupton.

Seale 0153 Thos. Jones to Col. Hayne H.P. 1 73 27 Nov. 1764   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100302
Persuaded to accompany friends to Brighthelston Thanks for 5 guineas. TJ would repay. Jack very ill. Thanks for help. TJ under terrible burden. Letter sent to Jack to be forwarded. Intended to go to E(a)ton to see Mr. Hayne. Mr & Mrs. Adam & Miss Creed.

Seale 0154 P Mauger to John Seale 10 Dec. 1764 (Southampton 23 December)   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100303
J.S. should be able to get tenants paying £20-22 per quarter. Letter of attorney should be adequate. Any errors in Messrs Le Breton accounts to be related to Mr. Marrett. P.M. would dispose of all the rents if required.

Seale 0155 T.H.Seale to John Seale 22 Jan. 1765   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100304
Arrived previous Saturday. Work done at Exeter. Mr. Comyn's bill (enclosed) paid. About to go to bed when Harris, Woodley, Skinner & Martin called. Carting? affair undetermined. Mr. Green said no disadvantage in Spain to English traders, invites THS to his house. Turnpike in favour. Ld.Howe and Mr. Jeffries with printed bills in Parliament. Called on Fanshawes, Miss Rogers knitting.

Seale 0156 Mary Hayne to Mr. Newcomin 15 Feb. 1765 H.P. 1 p 75   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100305
Thanks for Mr. N's letter & Mr. Exley's relating to Jackey Southcote's affairs, & copy of affidavit. Jackey's allowance confirmed by Master. Hope of an end to M.H.'s troublesome affair - husband's abuse continued. - can expect nothing if Master listens to Taylor & Cholwich.

Seale 0157 Mrs. A.M. Seale to Mrs. Jane Soaper 27 Feb. 1765   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100306
Request for black silk sack & Peticoat to be delivered at Sir John Rogers' having been left with Mr. James Williams Gardner..

Seale 0158 T.H.Seale to John Seale 1 June 1765   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100307
Elizabeth Seale reached Mt. Boon safely. T.S. spoke to Mr. Marsh, who was off to Twickenham. Deficiency & delay of his account of the state of the stocks. Promise of a swift response. Thanks for offer TS would draw money from Mr. M. T.S. still had cold; fear of a strange grasping apothecary.

Seale 0159 Wm. Brown Junr. to Charles Hayne 23 Aug. 1765 H.P. 2 72   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100308
Recipe for pickling salmon. Hoping C.H. has thrown away his sticks and benefited from the waters of Bath. Colliers riot in Newcastle.

Seale 0160 H. Fownes Seale to John Seale 29 August 1765   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100309
Sailing delayed by Captain's illness & unfavourable wind forced to stop at Gravesend to show Clearance. Hopes to leave 30 August. 7 other passengers. Received 3 guineas from Mr. Green. HFS changed this into dollars as English money would lose value in Spain.

Seale 0161 H. Fownes Seale to John Seale 23 Nov. 1765   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100310
HFS sailed from Gravesend 30 August; Delayed about a week on The Downs. H.F.S. sea-sick: he missed seeing Dartmouth, passed very early in morning. Fair journey to Gibralter, agreeable passengers. Very bad weather near Minorca; unable then to go to Barcelona. Allowed to stay on board with Captain near Nice. Invitation from merchants, & Bullard the English Consul. At Nice HFS embarked on a Spanish ship to Marseiles where Mr. Sollicaffre invited him to stay. HFS took a French ship to Barcelona arriving Sunday 17 November. Mr. Ford welcomed him there.

Seale 0162 Copy by John Seale (1705-77) of Mariner’s Legal Contracts 12 Feb. 1766 5 April 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100311
Mariners' legal contracts. 12 March 1766

Seale 0163 Mary Hayne to Charles Hayne Senior 6 April 1766 H.P. 2 9   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100312
Safe arrival at Bath, cough better. Seeing that day Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood & family.

Seale 0164 Mary Hayne to William Creed H.P.032fzg no date   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100313
Visit to Kingsbridge deferred, after MH saw Mr. Goodridge & as Mr. Hayne had gout. Wish to discuss the affair with Mr. Exley; no apparent reason for delay. MH & Jacky (Southgate) ill used.Mr. Exley & the Master's death. Bearer of letter an artful person. Mr. Will Southcote was dead.

Seale 0165 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 29 April 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100314
Glad JS & AMS safely back at Mt. Boon: death of Lady Rogers. Mr. Green not found at home, probably often at Mortlake; delivered letter to Mrs. Leach in Pallmall, no longer at Cleveland. THS now in Chambers in Lyons Inn, with gentleman acquaintance.

Seale 0166 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 29 May 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100315
Sir J.Rogers en route to London. Mr. F. Rogers there for some days. Dined at Mr. ffanshawe's the previous day. He was soon off to Edinburgh, but planned routes unsettled. THS only once in his company. Determination of Mr. French's affair. Surpised at Mr. Mansfield. Indecent application to Mr. French by the Parish of St. Petrox. S.F.Norton's & Mr. Dunning's disapprobation of the Courts decision.

Seale 0167 H.F.Seale to John Seale 2 June 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100316
No letters from JS. since 28 February. HFS recovering from fever. Not much faith in the doctors. Mr. Ford's great kindness; his offer to include news of it in Mr. Green's letter or his own refused. Mr. Curtoy's the bookeeper set out to England a day or two before the fever started with a letter from HFS.Mr. C. returning after a few months to commence a partner.

Seale 0168 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 19 June 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100317
THS's last letter not received. Mr. De Gruchy said that as Mr. Le Breton had gone to East India's J.S.'s affairs should be left to his partner. THS waiting for advice about this. THS intended going with Mr. Luttrell to Exeter following week. Request for small remittance from Mr. Marsh. Letter from Henry in Barcelona received.

Seale 0169 T H Seale to A Holdsworth? No date 1766??   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100318
J.S. agreed that Porch would be taken down. Bad state of roads in Dartmouth. Repeated application to Council useless; Indictment only effective method. Mr. French & Mr. Brown, mayors, both acknowledged bad state. Rumour that Superior Power had prevented work out of malice to Mt. Boon family. Cutting down a few trees near Mount Boon though allowed by Act of Parliament unnecessary. JS gave up lease on Poor House to help the poor. New lease requires the poor to grind their corn at town mill. Safeguard needed if miller is bad.

Seale 0170 T H Seale? to A Holdsworth? No date 1766??   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100319
Scurrilous letter received Moreleigh highways shamefull, out of repair. Threat of fine or indictment if A.Holdsworth? as princial landowner did not repair the roads. Mr. Shapleigh should have checked the truth of report before vilifying an inocent person.

Seale 0171 Chas Hayne to Mary Hayne No month or day 1766 H.P. 2 76   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100320
Unable to pass rest of life in Peace and quietness unless there is a separation from Mary Hayne

Seale 0172 T.H.Seale to John Seale 17 Aug. 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100321
THS staying at Blachford till 26 August when families at Blachford, Dock & Plymouth visit Mt. Boon & Waddon. Previous Thursday week went with Sir J. Ragen to Mrs. Fanshawe's at Plymouth, dined with Mrs. Tolcher, Fanshawe, Ridout & Sheppard & Mr. Tolcher; all returned to Blachford plus wardrobe. After dinner Mr. Henry T. showed THS the Baths & grounds at Stonehouse: Fine view. Lord Edgcumbe gave breakfast for 500. Mr. Fanshawe showed JHS Huckworthy Bridge. Mr.Tolcher's chosen habitation. Venison from Commissioner & Newton.

Seale 0173 J. Seale to H.F.Seale (Inscribed 3 October 1766) 28 Oct. 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100322
Deaths of Mr. Taylor of Maridge & of Mrs. Luttrell about 2 months since.Mr. G. paid. Request for silk not too expensive, & pipe of Segis wine & sent by Exeter or Plymouth; if by London then c/o Mr. Green. Possibly send sample of fruits. Mr. fford gone to a Bath for his disorder. Miss R(ogers) bought a house in St. Sidwell. Silk to be sent by a safe hand.

Seale 0174 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 11 Nov. 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100323
Arrived safely in Town & in good health. Sir J. Rogers & Mrs. Fanshawe came up in the Oxford Inn Coach. Lady F. dissatisfield. AMS's letters delivered to Mrs. Leach:her gratitude & German tour.: Mr. Worthingtons instructions about the stockings acquired at Exeter for JS. Request for one stocking as a pattern. Miss Rogers' letter delivered to Mrs. Fanshawe. Mrs. F. went to see her sister's house. Cryptic note about G.Taylor & horse etc.

Seale 0175 Henry Fownes Seale to John Seale 29 Nov. 1766   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100324
Letters possibly lost in post; much rain: letter of 28 October received 28 Nov. - deaths of Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Luttrell. Thanks for reimbursing Mr. Green with sum taken up from Mr. Ford. Commissions still outstanding till Newfoundland ships arrive. HFS would choose silks & wine; no news.

Seale 0183 Rev. Thos Seale to John Seale 21 July 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100325
T.H.Seale delivered letter from J. Seale on his return homewards. Unable for Rev. T. Seale & his sister to accept invitation to Mt. Boon. Rev. TS had violent pain. Invitation for T.H.Seale to come to Somerford on his trips to & from London.

Seale 0176 Th. H. Seale to J Seale 31 Jan. 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100326
Post-chaise from Totnes, safe arrival. Miss Rogers' letter delivered. Thanks from Mrs. Fanshawe to AMS. Mrs. Fanshawe's invitation but no Elizabeth Seale. Mrs. Shepherd gone into the country. Discourse of town mainly on Indian matters;Lord Chatham's indiscrete threat. Commission at Exeter carried out.

Seale 0178 Sarah Hayne to Charles Hayne (Senior) 28 Mar. 1767 H.P. 2 11   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100327
Glad that father is better. Employ of English Tutor designed by Mrs. Cockerell for perfecting the young ladies in English, writing & Religion. Latin not taught at school, only privately. S wished to learn it but not without permission.

Seale 0179 T.H.Seale to John Seale (Inscribed 8 April 1767) 9 May 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100328
Arrived 8 May via Exeter, Bath, Chippenham, Somerford. Rev. T. Seale expecting soon to retire. Thanks JS for offer of house. Mrs. Hayne, Miss Newcomen, Scot relations of Dr. Dickinson seen on journey. Mr. Luttrell secured his election at Minehead. Mr. Shiffner opposed to Mr. L. Mrs. Robins affected about prosecution of Ball. Money she paid deposited with Miss Rogers. India Co. exceeding charter. Hopes to see Mr. le Breton.

Seale 0180 H. Fownes Seale to John Seale 4 July 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100329
Received of letter of 4 June 1767, pleased all well & post faults forgotten. Strong prohibition of things from Spain in England. Pleased of welfare of (Rev T) Seale & his sister. New Captain General or Viceroy received by Governor. Jesuits refused admittance. Prophecy of Archbishop Brownswell of Dublin against them.

Seale 0181 Richd. Trist to Thos. Henry Seale 14th May 1765 to 10 July 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100330
First note dated in 1765. Bill for clothes, box with key, buttons, flannel, shalloon etc. etc. Total £37-1s-1½d Paid in full 30 November.

Seale 0177 26 Peter Mauger to John Seale Mar. 1766 to 3 Jan. 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100331
Current Account in Jersey (in French).
Total £14640 - 14s - 8d.
Balance due to Mr. Mauger £1273

Seale 0182 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 16 July 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100332
No hope of seeing cousins that summer in Devon. (Rev T) Seale had bad leg: great pain. His sister was well, impatient at not visiting Devon. Le Breton nowhere to be found, money owed by him Drawn on Mr. Marsh 18 Guineas. Owed as much by 2 friends. Received 14 guineas, complications concerning accounts. Expecting to be in Exeter following Tuesday.

Seale 0184 Th. H Seale to John Seale 10 Nov. 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100333
Arrived safely - glad Mrs. AMS & family were well. Saw Lord Mayors' Show, very trifling. Lord Orford unlikely to support Palke etc. at the General Election unless bribed. Request for Lottery Tickets numbers. Capt. Yaulden's whereabouts required for carpet to be sent to Dartmouth.

Seale 0185 Henry Fownes Seale to John Seale (Inscribed 9 Nov) 14 Nov. 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100334
Anxious - no letter from home since 2 July. THS forced to take up £40 to pay for clothes., barbarous method of washing them. Talk of War, French & Spanish ambassador having left London, Probably untrue Spanish Monarch finished with Jesuits. He had seized the riches of friars & reduced the religious orders of Barcelona.

Seale 0186 No date Southsea & Bank Annuities written by John Marsh – transcript.   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100335
Southsea & Bank Annuities

Seale 0186 No date Southsea & Bank Annuities written by John Marsh – document.   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100336
Southsea & Bank Annuities

Seale 0187 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 2 Dec. 1767 (10 Dec. 1767) Inscribed wrong date   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100337
Hopeful of leaving London 3 December for Mt. Boon via Somerford. Letter from (Rev.T.Seale) asking date & promising horses would be sent to meet THS at Chippenham. Mr. Taylor's stolen marriage to satirical unhandsome woman, worth £5-£6,000. Concern about contageous disease of horses. Mrs. Fanshawe sending Mrs. AMS's bonnet.

Seale 0186a Receipt from John Marsh 3 Dec. 1767 – transcript.   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100338
Receipt £18 in part of money due. Remittance due £12

Seale 0186a Receipt from John Marsh 3 Dec. 1767 – document.   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100339
Receipt £18 in part of money due. Remittance due £12

Seale 0188 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 10 Dec. 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100340
Unable to persuade the Rev. T. Seale to accompany T.H.S. to Mr. Boon. Hopes to be at Exeter via Bath following Thursday night. Requests for horses to meet him there.

Seale 0190 Rev. Thos. Seale to John Seale 15 Dec. 1767   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100341
T.H.Seale had just left the Rev. TS to return to J. Seale. Hopeful that Mrs. A.M.Seale had recovered.

Seale 0198 R. Trist’s second bill to Thos. Henry Seale 27 November 1767 to 10 November 1768 – transcript   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100342
Trist's Second Note dated in 1768 Bill for clothes, cleaning & mending clothes, Buttons, Sewing Silk, canvas, dimity, silk, shalloon etc. etc. 10 November 1768. Received contents in full £23 - 0 - 8 - £ 6 - 19 - 6

Seale 0198 R. Trist’s second bill to Thos. Henry Seale 27 November 1767 to 10 November 1768 – document   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100343
Trist's Second Note dated in 1768 Bill for clothes, cleaning & mending clothes, Buttons, Sewing Silk, canvas, dimity, silk, shalloon etc. etc. 10 November 1768. Received contents in full £23 - 0 - 8 - £ 6 - 19 - 6

Seale 0191 Henry Geare to Thos. Seale 22 Jan 1768   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100344
Henry Geare Thos. Seale Exeter. Letter came to Mr. G. in father's absence about Citation for Mr. Kendall's licence to seat in Cornworthy Church granted at vestry to Mr. S.. Mr. ffurlew agreed Mr. S. & Mr. ffull had reason to object. Next court due 13 Jan. Signed by Mr. G. Senior

Seale 0192 Henry Fownes Seale to John Seale 30 Jan. 1768   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100345
News that family was well. Father's reproof of HFS's expenses. Lottery tick £13-6s-6d. Drew £20 prize. Mr. Curtoys brought Capt. Pallard's letter from Dartmouth mentioning J.S.'s kind reception of him & nephew at Mt. Boon & the order for gun barrel which he mounted on an old stock, now put on board Capt. Dessiou's on Robert Newman's ship.

Seale 0193 Wm. Creed to Mary Hayne 4 February 1768 H.P. 1. 98   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100346
Letter forwarded to go to Mr. Exley. Mary Hayne's comments to be sent too.

Seale 0194 Mary Hayne to (Mr. Exley) 4 February . 1768 H.P. 1. 98   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100347
Ist draft Southcote's sudden journey to London. His intended marriage to Miss Luttrell, unknown to his friends. Request to Mr. Exley to help Southcote in his affairs. Creed & MH did advise him but advice not acted upon. Receiver not yet pass(ed) his account but goes on the same plan.

Seale 0195 Mary Hayne to (Mr. Creed) 4 February . 1768 H.P. 1. 98   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100348
2nd draft. As above & M.H. settled the account that lay so long between Mr. Hayne & Mr. Newcomin, Mr. N. paid the balance in his hand. Mr. Lutterall appeared to know what is good for the family.

Seale 0196 Th. H. Seale to John Seale 30 September 1768   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100349
Arrived previous Tuesday: Sir John (Rogers) was alone. The Mr. Fanshawes left day before. Went to Plymouth -Wednesday. With Mayor at Church & public dinner Thursday evening returned with Mrs. Fanshawe to Blachford. Comm'r at Saltash., mayor. Mrs. Ridout home Wednesday. J.S. had promised to be at Blachford the next or following week. The Comm'r soon off to Bath.

Seale 0197 From Th. H. Seale 22 October 1768   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100350
THS had no wish to enter into altercation. After more than 2 years application (that the road should be repaired) the reponse had been unsatisfactory. Threat of £100 penalty was needed it appeared, before a nearby parish would repair a road. THS believed that Mr. French having procured materials to repair the Steps & Road to Combe was prevented by a superior power (AH?) If any tree near Mt. Boone was damaging the road it would be lopped or removed. John Seale (junior) had no intention of giving up the Ropewalk. THS had no intention of inspecting the Corporations street apart from ?

Seale 0199 Bond to Thomas Morrill 23 November 1768   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100351
Bond to Thomas Marrill to surrender Chamber in Garden Court No. 2 at Michas Term 1771. Legal obligations etc. Receipt of 18 December 1772 hands of John Marsh £41 -1s - 6d by T. Morrill.

Seale 0207 Richard Trist’s third bill to Thomas Henry Seale 25 Nov. 1768 8 Dec. 1769   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100352
Third (Bill) not dated in 1769 Cash lent £6 -13s - 6d Various clothes, Serge, Buckram,Canvas & Stays, Dimity Lace, Sewing silk & Twist etc. etc£90 - 16s - 9½ d

Seale 0200 Charles Hayne (senior) Will proved May 1769   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100353
Will made 9 July 1768.
Internment at Brixham Church, Daughters Mary & Sarah to be given £500 over & above marriage settlement & £20 expenses yearly till age 21 or marriage. To Servant Richard Trist all plain woollen clothes & £15 annuity, remainder to Charles H. then M.H. & then SH & heirs respectively. Codicil: 7 March 1769 R.T. to have nothing. Charles to have chaise, harnesses & chaise horses but his mother & her children not to be allowed any use of it.

Seale 0201 C.Hayne (junior) to E.Taylor 19 March 1769 H.P. 1 83   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100354
Charles H. senior in deplorable state of delirium & sense, also dropsy; in bed previous 3 days and will take no medicine & little else. Request to know time E.Taylor would be leaving London and the price of seeds ordered by C.H.senior. Respects to Mr. & Miss Luttrell. This breaks off suddenly.

Seale 0202 C.Hayne (Junior) to E.Taylor (On the same sheet as 0201) 19 March 1769   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100355
Charles H. senior died previous Tuesday mainly due to dropsy. He was buried in the Vault at Brixham; in deplorable condition for nearly a week before he died.

Seale 0203 E. Taylor to Charles Hayne 25 March 1769   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100356
Great concern at news long expected. Thought of kindness experienced at Lupton & the long illness. E.T's mother & family send condolences. (Charles Haynes senior died Friday March 1769)

Seale 0204 John Gawler to Rich’d Harris Atty 8 May 1769   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100357
Thanks for letter about JS's & late Mr.Forty's affair -F's estate limited to Lang & Penfound in Trust. L & P were dead so difficult to get facts. JG wrote to J.S. to find what he knew. 1. When & how Debt became due & 2. How was account settled at time of Sale etc. Note by JS.: Indenture of Release dated 11 March 1756 whereby premises were conveyed to JS for £550. Mortgage from Lang, Penfound & Forty to JS for £430 is on 30 Sept. 1751

Seale 0205 Richard Harris to John Seale 6 June 1769   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100358
Acknowledgement of receipt of 3 Bank Bills of £100 each and 4 on Mr. Child for £50 each, total £500. Glad Mrs. A.M.Seale & sister are better after colds, & that the Counsellor had arrived safely in London.

Seale 0206 Richard Harris to John Seale 23 Oct. 1769   1760-1769 18thC
DHRG No. 100359
Received JS's letter with bills when on horseback going to keep Mr. Savery's Courts, returning the following Saturday.

Seale 0208 Henry Filts’s bill (Boot & Shoemaker) to T.H. Seale 28 June 1769 to 7 July 1770   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100360
Bill for:- Shoes, dress shoes, dress pumps Weed heels (?) Wax shoes £3 - 3s- 6d Paid before T. Seale died.

Seale 0209 Mary Hayne junior to Charles Hayne 31 July 1770 H.P. II . 14   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100361
On July 30 MH gave bill to Mr. Seale, who wished to see the crop bill. Request to send the crop bill by bearer to M.H. junior who would wait Mr. S's return at Dartmouth. She would tell CH junior, young Mr. S's answer soon.

Seale 0210 Wm. Creed to John Shapleigh 16 Nov. 1770 HP 1032fzi   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100362
Renewal of late bankrupt A.Penfound's Commission Debt from profits in ''Dartmouth Galley'' due either to Mrs. Hayne or late Mr. Holdsworth. Latter paid monies to Mr. P. without agreement with Mrs. Haynes etc. Mrs. Hayne & Mrs Holdsworth agreed for one of them to prove the debt. Mr. W. Prideaux for Mr. Hiworth & Wm. C. for Mrs. Hayne agreed for Mr. Shapleigh to settle petition to prove the case.

Seale 0211 Wm. Brown to Mr. Seale (T.H.Seale) 5 & 6 Dec. 1770   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100363
Bought of Wm. Brown:- 1 Coke upon Littleton Folio; & 1 'Tis Well tis no Worse'. Settle account on coming to Town. Also sending The New Comedy.

Seale 0212 Wm Creed to Mr. John Exley 8 Feb. 1771 HP 1032 pz   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100364
Claims from 'Dartmouth Galley' in Penfounds estate. Draft of intended petition drawn up by Counsel Shapleigh sent to Mr. E. as agreed by W.Prideaux for Mr. Holdsworth & Mr.C for his sister Mrs. Hayne. If rejected Mrs.Hayne would revive all proceedings. Friendly nephews Hayne & Southcote had visited Mr. C. several times.

Seale 0213 Arthur Holdsworth to Mrs. Hayne 8 April 1771 H.P. II . 8   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100365
The Penfound Bankrupcy Suit over the 'Dartmouth Galley' A.H. concerned about the suit revived against him; Begs some days longer respite; presumes letters addressed to Lupton will reach Mrs. Hayne.

Seale 0211a William Brown (Bookseller) to (T.H.) Seale 5 Dec. 1770 to 13 April 1771   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100366
Bill for:- Best Folio (paper) Black edge Folio & stick Wax Sheet blotting & Pens Deck Sermons 3 Vols.

Seale 0214 Richard Trist’s fourth bill to Thomas Henry Seale 14 Dec. 1769 to 6 July 1770 – transcript   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100367
Fourth Bill Various clothes,waistcoats & linings, shalloon etc. Lodging & coals , candles etc. etc. To a Bill delivered £90 - 16s - 9½ d - = Total £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d

Seale 0214 Richard Trist’s fourth bill to Thomas Henry Seale 14 Dec. 1769 to 6 July 1770 – document   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100368
Fourth Bill Various clothes,waistcoats & linings, shalloon etc. Lodging & coals , candles etc. etc. To a Bill delivered £90 - 16s - 9½ d - = Total £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d

Seale 0215 Richard Trist’s fifth bill Thomas Henry Seale 6 July 1770 to 28 June 1771 – transcript   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100369
Used as cover for other documents concerning T.H.Seal's affairs.
Fifth Bill.Various clothes, shalloon, button's, garters etc. etc. etc.
To a Bill delivered £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d.
= Total £197 -15s - 11 ¾ d

Seale 0215 Richard Trist’s fifth bill Thomas Henry Seale 6 July 1770 to 28 June 1771 – document   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100370
Used as cover for other documents concerning T.H.Seal's affairs.
Fifth Bill.Various clothes, shalloon, button's, garters etc. etc. etc.
To a Bill delivered £160 - 4s - 2 ¾ d.
= Total £197 -15s - 11 ¾ d

Seale 0216 John Shapleigh to John Seale 12 Sept. 1771   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100371
Responsibility of those in power dealing out punishment. Need to look into the statute book to see what power a J.P. should have in deciding Judgement concerning bad workmanship on roads, punishment for misbehaviour etc. Due regards to the landowner affected. Mr. Shapleigh states that he has been desired to help that Parish & hopes that J.Seale will do his best to help the Parish also.

Seale 0217 Richard Trist to Thomas Henry Seale 15 Oct. 1771   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100372
R.T. in great need of money to pay debts within little more than 3 weeks; Hopes THS can supply £200 and that R.T.'s brother might also help.

Seale 0219 Richard Harris to John Seale 21 Nov. 1771   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100373
RH. Hopes enclosed answer is well drawn, bill not seen. Marsh's letter also enclosed. J.S's petition drawn by Cholwich, RH also has Grybert's & Holdsworth's petitions etc. J.S. has copies. R.H. had several opinions of Grappers. Etc. etc. Answer to be ingrossed if agreed by T.H.Seale. R.H. at Nethway previous week something Mr. Luttrell was to do but could not do before the following Friday. Rev & Mrs. Fownes & Kitty F. were at Nethway.

Seale 0220 Governor Holdsworth to (J. Seale) 25 Nov. 1771   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100374
Mr. Holdsworth unable to find Leases papers after search. He suggests lease counterparts could be in the parish chest.

Seale 0221 Th. H. Seale to J. Seale senior 28 Nov. 1771   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100375
T.H.S. acknowledges father's letter & answer in chancery. THS leaving London on receipt of J.S's next letter. Seeing Mr. Fanshawe following day. THS bringing letters of Attornay. Mr. Vavastour's missing lease. Mr. Holdsworth's presumed attempts to prevent accurate description of property; old leases adequate. Mr. Luttrell's attempt to keep things dorment. Mr. Newcomen's probable guilt- Possible Lottery prize £20000

Seale 0222 Joshua Fernehough’s bill & receipt to (T.H.) Seale 27 June 1771 to 5 Dec. 1771 – transcript   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100376
Receipt : 27 November 1772.
J.F's bill unpaid.
Boots, buckles, shoes, spur leathers £2 -19s - 6d.

Seale 0222 Joshua Fernehough’s bill & receipt to (T.H.) Seale 27 June 1771 to 5 Dec. 1771 – document   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100377
Receipt : 27 November 1772.
J.F's bill unpaid.
Boots, buckles, shoes, spur leathers £2 -19s - 6d.

Seale 0223 Wm. Brown the Bookseller bill & receipt to (Thomas H) Seale 3 Dec. 1770 to 7 Dec. 1771 – transcript   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100378
Bill for:- Books, Paper, Wax, blotting & pins, inkstand, ink, Attorney's Guide, Memo book, pocket book etc. £6 - 14s - 0d.
Receipt:- Ann Brown 27 November 1772.

Seale 0223 Wm. Brown the Bookseller bill & receipt to (Thomas H) Seale 3 Dec. 1770 to 7 Dec. 1771 – document   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100379
Bill for:- Books, Paper, Wax, blotting & pins, inkstand, ink, Attorney's Guide, Memo book, pocket book etc. £6 - 14s - 0d.
Receipt:- Ann Brown 27 November 1772.

Seale 0224 Thos. H. Seale to Richard Trist, Bond 6 Dec.1771 – transcript   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100380
Bond.:. THS held & firmly bound to Richard Trist of Arundel Street in the Strand, London Taylor in the sum of £480.
RT to be paid £240 on or before 10 May 1772. Witness William Trim.

Seale 0224 Thos. H. Seale to Richard Trist, Bond 6 Dec.1771 – document   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100381
Bond.:. THS held & firmly bound to Richard Trist of Arundel Street in the Strand, London Taylor in the sum of £480.
RT to be paid £240 on or before 10 May 1772. Witness William Trim.

Seale 0224a On the back of the Bond (0224) Receipts 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100382
Receipts: - 24 July 1772 £168 in part Bond 23 October 1772 £72 received by The hands of J.Marsh in full for the Bond by R'd Trist.

Seale 0226 Th. H. Seale to John Seale(senior) No date On or soon after 6 Dec.1771   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100383
Debts accumulating since first going to the Temple. Allowance exceeded in order to keep up appearances so had to take up sums of Hurns, Hayne & Marsh. Marsh very poor. Apologies for imprudence. Trist owed money. THS gave Trist bond for £240. Trist not expecting to be repaid while J.Seal senior is alive.

Seale 0227 A. Holdsworth to Charles Hayne Tuesday 10 Dec. 1771 HP. II p5 Smallpox in Dartmouth   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100384
Smallpox in Dartmouth, so hopes Mrs. H. etc can go to Fuge for a month or two. 2 or 3 rooms required, Mr. H. willing to pay rent etc. They would leave if CH had a tenant at any time.

Seale 0228 Richard Trist’s Bill 30 Nov. 1771 to 20 December 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100385
Bill not paid. £33 - 8s -6½d Probably JS paid £14 -7 -9 Coat and Waistcoat,Breeches, Buttons, Twist etc. Coals, Candles etc. £33 - 8s - 6½ d.
Bill paid by Trist to Cawley & Co. for seives & saw plates.
Receipt by hand of March(snr) 3 Dec.1772

Seale 0228 Richard Trist’s Bill 30 Nov. 1771 to 20 December 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100386
Bill not paid. £33 - 8s -6½d Probably JS paid £14 -7 -9 Coat and Waistcoat,Breeches, Buttons, Twist etc. Coals, Candles etc. £33 - 8s - 6½ d.
Bill paid by Trist to Cawley & Co. for seives & saw plates.
Receipt by hand of March(snr) 3 Dec.1772

Seale 0229 Anonymous Letter To Charles Hayne 6 March 1772 HPII p7   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100387
Satirical letter to CH on his appointment of Sheriff. Advice given, Captain of the Troop & Javalin men, Deputy Sheriff & Chaplin. Approval of CH's elder sister's probably choice of Newman. Savage & Walker respectively. Need to make retinue drunk after Assizes. Behaviour before the Judge, talk about weather & hunting etc. Sleep during trials. Recommends Rector of Aveton Gifford as second chaplain.

Seale 0230 Memorandum by TH Seale 23 May 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100388
Mem. Shoes bought in 1761 from shoemaker in butcher row behind St. Clements, not paid for, name not known. R. Trist lodged there, worried lest THS should die before depts are paid. Debts minuted with others on paper in pocket.

Seale 0231 Memorandum by Th. H. Seale No date 24 May 1772?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100389
One Beamsley owed 30/- for a wig One Fourneau owed for boots & shoes. One Sealy owed 8 Guineas borrowed He had gone abroad for diabolical practises.

Seale 0232 Memorandum by Thomas H. Seale June 1st 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100390
Memo. Acount between Charles Hayne & THS. CH indebted to THS. THS bought buckles & spurs & paid. Trist's maids etc. In all £3 - 11 - 3 mistake for £4 - 1- 3 ?

Seale 0233 To Mr Colson 23 May 1769 to 13 July 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100391
Letter requesting him to compute the interest of different sums for different times.

Seale 0234 List of debts accrued by T H Seale written By J Seale No date 1772?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100392
Memorandum. A list of Bills paid in London Creditors:- Ashford, keeper of coffee house. ffilts a Shoemaker Babant & Godfrey (swords) Fennough, boots & shoes. Beamsley - dress wig. Brown - Bookseller. R.Trist's Bond etc. Debt due still to Marsh & Others - Lottery ticket.

Seale 0235 Copy of a letter & Memorandum by J Seale 23 (July?) 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100393
Badly damaged:- Thanks for trouble taken neccessity of troubling Mr. Maguin concerning R. Trist. Taylor & his Bond ( much missing) Mrs. AMS desired her lottery ticket to be registered. Memo of money due to Trist, Marsh & others & receipts etc. Late Thomass's bills.

Seale 0236 Memorandum by J Seale re Thomas Seale’s debts 24 July 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100394
Memorandum. : List of Bills left unpaid on Thomas Seale's death to Trist, Marsh, shoe maker, Babant & Godfrey, Bookseller, Beamsley for wig & Seeby(?)

Seale 0237 Richard Trist to John Seale 8 Sept. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100395
JS would require bills collected by Trist. RT had received swords from Brabant & Godfrey, an empty wig box from Beamsley & a trunk belonging to Rev. Dr. Andrew? No sign of a bureau (beauro) Swords & wig box would be sent when required.

Seale 0238 Richard Trist to John Seale 17 Sept. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100396
Uneasy that JS thought Thomas S left money clothes in London. T.S. brought 1 suite the last visit to London & carried 2 suites one made by R.T. T.S's servant would know more about things. T.S.'s mail dirrected to Union. R.T. heard of nothing left there or at Coffee Houses. Mr. Wickombe knew of no bureau but he knew of the swords so R.T. got them from Brabant & Godfrey. R.T. bound £40 for T.S.'s chambers. Rev. Dr. Adams did own the trunk.

Seale 0239 John Marsh to John Seale 20 Oct.1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100397
Pleasant journey Exeter to Twickenham. Bad weather on leaving Dartmouth. Received Sir John Roger's bill on Mr. Fanshaws would pay Trist etc.; going to London 21 or 22 October to see people as required & buy lottery tickets. Compliments to Mrs. AMS & Miss E.S.

Seale 0240 John Marsh to Mrs. Seale 27 Oct.1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100398
Bought lottery ticket, enclosed;: paid Trist. Going to London beginning of the next week to pay the small bills, would then find out about the Chambers. Compliments to Mr. & Miss S.

Seale 0241 Richard Trist to John Seale 27 Oct. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100399
Received £72 in full from J. Marsh for T. Seales Bond with out interest. J.S. would not pay interest as he said it was chiefly for clothes. R.T. entitled to interest as it was also for wig, lodgings etc. Treasurer of Inner Temple inspecting payment. R.T. hoped Mr. Fanshawe would make situations clear & settle accounts. Much trouble for R.T., real want of cash.

Seale 0242 John Marsh to John Seale 7 Nov. 1772 – transcript   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100400
Paid £72 due on R. Trist's Bond, also Burnet's (shoemaker) debt. T. Seale's shoemaker and coffee man not found. No one called to the Bar till admitted to Chambers in the Temple. The action of owners of chambers towards gentlemen called to the Bar. T. Seale dying before surrender of chambers, the ownership fell to the Inn. Marsh would enquire of people called to Bar.

Seale 0242 John Marsh to John Seale 7 Nov. 1772 – document   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100401
Paid £72 due on R. Trist's Bond, also Burnet's (shoemaker) debt. T. Seale's shoemaker and coffee man not found. No one called to the Bar till admitted to Chambers in the Temple. The action of owners of chambers towards gentlemen called to the Bar. T. Seale dying before surrender of chambers, the ownership fell to the Inn. Marsh would enquire of people called to Bar.

Seale 0243 J. Seale (junior) to J. Seale (senior) 10 Nov. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100402
Comfortable journey to Ashburton; oilcape kept neck & shoulders dry. Money & bills delivered to Mr. Harris. Mr. H's reluctance, bills expensive to change so insisted J.S. junior changed them. J.S. senior's opinion needed. Receipt & 2 bills enclosed. Luttrells at Buckland so Mr. Harris put off visit to Nethway.

Seale 0244 John Seale (junior) to Mr. Harris (On the back of 0243) 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100403
Received letter & Mr. H's receipt from J.S. junior. Mr. H. mighty 'scrupilious' about receiving bills. J.S. senior could have as many as he chose exchanged at 5/- per 100 at Exeter Bank. No need for Mr. H. to worry.

Seale 0245 John Marsh to John Seale 17 Nov. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100404
Interview with Under Treasurer of the Middle Temple. Mr. Field owner T. Seale's chambers, given Bond that T.S. would resurrender the same or pay £40. T.S. died before this so the Inn took possession. Field entitled to £40. No instance like this in last 20 years. Details of fee due to House of Commons sent to Trist & by him to J.S. No shoemaker or coffee man.

Seale 0246 John Marsh to (John Seale) 28 Nov. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100405
Received 2 frank covers & bills due from T.S. No other contract than Bond. Going to Town so would check Bond. Trist cannot avoid paying it if J.S. decides not to… J.M. would pay what is due to Society. Not all bills paid, would send J.S. receipts & Trist's Bond. Has 2 other franks. Mrs. AMS's lottery ticket not drawn 27 November but was registered & could win prize.

Seale 0247 Brabant & Godfrey Receipt dated 3 Dec. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100406
For Sword, hose, gloves, hat, drawer Buttons, Thread, Box, Purse etc. etc. Total:- £20 - 4 - 0d

Seale 0248 John Marsh to (John Seale) 3 Dec. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100407
Paid Brabunt & Godfrey, for Messrs. Brown, Fernbough, Brumsby & Trist various sums, and the Dues at the Temple. Inclosed receipts for same & Bonus Mr. (Thomas) Seale gave Trist. Agreement in Bond. Owner of Chambers had Bond, lived in Hampstead. Mr. M. asked for it to be sent to him. It must be paid or he would sue Trist, who says he insists on interest. T.S. paid Filt's shoemaker. Nothing more due except Bond for Chambers. Compliments to AMS & ES.

Seale 0249 John Marsh to John Seale 10 Dec. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100408
Received Bond from Mr. Morell owner of Thomas Seale's Chambers. No contract other than the Bond. The details of this. As T.S. did not surrender the chambers before he died they fell to the Temple. A great loss for Mr. M. so he insists on interest of the bond from T.Seale's death etc. better to pay the money directly. Direction needed. Compliments to Mrs. & Miss Seale.

Seale 0250 J. Seale to John Marsh (Damaged) 13 Dec. 1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100409
Received Trist's & other's accounts. Morrell's ticket to Trist enclosed. 1st account about chambers J.S. had heard of. Surprised Morrell had not called upon Trist since payment. Mistrust about bond given by late son. All Trist's bills given at different times except one. Request when in Town Marsh calls on Trist. Mrs. AMS anxious about Lottery ticket. Thomas S. died 4 June 1772.

Seale 0251 Inventory No date Probably Thomas Seale’s property.1772?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100410
Inventory: 3 sheets of paper, 2 of them torn from an account book.

Seale 0252 John Marsh to (John Seale) 19 Dec.1772   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100411
On back of Cr. of 10/12/1772.
Received favour. Have seen Trist & Morell. Paid principal & interest due of Mr. Seale's Bond. (sent enclosed) Mr. T. said whole of Bond & Bill justly due to him. Mrs. Seale's ticket undrawn. Compliments to Mrs. & Miss Seale.

Seale 0064 Charles Hayne to William Hoyles Feb. 1773 HP. Vol 1 p.22   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100412
Account referring to cargoes Att. Leghorn 2.18 Rotterdam £42.11.03: Dartmouth £28.07.09

Seale 0253 Edmund Elyot to John Winter 2 Jan.1773 – transcript   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100413
Copy of a bill sent to Mr. Marsh to exchange. 2nd March. 30 days after date….pay Mr. J.G. Waller... . - - £70 to account of E.Elyot Endorsed J.G. Waller pay Mr. J.M. or order for J.S.

Seale 0253 Edmund Elyot to John Winter 2 Jan.1773 – document   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100414
Copy of a bill sent to Mr. Marsh to exchange. 2nd March. 30 days after date….pay Mr. J.G. Waller... . - - £70 to account of E.Elyot Endorsed J.G. Waller pay Mr. J.M. or order for J.S.

Seale 0254 John Marsh to (J. Seale) 2 Feb. 1773   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100415
Received favour of 26 January & Bill on John Winter. Mr. Marsh going to London. 3 February to put the money into J.S.'s account. J.H. had not a scheme of the Lottery, but believed prizes payed in April. Advised that those few tickets kept them till that time then sold to Lottery office. O.S. trouble getting certificates. Mr. Marsh could arrange this.

Seale 0255 J. Seale to Mr. H .No date 1773?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100416
Mr. Seale's compliments to Mr. H. Accepts with thanks Mr. H's offer of whale bones. Unaware that Mr. H. was in town. (Memorandum)

Seale 0256 From J Seale No date 1773?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100417
Request for catalogue of young trees growing in nursery with prices. Thanks for carp sent, all dead the next day. Servant would collect a few more if available.

Seale 0257 C.Remon (junior) to John Seale 15 April 1773   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100418
Captain Halton going to Dartmouth. J.S. the principal benefactor at the Chapel of St. Aubin. Mr. Bisson by death of Mr. Hue, Rector of St. Brelade's insisted that nominations of Chapel Minister belonged to him. Founders of the Chapel to present petition to the King that it was their's. Expense involved 30 determined residents.

Seale 0258 J. Seale to C. Remon jnr. reply to (0257) 1773   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100419
Thanks for copy of Petition to the King about the Chapel of St. Aubin - vessel's return to Jersey. J. Seale junior proposer. French visit for 3 or 4 months to learn French. J.S. senior proposed Caen. Mr. Remon had said that some of his family had been there. J.S. senior asked about a possible residence with sober family and about terms. Suggested that John take a companion & servant.

Seale 0259 To Mr. Skinner Probably April 1773 or earlier   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100420
Compliments and thanks to Mr. Skinner for obliging ticket & offer of the Red Birds.

Seale 0260 J. Seale to Mr. Remon Jnr. Probably April 1773 or rather later   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100421
Thanks for favour & contents. Captain Horton returning to Jersey. Jack in London his return unknown. Excursion to France put off for that year. A connection likely to fix him at home.

Seale 0261 J. Seale to Mr. Remon? Jnr. Probably April 1773 or rather later   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100422
Captain Horton brought favour for which thanks. He is now returning Sale of rents & the rest of J.S.'s estate in Jersey. J.S. leaves decision to Mr. Reman? J.S. concerned about rents.

Seale 0262 Wm. Seward to John Seale 9 March 1774   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100423
Received J.S.'s letter, will forward letter from J.S. to Mr. Mauger by Jersey Coaster. W.Seward came from St. Aubin (Jersey), is 55 years old, remembers J.S. 40 years ago, his second son had been in Barcelona,(has 4 other sons & 1 daughter) so knew Henry Seale who had died there.

Seale 0263 J.Hutchings to Worshipful John Seale (Senior) 7 Oct. 1774   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100424
Mr. Kendall offered list their parishioners had returned to serve as Way-wardens. Soper & Pering if chosen would oppose the bridge; if Weeks & Ash were chosen Mr. Hutchings would have it built in a month at farthest - 10m was on list.

Seale 0264 Royal Menu Tuesday 15 Nov. 1774   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100425
Menu's for Their Majesties Dinner & Supper & for others.

Seale 0265 John Seale Senior to W. Newcomen No Date 1774?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100426
Thanks for information concerning J.S's quay & Corporation. Mr. Madock & men had been assured of indemnification. Request to be kept informed.

Seale 0266 E. Seale to John Seale Jnr. No date Probabaly before 11 April 1775 Thursday night   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100427
Box of Listing arrived. Sugar & Lemons sent. Mr. Youlden asked to buy rum & brandy. No green tea or India goods sold. Unhealthy abroad. Several crew members buried. Bill unknown to father enclosed in his letter. Unable to find articles mentioned. Bill for blue stripe wallpaper? J.S. junior to get Trist to discharge it. Father better but not quite well. E.S. has headache. Will write to Furly & Vivian.

Seale 0267 S. Hayne to Charles Hayne No Date Shortly before 11 April 1775 HP 11 18   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100428
Letter from J.S. junior. He & sister at Mt. Boon in morning, has licence for Townstal so must be married there. Request for C.H. to come that evening. Great objections to sleeping at Mt. Boon next day. Great objections to marrying at Townstal, would prefer own church (St. Saviour's?)

Seale 0268 J. Seale junior to Mr. Harris? No Date 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100429
IN last letter from Exeter J.S. junior soon quitting County upon a scheme long planned; money might have been saved. Not approved of by Mr. H? Provided by Father with ''genteel'' fortune. Safe arrival in London. Happiness for Sarah with her small fortune.

Seale 0269 J. Seale jnr to J. Seal snr On the same sheet as 0268 No Date 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100430
NB. Part of letter upsidedown.
Safe arrival in Town. Rooms inconvenient. Thoughts of changing them soon. Both aware of limits of fortune Mr. Marsh's death: left all to servant. Noisy traffic. First day indoors. London very pleasant, moderately expensive, many invitations alleviate expenses, return invitations expected onlyto tea. Not moving due to nearness of friends.

Seale 0270 J. Seale (junior) to J. Seale (senior) No Date 15 April 1775 ? Saturday Eve.   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100431
All arrived in London - Inconvenient lodging. The journey. Sister went as far as Bridport, night at excellent Harford Bridge Inn. Compliments from Sir W. & Lady Buller & Ladies, also going to London. Not been out of lodging since arrival; noisy traffic. Happy to carry out commands. Apologies no frank.

Seale 0271 Sir. Fredk. Rogers to John Seale (junior) 16 April 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100432
Congratulations & best wished on marriage. Hopes to pay compliments when settled, and that J.S. senior & A.M.S. are well. Sir F.R. has gout.

Seale 0272 J. Seale (junior) to Sir Frederick Rogers Reply to 0271 April 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100433
J.S. junior & Mrs. S.S. just returned from London. Thanks to Sir F. & Lady R. Hopes to entertain them when settled. Concerned about Sir.F.R's health. Father & Mother quite well.

Seale 0273 J. Seale (junior) to J. Seal (senior) 21 April 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100434
Gawler very busy, unaware J.S. junior was drawing so much more money than Charles Hayne had said. Sending £250 to J.S. senior. Keeping back £50. The remaining £250 to be sent soon afterwards. This letter to be paid for.

Seale 0274 J. Seale (junior) to Mrs. A.M.Seale No Date End of April 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100435
Mrs. A.M.S. should choose her silk & inform J.S. junior: who was willing to oblige especially close friends & thoses close to him. Half a sheet used. Fathers bills wrapped in that paper. Sally (Mrs. Sarah Seale?) well.

Seale 0275 J. Seale (junior) to Mrs. A.M.Seale 24 April 1774 = 1775?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100436
Nearly completed AMS.'s commissions. Required A.M.S.'s choice of patterns enclosed. Very warm in London so may leave soon. Requires to know size of inner room for carpet & furniture needed. Eager to be of use to AMS.No patterns for Miss S. as no commission from her. Silk referred to The Fantheon & Exhibition. Information in the Chronicle. J.S. junior would like advice on housekeeping.

Seale 0276 John Seale (junior) to John Seale (senior) No date. (End of April 1775)   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100437
Account of living in Town. Pleased with Congratulations from Mr. Rogers. Complaint about lodging but staying, position good. Visits & invitations from Pleydells. Mr. Fanshawe (Mrs, F. had been out of order) Mrs, Taylor & their 'Friend in Parliament'. Pleaded engagement to invitation by Pleydell's to rout. Dinner & visit to Ranelagh. Great economy to accept invitations, very good Tavern opposite in Bond Street provided dinners. Mr. Marsh dead 3 months. Business with Gawler nearly finished. 3 bills to come.

Seale 0277 John Seal (senior) to John Seale (junior) 27 April 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100438
Thanks for letter received 26 April that J.S.(junior) etc. arrived safe in Town, hope that no accident caused stopping one day. Elizabeth S. returns very late on previous Wednesday. Letter of compliments from Sir. F. Rogers enclosed. He had gout. Mrs. Arthur Holdsworth died. Mrs. A.M.S. and E.S.paying off visits intending to go to Mt. Boon with J.S.Senior probably the week after next one.

Seale 0278 A.M.Seale to John Seale (junior) 29 Apr 1775?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100439
Father busy so Mrs. A.M.S. wrote letter to acknowledge receipt of bills. Intention to set off the next Monday or Tuesday to Mt. Boone. A book wanted:- A Thousand notable Things concerning modern Curiosities.

Seale 0279 J. Seale (senior) to J. Seal (junior) 1 May 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100440
Letter etc. arrived previous Saturday, acknowledged by A.M.S. J.S. junior to ask late Mr. Marsh's servant to repay £4 or £5 belonging to J.S. senior, also to pay Mr. Ratcliff of 6 Clerks Office the debt concerning Compton Estate and Thomas Seale's debt due to Mr. Ward. Intend to go Mt. Boon the following Wednesday or Thursday.

Seale 0280 J. Seale (junior) to Mr. Harris? 3 May 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100441
Offer of service in Town. Friends, visits & engagements crowd in so letters are late. Very soon to quit the County upon a long thought of scheme. Situation not agreeable, continious rumbling of carriages, but near friends so staying for the short remainder of stay. Town very agreeable, moderately expensive. Invitations alleviate expense. Numerous ammusements which crowds attend. Magnificent dresses. No difference between hairdressers & the Duke except for stain on his breast. Many have no business here except to spend which Mr. H? condemmed. J.S. junior would not exceed allotted sum.

Seale 0281 J. Seale (Jnr) to J. Seale (Snr) No date On the back of a draft dated 3 May 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100442
Great pleasure seeing contents, delay not due to neglect. Dined with 'him'(?) previous day at his Table. 'He''s exceeded by few'. Evening to Bach's Concert. Mr. Fanshawe gave his own ticket to J.S. junior, dining with him second time next day. Adequate return not possible. Hope to be at Mt. Boon Saturday of the next week. Presume Mr. H. has no instructions for case for counsel..

Seale 0282 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale (jnr) 3 May 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100443
In great hurry for post. Not impressed by patterns (patrons), would prefer J.S.'s choice. Giddy Girl Sally never said Mrs. Fownes was to see them. Tea & Sugar probably cheaper in Town. Stairs & Bedchamber & household measurements and furniture, decorations and material etc. to be sorted out. Some furniture purchased from Mrs. Harrington some too dear.

Seale 0283 Rough Draft written by J. Seale (junior) April – May 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100444
J.S. junior in London a fortnight. Hope to return to the country the next week; also hope to hear that Mr?. & Mrs. Harris & Miss Woodley are well. Will not fail to be serviceable to Mr. H? while in London. J.S. senior has written to Mr. H.? To prepare a case relating to The Quay to give to Mr. Mansfield.

Seale 0284 M. Smith’s Carpet. Bedding and Upholstery Warehouse 1775?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100445
M. Smith's Carpet.
Bedding and Upholstery Warehouse
No. 282 The Corner of Great Turn-Stile, Holborn.
Advertisement.: Sale of Blankets, Carpets, Feather-beds, Matresses, Quilts, Counter panes, Bed Ticks, Rugs, Coverlids.

Seale 0285 J. Seal jnr to Sir F. Rogers & Lady Rogers 18 May 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100446
2 copies one rather longer than the other. Mr. J.S. and Mrs. J.S. returned 18 May from London and were happy to receive Sir. F.R. & Lady R. as soon as they were settled. Concerned to hear of Sir. F.R's indisposition.

Seale 0286 M. Hayne to Charles Hayne 21 May 1775 Sunday HP II 15   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100447
The horrid smoke of Dartmouth with old Mrs. Hayne(?) M.H. & Mary Creed left Bath 19 May, very comfortable & laughable journey. Hopes C.H. had pleasant drive to London. Expecting letter about a Masquerade. Mr. Seale to write by next post. Enquiry after Miss L.

Seale 0287 J. Seale to Mr. Harris? 21 July (1775)   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100448
Settled in a small house from 12 July for 2 months. Invitation not to be repeated till after the Assiizes Dispute between Lord Clifford & Mr. Praed about building a Quay at Teignmouth to be decided before the very similar dispute of Mr. S, so giving more time for preparation. Correspondent has many Royal sheets to finish.

Seale 0288 J. Seale to John Fanshawe No Date late July or early August 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100449
J.S. arrived at Teignmouth from Mt. Boon. Mr. Chas.the Counsellor at Exeter, said J.F.had left Town for the season; very warm. Many from Bath etc. at Teignmouth Dispute with America. A Mr. Charming and family from London's property in Carollina: no remittance from there; papers were unreliable; and reports, cider for J.F. sent by Cole to be delivered at Hays Warf.

Seale 0289 J. Fanshawe to John Seale junior 9 August 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100450
Thanks for Cider brought by Capt. Cole. Glad J.S. junior, J.S. & Miss Hayne are well & a plentiful harvest. The American war, the Gibralter Garrison, 5 regiments going to Boston. Great slaughter of rebels. Disgrace of General Gage, Gen. Howe to take command. Mr. Tolcher came to Town & the Duchess of Kingston. Mr. Hollis in Ormond St.

Seale 0290 J. Seale junior to Mr. Reynolds in Newpaper letter? Re. Forces in America 13 (August?) 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100451
J.S. spokje to Mr. Ilbert on behalf of Mr. Abindon. Augmentation of salary might keep Mr. A. at Dartmouth. J.S. prejudiced towards Americans. Mr. Reynolds sympathetic to their cause. The late Bristish Victory very expensive, little result, many men lost. Continent almost impossible to subdue. General Gage expected to be recalled. Authorities dissatisfield with him.

Seale 0291 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale junior No date. After 11 April 1775 Saturday 5 o’clock   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100452
Intended sending John to J.S. that evening but waited for post. Miss Mercer & Mervin bringing to J.S. good news of Sarah S's health. 2 unpaid bills enclosed.

Seale 0292 J. Seale Jnr to J. Seale Snr Revival of Norton Fair October 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100453
Notice that Norton Fair is to be revived 23 October. Assistance needed. Peter to go to Cornworthy & elsewhere to encourage tenants to attend & buy or sell cattle. Criers to announce it. J.S. junior sent advertisement to the Sherborne Mercury. Breeches to be wrestled for. First told to get everything needed. Peter to give Criss??? Elizabeth Seale to join J.S. senior soon. Letter received from W. Cholwich.

Seale 0293 A. Taylor to John Seale 21 Oct. 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100454
Concerned that J.S. was unwell on leaving Exeter. Salutary effects of drinking the Waters of Bath. A.T. to set out for London 28 October.

Seale 0294 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr No Date Sunday Even. 1775?   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100455
Requested by father to write & enclose his letter. North Bowring just arrived with news that J.S. is well. E.S. etc. all unwell particularly A.M.Seale. J.S. senior wrote to Mr. Harris, E.S. has strong objections to J.S. taking Dunning House by Ashburton. Mrs. A.M.Seale requires Almanac for 1776. Has Trist been written to.?

Seale 0295 Mrs. S. Seale to C. Hayne No date Tuesday 1775? H.P.II 19   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100456
Will visit C.H. as soon as possible. C.H. not to tell J.S. junior that S.S. had told his plans to C.H. Hopes to have home of her own. S.S. would always respect J.S.'s relations Sir F.Rogers & Lady R. & Miss Vincent that morning. Mr. & Mrs. Booth spent afternoon previous Wednesday with J.S. C.H. to say nothing about S.S.borrowing money to J.S. Monday took ride to Oldstone, met Jenny & Stephen Adams.

Seale 0296 J. Fanshawe to (John Seale) Terms for Americans 11 Nov. 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100457
Something enclosed to go on Aunt's account. Sorry Mrs. J. Seale is not well. Violent colds very common in London. Possible political changes. Duke of Grafton already turned out. Moderate terms for Americans. Too much armament. Congress insincere. People hopeful. Obliged to Aunt for offer of flowers. Hope she will receive apples & pears etc.

Seale 0297 Mary Hays to Charles Hayne 15 Nov. 1775 HP II 135   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100458
In spite of much persuasion, unable to alter her brother opinion concerning her nieces marriage, but will continue her attempts.

Seale 0298 Mrs. N.Hays to Charles Haynes 30 Nov. 1775 HP II 32   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100459
Her husband proposes 100 guineas pin money & if no son ??? jointure. Mr. Haye's children ill. Mr. H. gone to consult lawyer. Mrs. H. not commissioned to write only to give C.H. pleasure. Mr. H. much affected at parting with his daughter. He has given her leave to write to C.H.

Seale 0299 Louisa Hays to Charles Hayne No date (1775) HP II 34   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100460
Louisa's father consents to match if C.H. agrees to proposal.

Seale 0300 B.Hays to Charles Hayne 1 Dec. 1775 H.P.II 31   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100461
Values of Charles Hayne's estate, & annuity to B.Hays advancement to his daughter while C.H. will convey estate to trustees to secure Pin money to B.Hay's daughter & plans for future for widow(?) and children(?) & amount for C.Hayne if no children.

Seale 0301 Mrs. Hays to Charles Hayne No date Dec. 1775 H.P. 2   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100462
If C.H. disapproves of any of the propsals he is asked to write his objections to Mr. Hays and to thank him for his consent, & likewise to Louise. Mrs. Hays has been very uneasy.

Seale 0302 B.Hays to Charles Hayne 14 Dec. 1775 HP   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100463
Terms for a marriage settlement for B.Hay's daughter!

Seale 0303 John Seale ( junior) to John Seale (senior) 19 Dec. 1775 Monday   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100464
Sorry J.Senior has bad cold. J.S. junior at Ashburton previous week, family still there. Mr. Harris should be with J.S. senior soon after Xmas. Would J.S. senior ask him to bring £200. J.S. junior would accept debt..(Later) J.S. jun. Been to Ashburton, saw & liked Bagtor House. Desired Mr. H. to ask Mr. D. for particulars.

Seale 0304 Richard Harris to John Seale Jnr 22 Dec. 1775   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100465
Mr. Savery promised Mr. Dunning he would talk to Leaman (who had seen Bagtor) but probably would not take it but desired Mr. Savery to call on him beginning of next week.

Seale 0305 John Seale senior to John Seale Junior 24 Dec. 1775/6   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100466
J.S. (senior) & AMS sadly out of order especially A.M.S. Glad to assist, but reluctant to assist a person J.S. junior mentioned, but will not deny J.S.'s request. Does not accuse J.S. junior of extravagence but advises caution and recommends consultation with friends about house. Many ships arrived from Newfoundland & Capt. Youlden with his usual luck.

Seale 0306 John Seale junior to John Seale senior Reply to 0305 1775 / 1776   1770-1775 18thC
DHRG No. 100467
Unwilling to involve J.S. senior with J.S. junior's difficulties, concerning the house. Renting a house in Exeter much more expensive than elsewhere. Also one would have to keep up appearances there with friends about.

Seale 0308 Sarah Seale to John Seale Jnr after April 1775 before 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100468
A letter brought by a gentleman for J.S. junior forwarded as possibly important. Hopes J.S. got safely to Mt. Boon in bad weather

Seale 0309 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr No date (12 January 1776) Safe Delivery (birth)   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100469
Sad headache. Congratulations on safe delivery of Sarah Seale. Mr. Harris says J.S. junior has map. Request that it be sent by return. Have written to Mr. Vivy relating to affairs in Cornwall.

Seale 0310 J. Seale Snr. to John Seale Jnr. No Date (7 Jan 1776) Congratulations on birth   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100470
'I received your letter about 9am'' etc. Congratulation on the increase of family. Mr. Harris delayed by heavy rain.

Seale 0311 Richard Harris to John Seale Jnr Jan 1776 (Friday) Much Snow   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100471
Came from Mt. Boone Saturday on horseback in bad weather. Much snow here. Chancellor Dunning snow bound at Park. Cornish journey off. Mrs. Seale & little Miss both well.

Seale 0312 J.F. Fanshawe to John Seale Jnr Jan 1776 Birth of Daughter   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100472
J.F. & Mrs. Fanshaw & daughter send congratualtions on the birth of a daughter for J.S. & S.S (Harriet (1) died in infancy)

Seale 0313 Sarah Seale to John Seale Jnr Information about a House to Rent 1 Feb. 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100473
Enclosed picture of house applied for, brought by Mr. Melton. Mr. Lucas would leave furniture till J.S. provide some. 2 others have applied. J.S. was first Mr. M. & Mr. L. would meet J.S. at Cas. Hegrove. S.S. now stout, able to walk with stick, with old Lady, J.S. to have sporting right's on Mr. L's royalty. S.S. had woodcock for dinner. Worry about J.S's journey to Mt. Boon. Weather very bad.

Seale 0314 John Seale Jnr to Sarah Seale No Date Probably around about Jan or Feb. 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100474
Rough draft on same sheet as part of the story of the Rape of the Sabine Women. Mr. Lake fixed at Teignmouth; unable to have his company till the end of the season. Now settled at Castlegrove. S.S.'s(?) 2 months absence time to make house habitable. Mr. & Mrs. Luttrell expected on 28th, warned disorder, C.Hayne also expected. Lady Davie very ill.

Seale 0315 Sarah Seale to John Seale Jnr No Month. 15th 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100475
Very recently arrived at new habitation. Pleased with situation, walked in garden with Mary. Dolly had a bad cold. House needed improvements, dirty. furniture dirty, a bad housekeeper not kept on, though honest, so Mr. Lucas had kept her. Misunderstanding with Aunt Catherine sorted out. On the back of the letter - The end of a letter of Congratulations on the wedding or Sarah & J.S. 11 April 1775. from Dr. Mervin

Seale 0316 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr. Cornish Affair mentioned no date sunday evening 1776?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100476
Mentioned Cornish affair to Mr. L. --- parted amicably. He advised selling not leasing. Miss Hayne wrote that Mrs. J. S. was well enough to dine in the parlour. Mr. Harris expected ??? Trees not arrived. Servant Mary married. Fish to send to Mr. Cummins. AMS expecting box from London.

Seale 0317 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr Map of the Mud not found no date Friday night 12 o’clock early 1776?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100477
Father vexed J.S. has not found Map of the Mud. Foster expected the next Sunday, map wanted then. Better enquire of Mr. Praed about it. Hope map is not lost. Trees not yet arrived

Seale 0318 J. Seale to Sir? no date 1776?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100478
Thanks for snipes. Journey possibly delayed by weather. Hopes to be at Mt. Boone following week. Will report on affair with Corporation. Desires to know price of the stone post for gate and of drawing of a brief in their cause.

Seale 0319 J. Seale to (1) ? Sir….. (11) ? Elizabeth or Charles Hayne No date 1776?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100479
Possibly writing on reverse side refers to a different letter to second draft on the front. No knowledge of having Map. Apologies if responsible for its loss. Would write to Praed Does not consider it important. Major Brown held up by weather walks with little Harriot Ann Seale. Refers to himself as brother.

Seale 0320 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr Map of the mud found no date Sunday evening1776?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100480
Map found. Mr. Harris' fault. J.S. got the blame. Letter from Mr. Vivian who will give every assistance. Post at Tavistock frozen to death the previous week. Much snow at Cornwood & Plymouth. Little snow but severe frost at Dartmouth. Glad little Harriet had recovered.

Seale 0321 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Jnr. 3 March 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100481
No account of the Jury yet arrived: requests J.S. to call on Under Sheriff. Foster finished the map. Hope that J.S. had good journey.

Seale 0322. Frederick Rogers to John Seale Jnr. 1 May 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100482
Threats of Dartmouth cause at next Assizes. Glad Mrs. S. was well enough to be at Mt. Boone. She would also be welcome at Blachford. Death of Mr. Newman - Mrs. Fanshawe sends news of family. F.R. still busy building.

Seale 0323. Mrs A.M.Seale to John Seale Jnr. 4 May 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100483
Mr. Harris left 30 April, due to go to Cornwall with J.S. (junior). J.S. senior displeased at no news from family: large Bill come; Mr. Payne to be at Plympton. Mr. Harris very poorly, while staying. E.S. begs J.S. junior to call on Mr. Furly in Cornwall.

Seale 0324. E.Remon to John Seale 12 May 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100484
Thanks for letter of 17 November 1775. Mrs. Marett widow of Peter Marett died the previous week. Her daughter Mrs. Le Couter asked E.R. to write to J.S. Cider scarce in England. E.R. could send it to any port in Devonshire at 2 gns. a pipe free of freight.

Seale 0325. Miss Seale Mr & Mrs. Seale to John Seale Jnr Sunday night No Date1776?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100485
Formal Mr. & Mrs. Seale etc. prevented by Mr. and Mrs. Harris who came on Saturday. Mr. H. had been very ill but was better, he was persuaded to come to Castle Grove, but had to be in Ashburton Fair on the next Thursday invitation could be given in person.

Seale 0326. Elizabeth Seale to J. Seale Jnr 28 May 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100486
Peter Gibbs setting off for Castlegrove. Father & Mother arrived previous evening. Robbins said J.S. was about to begin about the house, so uncertainty about invitation.

Seale 0327. W.M. Eales to J. Seale Jnr 4 June 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100487
(Damaged) Hopes to come soon to Castlegrove; also that Mr. & Mrs. J.S. would come to the Thatched House under the Hill. Various people arriving or due in Teignmouth. Smuggling girls referred to.

Seale 0328. Mr. Beague to John Seale Jnr. No Year. 15 August (1776?)   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100488
Formal invitation to dinner on a side of Venison on 16 August.

Seale 0330. Richard Eastcott Jnr. to John Seale 5 Sept. 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100489
R.E. forgot request due to Mrs. E's illness. Hopes to get it written out before J.S.'s servant leaves Exeter or when he next comes. Glad that J.S. received piano forte safely.

Seale 0331. From J Seale 16 Oct. 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100490
J.S. would have supported Mr. Cholwich if not already engaged to Mr. Baring. Glad to hear brother of ……….is better. Mrs. Fownes gives constant accounts of his progress, which is why nothing sent to Dunster Castle.

Seale 0332. John Baring to John Seale 31 Oct. 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100491
Election following Wednesday. Candidates agreed to vote by regular equal tullies. Best day to attend is Thursday. Hopes to be favoured with J.S.'s company. Friends at Plymouth Turnpike would attend him.

Seale 0333. Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 15 Dec. 1776   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100492
Thanks for letter & woodcocks. Capt. Luttrell very ill. His brother John not realising this, more interested in hunting at Lupton with Mr. & Mrs. Southcott. Sloop with hogshead sailed to Exeter. Many complaints about J.S.'s pointer destroyer of poultry. Ships lost. Lamen ??? was in Dartmouth about pressing for the Navy. C. Barter returned.

Seale 0307 Sarah Seale to John Seale junior 1776?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100493
Looks forward to letter from J.S. junior. Pleasant drive round Topsham Bowling Green with Miss Penny. John brought news of Lord Ashburton's death due to an egg shell in his throat. Respects to J.S's parents & love to Fanny.

Seale 0334. Thomas Piper to John Seale 8 January 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100494
Received letter of 15 December. Mr. Mauger had told T.P. that particulars regarding J.S.'s estate in Jersey were correct. The caluation was very high; J.S.'s houses were in a very bad state, while good houses in St. Aubin were empty & several were to be sold. Could J.S. accept terms T.P. had before proposed.

Seale 0335. Thomas Pipon to John Seale 14 Feb. 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100495
Received letter of 21 January. J.S. appeared unwilling to sell unless he got much more than the true value. T.P. had enough houses & gardens. One of his brothers then abroad, needed the estate, for which T.P. would pay £1500 or £1600.(more than T.P. would have paid it for himself) Guarantee needed. Several houses needed demolishing for public safety.

Seale 0336. George Robbins to John Seale Jnr Monday 17 Feb. 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100496
G.R. would honour the draught. Unable to be with J.S. through being thrown from his horse, unable to put on his shoe, but hopes to that week. He had seen Carter & Northcott who said the Good(?) should be finished in a fortnight at most. Mr. F. Eastman would be all completed that week.

Seale 0337 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale Jnr No Date Tuesday Evening Feb. 1777? Birth of Elizabeth Maria Seale .   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100497
Letter received by Kitt. Congratulations on birth of daughter. Letter to J.S. senior from Mr. Harris: notice of trial given to his agent; all stress laid on the fishery: hoping to see J.S. junior the next week. Birth of Elizabeth Maria Seal 16 February

Seale 0338 John Seale senior to John Seale junior No Date Tuesday Evening February 1777? Trial with Corporation, Gov.very ill   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100498
Congratuations on birth of child. Letter from Mr. Harris to say trial with Corporation to come on next assizes. The Governor very ill, attended by Dr. Glass & another physician. Little hope of recovery.

Seale 0339. Rev. Thomas Baker to J. Seale 23 Feb. 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100499
Accusation by Mrs. Cock that the Officer of Excise ransacked her house, when examined by Mr. Bulteel & T.B. was entirely groundless. Her offence was proved that she pretended that the Spirits belonged to the lodger, but only a part did. Her information about J.S.'s letter to T.B. was untrue etc.

Seale 0340. P. Mauger to John Seale 25 Feb. 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100500
Mr. Pipon will have nothing to do with the arrears. If J.S. disposes of his estate in Jersey, he would give Mr. P. possession from Christmas last for ever but J.S. would keep arrears of rent. Mr. P. does this for his absent brother.

Seale 0341. Thomas Pipon to John Seale 22 April 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100501
T.P.'s brother hoped all was settled concerning J.S.'s estate in Jersey, so that his brother would return to England sooner. T.P. had agreed to J.S. proposal of 21 January Mr. Mauger defers passing necessary deeds etc. till he gets papers from J.S.

Seale 0342. Elizabeth Seale to John Seale Junior 27 April 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100502
J.S. senior received letter & bill from J.S. (junior) & cucumber. Mr. & Mrs. Southcott came but had to return to Buckland on the Friday on Business. They hoped to come again soon.

Seale 0343. J. Seale to Peter Mauger 29 April 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100503
Request that P.M. would call in the arrears of rents remaining due to the Jersey estate before the estate is sold. Letter from Mr. T.Pipon saying he agreed to J.S.'s propsal. J.S. would be glad to know how the Purchase money is to be paid.

Seale 0344 Thomas Pipon to John Seale 3 May 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100504
According to Mr. Mauger's letter it appeared that J.S. had misconstrued something T.P. had written in his letter of 9 April, quite unintentionably. It would not make any difference to J.S. when he receives the arrears of rents.

Seale 0345 J. Seale to Thomas Pipon 1st draft 13 May 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100505
It appears from letter of 3 May that T.P. agreed to pay £1700 for the estate as agreed. In letter of February T.P. seemed dissatisfield at the price so J.S. had deferred answering till he heard from Mr. Mauger concerning the arrears etc.

Seale 0346 J. Seale to Thomas Pipon 2nd draft 13 May 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100506
As above. Nothing received from Mr. Mauger T.P. to ask Mr. Mauger to draw an abstract of the writing necessary to convey the Estate etc. & to call in the arrears as fast as possible. Compliments to Pipon family.

Seale 0347 P. Mauger to John Seale 13 May 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100507
Everything settled P.M. assumed to J.S.'s satisfaction. Mr.Pipon desires estate made over to him for rent. A reliable person assures P.M. that £1700 would be paid within 6 months after passing the contract. The arrears would be secured to J.S. by a clause in the contract etc.

Seale 0348. J. Seale to P. Mauger Reply to 0347 May 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100508
J.S. does not doubt the disposal of estate would be punctually observed, but forsees more trouble. Usual for purchaser to pay the whole sum at the signing of contract. T.P. mentioned paying part later. All the arrears should be secured before the estate is sold - just received T.P.'s letter of 20 May.

Seale 0349 Thomas Pipon to John Seale 20 May 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100509
Mr. Mauger informed T.P. that J.S. desired more particulars to be settled. P.M. was satisfield that £1700 would be paid punctually & arrears settled. No need for apprehensions.

Seale 0350 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 23 May 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100510
Mrs. Fownes said J.S. & all were well. No more heard from Mr. Harris. Rule of Court Enlarged till third day of the next term. Governor said to be dead. Mr. Luttrell expected. Surprise application by Mr. Southcott. Freeman to be elected. Capt. Vincent returned from Bristol. Mrs. Fownes' brother to marry the grand-daughter of late Bishop of Bath & Wells. Old Mr. & Mrs. Seale consent to inoculation.

Seale 0351 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 8 June 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100511
Glad to hear J.S. & family were well. Suppose inoculation of little girl is postponed. Concerning law suit about fishing rights at Dartmouth, motion postponed till 6 June. Consultation had been made. Questions entered very fully by Mr. Mansfield. 2 Judges present. Mr. Rogers sent for to Sir Fredrick dangerously ill at Bath. Capt. Vincent sailed previous Friday. Mr. Harris has gout.

Seale 0352 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale junior 19 June 1777 Death of Sir Frederick Rogers. Fishing Rights   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100512
Death of Sir Fredrick Rogers. Letter just received from C. Fanshawe with congratulation for winning the law suit against the Corporation concerning fishing rights at Dartmouth. E.S. recommended Black or Grey silk with plain linen

Seale 0353 E.Remon junior to John Seale (senior) 24 June 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100513
Previous winter E.R's brother captured by American privateer, prisoner for a month, retaken in his own ship by H.M.S. Phoenix, home via New York. He & E.R. willing to buy J.S.'s estate in Jersey under proposed conditions. Mr. T.Pipon also applied for his brother in W.Indies. E.R. particularly wanted one field near father's home.

Seale 0354 P. Mauger senior to John Seale (senior) 27 June 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100514
Mr. Pipon would have J.S.'s estate in Jersey made to him for rent so as to avoid trouble from J.S.'s relations for redemption of estate is purchased for money. J.S. demands £1700 for the Estate, £850 would be paid by person who would buy the rents, the other half paid 6 months later. J.S. worried about arrears etc.

Seale 0355 J. Seale senior to P. Mauger senior 15 July 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100515
Mr. Pipon refuses to buy J.S.'s estate in Jersey. Instead he wishes the estate transferred to him for rent so as to avoid trouble from J.S.'s relatives. J.S. denies that there would be any trouble whatever method is decided upon. When all is agreed P,M's is to Amen The Deeds of Transfer & send to J.S.

Seale 0356 J. Seale (senior) to J. Seale (junior) 5 July 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100516
Mr. Harris' advice received & understood. Uncertain about going to assizes. Letter from Mr. Mauger. Weather not good.Instructions about sending goods.

Seale 0357 J Seale (junior) to J. Seale (senior) Answer to 0356 5 July 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100517
Goblets not arrived at Taunton. Burrows to send them on to Exeter. Weather settled: the hay harvest.

Seale 0358 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale junior 4 August 1777 Counsel for J.S. against Corporation.   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100518
E.S. & family still at Exeter. J .S. (senior) has Gout, swollen foot. Intended leaving next Wednesday if fit. E.S. letter enquiring about Counsel for J.S. against Corporation. Prideaux retained Mansfield Buller to check before being retained by J.S. Hope J. junior approves. To be kept secret.

Seale 0359 P. Mauger (senior) to John Seale(Senior) 7 Aug 1777 Transfer of Estate Form of Power of Attorney included.   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100519
.M. in accordance with agreement has transferred all J.S.'s estate in Jersey to Thomas Pipon son of Thomas, attorney to his brother Charles etc. and by another deed sold to Thomas Pipon son of Joshua for £1700 etc. Mrs. Seale is to send Peter Mauger junior a power of attorney, so he may take over some of the duties P.M. senior, who has ill health, would have done.

Seale 0360 J. Seale senior to Mr. Mauger 20 Aug. 1777 Jersey Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100520
Receipt of favour enclosing bill of Exchange from Mr. Pipon for £1000 which will go in part of the purchase money Mr. Pipon has agreed to give for J.S.'s estate in Jersey. AMS to sign the Power of Attorney form..

Seale 0361 Rev. C. Barter to John Seale 1777 Tomb for John Seale Snr   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100521
C.B. does not think a faculty is required for building a tomb. The parish priest decides there is a fee for breaking the ground. No room in Communion Space due to Harris Tomb. Only place available is under Mrs. Wakenham,s ??? & south side of Kendell's.

Seale 0362 Revd. Hutchings John Seale 11 Sept. 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100522
Condolences on death of John Seale senior.

Seale 0363 J. Seale to Rev. J. Hutchings 16 Sept. 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100523
Thanks for Mr. Hutchings great concern AMS, Elizabeth Seale & Sarah Seale as well as may be expected. Compliments to Mrs. Hutchings.

Seale 0364 John Henry Southcote to John Seale October 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100524
Mr. Badcock of Taunton broke his leg at Mr. Southcote's the previous day. Mr. Patch from Exeter satisfield with Mr. B's condition. John Seale told that his friends would be welcome at Mr. Southcote's house.

Seale 0365 Peter Gibbs to John Seale 9 Nov. 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100525
Matthew Peek, evidently a tenant farmer will not accept J.S.'s terms. He suggests various modifications.

Seale 0366 J. Seale to Peter Gibbs Reply to 0365 13 Nov. 1777   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100526
P.G. to set the estate to Peek, he finding reed & 'sparrows' etc. according to the agreement, if he does not agree then J.S. will hear no more of him. PG is, in this situation, to look after the estate but not to lime it.

Seale 0367 C. Fanshawe to John Seale11 Nov. 1777 (with reply) Capt.Tollemache killed in duel   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100527
Damaged letters:- Concern for AMS & family after death of J.S.senior. Capt. Tollemache of the Navy who married Lady Bridget Henley killed in duel with Pennington of the Guards in New York. TS brother killed in HMS Repulse. One of P's brothers was killed in a duel a year ago. CF & his mother look forward to seeing J.S. etc. in Plymouth.

Seale 0368 Elizabeth Seale to John Seale 30 Nov. 1777 Mrs.Harris’s broken leg   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100528
Much better & ready to leave off physic. Mrs. Harris en route to Nethway broke 2 bones in her leg. Mr. Wolcot set it. Mrs. H. very old. Mr. H. left on business. Miss Caty to come Tuesday, 2 people needed to sit up every night. AMS very poorly, but better. E.S. had a very bad cold but better. Peter Gibbs confined to his bed.

Seale 0369 T. Wood to John Seale 2 Dec. 1777 Wager   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100529
Mr. Newton & T.W. lost bet of a Rump of Beef & Dozen (of Claret) to Bill Walker etc. at Vine Tavern, Tiverton. Mr. Seale invited to join party, & Mrs. Seale to dine with T.W.'s sister otherwise. Mr. & Mrs. Seale to dinner on the Saturday.

Seale 0370 Peter Mauger (attorney) to John Seale Jnr 13 Dec. 1777 Jersey Estate, A.M.S to sign Power of Attorney   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100530
Condolences on death of John Seale senior. P.M's father transferred old J.S's estate in Jersey to Thos. Pipon; who gave a bill of exchange of £1000 in part payment, sent on to J.S. senior & Power of Attorney not yet executed. A.M.S. must sign it. P.M. junior requires Power of Attorney.

Seale 0371 Thomas Derby to J. Seale 28 Feb. 1777 Stray Dog Found   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100531
Stray setter or Pointer with collar marked J.Seal Esq. Mt. Boon appeared at T.D.'s house. Unable to trace owner. Heard of J.S. when at Walronds at Bradfield. Asks for reply.

Seale 0372 Edwd. Blackmore to Mr. Harris (Attorney at Law) 14 March 1778 Yellands Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100532
No answer received about Yellands Estate. £8 or upwards due to Mr. & Mrs. Seale for arrears of tin dues - Mr. Polkinhorne refused to take up account from old Mr. Phillipps.

Seale 0373 A.M.Seale to Mr. Robbins 14 May 1778(?) (not 1776) Rough draft on the back of Royal Menu.   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100533
Received bill from Mr. R. rather confused about it. AMS sends a bill for £80.

Seale 0374 Notes by J Seale Jnr. written on the royal menu 1778 New Quay Beneficial.   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100534
Peter Hawkins, John Hanover, John Hawkins, Henry Smith & Henry Treby, old boatmen found the new quay beneficial.

Seale 0375. J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Price 1 June 1778 Mr Pippin’s Hounds   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100535
Mr. Pippin gave J.S. the remainder of his hounds, one of which called Pratler was given to Mr. Price. It is at J.S.'s house. J.S. asks if Pratler should go to Mr. Price or stay with J.S.

Seale 0376. Rev. Mr. C Barter to John Seale 13 July 1778 Townstall Estate   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100536
That morning Rev. B. talked to Mrs. Garland about her selling Townstall Estate. She had no inclination to sell, nor the right to sell her son's position. Mr. Harris' high opinion of J.S. Mr. Eveleigh very dependable. Messrs Luttrell and Hayne would agree.

Seale 0377 Geo. Eveleigh to John Seale 13 July 1778 enclosed with 0376   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100537
Enclosed by Mr. Barter. Mr. E. solicits the favour of J.S.'s Business.

Seale 0378 J. Seale to Mr. C. Barter 13 July 1778 reply   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100538
Messenger to be dispatched at once with thanks to Mr. Barter, but not yet ready to accept Mr. E.S. offer. Requests to deliver the enclosed to Mr. E. (see next entry)

Seale 0379 J. Seale to Mr. Evelin 13 July 1778 reply to 0377   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100539
Thanks to Mr. E. but not yet ready to accept his offer

Seale 0380 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale About 15 July 1778 Friday afternoon   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100540
AMS sorry to hear S.S. so ill, hopes to go to her that evening or next morning or have her to stay. Kitt & Mrs. Ford brought letter from S.S. who seems better, no alarming circumstances. Hopes J.S. received box & key. Betsy gone to call on Aunt Catherine; Mr. Harris ill. Mr. CF at Castle. AMS to go soon to Castle Grove. Asks for £25 or £50 till she gets money from Seanes bill to pay Robbins and Mercers. Compliments to Mrs.Harris and Kitty. Stockings sent

Seale 0381 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 19 July 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100541
Silk stockings arrived safely. 4 Bills of £10 each sent; more to follow when available; J.S. highly obliged by AMS's commands. Mr. C..Fanshawe called previous day, gone to Plymouth but returning the next day.

Seale 0382 Mr. Luttrell to John Seale 14 July? 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100542
Disappointed not seeing Mr. Seale. Mr. L. would write soon from Nethway.

Seale 0383 J. Seale to H.F.Luttrell 19 July 1778 Luttrell Debt   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100543
On death of Mr. Harris, J.S. is legally entitled to the disposal of his affairs. H.F.L. appears to be in debt to Mr. H. J.S. will observe the greatest secrecy and wait till he sees H.F.L.

Seale 0384 Tho. Taylor to John Seale 20 July 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100544
Mr. Abraham brought J.S.'s message, hopes to wait on J.S. when available. Condolences to Mrs. Harris & Mr. J.S. Woodley on the death of Mr. Harris. Compliments to Mr. Fanshawe.

Seale 0385 H. Fownes Luttrell to J. Seale 21 July 1778 Debt due to late Mr Harris   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100545
H.F.L. ready to attend 'Little Madam' whenever convenient to J.S. Considerable debt due to late Mr. Harris. Compliments to Mrs. Harris.

Seale 0386 Henry Nosworthy to John Seale 4 Aug. 1778 Payment of a Debt   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100546
H.N's brother's debt to Mr. Harris. Presumes his brother's letter has informed J.S. that H.N. has the money, so H.N. request an interview with J.S.

Seale 0387 J. Seale to Mr. H. Nosworthy 15 Aug. 1778 reply to 0386   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100547
Ready to see H.N. when J.S. is in his part of the country

Seale 0388 Edward Holwell Drake to Seale Esq 8 Aug. 1778 Request for Deed of Trust   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100548
Request a Deed of his, in the custody of Mr. Harris, dated 1718 between Giles Risdon & Edward Holwell, grandfather of EHD.

Seale 0389 Beavis Wood to Mr. Harris (Attorney at Law) 8 Aug.1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100549
Bringing memorandum on houses on Barns Hill, Tiverton when at the assizes. Presumes Hawke the Tenant will see J.S. then.

Seale 0390 J. Seale to Beavis Wood 14 Aug. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100550
Saw B.W. at Tiverton. J.S. promised to see houses when he had time

Seale 0391 Fanshawe to J Seale Aug 1778 Invitation   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100551
Invitation for J S to visit J F in Epsom while staying in London

Seale 0392 Edward Holwell Drake to Seale Esq.4 Sept. 1778 2nd Request for Deed (see 0388)   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100552
Presumed former letter (of 8 August) has miscarried, request deed (as above).

Seale 0393 J. Seale to E.Holwell Drake 9 Sept. 1778 Deed not Found   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100553
J.S. received both letters, but delayed answering, being in London. Deed not yet found. J.S. knew of an affair unsettled between Mr. Risdon & Mr. Harris in his life time. Questions why E.H.D. had not demanded this deed before.

Seale 0394 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 6 Sept. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100554
A.M.S. forwarding letters: New huntsman arrived, gone to see dogs. C. Fanshawe returned from Plymouth. C.F., E.S., and Mrs. F. senior send love.

Seale 0395 J. Seale to A.M.Seale 9 Sept. 1778 Reply   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100555
AMS's letter with enclosed received 8 September at Bampton before J.S. left. Mr. & Mrs. Fawnes to be at home following Friday. Much work at Ashburton. J.S. had intended huntsman to go to Bampton before Mt. Boone. Hopes AMS has partridges & hares. Peter Gibbs to feed dogs & horses. Begs AMS to get Livery for huntsman. A very good setter coming.

Seale 0396 J.H. Southcott to John Seale 6 Sept. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100556
J.S. would have heard from J.H.S. soon after they parted at Exeter if J.H.S. had received Mr. Bastard's answer. J.H.S. requests £2000 or £2500 within 6 months. J.H.S. put net across the Bay at Warfleet that week.

Seale 0397 J. Seale to J.H.Southcott 9 Sept,.1778 Reply   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100557
With sum already due J.S. could make up sum of £2500 or £3000 on Land Security at 4%. J.S. had a large sum to pay due to a recent purchase.

Seale 0398 Sir Bourchier Wrey to John Seale 15 Sept. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100558
Proposed being in Ashburton latter end of September so could receive ''my Old etc Counterpart!'' of letters etc. from J.S. & settling money matters. Remembrance to poor Mrs. Harris.

Seale 0399 J. Seale to The Hon. Sir B. Wray Bart. 21 Sept. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100559
Stay at Ashburton very unsettled. Suggest Sir B.W. gets in touch nearer the time of his visit there.

Seale 0400 John Gennys to John Seale 29 Sept. 1778 John Gennys’s Debt   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100560
J.G. had intended remitting £600 but had to buy a house etc. in Plymouth. Hopes his bond to Mr. Harris can be dispensed with. J.G's property almost entirely Land, he hopes this debt will be kept a profound secret.

Seale 0401 R. Prideaux to John Seale 13 Oct1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100561
Doctor Birdwood said Mrs. R. Prideaux very ill and almost helpless.

Seale 0402 J. Seale to Mr. R. Prideaux Reply to 0401 Expecting Heir Oct 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100562
Hopes the doctor can cure Mrs. R.P. Had hoped to see R.P. at Mt. Boone to discuss J.S.'s debts. J.S. had written to Mr. Gennys to say it would force J.S. to borrow. So he suggested Mr. R.P. might meet Mr. Gennys to discuss bad debts, otherwise let the affair rest if unable to leave Mrs. R.P. Mr & Mrs. J.S. expecting (the birth) of a son.

Seale 0403 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 16 Oct 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100563
Receipt for £100. Glad to hear by Edward, J.S. got to Newton safely. One horse heavy & dull, the other had to draw the carriage by himself. Barron would exchange horses. Hoped S.S. & the dear little maid were well. John Kelsoe brought letter & bill for £100. John Slade sent me up J.S.'s stick with Gold head blown out of Diogenes. Tea with Mrs. Pigot.

Seale 0404 J.Seale to Mr. Gennys reply to 0400 18 Oct 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100564
Concern for writing about debt; no wish to embarrass Mr.G. J.S. hoped to avoid having to borrow, he suggested having a meeting. Mr G. could consult Mr. Prideaux. JS soon to be near Mr. G. but confined to Castlegrove in expectation of young gentleman (a baby?) Mr. G. congratulated on increase of family.

Seale 0405 Eliz. Fanshawe to John Seale 24 Nov. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100565
Well recovered. Hopes the approaching Crisis (for S.S.) will add to happiness. E.F. mentions their intentions of a small country purchase not far from Plymouth called Fancy, Dutch proprietor. Thanks for pippins sent on from Sir F. Rogers. Enquired about the Man J.S.mentioned . No recollection of name Luke Young.

Seale 0406 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale 26 Nov. 1778 Nomination of Sheriffs   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100566
Paid Buckley for floorcloth. Nomination of Sheriffs. C.F. hinted to a certain officer that it would be hard for J.S. It cost the late J.S. £1500. C.F. paid 5 guineas for this. Will see Bearsworth about Title deeds. Called at Trist's, he was out so C.F. kept back letter to him. J.S. entitled to quarter the Berry Arms. Mrs. C.F. very ill, now better. C.F. to talk to Gullet at Exeter.

Seale 0407 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale 28 Nov. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100567
C.F. had seen Mr. Beardsworth about the portion of Mr. Rayleigh's estate bought by J.S. & his claim on the title deeds:referred to Mr. Gullet. Money due 2 February 1779. C.F. proposed meeting J.S. at St. Sidwells. 3 Candidates at Callington. Milles retained for Gov. Stratton. Interests are D of Bedford, L'd Orford, Mr. Caryton.

Seale 0408 Sir F. Leman Rogers to John Seale 1 Dec. 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100568
Letter from J.S. mentioning £500 to be paid F.L.R.. or Order by the Devonshire Bank. F.L.R. building etc. would be glad to have the other £400. Hopes Mrs. Seale will have a son. Asks for a promise to himself or Lady Rogers as Sponsers or any future one. Aunt well at Plymouth. At. Blachford for Christmas.

Seale 0409 J. Seale to Sir F.L.Rogers 6 Dec. 1778 Girl Born   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100569
Delay in sending whole £900. £500 bill on the Devonshire Bank & £400 with what more was due on the receipt of Rents. Mrs. Seale pretty well after birth of a Girl (Harriet) Grateful to accept the honour F.L.R. intends.

Seale 0410 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale December 1778   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100570
Hoping for news of addition to J.S.'s family J.S. not at Exeter when C.F. arrived in hopes of an enquiry from contending parties at callington. Told wrongly Milles was retained for Mr. Stratton. Palk no interest there. Stratton recommended by Ld. Sandwich to Ld. Orford united to Duke of Bedford. Request to know acreage of J.S.'s purchase etc.

Seale 0411 From J. Seale No Date Christmas 1778?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100571
Mr. Harris intended to spend Twelfth day at Mt. Boone. J.S. came from thence the previous day. The postman would deliver ''one poor bird'' with this letter. Regards also to Miss Woodley.

Seale 0412 J. Seale Presumed to Mr. Goodridge. no date Christmas 1778?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100572
Thanks for compliments & enquiries after Mrs. J. Seale's health. She and the child were pretty well. The child a happy consolation after a long illness. Best respects to Mrs. Goodridge.

Seale 0413 From J. Seale No Date Christmas 1778?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100573
Thanks for information about House etc. Doubt if Leamon will take Estate, but J.S. does not apprehend he will take Mansion House therewith. Mrs. Seal hoped to have it. Respects to Mrs. H. & Miss C. with health & all the Mirth of the Season.

Seale 0414 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe No date. Christmas 1778?   1776-1778 18thC
DHRG No. 100574
Arived Exeter about 8, fine Moon, family well. Sent to Thornes for Court Calendar. J.S. about to be taught Violin, required music to be sent. Guitar with Gardening Book left behind. Cake made.

Seale 0415 James Burrow to Seale Esq. 11 Jan 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100575
J.S.'s servant said J.S. preferred bay to grey geldings. J.B. was going to Stanbury Fair the following Friday. Request for an answer & clever horses should be at J.B's house by the Thursday fortnight.

Seale 0416 J. Seale to H. Roope 18 Jan. 1779 Request for Loan   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100576
Need to pay large sum beginning of February. Request to borrow any sum from £500 to £3000 Security at 5%, with 30 days notice of withdrawn.

Seale 0417 J. Seale to Mr. Sparks 21 Jan. 1779 Request for Loan   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100577
Disappointed at getting less money than expected. Have a large sum to pay the beginning of Feb. Willing to take of Mr. Sparks at 5% interest & to pay at 30 days notice all or part of the sum borrowed. Hopes for any sum £500-£3000 in the course of this month.

Seale 0418 H. Spark to John Seale 24 Jan. 1779 Re. Loan   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100578
Hopes to supply J.S. with the whole sum £3,000 that month. Mr. Spark had been applied for any sum from £500 to £10,000 at 5% in hand security.

Seale 0420 E. Remon jnr. to J. Seale 27 Jan. 1779 Fitting out Two Cutters for Privateering   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100579
Letter to be sent by Mr. Dession of Dartmouth. Wrote previous July by smuggling vessel, but no reply. E.R. very involved with privateering. The privateers had good success. Fitting out 2 Cutters. Brother returning from West Indies, so E.R. would fit him out with a ship of 20 guns. Would J.S. take part in her?
Inscribed:- Robert Remon Signed E Remon jnr.

Seale 0432a J. Seale to E.Remon 27 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100580
J.S. received letter of 27 January but not the former one mentioned. Smuggling vessel 4 precarious conveyance. Succesful privateering. Our Channel ships on defensive. Ship fitted out for E.R.'s brother. J.S. declined being a Privateer. Would E.R. check if P.Mauger had received letter. Honourable acquitted of Adam Heppel, Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser less likely to be acquitted.

Seale 0421 Henry Sparke to John Seale 29 Jan. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100581
Very sorry, unable to provide any of the sum required due to scarcity of cash.

Seale 0422 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale 2 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100582
Conveyances of Moreleigh; £9,000 for the Mortgagees. Surplus and £500 more paid to Mr. Shapleigh. Title Deeds in C.F's custody. Other legal affairs C.F. had or would settle. J.S. asked to tell E.F. that the chairs had been bought & would be sent by the wagon.

Seale 0423 H. Fownes Luttrell to John Seale12 Feb. 1779 (inscribed) 12 March 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100583
Mr. And Mrs. Luttrell unable to be at the Exeter Assizes or the Christening as Mrs. Luttrell was very slow to recover from her illness.

Seale 0424 J. Seale to H.F.Luttrell Reply Feb. 1779 Christening Postponed   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100584
Reply all crossed out. Time of Christening postponed, as it was inconvenient to Sir F.Rogers. Transferred to a future date at Mt. Boone.

Seale 0425 J. Seale to Mr. Land 12 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100585
One Phaeton horse sent for out of order; request for details by the next post.

Seale 0426 J. Seale to Mr. Burrows 12 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100586
One of the pair of horses ordered left at Exeter. Doubts about ordering pairs of horses from Mr. B. in future.

Seale 0427 J. Seale to Mr. Fanshawe Feb? 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100587
1 letter to J.S. from Mr. F. came promptly, 2 others went to Portsmouth. Mr.Prideaux hoped Mr. F. would send by Mr Shapley the draft of Conveyance from mortgagees etc.& advise tenants of Moreley of landlord change. Rent asked for.

Seale 0428 Wm. Seward to Seale Esq. 13 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100588
Mr. James Carteret 2nd Lieut. of H.M.S. Britannia wished to be appointed on the Impress Service at Dartmouth. Request to know if any regulating Lieutenant is acting there.

Seale 0429 J. Seale to Wm. Seward Reply to 0428 16 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100589
Mr. Mitchel, living at Totnes, has the appointment on the Impress Service at Dartmouth. Capt. Keeler lately in command. Suggest Mr. Carteret should consult The Admiralty.

Seale 0430 J. Seale to C. Hayne Sent 14 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100590
Only 1 Phaeton horse available for C.H. Weather prevented sending it before. Parcel returned. Wishes to stock Moreley. Request for Hares. Asks if Jeff should attend to bag them.

Seale 0431 Chas Hayne to John Seale 14 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100591
Just received letter & parcel. Intends driving J.S.'s Horse with one of C.H's to church that afternoon. Welcome to Hares & to come & help George to catch them by Moonlight. Dean Hunt following Tuesday.

Seale 0432 Chas. Fanshawe to John Seale. 18 Feb. 1779 Adml Keppell’s Aquiittal, Allington Petitiom, J.S.’s New Seal   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100592
C.F. unable to send draft of conveyance by Mr. Shapleigh as he had left London. C.F. would bring all deeds to Exeter at assizes. Tenants affairs best done at court just after Lady Day. Jeffrey & Jones had sent J.S.'s new seal R.F's letter, health better, well looked after at Mt. Boone, visit to Bagtor planned.Adml. Keppell's aquittal:- rejoicing, riots, many arrested but no prosecutions, outrage of Ld.North, Sir H. Pollisor & Ld. Sandwich; attack on Administration in Parliament; possible changes:- Ld. Sandwich to be replaced by Ld. Howe, Adm. Heppell or Ld.Bristol & the Lord Chancellor, de Grey to be succeeded by Mr. Dunning who would no doubt be Chief Justice of England in place of Ld. Mansfield within a year. Allington petition ended, elections void. Mr. Stratton, Ld Orford's candidate, expected to be chosen. C.F. not retained. His apologies to E.F. for not writing then.

Seale 0432b From J Seale 27 Feb. 1779 Aquittal of Admrl Keppel   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100593
Lost letter, Smugling Vessel & Privateers. Ship of superior force for your brother. Has Peter Mauger received letter. Acquittal of Admiral Keppel & Tryal of Sr Hugh Pallisar following a skirmish with the French.

Seale 0433 Jn. Rolle to Jn. Seale Rolle Received 21 Feb. 1779 Candidate for Exeter   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100594
Offers himself as a Candidate for the City of Exeter. Disgust at unnatural Coalition: Opposes scheme intended. Request for J.S's Vote and support.

Seale 0434 J. Seale to J. Rolle 1st Reply 26 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100595
Crossed out and not sent. Letter sent to Bampton not received till this day. If Election should be soon due to Sir C. Bampfield's vacation, J.S.'s vote invalid having not taken up Freedom.

Seale 0435 J. Seale to J. Rolle 2nd Reply 4 March 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100596
Letter found on return to Castlegrove. J.S.'s vote at J.R.'s service.

Seale 0436 G. Wise to John Seale 25 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100597
Arrangements for a Meeting of the Dean Hunt.

Seale 0437 J. Brown to John Seale 27 Feb. 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100598
Unable to attend concerning Execution of the Lease of the House.

Seale 0438 Jn. Tonkin to John Seale 12 March 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100599
Mr. Eyre of Bodmin paid £13 - 16s on J.S.'s account. Mr. Tinkham applied for money to repay his debt £800 soon available. Mr. Tinkham would like a little time to pay

Seale 0439 J. Seale to J. Tonkin 24 March 1779 reply to0438   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100600
No wish to embarrass Mr. Tinkham although J.S. would have liked payment soon to satisfy Mr. Harris's charitable donation. Mr. Gidley's debt must be paid

Seale 0440 J. Eveleigh to The Revd. Wm. Barter 27 March 1779 Scholarships   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100601
3 Scholarships vacant at Wadham College. 3 Candidates successful: success of 4th doubtful. J.E.'s influence at W.B;s service. Enquiries at Corpus. Provost of Wadham keen to help poor clergy.

Seale 0441 J. Seale to Mr. Gullett 28 March 1779 Deeds   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100602
Mr. G. settled J.S.'s purchase with Mr. Shapley. Description of deeds required.

Seale 0442 J. Seale to Mr. Walker 28 March 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100603
Apologies for resignation from Club due to distance of residence.

Seale 0443 Wm. Barter to John Seale 30 March 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100604
Some success in plans for J. Ireland (at Oxford). Mr. Everleigh to be informed of J.S's resolution. Congratulations J.S. having no opposition at Totnes to Tythes of Cornworthy. Hopeful that no one would buy the living from J.S.

Seale 0444 J. Seale to W.Barter 4 April 1779 Reply to 0443   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100605
W.B.'s letter received at Newton. Opinion required on chance of success & trust to pursue; not a clergman's son. Early answer necessary.

Seale 0445 J. Seale to W.Barter April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100606
Crossed-out 2nd(?) draft. Letter received at Mt. Boon not at hand so unable to answer speed required. J.S. Assumed W.B. wished to know whether to go for appointment with good prospect of studying at Oxford or, as J.S. preferred to procure Deacon's orders & retire.

Seale 0446 Wm. Barter to John Seale 5 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100607
Necessary to know J. Ireland's age & time of going to Oxford. Clerkship at Oriel it for a bachelor's degree for Orders; scholarship at Wadham for a fellowship & residing at Oxford for a long term with a moderate, not permanent income. Mr. Eveleigh would advise.

Seale 0447 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 9 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100608
Describes hand-bill advertising sale of Mr. Gerry's property value c. £900. J.S.'s purchase would annul debt to Mr. F. Advises J.S. to use an unknown agent to make enquiries. Widow Veale to advise on monuments.

Seale 0448 Jn. Tonkin to John Seale 12 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100609
Mr. T. not heard from Mr. Gidley. Agrees 29 April being the date to receive Searle's papers from J.S. S.H. Bourchier Wrey impatient to settle account. Mr. T. had explained to Sir B..H. why ….. S could not come in their neighbourhood.

Seale 0449 John Seale to J. Tonkin12 April 1779 reply to 0448   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100610
Reply : two rough drafts. Mr. T. welcome to inspect Searle's papers; not to be given up Searle till J.S. comes to Ashburton. Bonds to be delivered before imminent departures of the Fleet, Mr. Thomas to transact the affair in Newfoundland.

Seale 0450 Chr. Gullett to C. Fanshawe1 7 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100611
Mr. Shapleigh's Conveyances. J.S. to pay C.G. £500. C.G. sold J.S. 13 Lots together. He procured £1000 for Mr. J.S. C.G. left it to C.F's and J.S's generosity about compensation.

Seale 0451 J. Seale to Chr. Gullett 16 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100612
(2 drafts, the first one crossed out) C.F. had transmitted C.G.'s letter of 17 April. J.S. will give Drafts on the Exeter Bank, due to Mr. Shapley. J.S. asks for C.G's charge and estimate of compensation.

Seale 0452 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 18 April 1779 Purchase of Moreleigh   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100613
Received the enclosed (17 April from C.Gullet) J.S. has applied to C.F. for advice on the Purchase of Moreleigh and C.F. has acted accordingly. The other matter was quite out of C.F.'s province.

Seale 0453 J. Seale to C. Fanshawe 18 April 1779 reply to 0452   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100614
J.S. has written immediately to Mr. Gullet on receipt of C.F.'s letter. King forgot to include Act of Parliament. Hopes C.F. will receive it safely.

Seale 0454 J. Seale to Thos. Stawell 19 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100615
Mr. Stawell seemed pleased with the house only objecting to set of Mahogony tables. List of furniture J.S. wished to dispose of enclosed. Premises rented of Mr. Lucas Grass & Potatoes mentioned.

Seale 0455 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 19 April 1779 Americans defeated at S Carolina   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100616
Glad Mrs. S.S. was better and the ''little girl'' is doing well with small pox. AMS poorly, trusts with Mr. Luscombe's, soon better.

Seale 0456 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to letter of 19th April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100617
Concerned that AMS had to consult an apothecary. He advocates fresh air & exercise. J.S. had been at Dunster Castle for 2 days. Mr. Luttrell about to go to London to place out his son Tom. Mr. Fanshawe should have had parcel & letter but King did not take it. J.S. told R. Prideaux he was dissatisfield about debts.

Seale 0457 J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Wm. Barter 23 April1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100618
J.S. requires some information. Invitation to meet Mr. B. on the following Monday in Newton Abbot to eat steak with him en route to Mt. Boone.

Seale 0458 J. Seale to Mr. J. Newbery28 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100619
J.S. called on J.N. but he was out. Steward ordered to deliver receipt for money detained. It did not balance the bill. Papers sent to J.N. chiefly memos. Deeds sent with Smerdon's name with reference to Mrs. Hunnywells property. Mr. Abraham's note missing for Mr. Templar etc.

Seale 0459 Chas. Hayne to John Seale 20 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100620
£200 Bill received: difficult to negotiate. C.H. discusses horses: bridle & coach work would be ready by the middle of June. CH leaving for Devon in 3 weeks time. Saddle & bridle ordered.

Seale 0460 Ch. Gullet to John Seale 21 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100621
A list of Deeds would be delivered ''Business scarce to admit of a Bill''
Mr. G.relies on J.S.'s generosity.

Seale 0461 Chas. Hayne to John Seale 24 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100622
J.S's servant James arrival with letter. CH looking for horses, harness & saddle for J.S. & checking on the progress of J.S's coach.

Seale 0462 Chas. Hayne to John Seale 27 April 1779 Horses bought for Coach   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100623
4 horses bought for J.S. to arrive end of following week. Charles Fanshawe quitted The Temple……. Address not known. Mr. Luttrell & Tom just arrived.

Seale 0463 J. Seale to Mrs. Seale 29 April 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100624
'Schedule of Deeds sent (to Mrs. Seale)'' Betty Meads would deliver the letter, uncomfortable for her to remain (at Castlegrove?) Thanks for allowing her to stay so long: Distress caused. Annual payment to continue for AMS. Offer of furniture. One deed drawn by Mrs. Harris unexecuted.

Seale 0464 29 April 1779 Schedule of Deeds   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100625
Schedule of Deeds. Anna Maria Seale and St. Sidwells house. Deed concerning Mrs. Rogers & Bourain covenent; & members of the Bourain family etc.

Seale 0465 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 1st May 1779 Papers re. Bowerings LittleTenement   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100626
Betty Meade brought letter & papers re Bowerings Little Tenement. AMS much distressed. Eliz. Hekewich eager to know date of Mr. Luttrel's death. Mr. Fanshawe to examine his will.

Seale 0466 John Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Replyto 0465 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100627
Mr. Luttrell died 1 October 1733. Hope things arrive safely. Sorry Mr. Fanshawe is so ill. Invaders of Jersey fled on arrival of the fleet.

Seale 0467 J. Seale to Mr. Robbins 9 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100628
J.S. disappointed of receiving some moneys he expected. More agreeable to J.S. Security very good.

Seale 0468 J. Seale to H.F. Luttrell 9 May 1779 Need money to pay debt   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100629
Money scarce; great trouble for J.S. unable to pay some debt, otherwise would not have requested (payment) within 6 weeks from Mr. Luttrell

Seale 0469 Thos. Rennell to John Seale 9 May 1779 Pauper needs hospital   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100630
Bearer's brother John Hole with one leg. A pauper of that parish urgently required J.S. to recommend him to a hospital. Mr. Robbins asked but he was at Exeter. Mr. Holdsworth not a subscriber.

Seale 0470 J. Seale to T. Rennell 9 May 1779 Reply to 0469   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100631
1st draft. J.S. glad to find a vacancy at the hospital but he needed to hear from the poor person first. Compliment to Mrs. R. & family.

Seale 0471 J. Seale to T. Rennell 17 May 1779 Reply amended   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100632
J.S. went to Exeter on receipt of letter. Vacancy in hospital found; recommendation sent. Security form to be signed by Mr. R. & church wardens.

Seale 0472 J. Seale to Mrs. Seale 9 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100633
First 14 words of an otherwise unwritten letter crossed out, stating that the family were well.

Seale 0473 J. Seale to (Elizabeth Fanshawe) 9 May 1779 Needs money to pay hospital   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100634
Letters from Mr. Rennell of Stokeham about a man with leg cut off. J.S. begs Elizabeth to pay his £5 subscription to the Hospital. Mr. Remon, West India Company, selling a prize in Falmouth, he married a Miss Pipon. Jersey threatened by the French. J.S. at Holdsworth's Feast & Ball. The Fleet in Torbay. Old Mr. Luttrell's will - a copy may be ready for Mr. F. to see.

Seale 0474 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale 13 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100635
Memo a Bill for £10. Mr. Fanshawe expected following Wednesday. News wanted about Mrs. Seale of Jersey. Thanks from AMS for pig. Mr. Fanshawe delivered seal to Mr. Hayne.

Seale 0475 J. Seale to Charles Fanshawe 28 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100636
Intended Conveyance for the Tythes of Cornwall - opinion needed. Six Clerks office. Securing Woodleys Isle for the Church of Ashburton etc.
On the back of a letter from Eliz. Fanshawe of 13 May 1779.

Seale 0476 J. Seale to Mr. J. Luttrell 24 May 1779 Mutiny on HMS Defiance   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100637
Offer of a carriage for Mr. Luttrell to attend the Exeter Races. Meeting on the Defiance - Fleet under Adm. Derby. J.S. dined with Southcote the previous day.

Seale 0477 J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Savery May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100638
Promise to help Mr. Sharp (music teacher). Deputation for a new game keeper.

Seale 0478 J. Seale to Mr. B. Wood May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100639
Rents of houses and tenants. Enquiry after age & health of Sarah Bowden.

Seale 0479 J. Seale to Rev. Mr. Savery May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100640
Little success at finding pupils for Mr. Sharp. (music teacher).

Seale 0480 John Fisher to John Seale 26 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100641
A servant of Mr. Melton's twice taken coursing. Surveyors of Highway demand for payment. Advice about cattle breeding. The sale of cyder etc.

Seale 0481 Cr. Gullett to John Seale 27 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100642
Receipt of bills from Mr. Matthews & a letter from Mr. Tonkin. Assumes Dartmoor plan not fixed. Gullett family holidays on Dartmoor due soon. Mr. G. at J.S.'s service after end of June (house free then).

Seale 0482 J. Seale to Mr. Gullett 6 June 1779 reply to 0481   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100643
Reply. J.S. has seen Mr. Tonkin, not pleased about disappointments: obliged at Mr. G's offer of his house, but unable to excute his intention for the season.

Seale 0483 John Mallet to John Seale 27 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100644
Unsettled accounts between Mr. Harris and Lady Orford.

Seale 0484 J. Seale to John Mallet Reply to 0483 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100645
Mr. Prideaux to meet Mr. Mallet about settling the accounts of Mr. Harris and Lady Orford.

Seale 0485 J. Badcock to John Seale 28 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100646
Hogshead of Cyder sent to Exeter

Seale 0486 J. Seale to Mr. Badcock Reply to 0485 23 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100647
Instructions about Livery required. Cyder received.

Seale 0487 Rev. S. Savery to John Seale 31 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100648
Mr. Sharp, Violin etc. teacher, to call on Mr. Seale soon.

Seale 0488 Sir F.L. Rogers to John Seale 31 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100649
Fox hounds and hunting.

Seale 0489 John Seale to Sir F.L. Rogers Reply to 0488 31 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100650
Hounds not required at present.

Seale 0490 Wm. Jones to John Seale 31 May 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100651
Request for help for nephew becoming a midshipman.

Seale 0491 J. Seale to Mr. Jones Reply to 0490 16 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100652
Sir F. Rogers, Commissioner at Plymouth dead, Capt. Fanshawe away in West India Station. Governor Holdsworth might oblige.

Seale 0492 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 3 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100653
Thanks for garden things & frames. Mr. Fanshawe just set out for London.

Seale 0493 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0492 3 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100654
Concern over Mrs. A.M.S's & Mrs. Fanshawe's poor health - suggests a visit to Mount Boone or Castle Grove.

Seale 0494 Charles Fanshawe to John Seale 5 June 1779 War with Spain   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100655
Mr. Newcomen, Clerk of the Dartmouth Turnpikes & Mr. Jeffery's enquiry about £100 possibly due to Mr. J. a school friend of C.F. Mr. Prideaux might know about coachman's wife's family. C.F. dined with Mr. Justice Buller.
Spanish war expected.

Seale 0495 George Taylor to John Seale 10 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100656
The difficulties Mr. T. has concerning granting ''deputations'' (licences to shoot game on a particular estate)

Seale 0496 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 10 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100657
Unable to visit Castle Grove. Staying in Plymouth at that time. Ill for some time, Sister also ill. Expenses more than income.

Seale 0497 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 10 June 1779 Reply to 0496   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100658
On previous Saturday, news of Grand Fleet. Joy at possible war with Spain. Mr. Fanshawe expected to leave Town soon.

Seale 0498 John Fisher to John Seale 11 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100659
Mr. Lucas very angry over J.S's letter, but finally consented to allow all but pigeon boxes, he & Mr. Robbins would find materials & J.S. the labour. Mr. L. thought a very extravagent bill for Pint(?). Mr. F. before telling J.S. would only pay in full for rent to the last Lady Day, Mr. L. agreed he would pay for firing pigeon box: Mr. ? a rascal for taking it away. Mr. L. promised to put Castle Grove garden in order: saying all garden ware was his to sell. Mr. F. against him cutting before there was plenty . Mr. Brown cut cucumbers & cabbages. 2 armchairs (?) carried off on Mr. L's order. Plans for cutting Little & later Great Court Green. Mr. Wood ordered 3 months imprisonment for Mr. Melton's man, his mittimus possibility of J.S. pardening him. Request for reply.

Seale 0499 J.F. Luttrell to John Seale 12 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100660
Could not find J.S's carriage at Fozards Stables - no mention of Builder. JFL and his father returned to D.Castle 10 June. Many leaving London. Spanish War is chief topic.

Seale 0500 John Forster to John Seale 12 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100661
Coach to be finished by 15th or 20th June

Seale 0501 J. Seale to Mr. Forster Reply to 0500 20 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100662
1st Draft:- Mr. Fanshawe or friend of his to bring down coach. 2nd Draft:- Too late, Mr. F. already left. Need to send it by waggon if safe. To be left at London Inn, Exeter with care . Pair of Harnesses & Bill to be sent too.

Seale 0502 Hen. Tolcher to John Seale 15 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100663
Hock not available. Madeira can be supplied. Hogshead £25

Seale 0503 J. Seale to Mr. Tolcher Reply to 0502 15 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100664
Whole cask to be sent by Coaster. A toast to be given to Mr. T at Mt. Boon whenever he can come there. Also order 6 doz. For Mr. C. Fanshaw at Holgate.

Seale 0504 Rob. Browne to John Seale 16 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100665
Propagation of Pinks and their availability. Distribution restrictions etc. . Shortage of glazed frames.

Seale 0505 Sir F. Leman Rogers to John Seale 18 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100666
J.S's chestnut ponies awaiting directions. FLR had not met with a cub fox. Invitation to go to Bodmin Races. Hunting on Dartmoor. Hopes to meet J.S. at Exeter.

Seale 0506 J. Seale to Sir F.L.Rogers 25 June 1779 Reply to 0505   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100667
Thanks for stopping the ponies. J.S. busy at hay. Happy to see Sir FLR & Lady R at Mount Boone

Seale 0507 Peter Woodley to John Seale 21 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100668
Requires Mrs. James Perry's deeds. Mr. W. In company with Sir Bourchier Wrey.

Seale 0508 J. Seale to P. Woodley Reply to 0507 25 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100669
Hopes Deeds will be received by the next post.

Seale 0509 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 22 June 1779 War with Spain Imminent   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100670
Mr. F. would write to Mr. Jeffrey. Mr. F's brother's Coachman business. Mr. F. took diligence with 2 ladies to Devon. Spanish war Imminent, but good effect on Britain. News of success in Virginia & The Jerseys. Six Clerks Office.

Seale 0510 Tom Jones (Inscribed Wm. Jones) to (J. Seale)24 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100671
Although his request was not fulfilled, Mr. Jones feels himself to be under a great obligation.

Seale 0511 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 24 June 1779   1779 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100672
AMS very poorly but now better; glad family are well. Cheap things at Chinaman's sale: hopes to visit Sister in Plymouth - town very hot. Mr. Fownes & family called previous evening. Spanish war not good.

Seale 0512 John Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0511 9 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100673
Mrs. Harris & Miss C. returned to Ashburton. Persuaded by Mrs. Fanshawe to go to Plymouth. J.S. grateful to them. Need to fix date for Christening. Very fine Fleet in the Bay. J.S. hired boat to view ships. Illness in the town.

Seale 0513 Tho. Tonkin to Roger Prideaux Atty at Law 28 June 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100674
Mr. Worth required abstract of Mr. Tinkam's title under the will of late A. Tinkam; having failed to advise Mr. Tonkin if he should proceed with it.

Seale 0514 J. Seale to (Mr. Tonkin) Reply to 0513 1 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100675
J.S. not found copy of Will. Information (needed before ????? the mortgage) overdue. Mr. Worth to take J.S.'s personal security for the sum required. Mr. Guller very negligent, no acknowlegement of receipt of money. Sir B. Wrey's Bond mislaid.

Seale 0515 John Mallet to John Seale 6 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100676
Lady Orford's accounts & the late Mr. Harris. No answer to last letter.

Seale 0516 J. Seale John to Mallet Reply to 0515 6 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100677
Letter of June 27th was answered. Mr. Prideaux was to meet Mr. M. Wednesday 21st, not suitable due to Assizes week.

Seale 0517 John Fisher to John Seale11 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100678
Hay at Bampton collected & thatched, no rain. Plans for the ''arter grass'' at the Mont & Grove, greatly overstocked with sheep unable to get rid of them: offers to get some for winter grazing. Hopeful for many partridges & hares at Castle Grove. Request for J.S. to oppoint someone else to deal with Mr. Lucas . enrages when Mr. F. offered him J.S.'s money, said he had a servant to deal with his business. Mr. C. said Milton did not like working with him & he could not get labourers because they did not get their wages. He hopes J.S. had received the receipt. 3 fine ''mellons'' & some spay cocks were due in 10 - 14 days.

Seale 0518 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale18 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100679
AMS much out of order in Plymouth, rather better but unable to come to the Christening or Assizes. C.F. left 17 July to attend. Not back till after circuit. Frequent reports of Invasion. Very hot weather.

Seale 0519 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 27 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100680
Thanks for fruit: C.Fanshawe just left for Cornwall. Fire in bake house, much bread for Fleet burnt. E.F. very ill, now much better. Fire in dockyard paint shop soon extinguished. Fleet still nearby. Fear of another Keppell affair.

Seale 0520 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0519 27 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100681
Very agreeable week in Exeter. Mr. Holdsworth would have made a very good assize if not very Imprudent & disagreeable to J.S. Polite to treat S.S. etc for week too much for J.S. 2 horses not sold. Interview with C.F. about carrying children to church. Visit to Mrs. Harris & Miss C. Oxford Paper in Box lost. Betty Pearse very ill.

Seale 0521 Mr. & Mrs. Luttrell to Mr. & Mrs. Seale 27 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100682
Sending haunch of Venison

Seale 0521a Mr. & Mrs. Seale to Mr. & Mrs. Luttrell Rply to 0521 27 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100683
Thanks - come & share it next Thursday.

Seale 0522 John Forster to John Seale 27 July 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100684
Coach & Harness sent by Exeter waggon on 26 July. Waggoner late. Bill enclosed. Buckles & Straps of Mr. Hayne's Phoeton in pocket of coach.

Seale 0523 J.Seale to J. Forster 13 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100685
Coach damaged & left at Dorchester. Wheels seized up. Waggoner answerable if damaged on the road.

Seale 0524 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 3 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100686
Thanks for fruit. Betty Meade's aunt ill, so had to leave service. B.M's sister Mrs. Morgan could look after her. A.M.S. under Mr. Young's care while in Plymouth. S.S. forgot request for mint water & a little elder & Rosewater.

Seale 0525 P. Woodley to John Seale 3 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100687
P.W. heard from brother. Mrs.Perry's Deeds were safe at Ashburton. Thanks for marriage advice. Lady's disposition good; her modest fortune but good prospects, if careful, should cover P.W.'s debts in 5 or 6 years. P.W. would follow J.S's advice about settlement. Hoped to be in Devon in 3 weeks to a month, would then consult Uncle Abraham..

Seale 0526 J. Seale to Mr. Iliff Proprietor of waggons 8 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100688
Coach built for J.S. by Forster of Piccadilly, sent down by Exeter waggon on 26 July: servant & horses waiting: apparently damaged & left at Dorchester. Hopes of compensation.

Seale 0527 Wm. Iliff to John Seale Reply to 0527 10 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100689
No evidence of damage to coach at Dorchester. Delay due to a horse dying. Mr. I. Would order it to be sent down by first waggon available.

Seale 0528 John Forster to John Seale 16 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100690
Great surprise at non-delivery of coach to the London Inn, Exeter & the damage done to it. A careless insolent waggoner leaving it at Dorchester. Carriages often sent behind waggons like those sent to Mr. Ready of Gloucester, Lady Clifford of Bath & Lady Bickerton of Uswood Hunts.

Seale 0529 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 21 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100691
S.S. & family arrived safely. AMS puts off visit to Castle Grove due to illness. Betsy ill, so she refused invitation to Blachford. C. Fanshawe fatigued off his legs: Enemy Fleet sometimes in sight. The armed Militia to bring up The Prisoners. Very uneasy about safety of Dartmouth.

Seale 0530 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 27 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100692
Hopes J.S. will not join Militia. Country safe now. Hopes to go to Mt. Boons. Request for horses & servants. Many partridges. Both girls well. News of Kittery children wanted. Money needed if J.S. does not come soon.

Seale 0531 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 29 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100693
No letter from J.S. who promised to write every post. Very uneasy & distressed about J.S. Both girls well. Safe to be at Mt. Boone.

Seale 0532 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 30 Aug. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100694
Gentlemen escorting prisoners harassed by the heat & keeping guard in the open. Enemy Fleet out of sight. City Militia settling in. AMS hopes to be with SS Saturday. Box for J.S. arrived from London to be forwarded.

Seale 0533 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0532 4 Sept. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100695
Fear of Enemy landing lessened by appearance of British Fleet. French fleet not seen since Wednesday off Plymouth. J.S. hopes to see AMS & SS at Mt. Boone. Betty Meade ill; needs to get to Hospital.

Seale 0534 W. Penny to John Seale No Date. 1779?Monday Even   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100696
Mrs. S. still unwell at night. Mr. P. wishes she was at Exeter. Instructions for possible route she might take accompanied by him if necessary.

Seale 0535 J. Forster to John Seale 3 Sept. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100697
The Book Keeper of the Inn had reported the safe arrival of the coach. Confirmation required.

Seale 0536 J. Seale to John Forster 9 Sept. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100698
Coach safe and J.S. satisfield but price too high. Second opinion sought.

Seale 0537 William Pearce to John Seale 11 Sept. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100699
Gentleman proposed to take Castle Grove at the same rent, as J.S. paid, for 3 years. He thought public auction of furniture was needed.

Seale 0538 J. Seale to W. Pearce 13 Sept.1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100700
No objection to the sale of furniture or the rent in spite of improvements. No final decision yet about the term (duration). Name of gentleman required.

Seale 0539 Wm. Pearce to John Seale 20 Sept. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100701
Name required concerning Castle Grove was Mr. Gardiner of Beardley.

Seale 0540 J. Seale to Mr. Pearce Reply to 0539 26 Sept. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100702
No objection: glad to meet Mr. Gardner at Bampton on Friday.

Seale 0541 J.H.Southcote to Mr. & Mrs. Seale 2nd Oct. 1779 Concern about Seale’s child’s health.   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100703
Formal... Mr. F. Luttrell's intention to be at Buckland prevented Southcotes coming to Mt. Boone. Concern about Seale's child's health. Pointer sent to Mr. Seale. Cooke of Worthen ordered to show plenty of birds.

Seale 0542 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 8th Oct. 1779 Mayor’s Near Fatal Accident   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100704
Met CF at Ashburton, missed him at Mount Boone - Dined at Gov. Palk's Court. SS much out of order after dancing at Totnes. Hopes to send £50 soon. Talk of French Fleet near the coast (crossed out). French's near fatal accident. Hopes AMS will take advantage of Dry Weather.

Seale 0543 Will’m Brudenel Barter to John Seale10 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100705
W.B.B.coming to Totnes , found bird flown to Ashburton. Had hoped to introduce Mr. Eveleigh at Mt. Boon.Mr. E. of Exeter ready to meet J. Ireland. JI to take 6 bands; gown obtainable at Oxford: need for bill & money to be sent to Mr. E. The college was Oriel Term began 11 October & ended 17 December. JI to go up year end. one day kept a term at Entrance.

Seale 0544 Wm. Gardner to John Seale 10 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100706
Mr. King missed appointment at Castle Grove; questions J.S.'s intentions concerning letting Castle Grove

Seale 0545 J. Seale to H.F. Luttrell 10 Oct. 1779 Impending French Invasion   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100707
In Exeter J.S. asked H.F.L. to look for h………; receipt for £200 he had sent. H.F.l. had sent it to J.S. on 23 December. It was not needed so it was returned. H.F.L. had not then a chance to acknowledge it being at dinner at Churston. Rumour of impending French invasion, but it was probably too late in the season. Mr. French, mayor of Dartmouth very badly injured due to fall from scaffolding at his house. No news received of Frank.

Seale 0546 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 11 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100708
Thanks for £50. Difficulty paying debts. S.S. ill, ''very ill judged scheme''. C. Fanshawe sad not seeing J.S. Thanks for ordering Copplestone about trees. French a wicked wretch. Request that Peter would send fleeces for a mattress.

Seale 0547 J. Seale to Mr. Gardner 12 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100709
Periam's contract to be transferred to W.G.
Terms of letting: Inventory enclosed. W.G. to decide what he should buy or have removed.
Draft of Covenant & price of furniture to be sent on receipt of W.G.'s answers.

Seale 0548 J. Seale to Unknown Possibly C. Fanshawe1779?   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100710
Congratulation on brother's safe arrival. J.S. looking forward to wait on him. His eminent service to his country. All crossed out.

Seale 0549 J. Seale to Mr. Thos. Ireland Butcher 12 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100711
On arriving home J.S. wrote to friend who replied that whenever T.I's son was ready he would receive him at Oxford. He needed to bring 6.Bands etc. but better to get gown at Oxford. Term 13 Oct. to'' 17 Dec. Going late in term would save expense. One day kept a term at his entrance.

Seale 0550 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 14 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100712
AMS wrote to Fisher about Sam White, bad health, big family, worthy of charity. Thanks for partridges & rabbits from Castle Grove. Trees arrived. Mistake by Copplestone. Rotten tubs could not be sent. Mr. & Mrs. Fownes with AMS previous day: going to Kittery. Mr. F. very keen to get Harry on board Capt. Fonstowe.

Seale 0551 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0546 17 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100713
Company on previous Friday delayed reply. King to call with £50 more en route to Bampton. AMS to tell if short of manoy. J.S. ill at Bampton so unable to see C.F. Thanks for getting poor man into hospital. Fisher complied with orders. Ham sent from Farmer Peeke. Copplestone to send tubs, orange & lemon trees & 6 fleeces. No sue case for Dartmouth Privateer, weather not good. Mrs. SS recovered.

Seale 0552 J. Badcock to (J. Seale)? No Date Monday ev. Before 19 October 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100714
Coat not ready. Mr. B. found cloth sold on returning to Taunton. Hopeful of new cloth very soon.

Seale 0553 J. Seale to Mr. Gardner 19 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100715
J.G. to have the house (Castle Grove) by convenant for the rest of J.S's term, rent to include Periam's contract to accept articles at agreed price. J.S. to have right to level expected during his term. J.S. to yield up premises in the same state as found Mr. Lucas had hope no improvements.

Seale 0554 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 21 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100716
Glad S.S. better. £50 brought by King: anxious about income. J.S.'s orange, lemon trees & tubs sent to AMS. Robbins in charge at Frankly: distressed Family leaving. Hopes for rent. Adml. Whitwell to see house. AM's better. Adml Vincent taken Mr. Maren's Hall on Moor. F. Luttrell with A.M.S. Mrs. Muller's mad dog. Thanks for Hare.

Seale 0555 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale reply to 0554   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100717
All crossed out. J.S. explains about Income arrangements. Wish to make A.M.S. happy.Hurt about remarks concerning trees House for plants built by A.M.S. Proposal for J.S. and family to go to Plymouth for a week. Invitation to E.Fanshawe to come to Mt. Boone. Mrs. Harris & Betty Woodley expected.

Seale 0556 Gov.. Holdsworth to John Seale 24 Oct. 1779 Sunday 2 o’clock Deserter taken at Morleigh   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100718
Party sent from Plymouth after Deserter.
Man taken in Morleigh.
A.H. asks if J.S. had given reward.

Seale 0557 J. Seale to Gov. Holsworth reply to 0556 24 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100719
Thanks for information about Deserter. 2 labourers one from Halwell the other from Cornworthy and J.S.'s servant all eligible for reward.

Seale 0562 A.Holdsworth to John Seale 24 Oct. 1779 Sunday 2 o’clock Deserter   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100720
Ticket respecting Deserter. Marines with Gov. H. Mr. Taylor should be able to issue warrant for the reward.

Seale 0562a J. Seale to A. Holdsworth Reply to 0562 24 Oct. 1779 Sunday 2 o’clock Deserter   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100721
Sorry for Mr. H's trouble. Agrees about Mr. Taylor and the Deserter.

Seale 0560 Richard Codner to Esquire Seale 24 Oct. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100722
R.C's long connection with the sea Master of ship for 8 years. Hopes J.S. would help him to join the Navy. R.S & father met J.S. at J.Winsors Ashburton, elegant dinner at Bee's.

Seale 0561 J. Seale to R. Codner reply to 0561 1779?   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100723
J.S. had no interest in shipping. Poor prospects for midshipman in a man of war unless very young. Privateering possible, but hazardous.

Seale 0558 Phil Lane to John Seale 24 Oct. 1779 Sunday Expenses re. Deserter   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100724
Respecting the Deserter sent to Dartmouth. Expenses at Ale House.

Seale 0563 J. Seale to unknown No Date 1779?   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100725
Crossed out letter on the back of the draft to A.M.Seale 2 Nov. 1779 J.S. received letter from Messrs. Exley & Crispin. The case of Randall & Bury mentioned.

Seale 0564 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 2 Nov. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100726
Family went to Plymouth previous Wednesday. Eliz.F. and C.F. with AMS. J.S. determined AM.S's income enough for comfort. Hurt about remark concerning etc. Date fixed for taking the children to church. E.F. expected them. Mrs. Harris & Miss Woodley expected after return from Plymouth.

Seale 0565 William Gardiner to John Seale 31 Oct. 1779   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100727
Inefficient postmaster at Wellington. Mr. G's rent and agreement between J.S. & Mr. L:ucas. Delay very inconvenient. Meeting with J.S. at Mr. Robert's proposed.

Seale 0566 J. Seale to Mr. Gardiner Answer to 0565 2 Nov. 1779 (Wednesday)   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100728
J.S. able to be in Exeter Friday, 12 November.

Seale 0567 John L.Browne to John Seale 3 Nov.1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100729
A hound sent to J.S. without asking. JLB hoped JS would be pleased.

Seale 0568 J. Seale to J.L.Browne Reply to 0567 5 Nov. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100730
J.S. very pleased with the hound.

Seale 0569 J. Seale to Rev. M. Evelin 5 Nov. 1779 John Ireland Promising Scholar   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100731
J.S. away from home when Mr. E. was in Devon. Thanks due to Mr. E & Mr. Barter. Mr. Ireland due in Oxford 5 December. Short time needed to keep term: promising scholar, no friends with him. Son of grazier & butcher of Ashburton. Privateer sent by Pinsput Lee etc.with a Manilla ship with a valuable cargo.

Seale 0570 John Eveleigh to John Seale 9 Nov. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100732
JE glad to see Mr. Ireland at the time mentioned. He should bring sheets. Good fortune a recompense for the many losses of the war.

Seale 0571 E. Fanshawe to Mrs. Seale 22 Nov. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100733
Things requested sent, no oranges; French olives, 34 muffins, & sweet breads sent. Had flat candlesticks arrived? AMS's candlesticks sent. Little parcel sent that evening from Flouds. AMS very poorly with gravel. Mr. Inscombe sent for, now better. E.F's cold better. AMS sent 4 silver butter boats.

Seale 0572 J. Seale to Mrs E. Fanshawe Reply to 0571 28 Nov. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100734
Company of 40 including Mr. & Mrs. Southcott. The Luttrells and Haynes. Entertainment passed with great propriety. Departure 4 am. Thanks for items sent. Candlesticks would be safely returned. E.F's account to be checked, enclosed. Mrs. Harris and Cathy expected soon. Christening happily over. Mr. L. said EF was well.

Seale 0573 A.M.Seale to John Seale 29 Nov. 1779 Mr. Walter’s death   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100735
Glad J.S. & family were well. £50 bill payable to G. Robbins to be drawn on J.S. Christening over. J.S. mistaken in thinking E.F. was well. Luttrells made no enquiry after EF or AMS. Both very unwell at that time. Mr. Walter's death.

Seale 0574 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply 30 Nov. 1779 Possible dispute over water supply   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100736
Very wet weather not good for health. Better to postpone drawing bill one week. Had not heard before of Mr. Walter's death. William's bill enclosed. Paid in full when CF was in the room at St. Sidwells. Mistake about Mr. Luttrells. Alexander saw AMS. Enquiry about trees. Ticket received about water to conduit from Governor & Capt.Duncan. Possible Law Suit etc. 500-100 elms needed.

Seale 0575 E. Fanshawe to John Seale No Date Dec. ? 1779 Cryptic Message   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100737
Mr. Gullett called with cryptic message that he spoke to a gentleman who will do as J.S. desired.

Seale 0576 R. Prideaux to John Seale 1 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100738
Complications concerning promise to pay Mr. Barns. JS. To execute the Transfer if Mr. Bath will pay Principal & Interest.

Seale 0577 J. Seale to R. Prideaux Reply to 0576 1 Dec. 1779 & case for water dispute   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100739
Letter sent to Mr. Gullet that day enquiring if he had received Bond from Mr. Barons. Request to retain Serj. Davy. Copy of case concerning the water course from spring to Mt. Boon & overflow.

Seale 0578 Fra Rose Drewe to John Seale 2 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100740
Concerning late servant John Straw, honest & capable with horses.

Seale 0579 J. Seale to Mr. Land 2 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100741
Fragment. Person wanted who could occasionally drive a carriage, not John Straw..

Seale 0580 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to J. Seale No Date Saturday night 9pm 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100742
Mr. Robbins sent candle sticks from Franklyn Card tables & Insecticide also purchased. Dunster family came to Exeter: gone on to Nethway, very disrespectful. Thanks for pig. A.M.S. & E.S. both very poorly. Fire near church. (Cornish accounts)

Seale 0581 Mr. Seale to Gov. Holdsworth.7 Dec. 1779 Tuesday morn.   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100743
Ticket. The Road from Quarry to cross channel of water. Hopes no inconvenience to Governor. Desires Gov. to send person to inspect.

Seale 0584 Gov. Holdsworth & Capt. Duncan to John Seale 9 Dec. 1779 Thursday morn.   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100744
Complaint about water supply. Parish meeting to be called.

Seale 0582 Gov. Holdsworth & Capt. Duncan to John Seale 9 Dec. 1779 Thursday morn.   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100745
Ticket. Waterpipes in the road leaking to Townstall. Man who takes care of his pipes and hind sent to check effect on water course.

Seale 0583 J. Seale to Gov. Holdsworth Intended reply (Answered in person) 11 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100746
Thanks Gov. Holdsworth for altering water course to help Mr. S. to form his road. Howe said it was not detrimental to the water course.

Seale 0585 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 9 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100747
Instructions about money needed. Thanks for hare. AMS unwell. Glad the water satisfactory. Would be glad for return of candlesticks & butter boats when no longer needed.

Seale 0586 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to 0585 10 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100748
Weather stormy and damp. Instructions about paying Mr. Robbins £50 on J.S's account etc. Request to know how much to give the poor. Candlesticks to be returned by Totnes coach. Afraid that one hare had been lost.

Seale 0587 A.M.Seale to John Seale 13 Dec. 1779 Mr.Praed a gambler with enormous losses.   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100749
Problems over getting money: bill drawn on John Floud. Usually bread & money given to the Poor. Young Elms sent. Servant Boy recommended by Mr. Rhodes. Thanks for hare. E.F. unwell, left 12 Dec. as C.F. detained at Plymouth. Mr.Praed a gambler with enormous losses.

Seale 0588 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 16 Dec. 1779 Description of the boy servant.   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100750
Description of the boy servant. Sir F. Rogers called previous Tuesday. Mr. Rolle unanimously fixed on. Several people enquired if J.S. was in Town.

Seale 0589 J. Seale to A.M.Seale19 Dec. 1779 Water Dispute   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100751
Boy probably too young. George Robbins cousin a stupid fellow. Capt. Duncan said people would swear the parish paid for repairs to water pipes. A.M.S. asked to minute statements about this by other people. No decision about taking this to Law.

Seale 0590 J. Rolle to Jn. Seale 18 Dec. 1779 Wrongly inscribed 18 July.   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100752
Thanks for Support at Election. Unanimous nomination.

Seale 0591 J. Seale to J. Rolle Reply to 0590 28 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100753
Congratulations on J. Rolle's Success.

Seale 0592 F. Luttrell to John Seale18 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100754
F.L. & brother Alexander would like to take family dinner at Mt Boone

Seale 0593 J. Smerdon to John Seale 20 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100755
Mrs. Joan Phillips enquired about the wills of Jonathan Phillips & of Mary Tufry. Mr. Harris unable to help being very ill and soon to die.

Seale 0594 J. Seale to J. Smerdon Reply to 0593 26 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100756
J.S. hoped to send the papers by the next post.

Seale 0595 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 23 Dec. 1779 Water Dispute   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100757
Thanks for the pretty little pig. Boy to get answer from AMS. What ever Capt. Duncan etc. say or bribe other to swear. The water supply dispute. AMS & EF both better. Mrs. Finney comes for Christmas. Continuous wet weather then heavy snow. Trees bought to be sent on.

Seale 0596 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 26 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100758
J.S. has society books, meant for AMS. JS thought they were his. Barter said JS subscribed to The sons of Clergy. Dinner invitation to Nethway cancelled because cook was ill.

Seale 0597J. Ireland to J. Seale 23 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100759
J.I. Arrived at Oxford. Thanks.

Seale 0598 J. Seale to J. Ireland Reply to 0597 10 Jan. 1780   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100760
J.S. hopes to send papers by the next post. Very glad J. I. settled at Oxford Career of John Ireland born in Ashburton

Seale 0599 Chri. Gullett to John Seale 24 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100761
Mr. Pitman desired information about the value of the security J.S. has for the £800 in Buckfastleigh.l Plans for the mortgagor and Transfer etc.

Seale 0600 J. Seale to J. Tonkin 28 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100762
J.T. asked to write to Mr. Pitman concerning interest on mortgage. J.S. denies seeing Sir Bourchier. Wrey's Bond The Suit in Newfoundland.

Seale 0601 To J. Seale re.Exeter Bank 27 Dec. 1779   1779 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100763
Bank carried on by a change in the old partnership without Mr. Praed.

Seale 0604 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 6 Jan. 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100764
Package came after JS had gone and it was not sent on with Charles. AMS hopes J.S. would approve if sent by night post. Hare also came which would be forwarded to Eliz.Fanshawe.

Seale 0603 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale .Reply to 0604 16 Jan. 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100765
Greater part of week spent with Mrs. Morris at Ashburton. Frost on roads. Did not see E.F. Intended visit of Luttrell's and Mrs. Catherine. Salt Fish a present from Mr. Dugier sent. Miniature painter from Nethway. Much crossing out.

Seale 0605 Thos. Adams to John Seale 10 Jan. 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100766
Joseph Brown a supplier of network fencing at Bridport.

Seale 0606 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 20 Jan. 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100767
Thanks for fish & game. Mr. Fanshawe & Mr. Heath left previous Tuesday. E.F. was better. Glad that J.S. would soon be returning.

Seale 0607 Eliz. Fanshawe to J. Seale 5 Feb. 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100768
E.F.has a violent cold, not in want of money.

Seale 0608 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe 15 Feb. 1780 Fever at Dartmouth   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100769
Company on the way to Buckland enough for 2 sets & a stand by (for cards?) E.F. going to Plymouth. Mr. J. Luttrell too busy at the House for shooting. Cornish estates. Fever at Dartmouth.

Seale 0609 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale About Feb. 1780 Dart Privateer Success   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100770
Success of Dart Privateer: French ''Martinico'' captured with cargo. Some casualties. Details from Captain Yeoman.

Seale 0610 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 24 Feb. 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100771
Cornish estate. Consultation with Mr. Mansfield. Mr. Jeffery's opinion well founded. Mr. Prideaux to do nothing till told by C.F. J.S. entitled to 1/3 of the Lands; What happened to other 2/3 Roche estate. Serj. Heath probably to succeed Justice Blackstone.

Seale 0611 Chas. Hayne to John Seale 3 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100772
Mr. Conolly wants employment as a Purser.

Seale 0612 John Seale to Chas. Hayne Reply to 0611 3 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100773
Mr. Conolly could be helped by Capt. Geo. Oarry and Sir F. Rogers.

Seale 0613 John Style(Tax Collector) to John Seale March 1780 Window Tax.   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100774
New duty on Houses for 1778. Castle Grove. Window Tax. Mr. Fisher very evasive. Non-payment an affront on Mr. Fellowes.

Seale 0614 J. Seale to Mr. Style Answer to 0613 5 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100775
Mr. Fisher did not have precise orders. J.S's steward would pay J. Style.

Seale 0615 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale Wrongly written 9th March 6 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100776
Glad that J.S. has seen Mrs. Eliz. Fanshawe. A.M.S. still poorly but better than before. Mr. Bennet's boy well & out of hospital. Directions about him. Totnes dilligence no longer going.

Seale 0616 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0615 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100777
J.S. going to Assizes uncertain. JS hopes to see A.M.S. with E.F. the following week but one,. £50 Bill or Bills to be sent.

Seale 0617 R.B.Prideaux to John Seale 9 March 1780 Plan for Road   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100778
With plan of new road.

Seale 0618 C. Whitefield to Roger Prideaux ( Attorney at Law ) 29 Feb. 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100779
Mr. Genny's Debt. His physician barred any financial discussion with him. Mr. W. hopes settle the matter with out delay.

Seale 0619 J. Hoskin to Mr. Roger Prideaux ( Attorney of Law ) 7 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100780
John Perchard's Inheritance.

Seale 0620 Mrs. A.M.Seale to J.Seale15 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100781
Thanks for money. Parcel & note sent Castle Sandford his answer sent to J.S. Parcel of shoes (?) for J.S. C.Fanshawe did not have his proper share of prisoners. Some job in Kingsbridge. Praed & Evans doing well. AMS returned. Mrs. Luttrell visits. Mrs. L. to live at Nethway. Dunster to go to John L. Headache. A.M.S. staying at Mrs. Harris's.

Seale 0621 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to J. Seale 17 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100782
Capt. Fanshawe due to sail from Portsmouth. Harry Fownes to join him.

Seale 0622 J. Seale to Mrs. E.Fanshawe Reply to 0621 17 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100783
Invitation to Capt. Fanshawe to come to Mt. Boone or Lupton.

Seale 0623 Mrs. A.M.Seale to J.Seale 24 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100784
Harry Fownes on board, midshipman. Congratulations on J.S's success.

Seale 0624 J. Seale to Mrs A.M.Seale Reply to 0623 26 March 1780 Share of Dart Prize   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100785
Harry likely to be soon tired of the sea. Dart Prize. £12-£15,000 - J.S.'s share £1000. 5 ships taken from the French? Mrs, R.F. going to Portsmouth. J.S. would call her immediately the Fleet arrives in Torbay.

Seale 0625 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to J.Seale 24 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100786
Capt. & Mrs Fanshawe. Fleet movements etc.

Seale 0626 J. Dolbeare to John Seale 28 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100787
J.D's sister expected following Saturday. Request for advancement of money.

Seale 0627 J. Seale to J. Dolbeare Answer to 0626 31 March 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100788
Mr. King would deliver £150 at Ashburton

Seale 0628 Capt. Fanshawe to J. Seale 19 April 1780 Wednesday afternoon   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100789
Ticket. Capt. F. probably cannot come to Mt. Boone as he has to stay near his Ship.

Seale 0629 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 21 April 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100790
Sir F.L. Rogers to stand for Parliament.

Seale 0630 J. Hoskin to Seale Esq. Bond 21 April 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100791
J.H. required a bond.
see Seale 0619

Seale 0632 J. Seale to Sir F.L.Rogers Reply to 631 21 April 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100792
J.S. inelligible to vote. Congratulations on the birth of the ''Young Knight''

Seale 0631 Sir F.L.Rogers to J. Seale 21 April 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100793
Request for Vote.
Birth of a son

Seale 0633 J.H.Seale to Mr. Luttrell 26 April 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100794
J.S. wishes Mr. L. would pay £500 to the Exeter Bank. *Mr. Walsingham's squadron & convoy remain in Torbay, including Harry Fownes* Mr. L's Butler bought things not paid for. *Crossed out.

Seale 0634 H.F.Luttrel to John Seale 30 April 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100795
H.F.L. owed nearly £1000 by tenants but cannot get a farthing's rent so unable to pay £500. A draft enclosed for the former butler. Surprised this had not been dealt with by Mr. Winy.

Seale 0635 J. Seale to Mr. Luttrell (Mrs. A.M.S.) Reply to 0634 30 April 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100796
Thanks for £40-10/- Draft in the Exeter Bank for the Butler. Exeter Bank evidently pressing to be paid ( The £500 ) Beginning of letter to AMS - J.S. safe in London.

Seale 0636 James White to John Seale 6 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100797
Horse ordered.

Seale 0637 J. King to John Seale 7 May 1780 Darts Prize   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100798
Darts prize. Mr. Pinson did not know when she would be taken to London.

Seale 0638 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 7 May 1780 Two Wax Dolls for the Girls   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100799
Mrs. R. Fanshawe sent two wax dolls for the girls. Mrs. S.S. had the boys & Mrs. J. to tea previous Thursday & the Manley's.

Seale 0639 John Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale No date Shortly before 12 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100800
J.S. has lodgings in 33 Surry Street. Birth of E.F's baby imminent. Mourning for Duchess of Wartemburg. Crossed out. Wonderful Concert.

Seale 0640 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 12 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100801
Mr.Terry of Ashburton buried at Dartmouth Church. AMS's sister & Miss Mercer staying. Horses quite well, taking Physic. Mrs Ross expected to die. Small donation for a woman from J.S would be very gratifying.

Seale 0642 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 14 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100802
Thanks for £50 Bill. Elizabeth Fanshawe hourly espectation of baby. No dry day for many weeks. Mr. Sergeant Heath still the Judge. Capt. Fanshawe about to sail. Mr. Mumsfield's papers. Bienfaisant & Ramilees & the Torbay in danger in hurricane. Music at St. Pauls. Mr. Vivien put J.S. name forward for Book Soc.

Seale 0641 Charles Barter to John Seale13 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100803
J.S. evidently just gone to London. Discretion needed about advanced Income of Living. Terry had a second stroke and died, buried in Dartmouth; no will. Farmer Peeke still alive. Mrs. Seale sad at no news from J.S.

Seale 0643 J. King to John Seale 14 May 1780 Stone for Sandquay   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100804
Stone for Sand Quay; Mr. Sharland's answer. J.K. asked J.S. if he has memo of date of Bond. Mr. Hoskin sent given by John Turner to Parish of Holme.

Seale 0644 J. Seale to J.King Reply to 0643 14 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100805
Sherland's price for stone too high; Inform Mr. Perchard no trace of Bond. Stone horse to be led through Market. Received 40Gs 10/- of Mr. Luttrell for his servant.

Seale 0645 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 21 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100806
Miss Mercer with SS. Dined twice at Mrs. Holdsworth's & once at SS's mother's. Previous day Mrs Holdsworth dined with SS & Miss Merser. No baby Fanshawe yet. SF gone to dine on the Egmont. C.F asked to bring Capt. F to Mt. Boone. Family in Red Lion Square well. Thanks for horse Children well. Mr. Reynolds not at home.

Seale 0646 J.King to John Seale 21 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100807
Fields Holditch rented let to a good Tenant. Gutter men working. Leonard home from Bampton left ram & wethers at Cornworthy, but no breeding ewes. Fleet still in Torbay. Small prize sent in by the Admiral Edwards & 2 Dutch prizes sent in by 2 Privateers.

Seale 0647 Chas Fanshawe to John Seale May 1780 Birth of J.C. Fanshawe   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100808
Birth of J.C. Fanshawe 22 May 1780. CF returned from Torbay; fleet still there. CF stayed at Mt. Boone. Seale family well. Had J.S. got papers from CF's chambers from Mr. Mansfield?

Seale 0648 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 23 May 1780 Dolland’s Telescopes   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100809
Mrs. Lymberry too ill to see company. Mr. CF left with roasting pig & another for Capt. F. Enquiries made of Mr. Reynolds about Dolland telescopes. Capt Duncan & Capt. F. came to tea. Fleet still in Torbay. Charlotte Fownes had whooping cough. SS required Godferry. Salts & salvolatele. Birth of J.C.F.

Seale 0649 P.A. Symons to J. Seale 26 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100810
Mr. Pinson to dispose of Darts Prize at Dartmouth and not London: requests to be broker. Adm. George Rodney had beaten the French in the W. Indies.

Seale 0651 J. King to John Seale 30 May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100811
Holditch to stay 3 or 4 weeks at Buckfastleigh before returning to Jersey. Mr. Pinson putting Dart prize cargo in his cellars. Most of Fleet sailed 29 May from Torbay. The Quebec Fleet stayed.

Seale 0650 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale No date May 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100812
Nothing to say about diamonds or pearls but comments about pearl bracelets. EF & JCF doing well. SS called on Miss Duncan. Date J.S. leaves London requested.

Seale 0652 Woollcombe to John Seale No Date May-June 1780 Saturday night.   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100813
Woolcombe due at Westminster early the next day so unable to see J.S. at breakfast.

Seale 0653 J.Fanshawe to John Seale 1 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100814
J.ff off to Chipstead. Hoped to see J.S. after 2 June.

Seale 0654 Mrs. S. Seale to John Seale 3 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100815
Family very well, also E.F. and J.C.F.Mrs. Champernowne, related to Fownes, in great danger, has night sweats etc SS unable to take any exercise. Horse in high order. Mrs. Lymberry much improved.

Seale 0655 J Seale to Charles Hayne. 10 June 1780 Siege of Charlestown   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100816
J.S. had dinner with CH's sister 9 June. Reminder about gold watch and chain and exchange. Also a hair' watch chain for a lady. News of taking of Charlestown. Good prospects of fruit. Checking whereabouts of 50th Regiment.

Seale 0656 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale13 June 1780 Tuesday Ev.   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100817
FFL's brother off to the west in his own carriage, would like JS;s company. Invitation by FFL to breakfast.

Seale 0657 From J King 17 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100818
Memorandum Green Book. Roope Harris Roope Esq. Desire leave to haul up fishing nets. etc.

Seale 0658 F.F. Luttrell to J.Seale 20 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100819
Untrustworthy businessman employed by F.F.L. Request for £250; £200 not enough to be rid of him. Hayne still staying in Surrey Street.

Seale 0659 J. Seale to F.F.Luttrell Reply to 0658 23 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100820
Very willing to help. Youlden had or was about to have money at Brixham. JS dined with old gentleman & his lady at Mrs. Haynes upon their return from Buckland.

Seale 0660 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 22 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100821
Mr. Fanshawe arrived from London previous day. Violent incessant rain: No gun to frighten birds eating cherries. Request for gun. E.F. and son were better.

Seale 0661 John Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0660 22 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100822
Weather much better. Harvest. Peter Gibbs, a poor foreman. Mrs. Crisp to deliver reply to A.M.S. Gun to be delivered. J.S. bought Irish Lottery Ticket enclosed in Guitar Music.

Seale 0662 Geo. Robbins to John Seale 19 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100823
J.S. purchased much timber. Request for £100. Mr. Lucas wrote about the rent.

Seale 0663 J. Seale to G. Robbins Answer to 0662 23 June 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100824
Unable to grant request immediately before the Castlegrove sale was settled.

Seale 0664 C. Fanshawe to John Seale No Date Probably June or early July 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100825
Thanks for present to J.S's Godson. Suggests how to address the C-in-C. Gen. Haviland to mention how J.S. had obtained arms from Sir David Lindsey to defend Dartmouth now ready to be returned. Appointment of Serjt. Heath. C.F. removing to Franklyns. E.F. at Mrs. Harris'.

Seale 0665 John Seale to C. Fanshawe Reply to 0664 No Date Probably June or early July 1780   1780 Jan-Jun 18thC
DHRG No. 100826
J.S. written to General in terms as advised. Unfriendly Corporation (crossed out). Enquiry about Estate in Cornwall.

Seale 0666 J.H.Southcote to J. Seale 1 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100827
Coming to Mt. Boone to pay interest.

Seale 0667 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale 1 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100828
Money difficulties, sorry J.S. has failed in his first attemp to get help. Presume J.S. is at the races.

Seale 0668 J. Seale to F.F.Luttrell Reply to 0667 All crossed out. 1 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100829
Not made a successful application. Waiting to hear if Dart's prize is sold in London.

Seale 0669 J.Seale to Mr. Coombes Taylor 3 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100830
Mr. Coombes to visit Mr. Hunt at his Livery Stables beyond Blackfriars to check if he had received a bill or not. If not, then to get it annulled.

Seale 0670 J.Seale to J. Luttrell 3 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100831
Sword Whip and Cane mislaid. Asks Mr. Luttrell to send letter to the Inn they slept in, to check.

Seale 0671 J. Seale to Miss C. Woodley 5 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100832
Chain arrived safely so is being sent on to Miss W. Also paper by J. Holmes. J.S. busy with hay. Bitter weather after much rain. Requests number of Miss W's share in Lottery.

Seale 0672 J. Seale to C. Barter 10 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100833
Concerning The augmentation of a Living in Cornwall. Sam Hayne bought a blind Mare. Mrs. Harris evidently senile.

Seale 0673 J. Seale to Chas. Hayne11 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100834
Difficulty in getting a ''birth'' on board ship for Duncan, King's son-in-law.

Seale 0674 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale11 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100835
C.F. went to Exeter & E.F. to Mrs. R.F's previous Thursday. E.F. became unwell but better since. Irish Lottery Ticket. C.F. to be recorder? Mr. Hawtry also possible Ships captured by Admiral Geary. Rumour of Commodore Walsingham's success untrue. Good news of Capt. F. Returning Arms to Gen! Harison.

Seale 0675 On outside of 0674 notes by J Seale 11 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100836
Fragmentary notes cross out. Present at Assizes? Title to Cornish Lands.

Seale 0676 F.F.Luttrell to Seale 13 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100837
Concern lest previous letter miscarried. F.F.L. shall be content with £250 if £250 is not available, the Quarter nearly ended. The Parson would be taking FFL to supper at Holylands.

Seale 0677 J. Seale to F. Luttrell Reply to 0676 16 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100838
Money in private hands scarce. Mr. Pinson could spare some money depending on the sale of his ship.

Seale 0678 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 22 July 1780 Saturday?   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100839
C. Fanshawe to write to J.S. about affair Mrs. Causey had details about. EF came with son. bed with stone Sunday, better after getting rid of several small stones. Bad condition of house. C.F. returned from Plymouth, Off to Winchester 23 July. Future Recorder a secret. Sister Ridout; daughter expected to die.

Seale 0679 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0678 23 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100840
E.F. gave account of the Cornish Estate. Mr. Luttrell interested in it, all expectation of Mrs. Chapernowne's recovery. Mrs. Limberry recovered The Governor gone to London to introduce Sir H. Palliser. Mr. & Mrs. Luttrell still in the country not seen by J.S.

Seale 0680 F.F.Luttrell to Seale 25 July 1780 Tuesday   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100841
Thanks for plan concerning FFL's accommodation. Payment due to current Quarter. Postponing taking any further steps till he sees J.S. at the Assizes? F.F.L. leaving Town early the following morning.

Seale 0681 J.H.Southcote to John Seale Received 26 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100842
Advice about a Plumber. Advice about plant steps tilt

Seale 0682 Ths. Perring to J. Seale (Should be 27 July 1780) 7 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100843
Final Dividend of Mr. Penfound's Effects.

Seale 0683 J. Seale to Ths. Perring Reply to 0682 2 August 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100844
J.S. uncertain what debts are due.

Seale 0684 John Beague to John Seale 27 July 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100845
10 Ewes bought & 50 be sent by Bakers' to Bampton. Ram from Bampton Fair.

Seale 0685 J. Seale to John Beague Answer 4 Aug. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100846
The sheep sent by J.B. arrived safely. Beavis Wood asked to pay J.B.

Seale 0686 F.F.Lutrell to John Seale 18 Aug. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100847
Had E leave Exeter on his and Mr. Southcote's business. Sorry to have missed seeing J.S. Hopes future applications more successful.

Seale 0687 Jn. Tonkin to John Seale 26 Aug. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100848
Received Mugridges Transfer & copy of Mr. Blackmore's account. Mr. Tinckam still unable to pay debt: he hopes to after selling land. Survey E be advertized. Purchasers expected. Hope settled by 6 months.

Seale 0688 Mrs. J. Fanshawe has a son. 30 Aug. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100849
Little cart arrived with good things including cow. Thanks for £50 bill and Guinea. Mr. Fanshawe come & gone to Plymouth: No news of Cornish affair. He hoped to go to St. Germains: letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Fanshawe, she has stone & gravel. AMS hopes to visit depending on E.F. Heliers to repair roof. Mrs. J. Fanshawe has a son.

Seale 0689 Jn. Hunt to Jn. Seale 2 Sept. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100850
Parliament is dissolved. Mr. Bocne at Exeter that day. Mr. H. intends selling 2 fields. He still has 3

Seale 0690 Sir C. Bampfield to John Seale 4 Sept. 1780 Election   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100851
Canvassing for the Election. Hopes that J.S. will come and support him.

Seale 0691 John Seale to Sir C. Bampfield Reply to 0690 4 Sept. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100852
Regret, powerless to comply with request.

Seale 0692 J. Baring , J.B. Cholwich to John Seale7 Sept. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100853
Election Day, following Monday. Hopes to be favor'd with J.S's attendance.

Seale 0693 J. King 10 Sept. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100854
Memorandum Received one shilling from Rich'd. Pearce - fee for grounding sloop & one shilling for Ballast.

Seale 0694 J Seale written Middle of October 1780, evidently a mistake for Sept. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100855
Narrative about dispute between Corp'n of Dartmouth & J.S. concerning firing the Castle cannon at Capt. Pearce's ship.

Seale 0695 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 20 Sept. 1780 Thursday night   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100856
M.R.Prideaux should be at conference between J.S. & The Governor. JS no party to the dispute. CF believes firing on ship for payment unwarantable etc.

Seale 0696 J. Lewis to Seale 22 Sept. 1780 Alterations of House (Mt. Boone?)   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100857
Two plans of alterations of House (Mt. Boone?) sent previous night. 1 Mr. Lewis's preferred plan 2. Includes small alteration of plan Mr. Lewis prefers Plan no. 1.

Seale 0697 J. Seale to Mr. Lewis Sept 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100858
Very satisfield by the plans but have fix'd upon the alterations, and will send the plan when drawn.

Seale 0698 J. Badcock to John Seale 13 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100859
Basket of Golden Pippins sent by courier to Exeter.

Seale 0699 R. Prideaux to John Seale 13 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100860
Lady Orford's Account; Unable to see Mr. Tonkin (due to working late) concerning Mr. Tinckam's Estate. If money could not be raised, a sale was necessary. Mr. Hunt was asked for information Mr. P. would try to raise 4 or 500£ for Mr. S.

Seale 0700 J. Seale copy to Mr. R. Prideaux 13 Oct. 1780 Kirkham Meadow purchased   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100861
King going to Plymouth: Mr. Genny's affairs. Dolling's Deeds:Kirkham Meadow purchased. Conveyance to be prepared: some bills not become payable in Mr. Batt's remittance. MRS. HAYNE BADLY BURNED

Seale 0701 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to J. Seale 14 Oct. 1780 MRS. HAYNES’S ACCIDENT A GREAT SHOCK.   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100862
J.S. has complaint in ankle: The 2 boys pleased with presents. AMS to return following Monday to St. Sidwells; furniture must be settled. Mr. F. to attend Council for the Sale of Land's to the Crown. EF unable to accept invitation.

Seale 0703 Rich’d. Strode to John Seale 19 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100863
R.S. knew a farmer with a very good Bull. Sorry about Mrs. Hayne's accident.

Seale 0704 J. Seale to R. Strode Reply to 0703 22 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100864
J.S's Tenant would go the next day or soon after to inspect the Bull. Compliments to Mrs. Strode, Mrs. Bradenell, Mrs. Barter, Miss Leare. Thanks for enquiries about Mrs. Hayne.

Seale 0705 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 19 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100865
AMS asks after Mrs? Seale (Sarah) after the terrible accident to Mrs. Hayne. AMS left Franklyn previous Monday. Mr. Fanshawe busy. Farmering,: delay over goods. Mr. F. retained to attend at Plymouth about Crown Lands. AMS poorly after cold.

Seale 0702 J. Seale to E.Fanshawe Reply to 0701 6 Nov. 1780 Mrs Haynes funeral   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100866
Mr. S. AMS wrote to say Mr. F. arrived but soon to go: Mr. Harris' Benefactions on a Table: Hope, franks arrived safe. Pine & Beech seed required; some poor person to collect young Elm trees: Mr. Robbins an unconsionable broker. J.S. attended MRS.HAYNE'S FUNERAL.

Seale 0706 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0705 24 Oct. 1780 Deaths from dysentry   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100867
Much cold damp weather lately. No expectations of Mrs. Hayne's recovery. JS hopes to send £50 in a fortnight; he hopes hare has arrived safely also one for Mrs. Ilbert. Much sickness especially at Kingswear. Deaths from dysentry.

Sale of Seale property to H Mair. 1864   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100868
Document Held: Routley Family

Seale 0707 Frank Luttrell to John Seale 25 Oct. 1780 Wednesday   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100870
FFL to be in London, Monday 30 October. Hopes to find Bills value £200. Payment of Debt due 31st October.

Seale 0708 J. Seale to Frank Luttrell Reply to 0707 27 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100871
2 Drafts:- 1. All crossed out:- Draft upon Messrs Haliday & Co. for £200, payable to Mr. FLL only.
2. Two drafts to be enclosed: one for £100 drawn by Noble & Pinson, Messrs. Daniel Richard & Co. & one for £100 differing only in date.

Seale 0709 J. Seale to Sir John Dunke & Co. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100872
All crossed out.. Difficulty in getting the above drafts cashed. Request for Sir J. Dunke & Co. to honour the Bill with Messrs Halliday & Co.

Seale 0710 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale Esq. 27 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100873
Father taken ill previous Monday. Dr. Cobbell worried, Dr. Glass sent for. F.F.L. unable to go to London so bills to be sent direct to Hallidays; Unable to get a Bond.

Seale 0711 J.Seale to Frank Luttrell Reply to 0710 29 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100874
Concern at news of Old Mrs. L. Bill intended for Mr. F.L. sent to Middle Temple. Some friend needed to check it is not lost. Mrs. Haynes very ill after accident.

Seale 0712 R. Prideaux to (J. Seale) 27 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100875
£500 could be raised for J.S. Letter by Fanny Foale required. Mr. Samuel Hayne is owner of the above sum.

Seale 0713 J. Seale to R. Prideaux Reply to 0712 27 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100876
Mr. P. knew what the money was needed for. J.S. would prefer not to have Mr. Hayne's money.

Seale 0714 Captain Pearce Mr. Mayor (of Dartmouth) J. King 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100877
Discussion about anchorage and groundage. (Fragment)

Seale 0715 J. Seale to R. Prideaux 29 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100878
Letter to Capt. Pearce from ''the Governor'' was enclosed which JS thought meant, have been an official discharge. A horse was sent to Pearce for him that he might sail the next day. Pearse to go to the Governor concerning his detention and Port Dues. JS not heard from Fanshawe. Mrs. Hayne very ill.

Seale 0716 Rich’d Strode to John Seale Wrongly inscribed 20 October 1780 Should be 28 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100879
Recommends Gardener, R.S. understands J.S. would send an expert to look at a Bull.

Seale 0717 J. Seale to Mr. Strode Reply to 0716 29 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100880
Thanks Mr.Strode. J.S. has 2 old men who raise vegetables. He wants person experienced in plantations & making new gardens. Tenant has seen bull; in treaty. Mrs. Haynes grows weaker.

Seale 0718 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 30 Oct. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100881
£50 received to pay part of Mr. Robbins' bills. Thanks for Woodcocks & hares. Mrs. Hayne's distressed state. Kingswear, very sick. Betsy (Mrs. C.F.) with bad cold. Mr. Lutrell & surfait of Turtle. Dr. Oaks on The Dean with palsy. Possible cooks for J.S. Mrs. AMS Cockages cyder to J.S.

Seale 0719 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale 31 Oct. 1780 Mr. Luttrell’s death   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100882
Mr. Luttrell died 30 October 1780 of fever & abcess on the lungs. Condolences for the ''Late Meloncholy event at Dartmouth'' (Mrs. Hayne's accident) Thanks for bills. Security required to be sent by Mr Southcote.

Seale 0720 J. Seale to F.F.Luttrell Reply to 0719 2 drafts 10 Nov. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100883
Two letters received, one by Mr. Southcote: acknowledgement sent per F.F.L's uncle & aunt Fownes: Condolence for deaths of Mr. L. and F.F.L's friend. Mr. S. relies on F.F.L's good sense now that there is no one to restrain him.

Seale 0721 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 4 Nov. 1780 Saturday night   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100884
AMS has executed all commisions . Success in finding cook, sober but limited ability. Enquiries to go on. Caggages Cyder at 2½ Guineas a hoghead. Mrs. Hayne's and Mr. Luttrell's deaths 'a warning' to all mortals. Mrs. Floud not yet sent all she promised.

Seale 0722 E. Fanshawe to John Seale 7 Oct. 1780 Probably should be 7 Nov.1780 Tuesday even.   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100885
Thanks for letter brought by King. C.F. left 6 November to Town: Gardeners prefer to sell plants not seeds; thanks for franks. Mr. Luttrell's death. Mrs Cath. F. much affected not so Mrs. Ann; Mrs.L left with £200 a year. Advice re condolances to Mrs. S. Little Joan very well.

Seale 0723 Gov. Holdsworth to John Seale 17 Nov. 1780 Friday morn.   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100886
Request to Mr. Seale to order his hedges to be well cut and to remove earth fallen from his orchard.

Seale 0724 E. Fanshawe to John Seale 18 Nov. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100887
Papers from Mr. F. enclosed:AMS poorly: Mr. King just come in but cannot wait. Quantity of Elm seeds & young elm required?

Seale 0725 R. Prideaux to John Seale 19 Nov. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100888
Interest received from Mr. Savery sent to JS. Mr. Savery hopes the payment could be postponed for a time. An enclosed letter to be sent to Mr. Dolling. Cornwall money desired first week in December. Transfers of Mr. Kingwell's Mortgage perused.

Seale 0726 J. Seale to R. Prideaux Reply to 0725 Nov 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100889
Reply: King sent to Exeter hopeful of getting £500 of Savery's mortgage advanced ; unsuccessful. R.P. to show Sandford's letter to Savery. Milford insists on getting money by Jan. 3 Interest for 3 people sent by bearer etc. Mr. P's letter sent to Dolling.

Seale 0727 E. Fanshawe to John Seale 20 Nov. 1780 Monday even. Mrs. R. Fanshawe has another daughter   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100890
C.F. says J.S. should order retainers immediately to Gross & Davie. E.F. hopes King mentioned the seeds: Mrs. R. Fanshawe has another daughter*. Capt. Fanshawe perfectly well on 21 August. *Cordella.

Seale 0728 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 23 Nov. 1780 Hopes of Peace in America   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100891
C.F. reached London in 2 days , one night at Stalbridge. Attention paid to JS as Sheriff. Serj. Grose retained, Serj Davy already retained by Corporation but JS still might retain him. CF hopes for more understanding of Pearce's affair. Tenancy of house in Plymouth. Old Mr. L. died without Will. Hopes of Peace in America. Lord George Gordon Trial etc.

Seale 0729 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 25 Nov. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100892
Mr. Drewe has given Serj. Davy a general retainer. The best reputed advocate on the circuit, should J.S. has to go to law.

Seale 0730 C. Fanshawe to Mr. Drewe 25 Nov. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100893
Note enclosed in above; evidently sent first by CF to MD and then returned with comments. 1. Request to be informed concerning retaining Serj. Davy.
2. Serjeant's clerk has taken a General Retainer for Mr. S. & a seperate retainer Seale & Pearce against corporation.

Seale 0731 J. Seale to J.F. Luttrell 20 Nov. 1780 Wednesday morn.   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100894
Deed of Settlement found on old Mr. L's 1st marriage lodged with J.S.'s father. Requests to know if it is agreeable to J.F.L., his brothers & Mr. Southcote if it be sent & examined by J.F.L. Compliments to friends at Nethway.

Seale 0732 J.F. Luttrell to John Seale Wednesday 3 o’clock 20 Nov. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100895
JFL off to Dunster Castle next day. He begs JS to keep deed till his return to Nethway. JFL had very fine sport with Fox.

Seale 0733 R. Prideaux to John Seale 3 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100896
Thanks for Hare. G. Prideaux to R.P. about gateway; agreement concerning Moreley & Sand Paths probably, no trouble about Hunting Gates: RP would write Mr. Hurst: following day at Powderham: Kingwell's Affair:Capt. Pearce to draw out slate; RP hopes to bring Conveyance from Dolling.

Seale 0734 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 4 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100897
Nurse Tucker sent for. Many offers of a cook for JS, non to be recommended except one. But no answer from her. William Newcomen believed to have made the Customhouse writings: Petrox seat in AMS's belief in her family many years. Elizabeth F ill with gravel. Charles F's come home.

Seale 0735 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale Reply to 0734 17 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100898
Pleased that health of those at Franklyn is better. J.S. had not experienced Gravel before. S.S. daily expecting to be taken ill. Mr. F. at Plymouth engaged for the Crown in a reputable station.

Seale 0736 J. Seale to C. Fanshawe Reply to a letter of 23 November 10 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100899
Mrs. Seale doing well healthwise. J.S. to be Sheriff. Mr. Prideaux helping to prepare a state of the Case to be sent to Mr. Dunning. Unable to come to Franklyn (till after birth of J.H.S.) Plymouth House to be ordered by C.F. Mr. Luttrell's will not found after search. J.S. has his marriage settlement.

Seale 0737 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale 18 Dec. 1780 Monday   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100900
Apologies for not visiting Mount Boone due to absence from Nethway and false rumour that Mrs. S. was ill. He suggests coming with his brother to dinner that day at Mount Boone.

Seale 0738 A.M.Seale to John Seale 20 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100901
Thanks for Hare, Mrs. E. Fanshawe better, her little boy well, cutting teeth. AMS herself tolerable health. Birth of baby (JHS) perhaps in New Year. Cheese & sage to be sent soon.

Seale 0739 Rev. C. Barter to John Seale 24 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100902
C.B. received letter from Fanny:- Mother gets worse every hour: C.B. leaving for Exeter Tuesday (December 26)

Seale 0740 Family of Nethway to John Seale 25 Dec. 1780 Birth of J H Seale   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100903
Congratulations on the birth of J.H.Seale

Seale 0741 R. Prideaux to John Seale 25 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100904
Congratulations on birth of a son. R.P. keeps deed in order to sort them so Mr. Tonkin and Purchasers Attorneys can compare abstracts with the Deeds. Serj't Davie dead: possible need to get Fanshawe's advice. Capt. Pearce's sloop to be fitted out?

Seale 0742 J. Seale to R. Prideaux 26 Dec.1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100905
Baby born 25 December at about 12 noon. J.S. saw about Mr. Serjs Davies death in paper. Fitting out Pearce's Ship, a very good scheme. JS willing to have a share, if he or R.P. were in charge of the fitting out. King might find the cheapest way.

Seale 0743 R. Prideaux to John Seale 27 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100906
Application at Capt. Pearce's house by Capt. Turtler: the sloop he intended to fit out etc. Col. Ilbert's opinion: would J.S. be interested? Dutchman in The Channel might escape. The Governors Vessel at Salcombe.

Seale 0744 Mrs.M. Southcote to John Seale 28 Dec. 1780   1780 Jul-Dec 18thC
DHRG No. 100907
Mr. Southcote returning from shooting at Stoke on 27 December brought news of birth of J.H.Seale, congratulations.

Seale 0745 J. Seale to (Mrs. Southcote) Reply to 0744 2 Jan. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100908
Thanks for congratulations & enquiries

Seale 0746 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 30 Dec. 1780   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100909
Mr. Barter brought letter about birth of J.H.S. Congratulations: thanks for ¼ lamb: expectation of an acceptable Bill (=kind of cheque) A.M.S. has cold & violent cough. Hat & Cloak sent for J.H.S.

Seale 0747 J. Seale to (Mrs. A.M.Seale) Reply to 0746 2 Jan. 1781 Accident to Capt. Fanshawe   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100910
Melancholy account from West Indies. Kettery family much distressed: accident to Capt. Fanshawe, most severe distress to Mrs. R.F. Charles F so ruffled unable to see J.S. - Bill enclosed - Thanks for J.H.S.'s superb dress.

Seale 0748 J. Seale to Deputy Lieutenants 2 Jan. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100911
Request to enlist a volunteer for the Militia as a substitute.

Seale 0749 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 3 Jan. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100912
Thanks for £50 brought by Sam Bully: AMS slightly better: dreadful W.Indies news. Express from J. Fanshawe Sir Hyde Parker come from Jamaica, Capt.R.F. & ship Egment safe with 2 prizes. J.F. constantly sends news. C & E.F. well, son cutting teeth & poorly.

Seale 0750 Thos Moor to Peter Ougier 10 Feb. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100913
P.O. to refer to Mr. Cullins, concerning no mention of Weymouth Privateer as advised by attorney as Capt. not concerned with bringing The Elizabeth Helena into Falmouth - bad business- Mr. Cullin's draft on P.O. used for disbersements. Hope for better success later.

Seale 0751 Peter Woodley to John Seale 17 Feb. 1781 Bickford’s Trust   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100914
Request for the papers concerning Mr. Bickford's Trust to be sent to Mr. Abraham to be examined. Mr. Smerdon wished to have them.

Seale 0752 J. Seale to Mr. Woodley Answer to 0751 23 Feb. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100915
Papers to be sent to Mr. Abraham; Mr. Bickford, an ''untoward chap''. Compliments to Mr. W's bride.

Seale 0753 Thos. Adams to John Seale 19 March 1781 Snap Dragon’s prize   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100916
T.A. asks J.S. to favour nephew Peter Symons for the brokerage of the Snap Dragon's prize. P.S. very honest.

Seale 0754 Memorandum of J. King 20 April 1781 Body of man washed up   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100917
Body of man washed up higher side of Sand Quay. J.K. to report it to Coroner. Inquest next day. Internment 21 April: Bill of Charges on Overseers of Poor Townstal: Parishioners agreed not to pay apart from Burial expenses, sending to the coroner & 4d each for the Jurymen.

Seale 0755 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 18 June 1781 Capt. F. has a rich prize.   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100918
Thanks for £50 & Cyder brought by Capt. Skinner. JHS having 3rd attempt of innoculation. Elizabeth F's health improving, AMS hopes to visit Mt. Boone before end of Summer: her sister Ridout & grand daughter expected: agrees with Mr. Luke concerning price of beef, mutton & veal. Report that Capt. F. has a rich prize.

Seale 0756 J. Newte to John Seale 21 July 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100919
J.S's company requested at the AGM of the Tiverton Club.

Seale 0757 J.Seale to J.Newte Reply to 0756 21 July 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100920
J.S. unable to attend to A.G.M. of the Tiverton Club.

Seale 0758 Peter Ougier to J. Seale 1781 ”The Snapdragon”   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100921
Articles of Agreement made between J.S. & P.O. J.S. to have 5/8 & P.O. 3/8 share of the sloop Snap Dragon, which is to be fitted out as a privateer or Letter of Marque. P.O. to be Agent for the sloop thus having an additional claim to an extra share of the prize.

Seale 0759 from Thomas Goldsmith 1781 ”de Liefde” prize   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100922
Remarks on the allegations by the Bird privateer claiming a share of the de Liefde a Daton prize. Johan David Gorse Commander taken by the privateer Snapdragon. Thomas Goldsmith Commander.

Seale 0760 Appellent Thomas Peake George Harris J. Dunning Repondent Thomas Goldsmith 1781 ”de Liefde” prize   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100923
Before The Lords Commissionary of Appeals in Prize Causes. Commander of the Bird against the Commander of the Snapdragon, claiming a share of the de Liefde prize.

Seale 0761 Peter Ougier to John Seale 11 Aug. 1781 ”de Liefde” prize   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100924
Account of Kirwin's Claim. P.O. had been at Shrewsbury, and had brought 3 of the de Liefde's crew as witnesses. Examination to begin following Tuesday or Wednesday.

Seale 0762 Peter Ougier to John Seale 16 Aug. 1781 ”de Liefde” prize   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100925
Rec't for £200. Snapdragon Affair. Cargo good except Tobacco, high price for Coffee. Proctor applied for order of Sale at Dartmouth. Kirwen's Claim lodged. No dividend expected for 6 months. Our Allegation exhibited. Captain examined, interpreter appointed. Mate loyal in spite of bribe. Proctors drew up a State of the case. P.O. certain of success; he would pay Coombe £500. Jenner asked for £200. Admiral Parker's Battle. Bill on Hallidays etc.

Seale 0763 John Woodley jun’r Undersheriff of Devon to John Seale 25 Aug. 1781 Summoned to Jury   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100926
J.S. summoned upon the jury on the Valuation of lands at Plymouth & neighbourhood on Monday 3 September at 10 o'clock at King's Arm Tavern, Plymouth Docks.

Seale 0764 Sir F. Lemon Rogers to John Seale 28 Aug. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100927
Received J.S.'s 27 August on return from Berry Down Camp, hopes to see J.S. & S.S. for dinner at 3pm.following Thursday. Mr. & Miss Hayne came to see Sir F. & Lady R previous day.

Seale 0765 C. Fanshawe to John Seale 17 Sept. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100928
Thanks for hare eaten that day by Mrs. AMS, Capt. & Mrs. F with Christianna & Elizabeth. Mr. King & his son set out for Lord Northington's near Axminster. Thanks to J.S. for his compliance.

Seale 0766 C. Fanshawe to J. Seale 24 Sept. 1781 Monday morning   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100929
Messrs. King returned previous evening 8pm but were not heard at the door. Letter from Lord Worthington much obliged to J.S. for his assistance. C. Fanshawe also very grateful Unable to come to J.S. till after the Sessions.

Seale 0767 J. Seale to C. Fanshawe Reply to 0766 25 Sept. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100930
King returned with C.F's letter. CF's vacation much interrupted. CF very good to keep J.S's horse so long; a little lame but to be sold when sound. Children all well.

Seale 0768 Ja’s. Williams to John Seal 24 Sept. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100931
J.S's letter came. Bad gout caused delay. J.W's eldest son was gardener for Major Brown of Silverton for about 2 years. J.W. recommends him to J.S. Copy to Major Brown

Seale 0769 J. Seale to Major Brown, Draft on the back of 0768 24 Sept. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100932
J.S. requests Major Brown to give him a reference concerning James William's son.

Seale 0770 W. Ilbert to John Seale 27 Sept. 1781 Wednesday 3 o’clock   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100933
Unable to fix any settled scheme (of visiting). If Mrs. Ilbert should make any distant visit their respects will be made to J.S.

Seale 0771 C. F(anshawe) to John Seale 30 Sept. 1781 Monday (Saturday) night   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100934
Business urgent so cannot stir from home till after the Session. When they come visits to Mt. Bonne must be short. Only a visit within 8 days to Capt. F & J.S. possible, reaching Mt. Boon Saturday week, leaving on the Wednesday to go to Plymouth, returning Saturday and soon to London. He asks if the horse arrived safe. Copy to F. Luttrell.

Seale 0772 J. Seale to Frank (Luttrell) 30 Sept. 1781 Monday (Saturday) night   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100935
F.L's uncle and friends staying till the following Saturday prevented J.S's visit to Teignmouth. FL going to Dunster Castle. JS out shooting that morning. Asks FL to write to Twigg about Gun JS wanted, to be sent him as soon as possible. Sorry to hear by Mrs. Fownes that Mr. Tom has sciatica.

Seale 0773 Wm. Harry Vivian to John Seale 4 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100936
WHV forgot when he saw JS at Blachford to mention Capt. Wallace of the 97th quartered at Dartmouth. He hopes JS will show Capt. Wallace any civility. WHV has fallen from his horse & has 2 black eyes & a bloody nose, he hopes to spend a month in the Isle of Wight. He would be at Cornwood in November.

Seale 0774 H.L.Brown to John Seal 5 Oct. 1781 Reference for Gardener   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100937
James Williams lived with HLB 1½ years or more and has applied to J.S. as a gardener. HLB hopes he may be honest but can say nothing in favour of his sobriety, he has knowledge of gardening but did not exert himself.

Seale 0775 J. Seale to Mr. Clark,The Builder 5 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100938
Mr.C did say he would come to JS's house in a fortnight. JS understands that Mr.C thinks the journey long and that when convenient he would come with a servant in a post Chaise or the Diligence coming this way. The change of air might be of service to Mr.C.

Seale 0776 Tho’s Clark to Jn’o Seale Reply to 0775 12 Oct, 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100939
Apologies for not yet coming to Mt. Boon. TC has a bad head every day so has to go to His Majesty's Brewhouses South Down as he was carrying on Sunday works there and cannot fix on a time to come.

Seale 0777 J. Seale to Mr. Williams (senior) 7 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100940
J.S. could take on Mr. William's son as a gardener if he could get a recommendation for sobriety & Industry, but not otherwise. He hopes he will find a good place.

Seale 0778 F.H.Luttrell to John Seale 9 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100941
FHL sorry not to see JS at Teignmouth. JS wrong about when FHL left it. Lake also disappointed. FHL unable to see J.S. before going to Town. No connection with Twigg. FHL's brother could write Twigg describing his gun if J.S. wished. Not yet shot a pheasant, but keen to start. His brother & Camplin already out after Woodcock.

Seale 0779 J. Seale to Frank Reply to 0778 9 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100942
J.S. not much of a shotsman without Twigg's assistance. Glad to have FHL to bespeak for JS. Just such a gun as his brother had the previous season at Nethway. C.Fanshawe had 2 five guinea notes with a letter to FHL to pay the expenses.

Seale 0780 James Williams (senior) to John Seale 10 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100943
Unjustly injured by Major Brown; wages very low. Wife and 2 children to support. Told by Major Brown he would be given a good character. Promised Father that he would not engage with anyone else before seeing J.S. Refused 2 offers. Took hounds out for Major D. trying to catch a hare.

Seale 0781 J. Seale to Mr. Williams Reply to 0780 16 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100944
Old gardener Kelso staying on. Regrets misunderstanding between James & Major Brown.

Seale 0782 Jos’n Ford to John Seale 13 Oct. 1731   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100945
According to Thorn's paper J.S. needs a gardener. JF knows of one of good character, very sorry to hear most of the plants sent to J.S. are dead. Blames person who planted them. Says he would replace them.

Seale 0783 J. Seale to Mr. Ford 14 Oct, 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100946
At present provided. Most of the plants dead not due to bad planting. Informed they had not been transplanted before. Necessary to top spill roots. JS intended calling when last in Exeter, but no opportunity. Ordered Bill to be paid.

Seale 0784 Cha’s Fanshawe to John Seale 13 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100947
Work prevented CF joining EF. Thanks to J.S. for helping CF to be serviceable to Lord Northington who dined with CF the previous Monday. Lord N. very fat and unlikely to live long. CF might ride to London, he had an increased gravelly complaint. Joe Ford's Bill enclosed.

Seale 0785 J. Seale to Charles Fanshawe Reply to 0784 13 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100948
AMS and CF's family quite well. Inactivity bad for CF's complaint. Hopes for good weather if CF rides to London. JS desires EF to pay Ford's bill & Mt. Boon Insurance due Michaelmas.

Seale 0786 Mrs. A.M.Seale to Mrs. Sarah Seale 29 Oct. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100949
AMS had received the paints, one parcel she kept, the other she would forward to SS, but there were no directions so would beg Mrs. Luttrell for a copy of hers. Guitar to go by the Carrier the next day. AMS poorly & under Mr. Luscombes discipline. Took Emetic Betsie intends to go to Mt. Boone. Requests to pay Mrs. Luttrell for paints. AMS's fine buckles in Cap Box not arrived.

Seale 0787 Sir F.L.Rogers to John Seale 4 Nov. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100950
Old Fall overjoyed expecting to see Jeff. 10 couple of JS's Hounds at Blachford. Letter from Jack Vivian probably no Broad-Oak for 1781-2. FLR & Lady R look forward to company of J.S. & Family. Request to give Churchward notice that Grace is properly said also plenty of Game and good weather. Self and horses to be oiled.

Seale 0788 J. Seale to Sir F.L.Rogers Reply to 0787 4 Nov. 1781 0787   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100951
Returned from Peter Woodleys after a few sporting days. Jeff very happy with hopes of meeting Fall. JS will give (Dick) Churchward notice of the time the hounds were to be at Blachford the following Saturday & JS the next evening.

Seale 0789 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 5 Nov. 1781 Great Barn burnt at Worldham   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100952
AMS better health. Hopes Mrs. Luttrell likes Guitar. No 2nd hand ones available. Mr. Fanshawe & John Radcliffe set off 4 Nov. Much business. E.F. & son plan to go to Mt. Boon AMS wishes they could go to Plymouth. Great Barn burnt at Worldham, with corn, due to be sold to pay for long overdue rent. Barn repaired at cost of nearly £100 shortly before Lady Roger's death in 1760. John Luttrell soon to marry Miss Drew. Mr. Stoodly making the writings.

Seale 0790 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to 0789 1781 Tuesday Eve.   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100953
EF came to dinner that day with son. Both well. Children all happy together. Glad Mr. Luscombe cured A.M.S. Mr. Woolcott ''much engaged''. Frost wanted to purify Air. Fanny Barter & Aunt expected at Dinner, did not turn up. King took letter to AMS to Exeter.

Seale 0791 F.F.Luttrell to John Seale 8 Nov. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100954
A Twigg (gun) ordered for J.S. like gun referred to in old book; not available in less than 3 weeks or 1 month. FFL promised him payment on day it is sent off, so it should come before 1 Dec. Hope to see JS at Christmas. Concerned about ''Pip & Trot'' a prevailing disorder. Letter sent Saturday to Mrs. Luttrell.

Seale 0792 J. Seale to F.F.Luttrell Reply to 0791 8 Nov. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100955
Thanks for trouble taken by FFL looking forward to Xmas. Informed that Writings are for F.F.L's brother's Nuptuals. Fanshawe intends leaving London when term ends. Presume Parliament will delay FFL longer. Politics as dark & gloomy as the weather. Visit from Supervisor, extra charge on 3 servants. Surveyor of Windows,over tax. Wish Cornwallis out of scrape & better military success. Twigg to send proof.

Seale 0793 J.H.Southcott to John Seale 8 Dec. 1781 New Coach   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100956
Thanks for offer to take J.H.S's chaise to London to be left with Foster Coach Maker, Piccadilly. JHS shall order new coach. If ready, request for J.S. to bring it when leaving Town. Present for JS's son in chaise. Wishes to know date J.S. sets off so JHS can send game to Frank Luttrell.

Seale 0794 J. Seale to J.H.Southcott Reply to 0793 9 Dec. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100957
Agrees to carry out JHS's instructions. Will insure game comes to no harm. Little son demonstrates acknowlegements to Godmother Mrs. Southcott for present. Requests thanks to Mr. Grant for lending his gun, which has been returned.

Seale 0795 Tho’s Clark to J’n Seale 9 Dec. 1781   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100958
Apologies for not waiting on J.S. at Mt. Boone. Head bad. Full time taken up with business for Government.

Seale 0796 J. Seale to presumably C. Fanshawe 9 Dec. 1781 draft written on back of 0795   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100959
Thanks for accommodating J.S. with chambers. Pleased with bed & mattress. Melly very diligent. Person called to look at chimney; thought he was the chimney doctor, turned out to be Landlord. Friends in Cavendish Square well. Dined with them Saturday. Gloom over Kempenfelt. Mismanagement by Lords Sandwich & G. Germain etc.

Seale 0797 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 11 Feb.1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100960
Thanks for £50. Would be glad to know how account stands. Sudden change of weather. AMS had violent cold & cough, but better. EF confined to room, very bad cold. Satin sent to Mr. F. to be exchanged.

Seale 0798 John Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to 0797 15 Feb. 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100961
Something due to AMS at Xmas. JS says she shall have the account with the vouchers when he sees her. Two other drafts making up £50 more has been sent. Everyone well at Mt. Boone.

Seale 0799 G. Gretton to John Seale 14 Feb. 1782 Geo Gretton Scalded by Kettle   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100962
Thanks for favours. GG unable to attend Church due to being scalded from a boiling tea kettle.

Seale 0800 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 16 Feb. 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100963
Thanks for 2 drafts of £25 each. AMS's book & JS's book do not exactly tally but can be rectified. AMS ready to receive JS's & SS's company and any children. E.Fanshawe's & AMS's colds rather better. CF returned from London in Diligence as one horse was ill. Thanks for Music book.

Seale 0801 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M. Seale Reply to 0800 24 Feb. 1782 Old Mr.Teage Dangerously Ill   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100964
Mr. F. must have had a very cold journey from London. Glad he is well. No mistake in account. Old Mr.Teage dangerously ill. JS. Had sent a few salt fish. 6 to be given to Mr. Cummins. Large privateer sold by Messrs Sparks & Lee to an Ostend merchant detained in Plymouth for having a Dutch Commission on board. Sir F. Rogers has another boy.

Seale 0802 C. Fanshawe to John Seale Saturday 2 March 1782 Birth of daughter to E & C Fanshaw   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100965
E Fanshawe had a daughter on 1 March but had a dangerous struggle. Hopeful that the worst is past.

Seale 0803 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale 18 March 1782 Thanks for sending Cornish Accounts   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100966
E. Fanshawe & daughter both well. AMS had cold. Dr. John brisk & well. CF left Friday fortnight ago for Salisbury Assizes. He was sent for Express to attend Taunton Election, hopes to be at the Castle Exeter following Wednesday. CF vexed to miss Exeter Assizes. Thanks for sending Cornish Accounts.

Seale 0804 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe Reply to 0803 19 March 1782 Fish for the Council   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100967
Glad that EF can write herself. Greatly pleased that CF was sent to Taunton. Youlden commissioned to get a dish of Fish Wednesday for the Council. Nothing but 2 rabbits & a hare to send. EF could check Cornish account with the last. Much business at Assizes. Hopes AMS can direct & preside for E.F. As soon as possible JS would be sending £25. Requests that it be delivered to Mr. Pitman of Dunchideok.

Seale 0805 J. Seale to Mr. Hutton 20 March 1782 Problem with The Post   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100968
Not the first time Mr. H. has Insolently refused to take in JS's letters before 9 o'clock when the office is shut. All crossed out.

Seale 0806 J. Seale to F.F.Luttrell 20 March 1782 To have a House west of London   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100969
Thanks for the Songs FFL sent to Mrs. SS & a twig (gun) sent for JS. Request to subscribe for JS to a Racing Calendar & to give away hounds to Sir Thomas Carew, not hearing from Col. Basset, unless FFL's involved. JS glad to have a house 10-30 miles W of London. Thinking of a 2nd trip to London that spring. Criptic message about Finance & Governor Holdsworth.

Seale 0807 F.H.Luttrell to Seale 26 March 1762 DEATH OF LADY COURTENEY   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100970
FHL has no kind of engagement with Col. Basset respecting hounds. Promises to enquire about a house for J.S. New administration at last formed. Lord North excluded from H.M.Councils. The Router of Ministers' a great man, if he can reconcile his conduct to his Honour & Conscience he had a wonderful & convenient share of abilities. FHL wanted a chance but not by a Vote of Censure. Chas. Fox Secretary of State, weak & ignorant Adm. Lee Shore at the Head of the Navy - FHL had pain in his side, hope to go to Bath following Thursday. Report says JS likely to be engaged in a lawsuit etc. LADY COURTENEY DIED 25 March. Mr. Drewe got the memorendum etc.

Seale 0808 J. Seale TO N. Geare 27 March 1782 Request for copy of James Woodley’s Will   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100971
Packet received charged 3/6 carriage. Requests a copy of James Woodley's Will. Some person would call for it. Presumes there is no obstacle to stopping the window & erecting the monument at Cornworthy.

Seale 0809 G. Gretton to John Seale 10 May 1782 G Gretton requests to continue as tenant at Coombe   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100972
G.G. resolved not to accept Teage's extraordinary new terms concerning GG's tenancy. Hopes JS will propose terms for GG to continue at Coomb - as JS's tenant on a permanent basis & that GG & his family will not have to move out to make room for J.S.. He would like a corner of the orchard & enough land to feed his cow etc. Mr. & Mrs G. spent two days at Kittery.

Seale 0810 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 18 May 1782 Threat of Invasion, Order to raise Militia   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100973
Invasion threatened. People not relishing the raising of the Militia. CF returned previous Wednesday. EF with bad cold. AMS & her horse not well. Does not think Lady Rogers has been ill. Persistent wet & stormy weather. Sorry to hear about Sir F. Rogers.

Seale 0811 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to 0810 18 May 1782 Possible Invasion not a problem. To be a Godfather.   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100974
Heard by CF that his family is well. Damp & unhealthy season. Influenza etc. JS had slight fever only 2 days. Hopes to return home middle or end of 'this' month (June?) King ordered to send AMS £100. Capt. F. to return, crowned with laurels. CF wrote a possible inscription for Cornworthy. JS to be Godfather to Sir Fred's 2nd son Not worried about possible invasion.

Seale 0812 J. Seale to Mr. Ougiur & Mr. Gretton 18 May 1782 re. House at Coombe   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100975
Returned Thursday from friend's house 20 miles from Town. Sorry about G.G's disagreement with Teage. J.S. not building immediately at Mt. Boone. Intention to let Coombe for a term. Orchard let to Maddicks. Hopes no misunderstanding over Teage. Great success in West Indies. False report about Lord Howe & Dutch Fleet --- - crossed out.

Seale 0813 J. Seale to Sir F. Rogers 20 May 1782 Success in West Indies   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100976
Joy at great success in West Indies. Hope it will bring to the honour of the Country. False report about Lord Howe giving the Dutch Fleet a trimming at the expense of his life. Lord Howe 'revived' that morning.

Seale 0814 G. Gretton to John Seale 26 May 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100977
Thanks for letter & friendly advice. Kennicott the Auctioneer ''advice'' made GG decide not to accept Teage's proposal. Very clear that GG did not make up excuse not to inhabit his house. GG sad at seeing less of JS but intends to keep in touch with letters.

Seale 0815 Pet’r Ougier to R’t Jenner 28 May 1782 ”de Liefde” prize   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100978
Copy of letter of J. Seale. Inclosing his expenses & account of 'De Liefde' cause. The 'Birds' claim if Court allows £500 for PO that would be inadequate. PO mislaid copy of the current account so desires the Court to send him one. Sorry wind had changed to E so P.Ocombi not come.

Seale 0816 Pet’r Ougier to ?? 28 May 1782 ”de Liefde” prize   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100979
Copy of Expense Account. Charges incurred by owners of ''Snapdragon'' on account of a claim by the ''Bird'' privateer of London, Thomas Peake Commander, on the ship Liefde, a prize of Snapdragon paid by P.O. for acct of said Business.

Seale 0817 F.Leman Rogers to John Seale 31 May 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100980
Warmest thanks to JS for kind letter. Frederick R. To be Christened by Tom Vivien at Cornwood Church. Proxy would be found for J.S. Other Sponsers :- Sir Francis Basset & Mrs. Phipps of Wotton Court. Hourly expectation of further success for Rodney. McBride not taken, safe at Plymouth. JS & Hayne both at the 'Scene of Action'.

Seale 0818 J. Seale to Sir. F.L.Rogers Reply to 0817 31 May 1782 Influenza Epidemic   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100981
People in neighbourhood badly mauled by Influenza. JS had it but improving. JS been several times to Parliament. Rolle's motions for recall of Rodney, Mr. Rosemarn seconded, Sir F.Basset proposed to augment Rodney's fortune. Trial of eastern culprits postponed. Report of Rodney's success came by way of France, Officer of the Guards fell in the riot at Grahams Temple. Picture of horse Sultan sold for £29 at Tattersals.

Seale 0819 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale 2 June 1782 Payment of bill (cheque) refused   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100982
£25 Bill sent by JS drawn of Halliday & Co. refused payment. AMS exchanged it at Uphams. E.Fanshawe helped with money. Uphams repaid. Assumes some mistake. Written by AMS:- London 30 May 1782 from J.Garsed & Co. to Mr. Lipham.

Seale 0820 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to 0819 June 1782 Rumours that J.S.near ruined by gambling untrue   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100983
Surprised & hurt at letter JS went to Bank. He did not like this kind of mistake. He then had £1000 in the bank. AMS to ask Mrs. Bond when J.S. paid her £700 drawn probably 28 Feb. Report from Dartmouth that JS, AMS's nephew, Messrs Parker & Hayne etc. lost at E.O. Tables. JS never played at E.O.tables. Never lost at cards, dice etc. the value of £100 during life. Seen both Mr. F's

Seale 0821 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 12 June 1782 Mr. Jackson died.   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100984
Glad mistake to be cleared up. J.S. right to insist Halliday's write to Upham or his Dealer. Heard nothing from King. AMS probably had touch of influenza. Elizabeth F & children still free of it. Not surprised to hear Sir Frederick's request. Mr. Jackson died. Sorry Mrs. Seale has influenza(?)

Seale 0822 J. Seale to A.M.Seale Reply to 0821 22 June 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100985
Parted from Mr. Fanshawe Wednesday. He set off in the Dilly Thursday morning. AMS to ask Upham if he had received letter from Hallidays. Prize cause to be determined the next week after which JS would leave Town. Influenza bad in London & Dartmouth. Bill Manly gave JS news from Devon. He had not the manners to call on AMS. Full called previous week sorrowfull on his overthrow Hutchins elected presentation for his son.

Seale 0823 (Mrs) E. Fanshawe to John Seale 15 June 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100986
Apologies for delay in sending enclosure. AMS recovered from influenza, gone to see how things go on in St. Sidwells. EF & children still well. Hopeful that boisterous wind will blow away the infections.

Seale 0824 J. Seale to Mrs. E. Fanshawe Reply to 0823 June 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100987
Few people have escaped influenza. London very hot & disagreeable. Marriage long talked of soon to be. New Coach finished. EF can expect to hear of new relation within a fortnight. Frank admitted? Devonshire Circuit? Tom an Ensign in 85th Regiment.

Seale 0825 J. Seale to C.Fanshawe 22 June 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100988
CF had lately left London. Advises CF to rise early & walk before breakfast for sake of health. Not pleasing to EF. 2 letters included, one of thanks to EF for her's of 15 June, the other to be given as directed (AMS?)

Seale 0826 J. Seale to Mr. Gretton 27 June 1782 Returning to the west on HMS Victory   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100989
On old cover address to F.F.Luttrell.
Copy to Mr. Gretton. Thanks for Friendship. JS walking at 2 o'clock in the City with coat off (due to the heat). JS visited Butt Court, Fleet Street. Mr. G's letter to Mr. Whithurst. Old lady very like FFL. Interest in Mr. G; family. London a red-hot Town. Few people from west left. JS leaving 2nd of following week. Hope for lift on HMS Victory. Mr. Taylor talks of going down on horse back. His daughter in Town. Compliments to Mrs. Gretton.

Seale 0827 C. Fanshawe to John Seale October 1782 Dispute about the Quay   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100990
Thanks for J.S's letter which seems; to prognosticate end of expected dispute about Quay. Mr. Achelu & all JS's tenants should require acknowledgements from person's discharging loding on land they occupy. CF hopes to discuss this with Mr. Prideaux at Mt. Boone. EF should be informed when fleet returns. CF's heifer on hand, worth 8 guineas.

Seale 0828 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale 16 Nov. 1782 Madeira Scarce   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100991
Mr. Pierca had not a drop of Madeira since then EF applied to all the wine merchants Swales alone had it 5/- per bottle, very expensive. He would only sell 3 or 4 Dozen. Enquiried if any diligence goes out of Totnes on Mondays. AMS disappointed if CF came without children. Granger not at home but servant says he has no Madeira.

Seale 0829 J. Seale to Mr. Savage 16 Nov. 1782   1781-1782 18thC
DHRG No. 100992
Written on letter.0828.
Musical friends expected following Thursday. Request pleasure of Mr. Savage's company. JS has a good old Cremona (violin) Asks Mr. Savage to bring his favourite music.

Seale 0830 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale 20 Jan.1783 Poor man to go to Hospital   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 100993
Hopes JS got home safe after wet ride. Thanks for Hog head arrived from Skinner's Vessel. Betsy twice out to Miss Sawles previous Saturday. She brought papers to consult with CF. Mr. Carpenter, the Tavistock Attorney at great pains about E.K's affairs. Vivian a great villain. CF off in coach that evening, Poor man to go to Hospital.

Seale 0831 Walter Prideaux to Charles Hayne 23 Jan. 1783 Forgery of Deeds (accusation)   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 100994
Gov'r Holdsworth informed W.P. that C.M. had accused WP of forging his Deeds respecting Crowther Hill fields. WP asks CH for the name of the person who gave this false information. He protests his innocence.

Seale 0832 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale 10 March 1783 Boulter to be tried at Salisbury   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 100995
Thanks for 2 letters & 15 guineas. Coals expected. JS & SS coming next Monday. Family dish, mutton broth would be ready. Luscombes advice so AMS rode out to Franklyn. Fownes to stay with E.Fanshawe. Our Lady Rogers at Oxford Inn en route to Bath, very fatigued. Bells ringing . Lord Hinton to disembody Militia. Boulter & his man taken from Jail chained down in basket to be tried at Salisbury.

Seale 0833 G. de Haln to John Seale 25 Mar. 1783 Present of Venison   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 100996
Disappointed at not seeing JS in London. Mr. Ougier's good report of him. Hopes of joining JS at bathing place. Sending JS venison.

Seale 0834 J. Seale to G. de Haln Answer to 0833 8 April 1783 Conclusion of Snapdragon Affair   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 100997
Thanks for venison, which Mr. Ougier helped to baste. JS & family coming to London latter end of March. Teignmouth the best bathing place. C.Fox & Ld.North alliance. Snapdragon affair.

Seale 0835 J. Seale to A.M.Seale 22 April 1783 Recomendation for hospital place   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 100998
AMS health indifferent, weather good. CF & EF left. JS's preparation for removal. Package to be sent to AMS on Skinner's or some other sloop. Recommendation of a man for hospital not yet given Previous one now fit, but no thanks. Any vacancies for girl with nail in foot. Cousin Woolcot evidently on bad terms with JS.

Seale 0836 J. King to John Seale 6 May 1783 Ropewalk   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 100999
Mr. Bennett wishes to have field at West Norton (partly planted with firs) tilled to furze seeds. Advice about building part of Rope Walk, which would be in Maddock's garden; & the adjoining fence. Glad Corporation had been dealt with. Captain Cole taking in things, due to sail following week.

Seale 0837 J. Seale to J.King Reply to 0836 6 May 1783 Ropewalk   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101000
Higher part of field to be planted with furze seed. He likes Kings plan for Rope Walk. But question whether there would be sufficient light. Access to Orchard requires catalague of things sent in Coal's (SSC)Ship by Pinsen or friends. sails

Seale 0838 J. Seale to (John Seale) Mrs. Harris 13 May 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101001
Draft on ½ sheet. (letter on the back).
Airy spacious lodgings. JHS well. Airings in Temple Gardens; his sisters at Franklins. Mrs. S. shopping & visiting. Respects to Miss Kitty from family including Miss Mervin.

Seale 0839 J. King to John Seale 18 May 1783 Plans for the Rope Walk   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101002
Plans for the Rope Walk. JK thought he should be able to manage the wall in Madducks Orchard to give sufficient light. Mr. Echelus must have access to Store Houses etc. ??? could make a very good crisis. Mr. Reeves packed the pianoforte 17 May to be sent with other things. Mr. Bennett going to ''Spare the Nutt'' at Morley. People kept out. Workman at Key House. Peter prepares for turnips etc.

Seale 0840 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0839 18 May 1783 Permission needed to walk in the wood   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101003
Likes the way King has contrived the wall & fence. Rowe to be consulted if he comes to Dartmouth. Asks about Leigh's house at Norton. Mr. Gretton tells of his improvements .Cole should sell as soon as possible. Hope the plot at Morely is well spaded & drained. People who want to walk in the wood must have JS's permission first.

Seale 0841 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale 21 May 1783 AMS Unwell   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101004
Thanks for 3 halves of Bills with 3 halves sent earlier making £50. EF wonders if she should return bill received before JS left Exeter. Maria & Harriet both well & happy with Susan Fanshawe at Franklyn. EF's children both well. Letter from Capt. F. His safe arrival in Plymouth. Thanks SS for letter compliments to Miss Mervin. AMS very complaining & unwell.

Seale 0842 J. Seale to E.Fanshawe Reply to 0841 21 May 1783 Bought house in Seymour Street   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101005
J.S. would be glad of return of bill drawn upon a merchant in London, by Sam. Bought a ready furnished house in Seymour Street; moving in about 12 June. Just back from visit to Cavendish Square, family there well. Saw 2 Miss Fanshaws, & ½ Miss Rogers. Mrs. Robert F soon off to see Capt. F. JS saw him. JS hopes to see more of EF & family during Terms. JS has pain in head. CF said Mrs. Harris is very ill.

Seale 0843 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale 26 May 1783 Parson Yarde of Whiteway Murdered   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101006
Thanks for letter of 17 May. AMS at Franklyn previous Thursday. Maria & Harriet & E. Fanshawe & family all well. AMS poorly. Skinner arrived. Thanks for 2 Hogsheads of Cider. Mistakes in things sent. Part of the cloths sent to Mr. Cummins for the boy. Mrs. R. Fanshawe in Town has heard of Captains return. Sloop ready to sail. Parson Yarde of Whiteway murdered. Big family. He married Mrs.Shepherds daughter.

Seale 0844 J. King to John Seale 30 May 1783 Foundations ready. Well dug, good quantity of water   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101007
JS's letter of 24 May received enclosures sent Messrs Prideaux & Pinson (who is ill). Mr. Leigh has foundation & stones ready, well dug. Mr. Rowe's £750 contracts Mr. Cretton's improvements. Mr. Cole delayed by wind. Intends sailing 31 May. Inventory of things on board for S. Buller & Pinson. J.Bardens burnt part of his plot at Morley. Mr. K. not yet paid tythes to Mr. Prideaux. Bay Cropt Mare has fine colt, sent to Lodidiswell salt marsh

Seale 0845 John Seale to J. King Reply to 0844 30 May 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101008
Notes concerning Mr. Gretton's plot. Capt. Cole the Governor, fruit in the garden. Mr & Mrs. Gretton to check garden & organise garden party(?) guests(?) Mr. & Mrs. Ougier, Mr. & Mrs. Pinsen, Mr & Mrs. Youlden. Were the rooks disposed of? Mr.&Mrs.Woodcot, money account, how was Mrs. Harris.

Seale 0846 John Seale to Mrs. A.M. Seale 2 June 1783 Broken china, worthless bureau   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101009
List of china, much of it broken, a worthless bureau, table cloth & napkins, at end of AMS's letter of 26 May 1783. JS sorry AMS is poorly J. displeased about things sent from Mt. Boone. Thought AMS had chosen bureau. As much as could be spared was sent JS about to move to house in Seymour Street, Portman Square. C. Fanshawe would deliver letter with more news.

Seale 0847 J. King to John Seale 5 June 1783 Sparke building a quay near New Ground   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101010
Mr. Gretton waiting till winter to lay out garden. Capt. Cole sailed previous Friday. Governor in Dartmouth, expected Bond Stone Day but said to have delayed in ???? of Mr. Bastard carrying off Miss Pownall. Fruit not ripe. List of people having rook; Cornworthy rents. Mrs.Harris better. Details of house being built. Goldsmith believes Mr. Ougier & proprietors cheated him. Details of various houses rents & leases. Mr. Sparke began to build his quay etc.

Seale 0848 John Seale to J. King Reply to 0847 5 June 1783 Ropewalk —Sell Moreley Estate   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101011
Direct next to Seymour Street. Cole arrived presumably with inventory. Make sure Rope House has sure foundations. Leases & rents etc. Cyder Press. Old Mr.King to manage for SS as for Mr. Haynes about division of lands at Brixham. If Justices sit at Moreley make sure window is in order. Sow turnips at Moreley, soon to sell estate. Joe Burns to show people round.Sam fetching children from Franklyn. People & dogs not to go to Rope Walk.

Seale 0849 J. King to John Seale 15 June 1783 House at Sandquay Ropewalk, Moreley Land.   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101012
Inventory of things on board sent with Cole, that of things left at Mt. Boon to come by Pinson. Morely plot spaded & burnt, unable to be ploughed. No known person or dog walked in the walk without leave. Jack Ware & men digging foundations etc. for Rope Walk; they cleaned ???? & replaced water, pipes sound. Quay house not finished. Fan & wife to live there. have Norton Barn -priority. Can housekeeper give Betty Prout(meat?)?

Seale 0850 J. Seale to Mrs. A.M.Seale 17 June 1783 Description of House (Portman Square)   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101013
Working at house in Seymour Street; children already taken possession. Description of House. Open heath nearby. Not room for AMS & Elizabeth Fanshawe at the same time.

Seale 0851 J. King to John Seale 20 June 1783 Dispute between Mr Sparke and Corporation (Quay)   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101014
Rowe the builder estimate on the Rope Walk not accepted by Maddick the mason. Other masons might nead travelling expenses. No estimate on the houses at Coombe till the prices have stopped falling. JS to decide masons chosen should do rest of the garden walls. Maddick's Barn to be converted to store house, where to thrash corn. Thomas Perring and lease at Brixham. Mr. Sparke's quay and the Corporation labourers ordered to pull down wall.

Seale 0852 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0849 & 0851 June 1783 Ropewalk Measurement of Work Dispute..   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101015
Rec'd letters of 15 & 26 June. Requests for violin to be sent up by coaster. Cole & things arrived. Has anyone been to Moreley? 1 shilling a week allowed for B.Prout's dinner. Maddick not to be employed, unreasonable & deceitful. Enough room in the barn at Mt. Boon for his cow & threshing floor. Bennet's covenant to be sent up by Pinson for JS to sign etc. Perring to have press. Jeffrey to take care nothing destroys the game. Can he make the young dog into a good pointer?

Seale 0853 Peter Ougier to John Seale 26 June 1783 Petition to Parliament against the Receipt Tax..   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101016
Come 23 June 1783 under cover of le Holn?
Petition to Parliament against the Receipt Tax. Mayor etc. pulling down stones from Mr. Sparkes building: attorney's Mr. Prideaux & factotum. Change due to late rains. Prospect of good harvest. Mr. Jenner's Bill. Prize money. Capt. Goldsmith.

Seale 0854 J. Seale to Sellon Rev. Mr. Smerdon 20 June 1783 Request for family Pew   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101017
Request for seat in Mary-le-bone Church, formerly Mr. Colman's.

Seale 0855 Wm. Sellon to J. Seale 21 June 1783 Pew offered in Chapel   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101018
Mr. Smerdon unwell. Dean of Windsor minister of Mary-ler-bone. The Clerk of the Chapel in Portman Square would keep a pew there for Mr. Seale.

Seale 0856 Mrs. A.M.Seale to John Seale 26 June 1783 Budleigh Salterton purest Sea Air   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101019
Received the other half of the bills safe. Been about a week at Budleigh Salterton with two children to bathe. Thanks for description of London house and that the children had a good journey. Mr. Fanshawe escaped after being overturned en route to London. Regards to Miss Mervin.

Seale 0857 Mr. Drewe to John Seale No Date Before 2 July 1783 Wednesday 4 o’clock Recomended to View Property   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101020
Not heard from Mr. Colman. Recommends JS to write to him and to send a servant to view the property.

Seale 0858 Mr. Seale to Mr. Colman reply to 0857 No Date Before 2 July 1783 reply re Viewing Property   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101021
Crossed out:- Mr. Seale had seen Mr. Drewe, but hoped that the meeting would be postponed till after 12.00 or 12.30pm He hoped to send a servant to meet Mr. C's housekeeper to show him the place of things in the house.

Seale 0859 J. Seale to Rev. Charles Harter 2 July 1783 New Archbishop   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101022
Passing 6 weeks since J.S. wrote to C.B. JS met Rector of -------- near Bath, one of 4 delegates sent from Oxford University to pay homage to the new Archbishop. His private concern is with the Duchess of Portland etc.

Seale 0860 Mrs.Fanshawe & Mrs.R.Fanshawe to Mr & Mrs.Seale Before 2nd July 1783 Formal Invitation Postponed   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101023
Formal Invitation postponed. Mrs. Fanshawe's little girl ill. Mrs.R.Fanshawe's apology for not writing. Her hair dresser being with her sends her compliments with Mrs. F's.

Seale 0861 J. Seale to Kitty (Miss C. Woodley) 2 or 3 July 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101024
Surprised at not hearing from Miss Woodley. Asked for news a month before. Pleasant house in London. King has SS's directions to send money when wanted. Best respects to Mrs. Harris.

Seale 0862 J. King to John Seale Inscribed 6 July 1 July 1783 Wotton of Ashburton ready with Purchase Money   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101025
Rec'd letter of 26 June. Violin sent soon by coaster. No one been to Morely. Some turnips put in, little or no cider due to frost. Wall fruit tolerable other fruit variable. Maddick still obstinate. Alfred Rowe to send masons. Maddick's covenant. Would send Bennett's covenant by Pinsoll. Paid Prideaux the tythe. Meeting Perring at Brixham. Old Mr. King to value the press. Jeffrey & the game & young dog. Wotton of Ashburton & Broadhampston purchase money. Harris' will.

Seale 0863 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0862 6 July 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101026
Rec'd letter of 26 June (1 July?) Send 6 Mahogany chairs with the violin. Maddick very obstinate. Write to Wotton's attorney about transfer. Request to know what Cornworthy rents had been received. Information to be sent by Pinson. Letter endorsed to R. Prideaux with Bank notes. E.Fanshawe spoke of still in loft. Investigate. Zilly to distil rose water & peppermint.

Seale 0864 J. Seale to J King 10 July 1783 J.S. to Sell Morely   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101027
Had express about 6am 9 July. It should have come earlier from Ashburton in time for funeral. King to go to Ashburton with money for Miss Gilby & to check rents & market. Hurst to advise on value. JS selling Morely. Mr. Prideaux to have map from Book Room. Mezzotints to be sent with hall chairs & all plate from iron chest sent to JS. when Cole should come next. Tucker's debt will be paid. Accounts crossed out.

Seale 0865 J. Seale to (Rev) C. Barter 10 July 1783 Mrs Harris Senile   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101028
Augmentation of the living of Cornwall. Bishop of Exeter gone into the Country..Delay's are dangerous. Did CB go to the races? Sam Hine said he bought a blind mare off CB. Hope to be with CB in September. Mrs. Harris gone senile? (Regards) from Sarah S & Miss Dolly Mervin.

Seale 0867 J. Seale to J. King 15 July 1783 ( On back of J.Kings letter of 1 July 1783) Morely to be advertised   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101029
Not heard from JK since 1 July. Enclosed letter to go to Prideaux. Hope Moreley plot put down to turnips. To be advertized for sale 25 April in Sherbourne Mercury. Presume map had been sent to R.Prideaux. 4 pairs of pillows to be sent up from Mt. Boon - send gun to F.Luttrell at Dunster Castle. Expecting Pinson for sometime. Mrs. Gretton wanted the Bureau bed.

Seale 0868 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0866 12 July 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101030
Hopes Miss C. Woodley's (?) money is dealt with. JS wanted money, also some for Mt. Boon. Keys for wood to be kept at Jack White's house when finished. N.Brooking to borrow JK's key, also Mr. Gretton & Mr. Newman. Moreley & Capton part of the schedule of Estates to be cut off for JS & wing to be shown to interested people.Turnips at M. to be hoed to show capability of improvements. Post able still to go to Exeter early to preserve from 2/6 for 1st man to bring cornish salmon.

Seale 0869 J. King to John Seale Reply to 0867 15 July 18 July 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101031
Letter forwarded to Prideaux who had map of Morely. Turnips soon sewn. Items required, including documents on board Capt. Salisbury. Mr. Gretton returned some goods. JK paid Miss Woodley £50 everthing sorted out for her by late Mrs. Harris. Difficult to raise money. Bill concerning marble enclosed. Tucker unable to pay rent. The house at Tiverton could be mortgaged. Table of Incomes & outgoings. Repairs & Taxing etc.

Seale 0870 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0869 (18th July) 26 July 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101032
Rec'd bill. £30.12.6 Aug. prospect of a good crop at Moreley? If Coaster not gone Mrs S's bureau to be sent. Plate to come by Cole. Goods to be appraised by Kennicot when Gretten has chosen. Bureau bed sent to Mr. Gretton not to be parted with. £100 needed: tenants very slow paying rents. JS coming down before 25 August. Peter Gibbs to ride round inspecting the estate. Enquiry after trees planted in 1782.

Seale 0871 C. Barter to John Seale 22 July 1783 To Mention Harris Monument   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101033
JS's note:- apricots for Mr. Eveleigh.
Many severe disappointments about augmentation of income. Paying repects to Bishop soon, will refer to Harris monument. President of Oriel to spend late summer at Salcombe & then to Lisbon. Harvest mostly good. Lightning damage at Tidaford. The scandalous Chronicler.(Miss Mervin's name for C.B.)

Seale 0872 J. King to John Seale Reply to 19 July 25 July 1783 Request for share of Prize Money   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101034
Schedule of Moreley Manor enclosed and bill of £21-9-6. Chairs too late for Capt. Salisbury, going by next coaster. Previous Wednesday Snapdragon money paid out. Nothing for JK from the proprietors, others received much. Mr. Ougier willing to pay his share to JK. Mr. Prideaux consulted. A mistake? Mr. Bennett's man applies to JK about house at Norton intended as a public house. Given a good character about to get married.

Seale 0873 J. Seale to J. King July 1783 Reply re. Prize Money   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101035
Rec'd money & schedule. Capt. Salisbury arrived safely. JS not offended with JK about plea for help. Surprised. Not hopeful about owner's giving anything. JS certainly would contribute & so might Mr. Prideaux. Mr. de Hunn said Mr.Ougier was taking possession of a ship soon. Bennett's man to have house at Norton at fair price. Progress of Mr.Leigh building?

Seale 0874 Th’s Perring to John Seale 27 July 1783 Final Dividend of Mr Penfound’s effects   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101036
Final dividend of Mr. Penfound's effects to be made 19 August in Exeter.

Seale 0875 J. Seale to T. Perring Reply to 0874 2 Aug. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101037
Uncertain how JS's debts stand. Papers at Mt.Boon. Mr. Manley should know.

Seale 0876 J. King to John Seale Reply to July 26 & 29 1 Aug. 1783 Grateful for help. Reports on Estate business.   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101038
JK very grateful. Mr.Leigh's building progressing well. Rope Walk beams to be put in following week. Good crop of turnips likely at Moreley. Many firs from William's died the rest thrive. Capt. Coles to sail in about a month or 6 weeks. Mr. Rennals seldom comes. A man from London in lodgings wants a house in neighbourhood. Mr. Treby in JS's house in Plympton, wants to buy a house. JS asked to do all Grand Jury.

Seale 0877 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0876 1st Aug . August 1783 Mount Boon not to Let   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101039
Mr. Ougier not coming to London so would write about JK's share (from Snapdragon) Mrs. S's bureau not to be sent up. JS's orders about walkers in the Rope Walk must be attended to. The man from London was Capt. Boys asking about renting part of Mt. Boon. JK to tell him Mt. B. was not to let. JS needed information about this from JK. No list of things on board Capt. Salisbury's ship which had arrived. Apples very scarce in London. Not all the culm is to be removed from JS's quay. JK to investigate.

Seale 0878 J. King to John Seale 3 Aug. 1783 Plums Stolen and Suspician of poacher   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101040
Green plums stolen and tree much broken in the garden. Jeffrey & Trounce found 2 apprentices and one servant of Bennett's at 3am picking green plums and nectarines. A suspician of a poacher a hare pipe found.

Seale 0879 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 878 3 Aug. 8 Aug. 1783 Punishment of the garden robbers   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101041
JS will punish garden robbers. The servant, the ring leader, his wages in Bennett's hand will be given to the poor in bread. Mrs. S. had been much out of order, but better. Ougier's reply to JS's letter. Hopes helpful to JK. Goldsmith very troublesome, starting a lawsuit. JS expects to come down latter end of August will discuss G's complaints.

Seale 0880 Mr. Floud to Mr. Seale Invitation Before 5 Aug. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101042
Acceptance of Invitation on Sunday.

Seale 0881 J. Seale to Mr. Furley 5 Aug. 1783 Reports of sale of Mount Boone   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101043
Mr. F's daughter had declared in Dartmouth that an advertisement stated that Mt. Boon was to be sold

Seale 0882 Miss J. Farley to John Seale Reply to 0881 10 Aug. 1783 Apology re. Rumours of Sale of Mt Boone   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101044
Surprised & distressed. Advertisement in an Exeter paper a year before had stated that Mt. Boon was to be 'set' or sold, not the estate. Sorry for misrepresentations.

Seale 0883 J. Floud to J. Seale Before 19 Aug. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101045
Hope to dine that day with Mr. Seale. If no answer will come at 4.30.

Seale 0884 J. Seale to Mr. Farley 19 Aug. 1783 Request that the rumours are denied   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101046
JS. Has received application (for purchase) of Mt. Boon. Requests that Miss Farley denies the report that Mt. Boon is for sale.

Seale 0885 J. King to John Seale 12 Aug. 1783 Rec’d letters of 5 & 8 August Common report about letting Mt. Boone   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101047
JK to see Goldsmith 13 August. Waited on Capt. Boys. Common report about letting Mt. Boone. JK constantly contradicted it. JK's letter of 18 July should have list of things sent by Salisbury. Apples very scarce, no hazel nuts. Many French nuts. Much culm still left at Quay. Ringleader of garden robbers, aprentice, Gartley. entitled to an estate when of age, a fourth robber jumped over wall & ruptured himself.

Seale 0886 J. Seale to Dr. Wolcot Formal Invitation On or before 12 Aug. 1783 Thursday   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101048
Formal Invitation to dinner, Sunday ½ past four.

Seale 0887 J. Seale to J. King 12 Aug. 1783 J.K. to receive share   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101049
Mr. Ougier had written stating that Goldsmith had begun a suit against him. JS asked what G had said to JK about JS's message. Goldsmith said that JK was mistaken in doubting his ability etc. etc. No news of the Gun JK was to send to Dunster Castle for Mr.Francis Luttrell. JS hoped the coffee had been sent to Exeter as Mrs. Seale had ordered. JK to send JS's compliments to Mr. & Mrs. Woolcot. List of places at or near Dartmouth for sale required*---crossed out *

Seale 0888 J. King to John Seale Reply to 0887 (12 August ) 15 Aug. 1783 Apology for possible offence to Ougier (prize money)   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101050
Apologies for possibly offending Ougier. Thanks to JS for sorting it out. Mr. Prideaux expected. D.Khan to come down in Capt. Salisbury's vessel. Goldsmith cutting off crew members shares of Snapdragon prize. His suit in Chancery against Ougier. Jeffrey cleaning guns. Gun to be sent, Mr. Luttrell's gun, Mr.Echelas got coffee for Mrs. Seale. Messrs Ougier, Wright, Rennals, Walcotte sent compliments & Mrs. Walcott love to Mrs. S.

Seale 0889 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0888 26 Aug. 1783 J.K. should have asked for share earlier.(prize money)   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101051
Thanks for bill. Mr. Ougier had said JK had been a little premature in his expressions. JK' should have applied for his share from the Snapdragon affair earlier. JS hopes to bring Goldsmith to a right understanding. JS not leaving London till after the birth of their child.

Seale 0890 E.M.Seale to Mrs. S. Seale 1873 No Date   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101052
Got home about 8 o'clock, agreeable ride, sore throat much better. Nancy Wood came previous day. Sorry to be home; hopes to return on horseback. JS wrote that the better EMS the sooner he would return etc. Enclosure to be given to Mr. Duncan.

Seale 0891 J. King to John Seale Reply to 0889 (26 August) 31 Aug. 1783 List of Plate, Mt Pleasant House to be sold   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101053
JK much out of order so could not write earlier. Mr. Duncan had sailed previous week, JK will forward letter if possible. Hopes to have money for JS soon. 30 August things shipped on young Cole's vessel - List of things. Jeffrey to go tomorrow to catch Partridges at Moreley. Fewer near Mt. Boone & Norton. Fine Brace of pheasants on Townstall Hills. Mr. Luttrell at Mt. Boon week before last. Mt. Pleasant Home to be sold.

Seale 0329. J Seale to Mr. Beague Thursday morn. Aug 1776? Reply to 0328   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101054
Mr. S. Would have gladly accepted, but had another engagement.

Seale 0892 C. Woodley to John Seale 31 Aug. 1783 Funeral of Lord Ashburton   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101055
CW unable to write earlier, poorly for a long time but now better. Lord Ashburton brought from Exmouth & buried previous Wednesday. He left £120,000 apparently. CW had some of his Aunt's hair to keep care of till be sees JS.

Seale 0893 J. Seale to Miss Kitty Reply to 0892 9 Sept, 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101056
Did not hear from Miss K after 3 successive letters to her. Sorry about illness. Advises her not to stay indoors too much. Mrs. S. ill & expecting child, so will stay in London till the birth. £100 would be sent by next post.

Seale 0894 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale 1 Sept, 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101057
Glad Sarah Seale is better. Previous week E. Fanshawe had violent fit of stone & gravel, but better, though not quite free of complaint. Little boy well. Thanks for cheese bought by Sam. JS had to pay double postage for AMS's letter. AMS would speak to Mr. Coffin about it. Request for small bill. C.Fanshawe returned from Bridgwater previous week.

Seale 0895 J. Seale to A..M.Seale 4 Sept. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101058
Bill of £50 enclosed. AMS not to say anything about double postage to Mrs. Coffin unless she had already done so. JS will inform AMS if it happens again. As AMS would pay double postage for the present letter JS would enclose a letter for CF. Hopes CF made a good harvest.

Seale 0896 J. King to John Seale 7 Sept, 1783 Norton Fair   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101059
Rec'd letter from JS of 2 September.
Jeffrey taken about 6 brace of partridge. Ponto the dog well; Miss Hayne sent over for Phillis from Lupton. Norton Fair to be advertised in the Sherborne Mercury? What diversion would JS prefer? Mr. Treby wanted to purchase or take Lease of a house in Plympton. He desired an answer.

Seale 0897 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0896 Sept 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101060
Partridges to be sent to Exeter, Mrs. Woolcot & Mr. Gretton, the rest for JS's arrival. Hopes Phillis home as Jeffrey cannot get so many (partridges) with Ponto. If JS not back for Norton Fair, send off advertisement for breeches. Lease at Plympton. Zelly's salmon good but too salt. Young Cole not come. Hope Mare had recovered.

Seale 0898 (Mrs) A.M.Seale to John Seale 8 Sept. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101061
(Half of a letter not preserved). (Sarah S not well?) Was Mrs. Mervin with her? Her sisters should be with her. E.Fanshawe gained strength & children well. CF left previous evening to attend business at Guildhall.

Seale 0899 (Rev) C. Barter to John Seale 11 Sept, 1783 Buckland Monacoram Living £200 per annum   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101062
Disappointed at not hearing from or seeing JS & SSW for a long time. Widow of Mr. Crymes appointed CB to vicarage of Buckland Monacarum. Waiting on the Bishop to allow CB to continue Cornworthy as well. He also asks JS to favour him. One Cornworthy partridge has yet been alas

Seale 0900 J. Seale to C. Barter 15 Sept. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101063
Congratulations. Very pleased. Sarah S not well, therefore waiting in London till the arrival of a new acquaintance (a baby?) People of Cornworthy would miss CB, Though pleased at his good fortune.

Seale 0901 J King to John Seale 21 Sept. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101064
Partridges sent to Mrs. Seale & Messrs Gretton & Woolcott. Phillis home from Lupton. Jeffrey & the Spaniels. Norton Public House not ready for Fair. Carpenters busy on Rope Walk, no others available. 2 salmon to be sent by carrier. Young Cole sailed about a fortnight ago. More on Salt marsh. Very good grass, mare not much better. JS's new purchase at Aveton Gifford, the tenant, its rent etc. bad repair. Barley mostly very poor. Cider apples stored.

Seale 0902 J. Seale to J. King Reply to 0901 25 Sept. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101065
Presumes Norton Fair advertisement put in Sherbourne Mercury for Breeches as public house not ready. Young Cole arrived with chairs & plate. JK said Leigh's Gretton's & his own contracts were included. JS thought he had mislaid them. Mrs. S. pretty well and able to set out for Mt. Boone soon. Mare evidently not fit to carry portmanteau. Jack White should prepare to plant in gaps in the wood.

Seale 0903 J. King to John Seale 25 Sept. 1783 Renewal of Insurance on Mt Boone.   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101066
Rec'd letter from the Clerk of the Sun Fire Office at Exeter concerning renewal of Insurance. Most valuable goods removed from Mt. Boone. Bill enclosed. Wotton ready to purchase Estate at Broadhempston by 5 or 6 October.

Seale 0904 Mrs. E. Fanshawe to John Seale 1 Nov. 1783 Lease of Plympton House   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101067
Thanks for £50. Lease of Plympton house sent. Asks JS to call in on way to Plymouth to check the papers. Mr. Fanshawe off to London following Tuesday. Sarah S not well, complaint on breast. Loss of Parkhouse, hopes Miss Mervin keeps up SS's spirits better than doctors. Presumes little girl is well. A.M.Seale very unwell.

Seale 0905 From J. King 2 Nov. 1783 (Tuesday)   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101068
Capt. Cole intends sailing to London on 3 or 4 November with the goods. No fish available from Mr. Pinson; no pigeons. Letter from Mr.Hurst about John White, tenant at Friends House, Ashburton & his rent. Jeffrey and his clothes. Bound stones on divided lands Brixham fixed. Thieves who robbed Burgoin sent to Exeter gaol.

Seale 0906 Plans for Poorhouse in Townstall 9 Nov. 1783?   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101069
Notice given in Townstall Church to consult about a Poor House. It has been agreed that St. Clare's Chapel be bought for £90. A maximum of £250 to be taken up at £20 each by the Trustees. Interest & principal paid by & out of the poor rates etc. Trustees to be appointed annually at the time of choosing new overseers. Trustees to choose 3 of their number to assist overseers etc. The substance of this plan had met with general approval.. At a meeting that week is was agreed that this should be drawn up by an attorney.
Signature J. Seal crossed out. List of Trustees chosen similar to the list of 10 February 1784 but with the addition of Mr. William Teage.

Seale 0907 C. Barter to John Seale 9 Dec. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101070
Mrs. Seale recovered, children brisk. Sending off cocks by Jeffrey. Just off to Moreley on horseback.

Seale 0908 J. Seale to Cha’s Barter Reply to 0907 17 Dec. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101071
Thanks for game, very acceptable. Uncertain when CB is at Cornworthy. Hopes CB has heard from Oxford. Exercise good for Rector otherwise he would be too fat for his stall. Gloomy weather in London.

Seale 0909 Sam’l Cole to John Seale 12 Dec. 1783 Sloop to be built. Hellem tree for keel   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101072
Contract with Rowe to build a sloop. Asks if it would be built on JS's Quay and to use an elm growing nearby for a keel.

Seale 0910 J. Seale to Capt’n Cole Reply to 0909 12 Dec. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101073
JS has given J.King directions about the sloop. Glad Capt. C. has got work.

Seale 0911 J. Seale to J. Brown 12 Dec. 1783 Hembro Estate   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101074
Supposed intention of Mr. Brown's intention of selling his Hambro estate. JS suggested that Mr. B. might consider renting or leasing it. Note at top:- Mr. B. had no intention of parting with the estate..

Seale 0912 C. Woodley to John Seale 19 Dec. 1783   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101075
C.W. believed it was JS's intention of giving £100. She had heard nothing of the garden.

Seale 0913 J. Seale to Kitty (Woodley) Dec 1783 Balloon with Basket for Passengers Reply to 0912 crossed out.   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101076
By the next post JS would send £100 the annuity due to Miss K. Very large balloon let off with basket for passengers. Easy for Miss K. to come to London with E.Wind.

Seale 0915 (Rev) C. Barter to John Seale at Mrs. Seal’s 22 Dec. 1783 Building a Parsonage House   1783 18thC
DHRG No. 101077
Bishop pleaded CB's case before the Society £200 offered if £200 could be raised. Sir T.Acland had promised. Thanks to JS for sentiments concerning building a vicarage. Calculations of cost. Congratualtions to Mrs. S. on restoration